4 Foolproof Ways To Prevent Your Cat From Darting Out The Door

Do you have trouble keeping your cat from darting out the door of your home? Perhaps your cat zips towards the door every time you're trying to enter or leave the house, leaving you with a racing heart and worry lines on your face.

If this scenario sounds all too familiar, you're not alone!

This nerve-wracking habit is more common than you might think, and as pet parents, it's our responsibility to ensure our fur-babies are safe.

In this article, we're taking a deep dive into the perplexing behavior of door-darting cats.

We'll start by exploring why our feline companions develop this risky tendency, what they find so alluring about the unknown world beyond the door, and how you can subtly decrease this curiosity.

We'll also look into tried-and-true strategies suggested by our very own TheCatSite community members.

So, whether you're dealing with a seasoned door-darter or trying to prevent your curious kitten from picking up this dangerous habit, this comprehensive guide is just what you need.

Let's unravel the mystery together and make every cat's indoor life safer and more exciting!

Why does my cat try to dash out the door?

Many cat owners report that their cats are very curious about the door leading out to the great outdoors or even just to the hall.

In fact, cats seem to have a passion for doors in general and our ability as humans to open these gates for them. Many cats are bothered when you keep a door closed inside the home and will constantly ask you to open it.

cat asking to go out the door

The reason is simple. Cats are territorial creatures. This is their home as much as it is yours, and they have a constant need to routinely patrol their territory. Those pesky doors literally get in their way so it's little wonder they're upset over them.

In many ways, our cats see us as the mother cat. When we go outside through the main door, Kitty is naturally curious and wants to explore further.

The same can sometimes happen in homes where there's a dog. The cat naturally wants to follow his canine sibling on those daily walks.

The smaller the home and the fewer the stimuli inside it, the more likely the cat is to want to explore outside.

Keep in mind that non-neutered males have an instinctive need for a very large territory. Keeping a non-neutered male cat indoors is complicated and likely leads to urine spraying.

That tomcat is also likely to try very hard to get outside. It's just another good reason to fix your cat.

Read more: Why You Should Spay And Neuter Your Cats

And then there's just feline personality. Some cats are born explorers and more curious than average. It may seem like they will stop at nothing in their quest to investigate the world.

Why you should keep your cat from darting outside

Some owners choose to allow their cats to get outside. Hopefully, that's to a sheltered enclosure, a fenced-in backyard, or any other setting where Kitty is protected from danger.

Cats in cat enclosure

When that's the case, the cat usually has a cat flap or cat door through which he can come and go at will.

More and more owners choose to keep their cats indoors only. The advantages are clear and include protecting the cat from -

  • Predators
  • Dogs
  • Malicious humans
  • Traffic accidents
  • Parasites and disease

Unfortunately, your cat may not understand why staying indoors is so important. He may keep trying to get outside by darting for the door as soon as it opens.

That can be very dangerous.

A cat who's not used to being outside is at greater risk of being hurt. That cat doesn't even know where to run to if a dog comes after him or if he meets a hostile neighborhood feral cat. Frightened and confused, he can easily run right into traffic.

Clearly, you do need to prevent your indoor-only cat from darting through the door. So, let's talk about how to achieve just that.

We'll start with how to train a cat to keep from darting out the door when it opens but do keep reading beyond that, too. The part that follows - how to adjust your cat's environment to lessen the need to explore outside - is equally important.

How to train your cat not to run out the door

Ideally, you should train your cat to remain calm and inside when the door opens. Training is better than just preventing escape using physical obstacles (which we'll cover in a bit) because it means Kitty stays inside even if someone accidentally removes all obstacles.

It's always better to start training as early as possible. Door darters are often mischievous kittens, and correcting the behavior is easier the younger they are.

cat squirming through the door

Here are the two main methods for training a cat to stay away from the door as you open it. The first uses positive reinforcement. The second uses scare tactics.

Always prefer the former, but if positive reinforcement doesn't work, consider teaching your cat to fear the door - it could literally save his life someday, so it's worth the price.

Positive training for teaching Kitty not to dart for the door

If you are the main person using the doorway and the cat's escape attempts are focused on your entry and exit, you could try the following method.

Avoid showing any kind of affection to your cat anywhere near the door. Keep quiet and don't even make eye contact.

Create an imaginary perimeter of several feet around the door where Kitty gets zero attention. You aim at teaching the cat that nothing positive comes from hanging around the door.

Establish a routine for your entry, where something positive happens away from the door. This should be like a ceremony that your cat will be familiar with.

As you enter, you ignore the cat near the door, move farther into the room to a specific location and greet Kitty there.

