Very first high cat tower

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  • #81

ms waise

TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Jan 28, 2014
LOL...okay ms waise....I gotta sign off in 15 min, cause "I am losing the plot", but I hope to hear you again.
My eyes are getting bugged out.

Spotty also sleeps on my bed, by the feet or he likes next to the pillow, so I have to kind of move and make space.
He likes sleeping with my sister too, but she kicks him out of her room, because he gets restless, if he hears people walking around.  I call him her cat, because of some of the things he does, but still he loves me too, he is such a player.
Lol I understand about the eyes. You go ahead and do what you need to. I'm still trying to learn the desktop version. Hopefully I'll get it down before I pass out tonight. I'm sure Spotty feels like there's enough love to go around ;)


The Mouse servant
Jul 8, 2013
The Mouse Pad, UK
Look @MServant, all I'm saying is my little gold badge to the right of my avatar should not say YOUNG CAT! It should say TOUGH OLD BIRD! 
Ok.... Now I'm just being a goof. 

If you keep posting merrily you will soon become a TOB, or more likely a Top Cat,  
   it's all on how many hundreds and thousands of posts you've made. 

Those bells have already saved her. I forgot about the time she had just disappeared. I called her she didn't come. I got out the treats, she didn't come. I looked in all her normal places, she wasn't there. finally I hear this faint bell and what sounded like her trying to jump....She had fallen in a little crack behind the piano and couldn't get out. If she cried, I couldn't hear it. But I did hear that bell....

LMAO, Kimbo has to be related to Mouse in some way! Except he would of got a string wrapped round his tail or something while he was in there so he'd have to go to the vet and cost me a fortune. 

I think Mr. Mouse likes to live on the wild side by the look of those pictures up there. I thought it was just one of Kimbo quirks to  hang on things with that middle claw and literally do pull ups. Now after seeing the pictures the Parkour paragraph makes sense! 

He's getting more sedate thankfully, but still likes to flex his muscles doing kitty gym most days... no claws though, he's a stricly holding on with paws kind a guy. Strong paws!

... Ha we have been on this call for 2 days now officially. And here I thought the 30 minute conversation was bad! 

  4 days!!!   You guys will be Top Cats before you know it and I'll be banished from the TCS team for prattling rubbish....
 ms waise I believe you will magically transform in to an adult when you have been a member for 10 days and posted 100 posts...  and an Alpha cat after 40 days and 300 posts.  Which by my reckoning means cat nap is soon to matamorphose in to an Alpha Cat. 
....... I don't argue back. The only time I argue back is when I have video footage, a hair and dna sample, and our grandmothers as witnesses on my side of the argument. The only arguments I've ever actually argued with back I have won. LOL ........

You sound like my brother,  ever thought about being a lawyer???
LOL I haven't even found the page with the rankings yet. I told you I was on the mobile version so when you guys kept telling me to check stuff out I  couldn't find the stuff! Now I know it is because the mobile version hides a lot of the features! I thought I was slow when I kept looking for things and just couldn't seem to find them. 

  <-------------You may be wondering what all these emoticons mean. They don't mean anything. I just really have been wondering how to use them and now I just figured I'd go ahead and get it out of my system...... ohhhhhhkkkaaayyyy.

NOOOOOOO, emotions are FUN, cathartic little things that work when words are not enough. 

This is the first time Kimbo has seen a computer. I keep my laptop folded down on a shelf not set up....And she seems to be intrigued by this new lit box. It's only a matter of time before she realizes it is warm and becomes her new favorite spot......

