The Positive Thread 2020

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 18, 2019
I attended a virtual symposium today :) In previous years the symposium had been in person and it's a lot of fun but obviously it had to go virtual this year. The only bad thing about a virtual symposium is that you don't get the freebies the vendors hand out :frown: It's still going on right now but the last few talks aren't that interesting to me. I entered all the raffles but I'm not expecting to win anything. Winners for three of the raffles were just announced and are, not surprisingly, people who are fairly well known in the industry or work at well known companies won :rolleyes3: It's definitely not a random pick.
Nice, sounds fun! What topics was it for?

Guessing the raffle was digital? You'll have to let us know if you won anything.Someone taught me a trick, when you can put your ticket in yourself, that helps increase your chances. It's a special folding technique. Someone showed it to me, and I ended up winning 5 items from the raffle! It was crazy! I've had one more raffle since then, and also won that one. One is folding it in half, and the other was doggie ear folding opposite corners.

Edit: Fixed some typos 😅 😂
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TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
I just folded my kids clothes. DH and I can wear ours from the basket right? 😉

We made it through our first week of school! No one cried! Not even me! 😁 Ok DS cried when he realized in the middle of a lesson that he never had breakfast today.:headscratch: Don’t worry; I got him a granola bar. No wonder he’s so thin.


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
A variety of industry related stuff. My friend and her co-workers entered a poster in the symposium but it didn't win :frown: It was a good one, too.

The virtual website the symposium was on had an exhibitors section with all the vendors. You just went through each vendor's virtual table and clicked on the "Enter raffle" link. One entry per person. There hasn't been any more raffle winner announcements. I don't know when the rest of the winners will be announced :dunno: There was also a general raffle in which you had to collect virtual stamps from each vendor by liking their virtual table or sending them an inquiry on a product.


May the purr be with you
Dec 22, 2005
I started having some tooth pain the other day but could not get a dental appointment until the end on next week. My positive is they called with a cancellation today. Unfortunately I have to see an endodontist about a root canal tomorrow. I have the biggest fear of anything dental so hoping by this time tomorrow it will all be over. :crossfingers:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
I have the biggest fear of anything dental
You won't feel anything after the novocaine. The only thing I fear about the dentist is the insanely high prices. That hurts.

My positive is I diced up my fresh mango from Aldi. I don't think it was ripe yet, it's really hard, but still it's really tasty! It's huge, so I will have a little bit every day with my breakfast. Maybe it will soften up as the week goes along.


May the purr be with you
Dec 22, 2005
Back from the endodontist, turns out I didn't need a root canal but will need a dental implant instead. 😱 I try to take such good care of my teeth so that I can avoid dental procedures but I guess there are somethings beyond our control. I was sitting there in shock but the positive is now I will forge ahead and do what I have to do to get this taken care of. I told my husband he may have to start selling off some of his antique collection to pay for it since I've heard it's pretty expensive. Does anyone have any experience with dental implants? (No horror stories, please).


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
neely neely I was just at the dentist having the screw on my implant tightened. (Which was completely painless.) My mother, grandmother and I all retained our first baby molars on the bottom. One of mine had to come out a few years ago (my dentist said they just aren't made to last forever and usually give people issues by their mid 30s). Both my original dentist (who retired a couple months after I had the tooth pulled), the oral surgeon and my new dentist encouraged me to get an implant. My insurance did help pay for it. My new dentist's office figured out that I am allowed so much per year; so they got me scheduled for the implant part in one calendar year; then the crown/tooth part the next year to maximize. I had to wait a year between the extraction and the implant; then another 6 months or so before getting the crown. So that helped me save the money up. My dentist's office gave me a good breakdown on the prices even though they weren't the ones doing the implant. It wasn't nearly as bad as I thought. Not pocket change; but spread out like that it helped make it affordable.

As far as the procedures; they weren't bad at all. It was a little odd; but it didn't take long and I just followed the oral surgeons advice on using the pain meds and had little pain at all. I had the implant put in on Black Friday morning. My mother drove me (I probably could have driven myself) and afterwards we went to walmart to fill the prescription and I ended up doing a good bit of shopping. :lol: It was only weird because I still had the gauze in my mouth and a numb face and someone tried to talk to me. You can imagine what that looked like.:flail:I found the healing process of the implant easier than after they pulled the tooth.

I don't know if my implant started to come loose because of something I did or if it just happens. But it really was an easy fix. The worst part was the head support in the chair was off center so my neck started hurting. :crazy: :) Most of the time I don't notice it's even there. It looks much better than having a gap. I do avoid things like almonds and raw baby carrots on that side. Mostly since it came loose just a few weeks after the shutdown started. :rolleyes2: It feels different than a normal tooth if you tap it; but who goes around tapping your teeth right? :lol:


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
I had a dental implant done. It did take a long time. I had to have 2 molars removed before the implant. I also had a gone graft.