A good spot would be near a cat tree or Kitty's favorite scratching post. In fact, your cat may indeed feel the urge to scratch as you meet, so placing a scratching post there is a good idea.

cat by scratching post

Once you reach the spot, you talk to your cat, pet him and shower him with love and attention.

At least during the first weeks, offer treats until the routine is firmly established. Either keep them in your pocket as you return home or keep them near the designated "meet and greet" point.

When leaving, place a few treats there and quickly leave as Kitty is busy munching on the treats. Try automated cat toys or treat balls if possible.

If your cat appreciates playing with laser toys, you could try directing his attention to the far corner of the room with that. Anything that will keep your cat happily engaged away from the door.

Try this for several weeks. It's the ideal way to teach your cat being near the door doesn't pay off. If your cat is still too intrigued by the door - or if you're not the only person routinely using the door, try the following method in addition to positive reinforcement.

Teach your cat to be scared of the door

As a rule, making your cat fear things is not a good idea. This is because some cats are naturally nervous and shy, and you don't want to add to their stress levels.

Too much stress might trigger health problems such as cystitis in some cats.

However, door darters are usually confident cats. When they try to run out, their confidence puts them in harm's way. In this case, making your cat associate the door with danger may be justified.

So how to go about it?

Start by using a loud noise when the cat is near the door. Preferably, have someone else wait outside as you open the door just a crack.

When Kitty comes running to the door, have that person make a loud scary noise right outside the door.

TheCatSite members have suggested these -

  • Dropping a set of keys or even a can full of coins
  • Using canned air spray (not aimed directly at the cat)
  • Stomping on the floor
  • Hissing at the cat

The idea is to create a loud noise that will scare the cat away. It's important that the cat does not associate you with the source of the noise, which is why it's best to get help from someone else.

Some experts suggest spraying water from the other side of the door to keep the cat from darting out the door.

While spraying water is generally not a good way to train cats - if all else fails you could try that too. Make sure not to spray the cat's face directly and again, have someone else do the spraying.

Try to physically block the door

If you find that you can't train your cat - or until the point when he is fully trained to avoid the door - you should try to physically block the door.

Many owners of door-darting cats report that they've learned to place a large object near the bottom of the door before they open it.

This could be grocery bags or a magazine - anything that will prevent a cat from darting through the door between the owner's legs.

Some people have a two-door setup which can be very helpful. Essentially, they have an additional door inside the hall. If the cat manages to run into the hall, he'll encounter the actual main door. The owner can then scoop Kitty up and get him safely inside.


How to make your cat happy to stay inside

Now that we've talked about training your cat to avoid the door, it's also worth discussing how to create a home environment that reduces the need for exploration.

Essentially, you need to think about two things -

  1. Increasing your cat's territory.
  2. Making that territory more stimulating.

The first item may sound strange. After all, how can you make your home larger? The good news is that you can do that without building additional rooms.

Ragdoll cat on a cat shelf

Your cat would enjoy making better use of the vertical space in your home. That means adding cat furniture and cat shelves.

You can also add a cat enclosure. It can be as small as an enclosed area near a window or just a window perch.

If you have access to a backyard, you can create wonderful enclosures that will satisfy any cat's passion for the great outdoors - while keeping him safe.

Read more about creating an enclosure for your cat.

You should also make life more interesting for Kitty in general. That means adding more cat toys and scheduling interactive playtime.

The more interest you can inject into your cat's life, the less appealing the door will become.

Find more ideas here -
7 Proven Ways To Get Your Cat To Be More Active

Let's recap - How to Keep Your Cat From Darting Out The Door

You can do several things to prevent your cat from darting out the door, given the chance. Here are a few of the ideas we'll discuss in-depth in this article:

  1. Training the cat to stay inside when the door opens
  2. Teaching the cat to fear the door
  3. Providing extra mental and physical stimulation to lessen the need for outdoor exploration
  4. Setting up the area to prevent actual escape

And just in case...

If your cat has ever tried to escape, you should stay on the safe side and make sure your cat stands the best possible chance to get back home if he ever runs out again.

First, have Kitty microchipped and register the microchip. That way, if he ever gets lost and ends up in a shelter, he'll stand a good chance of being reunited with you.

Secondly, have your cat wear a safe cat collar with a clear tag with your phone number. If a well-meaning neighbor finds him, they can call you and get him back home.

Not everyone knows to take a cat to the vet to be scanned for a chip, so this is important too.

Also, if your cat is an escape artist who has learned how to open the door - yes, some cats do that! - make sure you catproof your doors with a deadbolt or sliding lock barrel bolt.

Read more on How to save your cat's life with proper identification

And if you have more tips and ideas on how to deal with cats who keep running to the door, please leave a comment and let us know!


