The "what's On Your Mind?" Thread -2018

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TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
I was updating one of my references on my ongoing job search. She was previously my supervisor before the company moved the facility out of the lab's control last year and in the process removed her from the supervisor position. So she knows very well what goes on in the facility. I was telling her all of the crap that is going on right now. She's pretty surprised that all of this is going on and that no one really cares. But I don't think she really understands. First she agrees that I need a new job. Then she says I can stick it out until the summer when the two guys in the lab (who previously worked for her) will both be on paternity leave and then she has a "feeling" that neither would return after that (based on conversations she had with them.... a few years ago) and things would be just fine once the two guys leave for good. The two guys have nothing to do with why I'm looking to leave the company. I don't think she understands that or that I am NOT planning to stick around until the summer. I've tried explaining to no avail:gaah:

I'm kind of irked at her anyways because she's the one who got me into this :censored: mess in the first place by misleading me what the position would entail and how great working with the lab is compared to the position I was in at the time. A few months after I started she apologized for telling me what she did because she's been wanting me on her team for years and didn't want to miss another opportunity to have me. So thus all the lies about what the job was, how great the lab is, blah blah blah. Looking back, she even had those two guys in on the whole lie, too. I suspect that she made some kind of deal with the two guys, that if they help convince me to take the job that they would be able to do more lab work and less work in the facility because that's what happened.

I'm not even sure if I should use her as a reference now. If she lied to me about how great the position is, why wouldn't she lie and embellish my qualifications and experience for a potential position? Then, if I fail to meet those embellishments at a new company, that looks bad on me.

I applied to two more jobs. One might be a little too far to get to by public transportation, especially on weekends and holidays when public transportation is limited :think:


Slave of Bastet's acolytes
Top Cat
Mar 31, 2016
I would actually worry about her doing the opposite - telling potential employers that you aren't that great so that she could keep you where you are at until summer.


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
Well she wants me to leave so I don't have to deal with this crap anymore. All the more reason for her to embellish my qualifications to help me get a job elsewhere. I don't report to her anymore so if I leave before the summer, it doesn't affect her or her job in any way.


Slave of Bastet's acolytes
Top Cat
Mar 31, 2016
Embellishing one's skills is actually a common way of getting a job. Every job is OJT anyway, so starting out rough is forgiven as long as you learn fast.


Slave of Bastet's acolytes
Top Cat
Mar 31, 2016
So I'm clearly in the doghouse.

Montressor was walking a tad funny today so I decided to give him a pain pill. The pill bottle had fallen onto the floor so I got on the floor with him and gave him lovings and when I reached for the pill bottle he wiggled out of my hands and hastily trotted to the bed. Not ran, clearly his hips are bothering him. I cornered him on the bed and it was a perfect pilling. I dropped it in the right place, he didn't fight me holding his muzzle although he whimpered a couple of times, and when I let him go he did not foam at the mouth like he tasted the pill.

Just now I went upstairs and gave him some lovings, trying to kiss and make up. Montressor rarely stops purring, and he is just a little purr machine when someone is petting him. He didn't purr while I was petting him. He didn't move at all, not try to turn his back or anything, he just refused to purr. Okay sweetheart, I get the message.


Slave of Bastet's acolytes
Top Cat
Mar 31, 2016
I just tried to make up with Montressor again, and that cat is high as a kite. I know he's okay since the vet prescribed the treatment, and I know that tramadol is an opiate which is why he's high.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
I just tried to make up with Montressor again, and that cat is high as a kite. I know he's okay since the vet prescribed the treatment, and I know that tramadol is an opiate which is why he's high.
This be your kitteh right now:

SO...small rant(ish)

I called Social Security today to make an appointment to go in and switch from my SS to my deceased ex's SS, which is a good bit higher. I NEEDED to do that because I got a statement from them saying that as of next month, they would be taking my Medicare premium out of my check, lowering it by $134, and I want to feed myself and Hekitty! SO...I was talking to the nice lady, and she told me that the first person I spoke with had given me incorrect information, that since I had remarried before age 60, I couldn't claim the ex's SS. My heart dropped into my shoes. THEN she told me that they had received notification from the State of North Carolina that, since I am on Medicade and my income is under a certain level, the state will be paying my Medicare premium! WOOOO HOOOO! I'm actually a bit better off this way. SO...the rant became a celebration, and they lived confusedly ever after!


Slave of Bastet's acolytes
Top Cat
Mar 31, 2016
Yay for a helpful bureaucrat. I'm glad they got your money straightened out.

Yeah, Montressor's pupils are that size. It's almost "what iris?"


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
Yay! Glad it all worked out.
Got a call back from another rental place I inquired about. They only allow one pet. Who does that? Cats (for the most part) ate very social and need a buddy! So, they're out.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
SO...small rant(ish)

I called Social Security today to make an appointment to go in and switch from my SS to my deceased ex's SS, which is a good bit higher. I NEEDED to do that because I got a statement from them saying that as of next month, they would be taking my Medicare premium out of my check, lowering it by $134, and I want to feed myself and Hekitty! SO...I was talking to the nice lady, and she told me that the first person I spoke with had given me incorrect information, that since I had remarried before age 60, I couldn't claim the ex's SS. My heart dropped into my shoes. THEN she told me that they had received notification from the State of North Carolina that, since I am on Medicade and my income is under a certain level, the state will be paying my Medicare premium! WOOOO HOOOO! I'm actually a bit better off this way. SO...the rant became a celebration, and they lived confusedly ever after!
Are you currently married? If not, and if you were married to Mr #1 for more than 10 years, you can still get his SS. I know this because my mom's friend went through a whole situation to get her ex's SS after her second husband died and I heard everything about it, lol. But of course, if it works out better for you this way, that's great! Just make sure that's really the best one.
Benefits Planner: Retirement | If You Are Divorced | Social Security Administration
"If you remarry, you generally cannot collect benefits on your former spouse's record unless your later marriage ends (whether by death, divorce, or annulment)."


