The "What's on your mind?" Thread -2017

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TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
I agree! Lol
They were hesitant about diagnosing the ADHD because of him not being being old enough - I guess they normally don't do that under the age of 7, either - but his is glaringly obvious. He's been better since being on medication but he still has outbursts and behavioral problems. Kirby has trouble keeping a babysitter. Since I moved to Kirksville, I'm half an hour away and that would end up being a lot of gas. Plus, he's had violent moments - never with me, but with her - and if ever did get violent with me, being pregnant, it could turn out badly. She just needs someone for a few hours before school and she's usually home when he gets home now that she's working days but it was really a problem before she was able to switch over from the evening shift.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 9, 2017
My son is so cool. I had been wanting Lego Jurassic World for some time, but didn't have the console that offered it. Apparently they now make it for PC. Steam has it on a black friday sale and the game and all DLC content is under $10. My son just gifted it to me.

I'm going to install and will be hooked very soon.

Mother Dragon

Cat slave
Top Cat
Oct 17, 2006
Suburban Houston, TX
Do you like to send cards and letters with special stamps on them? "Celebrate" stamps for birthdays or stamps reflecting your special interests?

The Postal Service has some very attractive holiday stamps, including Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, and of course, Christmas. There are even some cat stamps in the Pets set. All the First Class stamps are forever, so you can use them even if rates go up.

If you need special holiday stamps, you may want to get them very soon because they sell out quickly.

Come take a look at all the beautiful and whimsical stamps offered. You'll be pleased and surprised. Be sure to click on the photos because many offer multiple panes of different views. There are even Pets, Star Trek, Pluto (the once-planet), Disney Villains, the always-popular Love, and many others.

Buy Postage Stamps Online |

Visit for mailing rates and ZIP codes, too!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
I have helped with the side dishes at family dinners, but I have never managed a major dinner on my own. Earlier this week my husband gave me his wish list for Thanksgiving dinner. Turkey, ham, green beans, succotash, mashed potatoes and gravy, crescent rolls and a chocolate pie for dessert. I counted the number of people in the house, a whopping three, and said, "Are you crazy?!? What are we going to do with all that food???" Sigh.

The kid had to work today until 3pm, and the husband has to be at work at 4:30am tomorrow, so I planned dinner at 4pm. In addition to his list I added Martinelli's and stuffing. I got a different stuffing brand than usual, didn't read the back carefully. I hate cranberry gel but Target didn't have the cranberries in sauce, so oh well. There's plenty of food. I also picked up two Fancy Feast turkey cans so the boys could also have a Thanksgiving dinner.

Things are going along stunningly smoothly. Even though I have a tiny galley kitchen I managed to figure out where to put everything. Of course a couple of things usually on the counters went on the floor, especially the Sodastream and the empty but not quite empty spare tank. Yeah, I know CO2 is not flammable, but I don't want the tanks bursting from the heat expansion of gas.

Thinking I was actually going to have everything done right at 4pm, I looked at the stuffing bag. Um, celery? I was supposed to get celery??? So I texted my daughter to bring home celery, and while she was at it she could get the cranberries as well. So first thing to go wrong. Then I got to a point where I needed to have the potatoes boiling, the succotash and green beans heating, and when the kid gets home I'll have the stuffing started. The potatoes were already going, so I turned on burner #2 and got the green beans going. Then I tried to turn on burner #3. Nothing. Turn it off and back on. Still nothing. Sonofa---. Well, I can wait a bit on the stuffing. So burner #4, which has the same feed as burner #3. Nothing. Second thing to go wrong.

So I submitted a maintenance request and went back into the kitchen to try and figure out how to cook three pots with two burners. I kept trying the burners and finally got #3 going. Yay! The potatoes were done so I turned burner #1 off and dumped them into the colander. Turned burner #1 back on and nothing. Auggghhhh!!! I guess there has to be a heat sensor, as it's an electric/gas hybrid.

