The Mega Pawsitive Fundraiser

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 18, 2017
I have now been weightlifting five times. I brought my squats down with these lower weight bars and did 15lbs Monday and 18 today because I just couldn't get the form correct with the regular 45lb bar, so I'm trying to work up to it. Successfully did my 50lb bench press too.

Lol, I'm such a weakling, but hopefully if I keep this up I'll get stronger. Now
I need to figure out how to get some cardio in. My tap class has been cancelled these past two weeks because not enough people have signed up and I miss it.

Is this positive enough? Um, I got a load of laundry done and made a salad I can bring for lunch the next two days. Those are both good things.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
I have now been weightlifting five times. I brought my squats down with these lower weight bars and did 15lbs Monday and 18 today because I just couldn't get the form correct with the regular 45lb bar, so I'm trying to work up to it. Successfully did my 50lb bench press too.

Lol, I'm such a weakling, but hopefully if I keep this up I'll get stronger. Now
I need to figure out how to get some cardio in. My tap class has been cancelled these past two weeks because not enough people have signed up and I miss it.

Is this positive enough? Um, I got a load of laundry done and made a salad I can bring for lunch the next two days. Those are both good things.
I think it is pawsitively marvelous that you are doing weightlifting. There's nothing more satisfying when a month into your program you push the numbers higher and look back at your chart to see how far you have come. I used a plan similar to strong lifts. Its basically lifting the heaviest weight you can do 5 times for 5 sessions. Of course one works up to the heavy weight...i remember that bar was pretty heavy but once I increased slowly over time it got easier. I used to use sledge hammers as weights before I got a gym membership because I wanted to chest press over 20lbs and since the sledge head weights ranged from 12 lb to 20lb it was a good tool for me to practice with. Pushups help build the muscles for doing bench press.

Cheers to you Lari Lari for your progress!!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 6, 2017
It's definitely a lovely shade 1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine isnt it?! I wish there were more...don't they grow extra bulbs on the rootball? I will have to try to remember to dig it up this fall and remember to plant it.

Its still humid 73 outside. AC feels good and I'm ready for fall!
At least I got some nice pictures of the flowers this
week but Can't get them to upload..everyone must be hogging the interwebs! The butterflies are loving the flowers and thats pawsitive!
foxxycat foxxycat - As Dad got older, he pared his back garden down to Glads and old fashioned Hollyhocks. He went for deep, saturated colours, and this one would have knocked his sock off.

Humidity here is still up as well - 88% right now - but it's a far cry from 90 and 90. I turned the air off half an hour ago, and it's perfectly comfortable now, except for the little black cat stuck like glue to my right wrist.

I'm with you - bring on Autumn - I'm ready to bag some leaves!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
It's another hot muggy one..72 this morning at 5am watering the remaining plants. We got a quick shower last night but not enough to give a deep drink for the butterfly bush.

We should be getting thunderstorms this afternoon and then cool down.

This morning sunrise..


Flowers fron the past few days

Butterfly bush


And a Honeybee picture giving me the stink eye
From her Chewy box.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
foxxycat foxxycat --Hi T! You're here early this morning. I was thinking, when we take our road trip, we should see a live band. Does Jon like to go out dancing?
tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 --I wanted to ask you, what don't you like about the Dukes of Hazzard? Is it because they are outlaws? It was actually a pretty tame show. My mom let us watch it and she was really strict.
Positive for today is for all the people like me who are old enough to remember 8 track tapes. Post your favorite Beach Boys songs!
The Beach Boys Help Me Rhonda and California Girls, songs of the day below:
(Does YouTube slow down these songs? I remember them being faster)

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TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Dec 14, 2017
Pawsitive of my day. Whenever Martin bumps his head, leg or back on something I always run to him and pick him up and rub his boo boo till he wants to get down.

Today, he slipped off the table and bumped his head. This time he came running over to my feet very quickly a mewing and waited until I picked him up.