Mouse started with biting my arm to get my attention off the laptop, then he played cute - belly up on the floor looking at me, and now he just jumps up and lays on my arms and chest purring like a train and makes it hard to post even one handed.... Reason to keep posting me thinks....
Cruella De'ville..... But as far as actors go. Did you see avatar? The general guy. Hated him so much i almost began to admire him. You're gonna have to let me compile my list of favorite villains. We're gonna circle back around to this subject when I've had some time to actually think. But when I was a kid I loved Cruella. Not cuz of her killing dogs. But because she was eccentric. She was elegant. Bat poop crazy. But she wore it well.... I'm a sucker for a well played villain
Last edited:

cat nap

stand with ukraine
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
 Now if you want me to remember the tiniest detail of the last drunken night out with friends so I can remind EVERYONE what they got up to I have no difficulty with that unfortunately.  

I just want to know if YOU were drinking too,
or were the "designated driver", cause if its the latter, makes more sense.  LOL.


Are we talking legs wrapped round and teeth and claws dug in clinging on as you walk jump on to your leg here?  And if so, you still like cats?

LOL, LOL.....Well , I don't remember any teeth, and he didn't actually leave any wicked. "paper-cut" like scratches on my leg. so I guess he was just playing and kind of hung on, like a cat on a curtain.  LOL.   He was the type of cat who loved to get into trouble, very mischievous, hunting birds, bringing them to you while still alive, (now I realize he should have been wearing cow

And yes, I still love cats, because this was a "one" time thing.  I would play with him and knew that I could not play too rough, or he would take it to a higher, wilder level.....but I knew this and was careful up until this point, then the game would end.  He played well with my "then" dog,  When I figure out more about editing my photos, I will post them.  It may take awhile.

Some of us (me).....don't seem to have the camera, in my back pocket (you), so I guess I should carry it around more._LOL

I still cannot get over that photo of MOUSE, way up on the window.  do you think he may have been a "pilot" in a previous life? Was he watching some plane fly by and thought,"OH Dear, I missed my flight"  again.

As for your Mouse, what the heck was he thinking when climbing that HIGH window, or door top??

For all he seems to be very intellegent in some ways, Mouse seems to have no capacity to remember he falls off things... he likes to explore his territory and if he sees somewhere that'd give him a better view he'll do what he can to get to it. Usually climb a human.

Hmm. climbing humans. When my old neighbour's cat did this I got kind of scared, but then it was very warm, kind of like and instant shawl.

Hee hee, I have a few years on you guys so more time to develop that 'eccentric' part of my brain, and here on TCS I'm allowed to talk cat so I do. I know, it's sad but what the heck.  

SAD??  What the heck you talking about.  Its a gift....LOL!

You know what would be sad, is that today I was out shovelling snow, and thought, what happens if MServant runs out of Mouse stories,

It would be like when your favourite t.v. show comes to a series finale, or you end a great book.....

when "breaking bad" ended, I may have had tears....either joy or bittersweet,  I will not say, in case you have not seen it.  LOL.
This has kind of morphed in to a mini babble.

Yeah, it seems, it has. LOL....but thankfully no "consecutive post" rules...LOL

I am going to be an "ALPHA CAT" soon, .....that just made my day....

cat nap

stand with ukraine
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
I feel like I am catching up, at all do not feel bad.   You can never be lonely with your Mouse, even if he likes to probably sleep way up high on a shelf, door, or tree.

And yes the "cat army" duties come first, then the "officers" can relax,....I gotta stop watching that "cravendale" commercial....I think it is getting to me..

I gotta say it again.....I'm going to be an "alpha cat", don't know what that means, but it does sound like some sort of super hero.  LOL


The Mouse servant
Jul 8, 2013
The Mouse Pad, UK
Oooh, is this real time chat, still awake stuff?  
   I'm shattered and full of an evil cold bug but keep reminding myself I don't have to go to work till noon so I can stay up late legitimately tonight.  