Since I had taken the meat out and put the rolls in when I dumped the potatoes I finished the rolls and then just waited for the oven to cool down a bit before trying the burners. They work! Then the husband and kid came in, I quickly chopped the celery and in the end everything but the stuffing was done minutes after 4pm and the stuffing was done before 4:15pm. I looked around my tiny kitchen and everything looked good. Everything looked amazingly good. There wasn't a dirty dish or spill anywhere. Not even the lids to the pots holding the veggies and stuffing. Whenever my daughter cooks it always looks like a bomb hit my kitchen and I'm always getting on her case about cleaning up the blip blip kitchen. And she's always saying it's because she was cooking. So I called her in and told her to look around and pointed out I just cooked a major dinner and asked her if she saw a mess. She looked and looked and finally pointed to a whole tomato I had put in front of the microwave and pointed to it and said "This is messy." Really? I told her that if I could keep a kitchen clean while cooking, she can manage it too.

I refused to cut the turkey and ham, and both were the two kvetching. And apparently my knives are dull, so there was more kvetching. And the use of many knives to try and get a clean cut. Third thing wrong. And while they were kvetching I realized something very odd. The tiny galley style kitchen traps in a lot of heat when I use the oven, especially an oven running for 2 hours with two burners going. And I was in that kitchen most of those two hours and I'm wearing a jacket and I'm feeling fine. My internal temperature gauge is definitely on the fritz.

We're eating in front of the TV with the Forged in Fire marathon going, so we were in the kitchen filling our plates and I realized I had forgotten to chill the Martinelli's. It's sitting on top of the fridge, in that hot little kitchen. Ugh. So fourth thing going wrong. I put it in the freezer and the kid's freaking out about how that's such a bad idea. I'm not leaving it in there all night kiddo. While we were eating I went in there once to shake it a bit. Not as bad as it sounds, I shook it the same way you shake a Sodastream bottle to mix the syrup into the carbonated water. Then when I finished with my plate I shook it again, opened it and it was perfectly chilled.

So my very first holiday dinner ever. 15 minutes late, uncooperative burners, forgotten celery, dull knives and warm Martinelli's. I don't think I did that bad.
Sounds like a good dinner; I was drooling while reading about it. (FYI: A small bucket with a mixture of ice and water is more aesthetic--I know you weren't thinking of that--and adding salt makes it cool much faster. Seriously, leave something in that mixture too long and it will freeze solid.)

I think you did quite well. And the best part about Thanksgiving is all the leftovers!

Yes, that's what a freezer is for! Or you can just send them to me! Haha
I have a pie in the freezer. I prefer to make my own apple pies - I use a recipe for a sour cream apple pie from my grandma - but the thought of peeling and cutting all the apples kind of exhausted me. So, I bought a pie and I'm gonna poke it in the oven. John's aunt said not to bring anything. I can eat a pie all by myself and I'm ready to get started on it!
Sounds delicious!:D
Under no circumstances should one ever, EVER commit to TWO Thanksgiving dinners on the same day!

Been there done that--and it was DD's fault; I wasn't old enough to commit to anything! :lol:

  1. Go to the grocery store and buy everything in bold face.
  2. I don't know that this applies to ham specifically, but I think it should work for all meats. Get some freezer wrap (paper on the outside, plastic on the inside, comes in rolls like waxed paper or plastic wrap) at your grocery store.
  3. Wrap the meat tightly, making sure the plastic side is next to the meat and the paper side is on the outside. Overlap the ends and put a couple of folds in (like a flat felled seam in sewing) so that you're absolutely certain no air can get in.
  4. If necessary, make two or three packages of ham rather than one, if, for instance, it's a shape that can't be wrapped tightly enough.
  5. Tape everything down securely with freezer tape, which should be next to the freezer wrap at your grocery store. I think it looks like masking tape, but it's specifically designed to work properly at freezing temperatures.
  6. Use a marker pen to write the contents of the package and the date on the outside. If possible, include quantity (by weight), and state whether there's a bone included.
If you have extra, freezer wrap is also useful for sewing patterns that you want to save. You can draw or write on the paper side, and the plastic makes it difficult to tear. If necessary, tape two sheets together to get a wide enough sheet, but you can use everyday tape for this since you don't store your sewing patterns in the freezer. Of course, pattern fabric is better, but it's also more expensive.


My son is so cool. I had been wanting Lego Jurassic World for some time, but didn't have the console that offered it. Apparently they now make it for PC. Steam has it on a black friday sale and the game and all DLC content is under $10. My son just gifted it to me.

