What did you dream about last night?

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Aug 6, 2018
Again...another dumb dream.

I was at some sort of villa/resort type place. It was family owned, however I had members from both sides of my family have "areas" in it. I was trying to find a place that I could take a shower, but I also had to wash my hair. I would find somewhere but it seemed like something was missing every time I would want to get started. So I would leave and go find what I needed then I would get lost trying to find the bathroom again. It also seemed like the private quarters weren't very private and this was bothering me so I would have to find a new place to get ready. At one point I did find a bathroom, but it was in an area where some sort of "girls gone wild" meets "big brother" franchise were at and they had cameras everywhere and I had a feeling that there were hidden cameras so I didn't want to use that bathroom.
I finally found a place. It would have been my niece's bathroom (on my Dad's side) but she didn't have any shampoo/conditioner, so I had to go on the hunt for that. And that's when I found my cousin's (on my Mom's side) area where she had a salon (she's a hairdresser) and I asked her for some. After I got it, I then left to go find the bathroom from before and got lost (again), and that's when I came across a dojo then walked thru the pool area and here's the kicker...I walked thru an art studio, where a big heavy sculpture that I apparently made, had to be brought to "the teacher"...but it was attached to my leg/foot, so I had to clump my way towards him....just poof...a big thing is attached to me...It was a tiger sculpture I think...
Oh and one point I forgot to mention...I was on a time line as I had to get to school (college)...and it's been a couple of decades since I've been in school...

Like seriously....girls gone wild and big brother?!?!?!?!? a tiger sculpture on my leg?!?!?!?! had to get to college?!?!?!? where the heck did all that come from? And why was I so obsessed with washing my figgin' hair!

I would love to know what someone who interprets dreams think of mine. I wonder if they would be scared of me after that.....like "That girl got issues!"


TCS Member
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Jun 10, 2023
West Virginia
Again...another dumb dream.

I was at some sort of villa/resort type place. It was family owned, however I had members from both sides of my family have "areas" in it. I was trying to find a place that I could take a shower, but I also had to wash my hair. I would find somewhere but it seemed like something was missing every time I would want to get started. So I would leave and go find what I needed then I would get lost trying to find the bathroom again. It also seemed like the private quarters weren't very private and this was bothering me so I would have to find a new place to get ready. At one point I did find a bathroom, but it was in an area where some sort of "girls gone wild" meets "big brother" franchise were at and they had cameras everywhere and I had a feeling that there were hidden cameras so I didn't want to use that bathroom.
I finally found a place. It would have been my niece's bathroom (on my Dad's side) but she didn't have any shampoo/conditioner, so I had to go on the hunt for that. And that's when I found my cousin's (on my Mom's side) area where she had a salon (she's a hairdresser) and I asked her for some. After I got it, I then left to go find the bathroom from before and got lost (again), and that's when I came across a dojo then walked thru the pool area and here's the kicker...I walked thru an art studio, where a big heavy sculpture that I apparently made, had to be brought to "the teacher"...but it was attached to my leg/foot, so I had to clump my way towards him....just poof...a big thing is attached to me...It was a tiger sculpture I think...
Oh and one point I forgot to mention...I was on a time line as I had to get to school (college)...and it's been a couple of decades since I've been in school...

Like seriously....girls gone wild and big brother?!?!?!?!? a tiger sculpture on my leg?!?!?!?! had to get to college?!?!?!? where the heck did all that come from? And why was I so obsessed with washing my figgin' hair!

I would love to know what someone who interprets dreams think of mine. I wonder if they would be scared of me after that.....like "That girl got issues!"
If I were to interpret dreams after going through mine I'd say you're pretty normal!!! You're good lol
The funny thing to me was you had to "clump my way to him.. just poof... a big thing is attached to me" it made me giggle thank you
I actually love hearing other people's dreams because mine are so bad most of the time. So when I hear about random stuff like this in a dream it makes me happy for some reason. It's so weird like it's just some persons random weird dream and I'm all happy about it hahaha
Thank you for sharing I loved it.
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  • #45


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Aug 6, 2018
One of my dreams last night...