  With the worlds worst friend memory trick, somehow no matter how much alcohol I used to drink I'd still have a memory like an elephant... I found it hard to get up to much fun no matter how 'tipsy' I was as a result and would end up being the boring one other folk relied on to know how to get home / when to tell the taxi driver to stop. 
   (and of course remind those who couldn't remember where they lived of that fact the next time I saw them)....  Mouse Servant No Mates - that's me. 
  I decided I wanted to be able to eat what I wanted and still fit through my front door a few years ago and as I'd gone off the taste of alcohol for some weird reason (I was born liking it as far as I can recall) I've been the reliable lift home ever since... funnily enough I didn't enjoy many nights out with drunken friends any more and kind of changed who I went out with! I am now a member of cafe society and ladies who lunch which I guess is more age appropriate any how. 
  It also means Mouse is less likely to starve when I get home after a riotous gathering with friends, or have to risk being sqaushed by a comatose inebriated servant who fails to notice him snoozing next to him in bed.   These days I am so boring I don't even drink caffiene - I get enough of a buzz from sugar and chocolate to keep me awake without any extra help.  

Those Cravendale adverts are amazing,  but realizing how many people had never seen them I now think folk must have wondered what I was on about all these months when I was referring to cats with oposable thumbs! 
  Or maybe not, just thought I was nuts.  I wish they'd hurry up and bring a new one out though, it's been ages since they did one.  

Hey, are you counting down your posts to Alpha Cat yet? 
   What with no consecutive posts rule here you could be there in no time too, even without chatting your way across the whole site.  You could always sneak in a silly advert link or something, or a new thread about evil villains in The Lounge for good measure though, it wouldn't hurt.  Even more trivia to keep the babbling world happy.  I am so enjoying your excitement at Alpha Cat 
,  just imagine how exstatic you will be when you get to Top Cat!  I remember thinking YES, then 'what's next'.  

Think I'd better go for now, I am being stared at by a very pointy-eared cat lurking in the shaddows behind the curtains and I think he's bored. Or maybe hungry.  B back soon.


The Mouse servant
Jul 8, 2013
The Mouse Pad, UK
The Mouse was hungry.  In addition to munching through a large number of his biscuits in the sitting room (hand thrown as usual) he had managed to empty his food bowl in the kitchen as well.  Guess which kitty is going to need extra kitty-gym time tomorrow unless he wants his butt to look bigger in the boxes he likes to squeeze himself in to???

You realize that really high bit of window isn't really that high for him to get on to coz he just jumps up from the top platform of his cat tree?  He'd still make it up on to the ledge if the ledge wasn't so narrow - he can't go foward to lever his body weight up because the window glass stops him before his weight's shifted enough, so he ends up slipping back down.  Poor boy.  He so wants to get up there because he gets a better view of the street and everyone walking up and down.  Not to mention the spider that makes webs up in the top corner outside the window....  He freaks out if birds come too close to the window though.

I'm still trying to figure out how Kimbo managed to hone those ninja skills so her collar doesn't jingle!  That's pretty impressive.  Totally get the need for the warning signal that she's there coz Mouse is completely silent when he wants to be and constantly trips folk up.  I can't wear shoes in the apartment because he gets under my feet so often and I'd hate to hurt or damage his little paws: they give such a good little pawsage when I go to bed and if he stopped doing that I'd never get to sleep.  I swear his paws stretch out so they're like hands his digits are so long.  He could have a staring role in the next Cravendale ad' !  

(Not heard of Breaking Bad BTW).  

I'm going to head for bed and see if the Mouse will follow tonight - he's been mean and taken to sleeping off my bed since I got this cold and started coughing at night and hoping maybe he'll get back to normal and snuggle in at my feet... missing him there, it's wierd.  Hey @ms waise, hope those dizzy spells are better when you get up for the new day.  Guessing if Kimbo's anything like Mouse (which I think she is) she'll be looking for serious energy burning mischief if she's not had much play time from you in a while.  That is if she's come down off the top of that cat tree yet....

cat nap

stand with ukraine
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014

Oooh, is this real time chat, still awake stuff?  
   I'm shattered and full of an evil cold bug but keep reminding myself I don't have to go to work till noon so I can stay up late legitimately tonight.  