I'm going to install and will be hooked very soon.
:yess: Have lots of fun!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
Well, no one brought the poor clerk dinner. :frown: But, AWM got invited to two Thanksgiving dinners and one of them not only let her pack boxes, but helped her pack them for her children who couldn't make it (it was RB's first day off in a week, and he didn't want to spend it around strangers), so we got food anyway. :yess: (By the way, most of the next bit is just ranting. Feel free to skip.)

Now, onto my Black Friday misadventures. The only ad that really caught my attention was the one for Petco: fifty percent off select cat food, toys, and necessities, and the store didn't open until seven in the morning, well after my shift. Immediately after work I headed to Petco, but I got there a little before seven, but really had to use the restroom (there just was no time during my shift to take a restroom break) so I popped into Academy Sports next door, which was open. They kindly gave me directions to the restroom and I headed there, only to see a line blocking it. I went to go through the line to get to the restroom, and a woman pushed me back. "We don't tolerate line breakers here!" she told me angrily. I politely (I was still in uniform, and I'm very conscious about that) explained that I wasn't trying to get in line, I just wanted to use the restroom behind her. She started to growl at me and I pointed. She turned, saw the restroom, and got very flustered. "I'm sorry--you understand what people are like this time of year." I nodded and agreed with her. :lol: I don't think she ever got the joke. Anyway, I browsed for a while before going back to Petco and seeing that they still weren't open. I decided that they must not have gotten the notification that they were supposed to open at seven on Black Friday, and that they were going to open at the regular hours (nine in the morning). I knew there was no way I could hang that long, so I got in the car to go--but I couldn't make the key turn in the ignition. I knew it was something I knew how to fix (by the way, tug the steering wheel either to the left or right and then turn the key), but I couldn't remember how. The harder I tried to remember, the further the information got, so I decided to call for help. AWM's phone was in the car. I thought, no big deal, I'll just call RB--his phone went straight to voice mail. I called again, thinking maybe he was flailing for it and hadn't reached it in time. I called him six or seven times--and then got the notification that my battery was running low. There I was, sitting the in the car, getting colder and colder, as I tried, desperately, to make the darned thing start. I started feeling warm, and saw that there was still ice on the car (which I knew was a bad sign) and got out to start walking to Academy Sports, which was, at the very least, heated. A guy and his wife drove and asked when Petco was supposed to open, I told them, and then I asked for help with the car. They very kindly helped me get it started, I wished them a good day, and left. Halfway home, with the heater running full blast, the shivers started. By the time I got home I was shivering uncontrollably and when I got inside I saw AWM and RB planning their Black Friday shopping--and I lost my temper. :oops: I started ranting about how it's no wonder I don't know when to call for help since I can't reach anybody when I need it. RB ran to his room to prove how I hadn't called--only to discover that, somehow, he'd turned the phone onto vibrate only mode. :rolleyes3: Well, I finally got warm, ate something, went to bed, and now I'm stiff, creaky, and headachy and still have to go out to get milk later. Not happy. :sigh: I'll get over it though.


TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
Do you like to send cards and letters with special stamps on them? "Celebrate" stamps for birthdays or stamps reflecting your special interests?

The Postal Service has some very attractive holiday stamps, including Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, and of course, Christmas. There are even some cat stamps in the Pets set. All the First Class stamps are forever, so you can use them even if rates go up.

If you need special holiday stamps, you may want to get them very soon because they sell out quickly.

Come take a look at all the beautiful and whimsical stamps offered. You'll be pleased and surprised. Be sure to click on the photos because many offer multiple panes of different views. There are even Pets, Star Trek, Pluto (the once-planet), Disney Villains, the always-popular Love, and many others.

Buy Postage Stamps Online |

Visit for mailing rates and ZIP codes, too!
I have the pet stamps. I only use the cat ones if I am sending something to someone I actually LIKE! :insertevillaugh:


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
Well, at least you found nice people willing to help you.
These pregnancy hormones are getting out of hand. Aislyn wanted to watch a Tinkerbell movie, so I watched it with her beefier bedtime and proceeded to bawl like a baby at the end. Of a Tinkerbell movie. I'm pretty sure I'm losing my mind.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
Well, at least you found nice people willing to help you.
These pregnancy hormones are getting out of hand. Aislyn wanted to watch a Tinkerbell movie, so I watched it with her beefier bedtime and proceeded to bawl like a baby at the end. Of a Tinkerbell movie. I'm pretty sure I'm losing my mind.
Very true; it's nice to know that there are still helpful people in the world--I was desperately in need of it. I think that's part of the reason I was so mad at my family; since I started my job they've been telling me that I'm just a phone call away (particularly after the guy who said he wanted pieces of me in a jar) and they'd be down there to help. Then, when I did need help, I couldn't reach them.