Who says a cat can’t be trained. Poor little thing.
If I remember correctly, I think it was "Anonymous" who said Cat's can't b trained. However, he was proven wrong, by two women in AGT 2018! Now, that's positive, right?

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
A azpops --Hey pal! Thanks for coming over. Your post has to be 15 words though. Can you edit it? I know you can think of a positive thought about Santi. Cool, I see you fixed it! Welcome!
tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 --Can you please link me to your YouTube page about Waylon again? I can't find it. I want to play those songs for my dad.
My positive for this post is that this is the most epic music thread on the internet.
Bonus positive: Here's another Beach Boys song, Kokomo below:


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Dec 14, 2017
OK, I guess Santi's gonna slow things up a bit, with Mr. Michael Franks;

Saw him at the University of Hawaii's open air theater (?). Really great concert!

Here's one by Mr. Herb Alpert;


BTW, did I win a coffee mug? .... :insertevillaugh: .... Just kidding around! ... :lol:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
A azpops --You like those slow instrumental tunes don't you? I need words with my music. Post some pics of Santi, so everybody can see him. But make sure it has 15 words with it. ;)
Positive for this post is that the Beach Boys seem to have an endless list of hits. So I can post these all day. :) Barbara Ann below:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 6, 2017
It's another hot muggy one..72 this morning at 5am watering the remaining plants. We got a quick shower last night but not enough to give a deep drink for the butterfly bush.
foxxycat foxxycat - Great sunrise photos this morning! We didn't get much rain last night either, but it's just 67º here this morning - the lowest daytime temperature since June first, and with rain predicted for Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, Mother Nature is taking care of the watering up this way. :)

Bonus positive: Here's another Beach Boys song, Kokomo.

M maggiedemi - Sad that there's no more Kokomo; it's now called "Sandals Cay" - a tribute to commercialism - so like the old song says, "if you've a date in Kokomo Constantinople, she'll be waiting in Sandals Cay Istanbul."

Take your pick: The Four Lads:

or They Might Be Giants:



TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine --That's a cool fact about Kokomo that you posted. I didn't know that. Hey, do you know anything about Scottish music? We were trying to find some bagpipe music that had words in them, but they were all instrumentals. I don't really like instrumentals, the words in a song are everything to me.

Positive for this post is that I was trying to find this Beach Boys song, but the only line I knew was ba ba dip did or something like that. But since we have the wonderful Google, I did find it!
Surfin' By The Beach Boys below:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 6, 2017
1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine --That's a cool fact about Kokomo that you posted. I didn't know that. Hey, do you know anything about Scottish music? We were trying to find some bagpipe music that had words in them, but they were all instrumentals. I don't really like instrumentals, the words in a song are everything to me.

Positive for this post is that I was trying to find this Beach Boys song, but the only line I knew was ba ba dip did or something like that. But since we have the wonderful Google, I did find it!
Surfin' By The Beach Boys below:
M maggiedemi - I don't know much about bagpipes beyond the fact that they're incredibly loud - almost impossible to "sing" over - and Turkish, not Scottish, really being developed by the Anatolian goat-herders from wine skins. Hey - that brings us right back to Istanbul / Constantinople!

You can always sing the lyrics in your head, yanno:



TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine --Good point. So you really think the bagpipes would be impossible to sing over? That's too bad. I think they would be really beautiful with words added. By the way @orange&white told me that bagpipes are Scottish and she's NEVER wrong. ;)
Okay, my positive for this post is that the Beach Boys had so many fun summer songs. These are great songs to end the summer with.
Surfin' USA below:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 6, 2017
1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine By the way @orange&white told me that bagpipes are Scottish and she's NEVER wrong.
M maggiedemi - I know only what I've read in The Oxford History Of Music. Wikipedia boils it down like this:


Bagpipes reached northern Europe and the British Isles near the end of the fourteenth century - roughly 2,300 years after their 'invention' on the Anatolian peninsula (i.e. modern Turkey, where Constantinople became Istanbul, which is where she'll be waiting if you have a date in Constantinople).