Not to be a "negative nancy"...again....but is it really wise to stay up so late if you have an "evil cold"? lol.    Okay, if you are drinking warm herbal beverages, and flushing out your system.

 Well,  since you said you can sleep in a bit tomorrow, then I guess its all good....since darn colds....never allow you to sleep right anyhow.  LOL

  With the worlds worst friend memory trick, somehow no matter how much alcohol I used to drink I'd still have a memory like an elephant...IMPRESSIVE...LOL

I found it hard to get up to much fun no matter how 'tipsy' I was as a result and would end up being the boring one other folk relied on to know how to get home / when to tell the taxi driver to stop. 
   (and of course remind those who couldn't remember where they lived of that fact the next time I saw them)....  Mouse Servant No Mates - that's me. 
  I decided I wanted to be able to eat what I wanted and still fit through my front door a few years ago and as I'd gone off the taste of alcohol for some weird reason (I was born liking it as far as I can recall) I've been the reliable lift home ever since... funnily enough I didn't enjoy many nights out with drunken friends any more and kind of changed who I went out with!

I am glad to hear should you have to do ALL the thinking...LOL

I was always "designated driver" because I never liked drinking, my friends were never as wild as yours...they only got tipsy....(how can you forget where you live....LOL)  

I would not have minded the drinking so much, but I got really sick one night from beer and pizza, and basically had to have my head in the "loo"  "comode" "ivory throne" till 3 or 5 in the morning.  So that was it for me.  Drinking would have been great if not for the "puking" or "next day hangover"

I am now a member of cafe society and ladies who lunch which I guess is more age appropriate any how. 
  It also means Mouse is less likely to starve when I get home after a riotous gathering with friends, or have to risk being sqaushed by a comatose inebriated servant who fails to notice him snoozing next to him in bed.   These days I am so boring I don't even drink caffiene - I get enough of a buzz from sugar and chocolate to keep me awake without any extra help.  

LOL....I and Mouse thank  for not squishing the poor guy....

No caffeine??  THAT is pretty healthy, except for that "sugar and chocolate part"...LOL....we all have out vices.

Those Cravendale adverts are amazing,  but realizing how many people had never seen them I now think folk must have wondered what I was on about all these months when I was referring to cats with oposable thumbs! 
  Or maybe not, just thought I was nuts.  I wish they'd hurry up and bring a new one out though, it's been ages since they did one.  

Hey, are you counting down your posts to Alpha Cat yet? 
   What with no consecutive posts rule here you could be there in no time too, even without chatting your way across the whole site.  You could always sneak in a silly advert link or something, or a new thread about evil villains in The Lounge for good measure though, it wouldn't hurt.  Even more trivia to keep the babbling world happy.  I am so enjoying your excitement at Alpha Cat 
,  just imagine how exstatic you will be when you get to Top Cat!  I remember thinking YES, then 'what's next'.  

Think I'd better go for now, I am being stared at by a very pointy-eared cat lurking in the shaddows behind the curtains and I think he's bored. Or maybe hungry.  B back soon.
TOP CAT???.....What?   "alpha cat" sounds way better than top's like 'top hat"....who thinks "top" is better than "alpha"....LOL

cat nap

stand with ukraine
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
2,583 I having a formatting error??

cat nap

stand with ukraine
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
"pawsage"....that is a nice term for

Yeah, I never really got the serpentine walking between my feet, trying to trip me up.  I mean, yes the first time he rubs against you its cute, he is marking you as his, but do they want us to come down to their level.  Especially in the kitchen, where everything goes flying.

Okay, so now we know you would not get the "RV" jokes, or the meth jokes, since you did not see Breaking Bad.....we shall have to find a show that we have all seen,,,,,,to use for fill in material.

Is it weird that Spotty, starts to "mumble" his meows sometimes??   I mean he starts getting chatty when I am on the laptop, so does this mean I have to become his "servant" now??