Also--for children's movies that Tinkerbell movies are surprisingly sophisticated. I'm not surprised. However, if Tinkerbell did that, don't watch Gravity Falls. Just saying.

But enough of that. Time for some funny and aw memories. One Christmas RB and I were with DD, and we were eating with his GF's family. Two of the family members, who had apparently been feuding for quite some time, plopped down on either side of me and demanded I take a side in their debate about whether Veganism is a sensible life choice or a disavowal of everything that makes a person human. So, I quoted something I'd read in church earlier that day. "Fight not with the weak brother that eats no meat, for it is not the eating of meat that is important but the breaking of bread." Then I tore one of my rolls in half and deposited half on each plate and added, "Seriously, it's Christmas. This is the time of year to bask in the joys that everyone is alive and well enough to be together. Tomorrow you can go back to fighting like cats and dogs." :lol:

One summer, when RB was still young enough to need a car seat, on our yearly trip to visit DD's family there was an accident on the interstate causing a huge backlog. (Now, the truck DD drove had a camper on top and a mattress in the back, because it's a long drive.) Well, DD saw that traffic was going nowhere fast and crawled into the back of the truck to take a nap. While he was asleep I unbuckled RB from his car seat (I knew better than to leave him alone in the car, and I didn't think a sleeping DD was appropriate supervision) and we went exploring through the cars. We came across a bunch of college students having a barbecue right there in the middle of the road, and they fed us while one of them played a guitar. We thanked them for the food, went back to DD's truck, and I buckled him back into his car seat. DD never even knew we were gone. :p

Tonight, when I was leaving Kroger, a bird swooped right by me and landed on a lamp post with a burnt out bulb. Not sure what kind of bird it was (Kroger keeps the lot bright enough to make it day no matter what time a person happens to be there), when I drove to the road to go home I passed under the lamp post and looked up. The bird was an owl! It had tawny dark and light brown feathers, huge golden eyes, and feather tufts on either side of the head that almost looked like ears! I don't know what kind of owl it was, but there was just something magical about seeing it there with frost glittering on the lamp post and nearby cars. :ruminating:

Side note: I just remembered. The last three times I bought Welch's Sparkling Juice, it was fermented. Don't get it. I don't know what the problem is, but please avoid Welch's for the time being. (I got the bottles at different stores, so it's not a store issue.)

My LS is one of those "list" people, as in she'll make a list of stuff she wants for Christmas, and then get upset if what she gets isn't on the list, even if it's something she wants or likes. One year I got her a fourteen karat gold necklace with a heart pendant that was accented with an onyx and a diamond. It wasn't on the list. She was upset that it wasn't on the list and even more upset that it was something she like so much. :lol2:

One year, AWM decided that RB was too old to still be believing in Santa, so she sat down to talk to him. (This was precipitated by the fact that LS had already figured out that Santa was a figment of imagination.) She started the conversation with, "Have you ever wondered how it is that Santa can enter every single home in a single night?" RB, my sweet adorable RB, nodded solemnly and said, "Wormholes." Startled I looked up from my book and AWM asked for clarification to receive a lecture on how Santa had a wormhole device on his sleigh that allowed him to traverse through space and time enabling him to deliver all his presents on a single night. We were so impressed he was allowed to believe for another year. :blush:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
One year, AWM decided that RB was too old to still be believing in Santa, so she sat down to talk to him. (This was precipitated by the fact that LS had already figured out that Santa was a figment of imagination.) She started the conversation with, "Have you ever wondered how it is that Santa can enter every single home in a single night?" RB, my sweet adorable RB, nodded solemnly and said, "Wormholes." Startled I looked up from my book and AWM asked for clarification to receive a lecture on how Santa had a wormhole device on his sleigh that allowed him to traverse through space and time enabling him to deliver all his presents on a single night. We were so impressed he was allowed to believe for another year. :blush:
I love it! Santa's sleigh as a TARDIS!



TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
I "believed" in Santa until I was 19. If you didn't believe, you didn't get Christmas presents. Plus, I had 2 younger sisters and I didn't want to ruin anything for them.


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
I was told by the local post office that the song bird stamps were no longer available:headscratch: So I got the flowers one instead. I have a few of the pet ones left.


TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
I "believed" in Santa until I was 19. If you didn't believe, you didn't get Christmas presents. Plus, I had 2 younger sisters and I didn't want to ruin anything for them.
Santa is very real- just not a rotund man in a red suit with a beard. Santa is anyone who makes a child's (or anyone's really) holiday (regardless of what holiday you celebrate) a magical experience. Santa does not know gender, race or age. ANYONE can be Santa. That is what makes the whole concept of Santa so special. :santa::deer:

When we do secret Santa at work, I always sign the card Mrs. Claws. Everyone knows it's me by that but I don't care. It's part of the fun. :jive:


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Do you like to send cards and letters with special stamps on them?
I ordered mine yesterday. I have a lovely card of a snowy wood, so I got these:

(FYI: A small bucket with a mixture of ice and water is more aesthetic--I know you weren't thinking of that--and adding salt makes it cool much faster. Seriously, leave something in that mixture too long and it will freeze solid.)
Oh, yes! When I was working for Food Lion, we got lots of customers buying beer, ice and coolers. I ALWAYS advised them to grab a box of salt to put in with the ice! I got more people calling in to the manager about how helpful I was because of that!

Well, at least you found nice people willing to help you.
These pregnancy hormones are getting out of hand. Aislyn wanted to watch a Tinkerbell movie, so I watched it with her beefier bedtime and proceeded to bawl like a baby at the end. Of a Tinkerbell movie. I'm pretty sure I'm losing my mind.
LOL, yep. And as I mentioned before, you'll get over the worst of it in, oh, say, 18-20 years!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
interesting day. went for my noontime bike ride and found an ipad air in middle of side had to do some detective work-I didn't want to alert the wrong people-because domestic abuse is real-so I was able to locate them on facebook and her hubs left it on the roof of truck at the brewery I drive by=it flew off and went into street-case is scuffed, screen cracked but it still works-no name inside it or anything-then took case off and found a name and number-located in florida! So that's why I hunted facebook=turns out she's in florida visiting family and got ahold of hubs. So it's safe-I don't trust anyone-I won't leave it with just anyone-too many sticky fingers out there-he is going to get it tomorrow or Monday. at least I got to test drive ipad air and I really like it-so maybe it will go on my Christmas list this year...I had tablets before and usually they suck= slow, and too awkward to type on.

I am just glad I found owner-can you imagine if I had to hunt for serial number? I can't figure out how to get it apart to get serial number on sim yay dad gets his ipad back and all is not lost.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
I was told by the local post office that the song bird stamps were no longer available:headscratch: So I got the flowers one instead. I have a few of the pet ones left.
Yeah, those were last year's. They were very popular, and one of my personal favorites. Most Post Offices don't have them (maybe very small offices with low sales will have leftovers) but you can still buy them online.

I currently have, for personal use, the Have a Ball stamps and the Eclipse stamps. The Have a Ball ones are textured and the Eclipse ones have a temperature-sensitive color change feature. I was always a sucker for cool stickers as a child, now I can get the cool stamps ;). Oddly, neither of those have been popular locally so I'll probably end up getting them for my personal use next time too. I had the pet ones last time, I like them too. I've had people refuse them because of the snake and mouse. Oh well, their loss!

I don't really care for the Florentine Madonna stamp this year. . .but it's better than the one from a few years ago that showed Jesus' little privates (I know a lot of the old paintings show that but the stamp usually cuts off before that part of his body!). I had many awkward conversations with customers about that one. "Let me see that Madonna and Child stamp" *they look at it closely* "is that his weenie?!?" It did not sell well, lol.
The bird was an owl! It had tawny dark and light brown feathers, huge golden eyes, and feather tufts on either side of the head that almost looked like ears! I don't know what kind of owl it was,
Cool! I love owls. If it was BIG it was a Great Horned Owl, if sort of medium-sized a Long-Eared Owl, and if it was little like a robin it was a variety of Screech Owl. That's all the eared owls in the US :D.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
I love it! Santa's sleigh as a TARDIS!

