The Positive Thread 2020

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 22, 2020
I woke up this morning to an unforcasted thunderstorm system. It is cool and dark out with a few rumblings as the storm approaches. Cant go for my morning walk so I can finish my first cup of coffee and start the second while I do the USA crossword with Willow birdwatching nearby. A nice start to the week.
I love thunderstorms but I always seem to miss them. Either sleep right through them or I'm up at work in another state and the storms are at home or vice versa.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
It matches my teeth. The point is to not make it obvious that I have an artificial tooth.
Do they let you get bright white, even if it doesn't match your other teeth? That's what I would pick, brand new looking.

petted him. He began growling but this time it was very loud and he seemed
angry and frightened
Can you try petting him with a long-handled duster? That's what I did with Demi when he was feral.

My positive is I finished up my fresh Mango from Aldi. It took me 3 days, that thing was huge! It never ripened in the fridge, it was still hard. But that's okay, it's a learning lesson. I guess you have to leave the skin on for fruit to ripen! I'll leave it for maybe 3 days next time before I peel it.


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
Back from the endodontist, turns out I didn't need a root canal but will need a dental implant instead. 😱 I try to take such good care of my teeth so that I can avoid dental procedures but I guess there are somethings beyond our control. I was sitting there in shock but the positive is now I will forge ahead and do what I have to do to get this taken care of. I told my husband he may have to start selling off some of his antique collection to pay for it since I've heard it's pretty expensive. Does anyone have any experience with dental implants? (No horror stories, please).
Yes, I had one about two years ago. I had a crowned molar break off and there was nothing that could be done except pull it.
The same thing happened to my molar in the other side and in that case I went with a bridge. But they are a nuisance and if anything happens to the teeth in either side, it is very very expensive to replace so this time I went with an implant.

I saw the the implant specialist to have the broken tooth pulled and when he pulled it he did the bone graft at the same time. This is just bits of bone that were needed to make my jawbone thick enough for the implant. The procedure wasn’t that bad but stitched really sore jaw for a couple weeks. Once that healed, like three or four months later you go back for part one of the implant, and another four or five months the second part of the implant and then one more appointment if I recall after that you get a temporary tooth. Other than the extraction the other appointments were a breeze and hardly a sore mouth at all. After that you see your regular dentist for the final tooth. All in all it was more a year before it’s all done.

Costs wise, somewhere between $8 and $10 thousand but since you pay for it as each piece is done it’s not quite as painful.
The tooth looks and feels like a “real” tooth although they stress how important regular dental care and a healthy mouth is to it’s success.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 10, 2018
I've started building a patio around my fire pit and so far it's going well. It's a lot of work though! I've lifted and carried so many 50lb bags lately. I'm glad I'm strong. Yesterday I finished shoveling out the hole, tamped down the dirt, added 12 bags of paver base and tamped that down before the sun and the heat got too unbearable. I drank 1.5 gallons of water yesterday to offset how much I was sweating. I wasn't able to do much today because we were under a heat advisory but maybe tomorrow after work.

Since I've been working from home I've become very sedentary so it feels good to be moving my body more and recovering from the physical labor quicker each day. I've had some mishaps though, like breaking the handle on my new heavy-duty wagon because I couldn't control 400 pounds of paver base as it went down the short, but steep, hill to my backyard. The first time it went down it nearly ran me over. I have a giant bruise on my shin as evidence.


May the purr be with you
Dec 22, 2005
All in all it was more a year before it’s all done.
Costs wise, somewhere between $8 and $10 thousand but since you pay for it as each piece is done it’s not quite as painful.
The tooth looks and feels like a “real” tooth although they stress how important regular dental care and a healthy mouth is to it’s success.
Oh no, one year is a long time. 😱 I knew it wasn't cheap by any means but didn't realize it cost that much. Guess I better start saving up now.