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
Embellishing one's skills is actually a common way of getting a job. Every job is OJT anyway, so starting out rough is forgiven as long as you learn fast.

My now supervisor flat out lied on her resume:nono: The whole process of hiring her was rigged. But that's a whole different story.


Slave of Bastet's acolytes
Top Cat
Mar 31, 2016
There's a difference between lying and embellishing. Embellishing is taking your current skills and exaggerating how strong they are, or taking life skills and twisting them to make them fit work ideals. For example to explain a gap in my husband's resume I listed that he was taking care of a disabled relative and listed things like scheduling, coordination of multiple specialties, management of resources to meet educational and medical goals, things like that. Truth is that he was simply not able to find a job during that period, the kid and I are both disabled, so it was a convenient excuse. He has those skills, so it's not lying, it's simply twisting those skills to make the resume look good.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
Hello, all.

I've pretty much been off-site since I shattered my right wrist on February 20th, and now that I'm able to get back (at least a little) I thought I should give everyone an update.

I seem to have really lucked out in a couple of ways. First, this hit just after I got really good medical insurance, for the first time in over a year, so this isn't going to bankrupt us. And second, it appears that I received a referral to a marvelous hand and arm surgeon.

Surgery was on Wednesday. They put a nerve block in the arm so that for several hours after surgery it was paralyzed and felt like it was somewhere other than where it really was (seemed kinda surreal) and I still need to try to keep the arm above heart level to reduce swelling, which is the major reason I'm only back on-site for a while tonight, after which I plan to disappear again until the tendency to swell is pretty much gone.

However, I'm regaining range of motion in my fingers by the hour, it seems, as well as wrist strength. In fact, the biggest problem right now is the temptation to overdo, because the wrist feels so good.

The "cast" I'm wearing now is a single piece of fiberglass on the inner surface of the arm, padded with gauze and held in place with a couple of Ace bandages; it's smaller and lighter than the "splint" they gave me in the E.R.. The surgery was done with a single incision in the back of the wrist, and it feels to me like I'll not only have full range of motion in the fingers but something very close to full range of motion in the wrist. I've no idea how this could be, but I'm certainly not complaining.

My follow-up visit with the surgeon is on the 19th (i.e. a week from Monday); I'll plan to post a further update then, and I hope to be regularly back on-site before then.

Signing off now, until the swelling is down.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Get better fast Margret Margret

I remember the nerve block from my shoulder surgery=it was very strange!! It lasted until 4pmish. I was in surgery at 8am. And when it wore off the pain was an 8! And BAD until meds kicked in...luckily it wasn't too long until pain went away but that was from steroids. nothing worked. But now looking back-things went very well and glad I got it done. Now to get my elbow fixed but for now the PT exercises help but not fix it...

I hope you have a fast recovery and no complications!

I also been looking at prices for schooling for another direction-It's sticker shock from when I went in 1994. That's just for community college..anyways I have a plan B and a plan C in place for whatever happens after March 30=it will be all right.

Oh and Jon says he's not moving south with me IF I decide to move=but he's done this before-says NO then later changes mind. Like our vacation-he was agqainst it at first-then once he tried it-it was a good thing..

My plan is to find cheaper housing and plan to move in 2019ish or 2020. For now just see what my job options are-hold out for severance package then make my move.

In the meantime I can take 80% of required courses on for $60 a month then CLEP test out-they have an option for $200 a month to get credits for courses=so for now-I will take the classes I need at the cheaper rate-then when I am ready to test out-will change the membership to the $200 a month and test out=then find a school to finish my courses=if the work dries up. If work is fine=I still have the courses completed and not spending a ton of dough.

I much prefer as no textbooks needed and each segment is 5 minutes long-so I can do a chapter a day if I apply myself-I prefer this method over classroom where they take 3 weeks for one chapter which slows down that's the plan. Plan A, Plan B and a Plan C...or a combination of all of the above.


Slave of Bastet's acolytes
Top Cat
Mar 31, 2016
So if anyone can explain my two cats to me right now I'd greatly appreciate it.

Last night I picked up some catnip, first time in a couple of years. I think it's pretty potent stuff, I don't see any stems or stem pieces. Today opened it, I took off the safety seal in another room, recapped it, and still when I walked in the bedroom Montressor jumped up and ran to me in a manner that makes me believe he smelled it despite the cap.

Midway has never shown the slightest interest in catnip so I put out a little plate for Montressor only. Montressor was a really happy kitty. I was packing my backpack for work when I heard a dangerous warning sound from him. I turned around and Midway apparently decided that he was interested enough to check it out. He was at the plate and Montressor was in anger mode. He lashed out at Midway with a claw attack, and it wasn't a spat in the cat colony whack, this was serious cat fight whack which luckily didn't connect. He then hissed at Midway, and his body language said that he was ready for a fight and willing to fight. I solved the whole issue by locking Midway outside the bedroom until Montressor was done with the plate.

But's catnip. It's kitty marijuana, not kitty cocaine or kitty PCP. Why would a submissive 19 year old cat decide to start a serious fight with a bonded companion cat over catnip?
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