They should put that in an episode! Make Santa a Time Lord! Hah!

I "believed" in Santa until I was 19. If you didn't believe, you didn't get Christmas presents. Plus, I had 2 younger sisters and I didn't want to ruin anything for them.
Our family was strange. When I was a kid DD wouldn't let AWM let me believe in Santa (she wasn't even allowed to put the presents under the Christmas tree), but RB (who has the same DD I do) was allowed to believe. :headscratch: Not sure why...but I had leprechauns instead! :D

Santa is very real- just not a rotund man in a red suit with a beard. Santa is anyone who makes a child's (or anyone's really) holiday (regardless of what holiday you celebrate) a magical experience. Santa does not know gender, race or age. ANYONE can be Santa. That is what makes the whole concept of Santa so special. :santa::deer:

When we do secret Santa at work, I always sign the card Mrs. Claws. Everyone knows it's me by that but I don't care. It's part of the fun. :jive:

I ordered mine yesterday. I have a lovely card of a snowy wood, so I got these:

Oh, yes! When I was working for Food Lion, we got lots of customers buying beer, ice and coolers. I ALWAYS advised them to grab a box of salt to put in with the ice! I got more people calling in to the manager about how helpful I was because of that!

LOL, yep. And as I mentioned before, you'll get over the worst of it in, oh, say, 18-20 years!

interesting day. went for my noontime bike ride and found an ipad air in middle of side had to do some detective work-I didn't want to alert the wrong people-because domestic abuse is real-so I was able to locate them on facebook and her hubs left it on the roof of truck at the brewery I drive by=it flew off and went into street-case is scuffed, screen cracked but it still works-no name inside it or anything-then took case off and found a name and number-located in florida! So that's why I hunted facebook=turns out she's in florida visiting family and got ahold of hubs. So it's safe-I don't trust anyone-I won't leave it with just anyone-too many sticky fingers out there-he is going to get it tomorrow or Monday. at least I got to test drive ipad air and I really like it-so maybe it will go on my Christmas list this year...I had tablets before and usually they suck= slow, and too awkward to type on.

I am just glad I found owner-can you imagine if I had to hunt for serial number? I can't figure out how to get it apart to get serial number on sim yay dad gets his ipad back and all is not lost.
Always good to return lost property, and like you said--you got to test drive an IPAD Air. :D

Yeah, those were last year's. They were very popular, and one of my personal favorites. Most Post Offices don't have them (maybe very small offices with low sales will have leftovers) but you can still buy them online.

I currently have, for personal use, the Have a Ball stamps and the Eclipse stamps. The Have a Ball ones are textured and the Eclipse ones have a temperature-sensitive color change feature. I was always a sucker for cool stickers as a child, now I can get the cool stamps ;). Oddly, neither of those have been popular locally so I'll probably end up getting them for my personal use next time too. I had the pet ones last time, I like them too. I've had people refuse them because of the snake and mouse. Oh well, their loss!

I don't really care for the Florentine Madonna stamp this year. . .but it's better than the one from a few years ago that showed Jesus' little privates (I know a lot of the old paintings show that but the stamp usually cuts off before that part of his body!). I had many awkward conversations with customers about that one. "Let me see that Madonna and Child stamp" *they look at it closely* "is that his weenie?!?" It did not sell well, lol.

Cool! I love owls. If it was BIG it was a Great Horned Owl, if sort of medium-sized a Long-Eared Owl, and if it was little like a robin it was a variety of Screech Owl. That's all the eared owls in the US :D.
It was huge, easily as big as, or even bigger, than the part of the post with the light. Think about it; it was at the top of the pole and I could still see it clearly. :shocked: Amazing, and majestic.


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
Does anyone make customized US postage stamps using or or any of those types of web sites?


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
Looks like I'm spending Aislyn's last night here ticking her off. She only ate a few bites of dinner, then wanted cookies. I won't let her have them. So, now she's hungry again. So I warmed up her leftovers. "I'm not hungry for that!" It's either that or nothing, kiddo. I don't believe in making kids eat food they don't like, but that's not the problem here. She likes it, but she'd rather have cookies and I'm not giving in.
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