Our neighbor went up north to a farm he visits every year and brought back bushels of tomatoes and sweet peppers. He offered us some of each and we didn't turn him down - they were delicious. :yummy:


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
Yikes be careful MonaLyssa33 MonaLyssa33 !!

DH has had days where hes gotten sick from drinking just water and not replacing electrolytes too. He’s used to sweating all summer long. We’ve tried so many cooling towels and hats and things. Hes even carried a cooler of water just to re-wet them. Whatever helps in the summer heat.

In a few weeks we should be past the real heat of the year. Mooch is so ready for blankets over my lap in the evening. She knows that means she can sit in my lap. Last night she just sat next to me with one paw pushing into my leg. :lol: We enjoyed quite time in the dark (with the tv on) last night. I really needed to relax and it helped so much!


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
Oh no, one year is a long time. 😱 I knew it wasn't cheap by any means but didn't realize it cost that much. Guess I better start saving up now.
Maybe it’s cheaper in your area. I would at least go for the consult visit with an implant specialist where they lay out the plan and costs. You might be able to get the extraction done and then wait as long as you need to for the next step. I am guessing the Endodontist found a broken root on the tooth? That’s usually why they can’t do a root canal.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Oct 12, 2019
Nice, sounds fun! What topics was it for?

Guessing the raffle was digital? You'll have to let us know if you won anything.Someone taught me a trick, when you can put your ticket in yourself, that helps increase your chances. It's a special folding technique. Someone showed it to me, and I ended up winning 5 items from the raffle! It was crazy! I've had one more raffle since then, and also won that one. One is folding it in half, and the other was doggie ear folding opposite corners.

Edit: Fixed some typos 😅 😂
please could you draw and post this folding method? :)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 18, 2019
My Wish order for a front seat cover arrived today. I ordered it May 20 and was told it would be delivered in 2 weeks. Took three months and five days but thankfully I am very happy with what I received.
Glad it arrived! I tried wish for the first time and had two orders as there were great deals/promos. One item came about a month or so after ordering, but still waiting on the other item. My first order, which I'm still waiting on was placed on May 25. It has had two updates and the second changed to expected delivery by September 2nd... :lol: Although, they both had that change around the same time, and my second order arrived a day or two after that updated delivery. But I guess there is still hope if you just received one that you ordered in May!

Took some fun surveys today on multiple topics, such as a physics one and one about outdoor planters. Also looking forward to Chinese food, which should be here any minute. yum yum!


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
Glad it arrived! I tried wish for the first time and had two orders as there were great deals/promos. One item came about a month or so after ordering, but still waiting on the other item. My first order, which I'm still waiting on was placed on May 25. It has had two updates and the second changed to expected delivery by September 2nd... :lol: Although, they both had that change around the same time, and my second order arrived a day or two after that updated delivery. But I guess there is still hope if you just received one that you ordered in May!

Took some fun surveys today on multiple topics, such as a physics one and one about outdoor planters. Also looking forward to Chinese food, which should be here any minute. yum yum!
Yeah, this order kept updating with a new delivery date every few weeks. But the package sat in China until last week when it said it was in US. A few days after that it was in Chicago and then no USPS tracking after that. It s a good value for the money but with the speed (or lack thereof) and poor communication, I think I am done with Wish.


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
A praying mantis decided to hang out outside a window at work today:



Not sure how the praying mantis got there. It's a 12th floor window. Praying mantises apparently can fly somewhat but not for long distances.


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
I lost an earring last week. I just HATE losing them. Before I switched to lever backs only, I would lose them regularly but until now haven’t lost a single one since then. It was just a small silver earring but I wear this pair most of the time. I figured in taking masks on and off at various places it opened and pulled off. So I have been trying to remember places I parked and checking the ground but no luck.

Last night at bedtime I looked down and there at my feet was the lever back hoop part lying on the floor. Yay! Looked under the bed and there was the little silver pendant part. I was so thrilled.
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