"The Oxford History of Music says that a sculpture of bagpipes has been found on a Hittite slab at Euyuk in the Middle East, dated to 1000 BC."


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
foxxycat foxxycat Such beautiful flower photos! My folks had a lot of different colors of gladiolas, but none of them survived. They had those deep red ones, I remember.
M maggiedemi : mysunni1
Enjoy! *And I've never seen the show. It's the flag that repels me, as well as the depictions of the women.*
1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine TYSM for the Wiki on bagpipes. Yes, indeed, they did originate in Asia, and there are many forms of them in many different cultures. I love them all!
A azpops : PIX! PIX! PIX! Please! We want to see that gorgeous boy! *And btw, I really like Michael Franks, too. He wrote and performed a song about cats, if I remember correctly. It was a great song! One of the lyrics was, "lounging around in his stripes" which I really love. Can't you all just picture that? Here it is:
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 6, 2017
*And btw, I really like Michael Franks, too. He wrote and performed a song about cats, if I remember correctly. It was a great song! One of the lyrics was, "lounging around in his stripes" which I really love. Can't you all just picture that? Here it is:

tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 - This video was new to me - thanks very much! Well-produced and edited, and the images remind me so much of the heroic couplet in the penultimate verse of Blake's most apt description of the only animal on earth who - when hunting alone - views every other animal simply as prey.

"Did He smile His work to see?
Did He who made the Lamb make thee?"


TCS Member
Super Cat
Oct 27, 2017
M maggiedemi when I lived in L.A., we rented from the current keyboard player for The Beach Boys (yes, they still tour,) and got to see a show of theirs. Afterwards, we got to say hi to everyone (plus John Stamos, because he was there promoting a Netflix show.) I have this funny picture of me with my landlord, my husband, and John Stamos. Mike Love took the picture, but then ran away before we could get a picture with him. Meeting celebrities if any kind is always weird.

My PAWsitive today is that as the last bits of summer keep popping up today as I run my pre-work errands - families eating ice cream, a bunch of beach towels piled in a station wagon, and these:

Bicycle streamers flying in the wind.

Even as I do all the "adult" things I'm supposed to do for moving, house shopping, working, etc, summer always makes me feel like a kid!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine -- glad you enjoyed! I love the song. And yes, the quote is apropos. *How could that possibly be?!!*
...and tinydestroyer tinydestroyer , having worked in the music biz and been linked to others who also have, I can attest to the fact that famous people ain't no different than anyone else. That just happens to be their hustle, and they may have bigger egos and more fragile feelings -- or not. On the whole, though, they're just people. I've never understood why people deify them, envy them, or are in awe of them. But anyway.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 21, 2015
M maggiedemi - I don't know much about bagpipes beyond the fact that they're incredibly loud - almost impossible to "sing" over - and Turkish, not Scottish, really being developed by the Anatolian goat-herders from wine skins. Hey - that brings us right back to Istanbul / Constantinople!

You can always sing the lyrics in your head, yanno:

I forgot about this glorious version 1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine , The Royal Scots Dragoon Guards version of Amazing Grace! I love the bagpipe music at the beginning of this version, how it leads into the wonderful orchestra playing Amazing Grace and then the soft bagpipe finish! I listened four times already, I am so glad to hear this again!

tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 , I have found a new treasure in the song Tiger In The Rain , the lyrics are absolutely amazing and beautiful and what a pretty video! I thank you for sharing this song here!

foxxycat foxxycat , the gladiolus color is just amazing! It got me to looking at gladiolus on-line and I am also in love with the yellow color with red tinges, also, the light corals and peaches could be my favorites, too. They bring back nice memories as my Dad used to grow them some Summers and remember our delight when he would cut them and bring them in for us to enjoy.

A beautiful day here and maybe a good chance for me to get out and mow the lawn. Even though Summer is moving on, the grass still seems to be growing quickly here, at least too quick for me to keep up with.;)

Speedy and I wish everyone here a wonderful day.:daisy:
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