Yes, it was very expensive; even with 20% off~~ senior discount.

I am very fortunate. My dentist has an oral surgeon, in his office one day a week. The Oral Surgeon was awesome! He also removed the teeth at the same time. I think he put the bone graft in, the same time he did the extractions. It was a few years ago.

I had to wait months in-between for the graft to heal. Then the base goes in; then the screw with a temporary cap; then the tooth. I was kind of fascinated with the entire procedure. I even watched the machine make the tooth!!! The dentist allowed me to.. and explained how he was ultrasonically mapping my mouth, for the tooth~~~ no impressions! It was made out of a block of ceramic material, in a 3D printer type machine... fascinating. He was kind of giving me a class in this... He teaches this at the dental school.

I found the extractions worse than the anything else. That part really killed me. They said that part is the worst. The rest was nothing at all.
And remembering to not chew on that side.

If you can afford it, it is worth it.


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
artiemom artiemom Mine was actually done in 2; a little different than some pictures I saw online. I had the cap in for 6 months while it healed. My dentist did the impressions and they ordered my tooth. Then a few weeks later they put it in. That all was easy peasey. I expected more steps based off what I read. I would have loved to watch them make it. I'm a little nerdy like that. :nerd::lol:

A relative of mine actually owns a company that makes dentures and implants. I don't live anywhere near them though and I'd forgotten all about that. Maybe they could have hooked me up. :crazy: For some reason I was very amused with picking the color of my tooth. They had a thing that reminded me of those old plastic nail samples that you hold up to your finger. Except it's teeth and the dentist, her assistant and I were all looking in the mirror together. :lol: I suspect my dentist is close to my age. It felt like 3 girls looking at makeup. :flail:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
My insurance did help pay for it. My new dentist's office figured out that I am allowed so much per year; so they got me scheduled for the implant part in one calendar year; then the crown/tooth part the next year to maximize.
That's brilliant that your dentist helped you figure out an affordable way to get implants! Yeah, I've heard they are $2,000 per tooth.

I was kind of fascinated with the entire procedure. I even watched the machine make the tooth!!!
I think dentistry is so fascinating too. It's a shame that it's so expensive. I wish everybody could get new teeth when they need them.

For some reason I was very amused with picking the color of my tooth.
I would pick the whitest color! I would want my implant to look brand new, not match my other teeth. What color did you pick?

Iris is in her favorite position with her forehead lodged firmly against my leg.
Iris is so pretty! I love her colors & her name. 😍

My positive is that my diced up fresh mango tasted really good on my granola cereal! I wasn't sure if it would, because oranges tasted terrible on it. But I guess mango isn't citrus, even though it's orange colored? The mango is still pretty hard, hopefully it will soften up in the fridge. I don't know much about ripening fruit.


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
hat's brilliant that your dentist helped you figure out an affordable way to get implants! Yeah, I've heard they are $2,000 per tooth.
Maybe without insurance. My insurance ended up paying more than expected for the implant part so I actually got a refund from the oral surgeon for a bit too. DH and I were like : :dance:
I would pick the whitest color! I would want my implant to look brand new, not match my other teeth. What color did you pick?
It matches my teeth. The point is to not make it obvious that I have an artificial tooth. It's a molar so people might not notice it often; but still. Although if anyone ever asks me if I still have all my teeth I'll say yes. I paid for it. It's mine. Therefore I have all my teeth. :smash:


Mother of one and numerous ferals
Top Cat
Jan 22, 2017
Ohio, USA
I read on the deck during the early part of the day but it became too humid so I did
some inside chores and rested, and read on my tablet. Watched For Keeps, an early
90s movies, one of my faves.

I'm so excited about Nicole retiring! She said she has always worked and doesn't
know what she'll do. I told her she can always work part time if she gets bored.
Plus she'll need the extra money for her expensive skin products, ha!! She'll
have to stock up on that and BB&W 3 wick candles before the first of October.

Little baby ginger came for brekkie yesterday and I gave him some wet food
and petted him. He began growling but this time it was very loud and he seemed
angry and frightened, ran off, came from behind my chair and continued to eat.
I believe he is feral so I won't push it Cal has been out while he is eating but she
leaves him be, sweet girl. Little gray tabby also doesn't mind him eating.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 22, 2020
It's Monday and back to work so my only positive so far is that we might be moving sooner than later. Husband's company (Contractor for the Tomahawk Cruise Missile) got bought by another company and he might be facing a pay cut. If that happens, we will start looking for a new place to live as we are both done with Maryland. We were looking at Montana, Idaho, and Colorado but we found a nice little town in Pennsylvania that looks pretty promising. And we can get there in 5 hours instead of 5 days. :lol:
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