Cravendale Cats Rule....LOL

@MServant....what does "wasabe" taste like?  It has high vitamin C?  so just wondering?
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  • #90

ms waise

TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Jan 28, 2014
mservant mservant

Has it been 4 days?! Where has the time gone?!

I couldn't be lawyer. I can't stand arguing. Lol
I've hopped back on my handheld because I'm used to navigating on it. Does it seem like Mouse only wants your attention when you try and do something pertaining to him? I've noticed that when I want to play with Kimbo she can't be bothered but as soon as I do something that doesn't concern her, she needs to be right on my chest. Or if I'm snacking on something she will sit right in front of my face blocking my mouth.

The villain question would make a good thread. I still have to compile a list of my all time favorites.

I didn't know you hadn't seen breaking bad. @cat nap mentioned you were in the UK. Is it because of your location you haven't seen it or does it just not strike your fancy? I really just want you to be in on the joke. I can't have you left out on this 3 way call.... Come to think of it had this actually been a phone call the person I was supposed to be calling would probably be pretty peeved with me. And you two as well for that matter.....

Are you feeling any better? I was goin to say nobody likes being sick and then instantly thought how weird it would be if there were a person who actually did enjoy being sick. Lol I'm obviously team tangent on this evening. I hope Mouse is taking good care of you and serving you kitty hot totties..... Kotties? .... Nah doesnt have the ring to it i thought it would.
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  • #91

ms waise

TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Jan 28, 2014
cat nap cat nap

I replied to your last message yesterday or at least thought I did but when I hopped on it was still in the draft section so I'm apologies if it seems like I just disappeared. It dawned on me the email the site sends you when you when you join had how the ranking works. Although, the rankings aren't that big a deal to me. I wondered why everyone's was different at first. But now I understand.

Do you every get the sweet and saltys? That's what my family calls it when you crave something salty and then follow it with something sweet..... I'm having white cheddar popcorn and ice cream. What I really want though is Oreo cookies and some sharp cheddar cheese. I'm just not in the move to grocery shop to get it.

cat nap

stand with ukraine
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
@cat nap

I replied to your last message yesterday or at least thought I did but when I hopped on it was still in the draft section so I'm apologies if it seems like I just disappeared. It dawned on me the email the site sends you when you when you join had how the ranking works. Although, the rankings aren't that big a deal to me. I wondered why everyone's was different at first. But now I understand.

Do you every get the sweet and saltys? That's what my family calls it when you crave something salty and then follow it with something sweet..... I'm having white cheddar popcorn and ice cream. What I really want though is Oreo cookies and some sharp cheddar cheese. I'm just not in the move to grocery shop to get it.
Hey, you're on thought that because you were on your laptop yesterday, that you would have overdone it, kinda like getting a new electronic gadget and not being able to stop using it.

No, I did not think you disappeared last night, just was busy reading  through the Site.....its HUGE.

I was just so tired by signed off sometime later,  but you know, when you kind of are still online, but doze off too,...It happens.

Nah, I don't care about the rankings too much either, except when MServant said I'd be "alpha cat"....its got a nice ring to

Sweet and saltys.....all the time.....but that cheese thing sounds healthy....I gotta try that.

Its usually, rice cakes, popcorn...tonight it was sunflower seeds.....and then chocolate pieces, apple pie, cookies (not all at once though)....spaced out for enjoyment.

How's your dizzy spells? Mservant asked....but I too want to know.

cat nap

stand with ukraine
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Oh, @ms waise  ,.....Is it okay with you if I "follow" you?, because I read a few of your threads tonight, and wow, are you creative.  I will have to steal some of those ideas with the litter box, privacy shower curtain and eventually the cat food nutrition stuff.  
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  • #94

ms waise

TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Jan 28, 2014
Hey, you're on thought that because you were on your laptop yesterday, that you would have overdone it, kinda like getting a new electronic gadget and not being able to stop using it.