I came home to find a whole bunch of fish tank parts and accessories and a giant fish tank. Hubby decided he wanted fish. So I start to figure out what to do with all the stuff and not only did he get all the tank stuff but he also bought a crap ton of fish! All still just placed about the house in their bags and cups. So now I'm rushing fast to get the tank ready to get the poor fish out of their temporary containers...All the while hubby is just sitting there, not a care in the world, playing his video games. There was a huge bag filled with at least 20 fish, another bag with a good 10 fish and then I found random cups with one or two fish in them just place all over...There was probably a good 50 fish in total. I end up waking up after putting the water in the tank and laying the bags of fish in them to acclimate them to the water temp, so I don't know what happened next. I do know that the feeling of the dream was very frustrated....with hubby. I was still kinda cranky towards him after I woke up.

After falling back asleep I did have more dreams but I can't string the parts I remember together to make any sense. The one "scene" that sticks out is "we" (don't' know who "we" is) left the building we were in and while outside a storm came in and a huge lighting bolt hit the building, so we all rushed back in to check on all the stuff inside...apparently we had a lot of sensitive electronics in there...
There was also a part where I was diving in the storm it was night and I had to stop to "save" my giant panda bear stuffed animal (I don't have one in real life) that was laying out in the alley way for some reason...


TCS Member
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Apr 9, 2017
Dreamed that someone at the company I worked for 20+ years ago sent me a rattlesnake in the mail. The person thought it would be funny somehow.
That's another dream of a rattler, now I'm getting a bit concerned that there is one in my carport after all. (Probably not, but 2 dreams in as many weeks is odd)


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Jun 1, 2022
I had a funny one where some guy I know of from Youtube (never met him IRL nor talked to him online in any way, and have no desire to) was at my house doing something like he was with a maintenance company. I was like "oh, hey, I recognize you". Then, the house turned into the house I grew up in and he was there walking down a hallway, then he just....bolted for the door. Running at top speed, then I realized he had stolen a bunch of stuff. He ran outside and there was a get away car which he jumped into. I can't remember if I was going after him or not, but I was back home and getting into my car. I drove down the lane and to the stop sign. It was dark out. The dash board of my car lit up with all these gauges and things I didn't recognize in this bright gold, and all of the sudden I realized that my accelerator was working in reverse. If I floored it, the car stopped abruptly, but if I let up on the gas, it would shoot forward. I was terrified and had no idea what to do (um, shut the car off, genius? ) so I called my friend, "M", and asked him if he'd come over and help me with my car.
Then, "M" and I were back at my house, and suddenly he ran outside and tackled the Youtube guy right in my driveway. This was a full on brawl, and the Youtube guy wasn't fighting back. He was wailing and yelling. "M" "won" the fight, and the Youtube guy was sitting in my driveway, wailing and moaning like he was trying for an Acadamy Award as people came and built this little barrier around him made of bricks. He was all "BOOOOO HOOO" and being really ridiculous about it, and "M" said "and now, a hail storm!" and this hail storm started and the Youtube guy was like "OH NOES I WILL BE UNALIVED BY HAIL BECAUSE OF MY SINS" and he was all "AAH" and the hail was tiny and hitting him and he was like "...ow." Ridiculous. 🤣


TCS Member
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Jun 10, 2023
West Virginia
When I got to this part
Youtube guy was like "OH NOES I WILL BE UNALIVED BY HAIL BECAUSE OF MY SINS" and he was all "AAH"
I started giggling and while reading it read it in a whiney voice moving my shoulders side to side hahaha... so funny

When I read things I don't know why but when I can feel the emotions in it I really get into the lines.. lol
Thank you for sharing I loved it!!!


