Awarded medals


    Supportive Friend 2023

    . Winner of the Suppurrt'ive Furriend members' award for 2023. For providing others with an ear and a shoulder, via posts or private messages.

    Supportive Friend 2022

    . Winner of the Suppurrtive Furriend members' award for 2022. For providing others with an ear and a shoulder, via posts or private messages.

    Cat's Whiskers 2021

    . Winner of The Cat's Whiskers Award for 2021. For providing detailed knowledgeable posts that explain more about cat care issues to others!

    Suppurrtive Furriend 2019

    . Winner of the Suppurrtive Furriend members' award for 2019. For providing others with an ear and a shoulder, via posts or private messages.

    Friend of Ferals

    . I help feral cats - click the badge to see how you can get one too!