Cute funny cat near door at home, How To Prevent Your Cat From Darting Out The Door

Cat looking through small front door window on porch, How To Prevent Your Cat From Darting Out The Door

Big tabby cat opening a door inside a house with its paw,

A vertical shot of a cute black and white cat playing with the wooden door,

A gray tabby british shorthair cat sits at the door,

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28 comments on “4 Foolproof Ways To Prevent Your Cat From Darting Out The Door

V. BELL January 29, 2024
My cat Willow is two years old, she has just started to try and dart out the door. There is a cat that comes around after dark and sits on the out side window ledge, Willow gets so adjugated. and goes crazy at the window, she is spayed. Only last eek has she started to dart out I did catch her and bring her in. Now every chance she gets she darts to the door, never has she done this before, she is a rescue but has never tried to escape. I am so nervous now. When that cat comes around, I use a water-apple cider spray mixture around our porch area which does keep it away. But now Willow wants to dart out and find it.
    dan March 5, 2024
    she's lonely, or the other .cat is hungry
theresa minks September 6, 2023
we work in our backyard everyday and my cats watch us through the window on my back door. they then try to dart out when they see us approach so I bought cat harnesses and have taught them to walk on a leash. we do this everyday and after they go on their walk they are no longer trying to get out side they seem quite satisfied with the walk we took that day. although they really push to go out before it's time for their walk.
Joan November 26, 2022
On an entirely different subject: how to do CPR on your cat. I will describe my experience with a cat that had died — my dear, eccentric Zhiu Zhao, a rescue that I carried out some years back when he and his brother were locked into a subterranean room by a neighbor who then left for vacation for three weeks knowing they would die… Fast forward several years. Zhiu Zhao’s body was already cold after being dead for I do not know how long, this during the middle of the night. Performing CPR was remarkably easy. There’s a rainstorm and I must check on the street cat that I dreamed of bringing inside for 12 years. He’s almost 100 percent blind. The weather was so terrible today that he allowed me to pick him up for the first time ever and I carried him right inside. He’s so happy. And if a cat could be described as grateful, this is he. He’s eaten every luxury food imaginable. He loved his wipe down and he’s totally dry. I must now teach him about the location of the boxes!
Doreen July 1, 2022
My kitty hates loud noises, I am going to try attaching bells to the inside bottom of my door. I think that might stop her from trying. She’s a tortoise shell, 8 yrs old, just started this trick. She has a cat door with a screened in lanai, so spoiled, I am praying this will work.
Devi June 9, 2022
We live in the mountains. All I have had to do is tell my cats about the very large animals outside that will eat the cats. That's why our cats don't hear any other cats roaming around outside. They get eaten by large bears, mountain lions, foxes, and many other predators. I have also told them that we don't play outside because of the larger animals. Animals are very smart. Our cats are very smart. They listen to everything everyone in the house says. I've told them I know they understand me. Obey Nana and stay safe inside. It helps that we have two climbing trees, multiple scratching posts, and many toys and a laser pointer to chase.
Grace726 May 3, 2022
I have a 2-year-old Savannah cat, probably an F4 or F5. He is neutered and very friendly with everyone. I’ve read Savannahs are very smart, so I decided to teach him verbal commands. He knows “back” and “stay” and listens most of the time. Sometimes when I’m coming back in, he doesn’t react immediately, so I reach in and wave him back while repeating the command. When he listens, I pat him and say “good boy.” He also responds to “no, come and down.”
Gail Gibson December 29, 2021
I have savannahs, two male brothers. I get a bit frightened by them getting out the door because if they do get outdoors they will not be able to find their way back. I think it's because of the wildcat strains in them. They are very smart, moreso than regular cats and their energy level is intense. I will try these corrections, otherwise I will have to put them in their crate every time the door is opened or people come to visit. Thanks for the article, it is very good.
Joseph McGhee October 26, 2021
Great post. I could think of making the cat happy to stay inside as the best idea for preventing the cat from darting out the door.
judi boley October 2, 2021
For awhile, we kept a spray bottle of water either outside the door, or jut inside where we could reach it when opening the door, and give a water spray to her face, Doesn't hurt the cat but she doesn't like it. Now she knows that, and just lies down a ways away from the door and waits for me to take the mail our/in and hasn't tried it. Funny, my husband hasn't used it as much, so she waits right by the door for him to go in or out. Guess she knows my treatment!
catloverfromwayback September 24, 2021
My problem is that I have to take an elderly person on a frame through the front door, a very slow process when the door is necessarily open. My cat always hangs around and has to be told off from following, but tonight she dashed out, and took off, frightened. Thank goodness she didn’t go far and dashed back, so I could pick her up. I shall try training her but goodness knows if it will work. At present I’m thinking I will have to lock her in the bedroom at these times.