TCS Member
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Jun 10, 2023
West Virginia
Looks like it's going to be a sleepless night for this lady... my EHS is really bothering me tonight... it has been bothering me the past couple nights.
Oh well at least it results in me being awake and having no night terrors lol
Gotta look at the bright side of things.
I hope you all have nice pleasant dreams tonight. Goodnight all


Mother of one and numerous ferals
Top Cat
Jan 22, 2017
Ohio, USA
Dreamed that someone at the company I worked for 20+ years ago sent me a rattlesnake in the mail. The person thought it would be funny somehow.
That's another dream of a rattler, now I'm getting a bit concerned that there is one in my carport after all. (Probably not, but 2 dreams in as many weeks is odd)
are they in the area where you live?🐍


TCS Member
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Apr 9, 2017
are they in the area where you live?🐍
Most are no longer in the state.
I think I have it figured out. Kumal was laying next to me. I was almost asleep when he reached to the wall and ran his claws down it. Now, this didn't sound like a rattler (once you've heard one, you will never forget it), but to my unconscious dream mind, it tried to associate it with a sound remotely familiar. So to my dream mind, it was a rattler, but in reality it was Kumal. Even thought it didn't sound like one when I was awake and conscious.


TCS Member
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Jun 10, 2023
West Virginia
Most are no longer in the state.
I think I have it figured out. Kumal was laying next to me. I was almost asleep when he reached to the wall and ran his claws down it. Now, this didn't sound like a rattler (once you've heard one, you will never forget it), but to my unconscious dream mind, it tried to associate it with a sound remotely familiar. So to my dream mind, it was a rattler, but in reality it was Kumal. Even thought it didn't sound like one when I was awake and conscious.
Also another sound could potentially be Kumal purring and your mind is associating it with the rattler?


TCS Member
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Apr 9, 2017
Also another sound could potentially be Kumal purring and your mind is associating it with the rattler?
Don't think so. Kumal's purr is very deep, like a baritone or bass. A rattler pitch is much higher. Could be, but I don't think my mind would have gone there.
It would have more possibly gone to a train or jet landing on my house.
Either way, now that I know what it most likely is, I won't dream about it again. Unless there really is one in my carport.


TCS Member
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Jun 10, 2023
West Virginia
Don't think so. Kumal's purr is very deep, like a baritone or bass. A rattler pitch is much higher. Could be, but I don't think my mind would have gone there.
It would have more possibly gone to a train or jet landing on my house.
Either way, now that I know what it most likely is, I won't dream about it again. Unless there really is one in my carport.
His purrr really is deep lol dang a jet or train hahaha

And let's hope not. Im so glad we dont have rattle snakes.

I live near a military base and have jets flying over the house all the time. I couldn't imagine having a kitty have a deep purr that would make my mind go there lol Gabby has a nice soft pitch purr


TCS Member
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Jun 1, 2022
His purrr really is deep lol dang a jet or train hahaha

And let's hope not. Im so glad we dont have rattle snakes.

I live near a military base and have jets flying over the house all the time. I couldn't imagine having a kitty have a deep purr that would make my mind go there lol Gabby has a nice soft pitch purr
Lila's purr almost sounds like a toy. It's so cute.
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  • #57


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Aug 6, 2018
Wednesday night I dreamt about my Grandfather. It was sad because in the dream I think he knew he was dying. He is passed...been several years now, but I woke up and was sad about it almost all day on Thursday.
In the dream, he was standing and walking around a folding table and had a single box of different rings. I don't know if we were at a flea market or something, but he was just smiling and looking at the people walk by. Engaging with a few that stopped.
At one point I was really sad in the dream and I gave him a big hug...that's the point in the dream where I think we both knew he was dying, although nothing was said about it. And the only time we or anyone spoke in this whole dream was when after the hug, I asked him where his marshmallow recipe was and he replied that there wasn't one.

It's funny because Thursday night as me and my husband were getting ready for bed, he mentioned to me that I was talking in my sleep the night before. I told him that the only thing I remember saying in my dream that night was when I asked my Grandfather about the marshmallows. My husband said that's not what it sounded like, but he didn't really know what I was saying because it was mumbled. I guess this dream was emotionally charged enough to make me speak for real.

Even thinking about that dream I'm getting all choked up and teary eyed again. It was just such a sad overall feel, even though he was happy and smiling...IDK how to describe it...It was just so....you know how if you see and old person sitting all by themselves or simply doing something very small like tending a single plant? And it's just sad because you wonder if they are lonely or not? Ugh! I just can't keep thinking about this dream...it's bugging me so much.