No, I did not think you disappeared last night, just was busy reading  through the Site.....its HUGE.
I was just so tired by signed off sometime later,  but you know, when you kind of are still online, but doze off too,...It happens.

Nah, I don't care about the rankings too much either, except when MServant said I'd be "alpha cat"....its got a nice ring to

Sweet and saltys.....all the time.....but that cheese thing sounds healthy....I gotta try that.
Its usually, rice cakes, popcorn...tonight it was sunflower seeds.....and then chocolate pieces, apple pie, cookies (not all at once though)....spaced out for enjoyment.

How's your dizzy spells? Mservant asked....but I too want to know.
Are you on a diet? Your snacks don't sound like junk food they sound like part of a balanced diet and that makes me question our entire relationship. Rotflmao. I wish I had the discipline to eat the kind of snacks you eat.

My dizzy spells are good. Haven't had any today. So I'm thinking I may have needed that day of rest.

When you say follow me do you mean on this site or on Facebook? I'm asking because I don't have a Facebook. And I thought I saw a follow selection on this site but I'm not yet sure how that works. But if you're talking about on here then yes. You can join me anywhere. I meant to update the shower curtain post I did. I swapped out the hooks for some hooks that matched my decor. It came out really nice and now when you open the blinds everything coordinates.

cat nap

stand with ukraine
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
...My dizzy spells are good. Haven't had any today. So I'm thinking I may have needed that day of rest.

When you say follow me do you mean on this site or on Facebook? I'm asking because I don't have a Facebook. And I thought I saw a follow selection on this site but I'm not yet sure how that works. But if you're talking about on here then yes. You can join me anywhere. I meant to update the shower curtain post I did. I swapped out the hooks for some hooks that matched my decor. It came out really nice and now when you open the blinds everything coordinates.
LOL...You are a RIOT!  lol.

Discipline is one thing I lack, because I never stick to any one thing for long....maybe that is perserverance??

yes I was on a diet last year from may to sept., but I went to see a dietician, which was actually more fun than I had first thought it would be.  I had to keep a daily food diary of the stuff I ate, and she just explained that I needed to make substitutions for the "not so good stuff" and choose more healthy, or just less calorie stuff, less sugar.

So I started at 198lbs, lets just say 200lbs and got down to 180lbs,.....but this year I am thinking of going back and find out if I could get down to 160lbs.  Not sure though, because it would probably require exercise, and again....I have no discipline or motivation for that.

I was getting dizzy a few weeks ago, but I thought it was more to do with being on the computer for far too long.

Yes, I mean follow you on this Site, because I don't do am not really sure what the following really means either, except It just puts a list of TCS members you follow, into your subscription page, and then I guess it makes it easier to find the threads they post.  Also, sometimes you can see who's online if they are visible.   I just usually follow members who write interesting posts, that I am interested in, but sometimes I also drop members......i don't just makes navigating easier. you think that the person you had to call, would be "peeved" by now....LOL

cat nap

stand with ukraine
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
okay @ms waise   this insomniac has to hit the hay (go to bed).....I am just going to PM you now.

good nite.
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #97

ms waise

TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Jan 28, 2014
cat nap cat nap

Oh yeah.... That person has to be upset. But hey they'll get over it. Who cares if an imaginary person we made up in an imaginary scenario is upset.

I'm the exact opposite. Working out is not the problem for me. Even though I'm not allowed to run or jump I just do my stationary bike free weights and crunches. It's sucky but it is what brought me from severe osteoporosis to osteopenia. It's slowly giving me bone density so as badly as it sucks it gets done. But when I get iron deficient I get really bad pica. I get these crazy cravings and I can't control it. They immediately stop after I have my rounds of iron infusion but it makes me eat everything I can wrap my lips around. Oh and It makes ice taste how rainbows look. My eating habits are atrocious. And I am ashamed to call myself family.... The only thing I was able to stick to when I tried eating better was soda. Instead of buying sodas I bought that carbonated flavored water. I crave sugar constantly. But I have been soda free for about around a year now.