Maverick September 18, 2021
Nothing in this article works. I have a 3 yr old maine coon, and he darts out every chance he gets. It’s infuriating. Most of the time I catch him, but at least half the time he gets out. He does usually come back in the middle of the night, or sometimes after a couple of days. I’ve had it with him. I don’t think I’m goingbto bother letting him back in.
    Caryn April 17, 2022
    Maverick, I’m sorry your relationship with your cat is an unhappy one. I volunteer at an animal shelter and I can tell you your local shelter won’t have any problem placing a Maine Coon cat in a home suited for this special breed. Please don’t just stop letting him in your home as this is all he knows for safety. Please seriously consider surrendering him to a shelter. It sounds like this is one option you could use to bring you some peace.
Emiko August 17, 2021
Great Post 😼 Love Cats and kittens!
Nancy May 29, 2021
We have a Himalayan cat. He is. Neutered and chipped . We have a large lanai where he wants to go first thing in t he. Morning and will spend the majority of the day. He is 3 years old. We made the mistake of walking him around the house outside . Now he will go to the doors and cries because he wants outside . If someone rings the door bell and we open the door he will run out. He likes everyone . He is a very friendly cat. When we walk him outside he stays close and waits on us . But it was a bad thing to start walking him outside. We live i. SW FL and it does not matter how hot it gets beware to to be outside in the lanai
Mary Stephenson May 26, 2021
Had a cat once that escaped when we came home late. The next morning she was banging and meowing at the front door. Didn't realize she was outside and thought that was a very aggressive cat. Looked out and seen it was Rascal. Opened the door and she went flying in the house and to the litter box. Indoor only cats don't realize they can use the big outdoors to do their stuff. After that it was head count when we arrived home.
Debbie March 16, 2021
My cats have a 10' X 10' catio accessible to them 24/7 through a kitty door in our bedroom. That gives them a chance to enjoy the sun and fresh air and other outdoor delights while remaining safe. I noticed their fascination with door darting lessened or completely went away when we set the catio up. Best of both worlds!
Carla Specht February 15, 2021
I just lock him up before I open any doors to outside cuz he's much faster & younger than I am. Its just safer that way. Cuz my 6 yr old grandson loves him & Kylo is very attached to that little guy. He doesn't even try to escape when he visits. Kid & kitty love for sure.
Pet Camera January 21, 2021
😻 Love Cats 😻
sultanboss December 7, 2019
Great ideas! Definitely going to try.
Ashleigh December 5, 2019
I’ve had issues with my cat(s) hiding under whatever furniture is nearby the door, providing a great position to dart through the door, and I’ve had solid results by putting a baby gate along the edge of the furniture, between the hiding place and the door. I’ve also switched out the “viewing window”, where the cat tree is positioned and the blinds are kept up, so that it’s not a window in close proximity to the door, so the cunning kitty doesn’t see me approaching the door, getting extra time to plan and get the drop on me!
Maria Bayote November 11, 2018
My other rescue cat used to be like this. One time she darted out without my husband even noticing, like a flash. I only found out she was gone when I was about to sleep and I was looking for her as she sleeps beside me. When I discovered she was gone, I cried hysterically and both me and my husband went out to look for her. The reason why I was hysterical was because we just moved in to this new flat and she was not familiar yet to the new surroundings, plus outside is a main busy road. When I finally found her seemingly sniffing her way back to the house, it was one of the happiest moments of my life. BTW, she is the one in my profile pic. Can't imagine my life without her.
    dan March 5, 2024
valou999 October 23, 2018
HA, my cat use to do this when he and I lived in a house. Now that I've moved into an apartment, he still darts out the door out of habit to... the corridor... where there's absolutely nothing of interest... And even then he's still like, "Ah ha! Try to catch me, sucker!". It's a game he plays with me...
missy&spikesmom September 25, 2018
These are great ideas, intuitive and so helpful, when kitty is being stubborn! (and not knowing there is "danger out there"!! )
tarasgirl06 September 25, 2018
Yet another wonderfully informative and educational article that should help those with this problem to solve it easily! It is so important to be responsible and caring and keep cats safe.
    Patricia July 23, 2024
    my cat knows that she gets treats in the bedroom when i come and go so she is ready to go get them and expects them. the quantity depends on how long i need to distract her such as am i just going to close the bedroom door to bring down the laundry or am i going out without locking her in the room. also since i rent i make sure there is a safe corridor on the other side of the door. if she does end up there i show and shake the treat bag and she comes running to get them. even if you have to carry them inside yourself give them their reward anyway for them to make the connection of inside means treats.

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