A little back story...

My grandparents did have a booth at the local market selling home made things. My grandmother sold various knitted/crochet items and hand made little jumpers and hats/bonnets and stuff for kids. They also made various jams and jellies, chow, sandwich spreads, pickles and other pickled things and preserves, fudge and peanut brittle. They did very well for themselves and loved working with the other venders and making friends with their "regulars".
My Grandfather was also a master baker and candy maker...hence the bit about his marshmallows....yes he made marshmallows from scratch! And they were absolutely delicious! This is where my love of baking comes from and when he did pass, I inherited all his recipe books...however...I've never found the marshmallow one...
I will be getting the rest of his books when my Grandmother passes...the ones she still wanted to keep and use.

Anyway...thought I'd share.


TCS Member
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Jun 1, 2022
Wednesday night I dreamt about my Grandfather. It was sad because in the dream I think he knew he was dying. He is passed...been several years now, but I woke up and was sad about it almost all day on Thursday.
In the dream, he was standing and walking around a folding table and had a single box of different rings. I don't know if we were at a flea market or something, but he was just smiling and looking at the people walk by. Engaging with a few that stopped.
At one point I was really sad in the dream and I gave him a big hug...that's the point in the dream where I think we both knew he was dying, although nothing was said about it. And the only time we or anyone spoke in this whole dream was when after the hug, I asked him where his marshmallow recipe was and he replied that there wasn't one.

It's funny because Thursday night as me and my husband were getting ready for bed, he mentioned to me that I was talking in my sleep the night before. I told him that the only thing I remember saying in my dream that night was when I asked my Grandfather about the marshmallows. My husband said that's not what it sounded like, but he didn't really know what I was saying because it was mumbled. I guess this dream was emotionally charged enough to make me speak for real.

Even thinking about that dream I'm getting all choked up and teary eyed again. It was just such a sad overall feel, even though he was happy and smiling...IDK how to describe it...It was just so....you know how if you see and old person sitting all by themselves or simply doing something very small like tending a single plant? And it's just sad because you wonder if they are lonely or not? Ugh! I just can't keep thinking about this dream...it's bugging me so much.

A little back story...

My grandparents did have a booth at the local market selling home made things. My grandmother sold various knitted/crochet items and hand made little jumpers and hats/bonnets and stuff for kids. They also made various jams and jellies, chow, sandwich spreads, pickles and other pickled things and preserves, fudge and peanut brittle. They did very well for themselves and loved working with the other venders and making friends with their "regulars".
My Grandfather was also a master baker and candy maker...hence the bit about his marshmallows....yes he made marshmallows from scratch! And they were absolutely delicious! This is where my love of baking comes from and when he did pass, I inherited all his recipe books...however...I've never found the marshmallow one...
I will be getting the rest of his books when my Grandmother passes...the ones she still wanted to keep and use.

Anyway...thought I'd share.
I am so torn on those dreams, because on one hand it's wonderful to "see" them again but when the dream involves losing them again, it really can stay with you.
It sounds like your Grandparents are/were both wonderful people. :hugs:


Mother of one and numerous ferals
Top Cat
Jan 22, 2017
Ohio, USA
a friend from 7th grade, we were very close until his death from AIDES when we were in our late 30's.
i dream about him often and he is always fun and happy. i love dreaming about him :hugs: :rbheart:
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  • #60


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Aug 6, 2018
Last night I dreamt that I was getting married again. More of a vow renewal though as I was getting married to my husband again. Thing is, as we were getting close to when we should have done it, I realized that I didn't plan things very well...or at all really. There wasn't a specific time that things were supposed to start, which is weird because everybody was there, just no-one was ready...including myself. Also, none of the clocks in the hotel/resort we were at were the same, so no one knew what time is was. I didn't have a minister to actually perform the ceremony...and when I told my Mom this, she just said..."we'll find someone". I didn't have a menu decided nor what time we would be eating. Like nothing was planned...We were just a bunch of people mulling about waiting...except for me who started to freak out a bit when I realized that I planned nothing, and everyone was just "meh, don't stress, it'll all work out."