Ha. Here goes that me too moment again. I thought I was the only person in the world that didn't have a Facebook. If I had a Facebook the person I was supposed to call 4 days ago would have unfriended me.... Or blocked me.... Whatever they do on Facebook. Lol
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #98

ms waise

TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Jan 28, 2014
okay @ms waise
  this insomniac has to hit the hay (go to bed).....I am just going to PM you now.

good nite.:sleep2:
Ha. I always get your goodnight message 3 years after you've already logged off. But you'll get this message the next time you log in. And the message will read: goodnight, don't let the bed bugs bite, aight? Ha!

cat nap

stand with ukraine
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
@cat nap

Oh yeah.... That person has to be upset. But hey they'll get over it. Who cares if an imaginary person we made up in an imaginary scenario is upset.

I'm the exact opposite. Working out is not the problem for me. Even though I'm not allowed to run or jump I just do my stationary bike free weights and crunches. It's sucky but it is what brought me from severe osteoporosis to osteopenia. It's slowly giving me bone density so as badly as it sucks it gets done. But when I get iron deficient I get really bad pica. I get these crazy cravings and I can't control it. They immediately stop after I have my rounds of iron infusion but it makes me eat everything I can wrap my lips around. Oh and It makes ice taste how rainbows look. My eating habits are atrocious. And I am ashamed to call myself family.... The only thing I was able to stick to when I tried eating better was soda. Instead of buying sodas I bought that carbonated flavored water. I crave sugar constantly. But I have been soda free for about around a year now.

Ha. Here goes that me too moment again. I thought I was the only person in the world that didn't have a Facebook. If I had a Facebook the person I was supposed to call 4 days ago would have unfriended me.... Or blocked me.... Whatever they do on Facebook. Lol
Lol....Well in my imagination....that would be that imaginary

Stationary bike, free weights and crunches..
I have that equipment, because my sister likes to do the carribean workout, but I leave it alone and watch it sit there.

I too have cravings, but sometimes they are not so bad.  My biggest one is coffee, then like you said it is either salt or sweets.  Somedays its bad and other times not so much.

We should probably check out that exercise motivation thread somewhere on here.  you would probably do the motivating, and I would probably just leave.

two of my aquantainces have facebook, actually I think more have it, but I just was never really into posting photos that I took.  They don't mind putting up their travel photos and selfies, but I just never really was into that.

I cannot see my reflection in a mirror. joking.

Isn't twitter the latest craze?

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  • #100

ms waise

TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Jan 28, 2014
Lol....Well in my imagination....that would be that imaginary

Stationary bike, free weights and crunches..:thud: :wow: I have that equipment, because my sister likes to do the carribean workout, but I leave it alone and watch it sit there.

I too have cravings, but sometimes they are not so bad.  My biggest one is coffee, then like you said it is either salt or sweets.  Somedays its bad and other times not so much.

We should probably check out that exercise motivation thread somewhere on here.  you would probably do the motivating, and I would probably just leave.

two of my aquantainces have facebook, actually I think more have it, but I just was never really into posting photos that I took.  They don't mind putting up their travel photos and selfies, but I just never really was into that.
I cannot see my reflection in a mirror.:vampire: joking.

Isn't twitter the latest craze?

What is the Caribbean workout? I keep seeing the workout motivation thread but I don't need motivation. I need cookies and cakes! Wait! I wasn't ready to hear you say that you would would just walk out of the thread! I laughed until I died! My ghost is typing this as we speak!

I don't have a Facebook because I honestly I am just not that interesting, nor am I all that interested in other peoples lives. I hate having my picture taken. I get that honestly though. Nobody likes doing it in my family....