Paralyzed Stray Black Kitten

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  • #223


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Dec 8, 2016
Yes, cold water is definitely a no go as it’ll stress him out bad. Poor Feten :alright:

Just wondering, why are they using cold water for therapy? :headscratch:
I was so mad that they use cold water that I really couldn't inquire further as to why. I needed to calm down. I cannot imagine how Fetén felt being in cld water. All I was told is that it has to be cold water. That just sounds like a bunch of hooey to me.

Next time, when I am calm enough, I'll ask if it is possible to try (in a few weeks) at home, in a kiddie pool with warm water. This way he might feel more comfortable surrounded by a more familiar environment, in case pool therapy is absolutely necessary. If not, we'll just continue with his "normal" therapy.

In the meantime, a picture. The one in the bottom is Fetén. He is climbing on his own! IMG_20180211_085938.jpg


Happiness is being owned by a cat
Staff Member
May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
I thought generally warm or heat pack will help blood circulation as for us hoomans and cold is to reduce swelling. I’m still wondering how the cold water is helping :think:

That’s great to see him climbing in his own! :clapcat: Way to go Feten! :clap: :cheerleader:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 21, 2017
He’s climbing on his own ! Brave little boy , go feten x


TCS Member
Super Cat
Nov 19, 2011
Surely inquiring a physical therapist about what exercise, if any, would approximate water aerobics. You could generally describe the condition. You wouldn’t even have to say it was a cat.

You go it when the “protective mom” raises up.

Still think you need a feten fan club FB Page...he’d be a hit!


The Biggest Smallest Kitten
Adult Cat
Jun 15, 2017
Nahui, I did not read through this entire thread, I got through 1-5 and 11-12.
But I have a piece of advice for Fetén.
Do you have him now? Is there hardwood floor where he is staying?
A great way for paralyzed kittens to get around is by using a cardboard box! Really! I like using the tops of boxes that usually cover canned foods. So you don't have to cut it down for size. Just place the lower half of his body in the box, and dangle a toy in front of him to get him going. I bet it would be so cool to see!
I also, as well as so many others who have commented on your thread, wanted to express my gratitude for your rescuing this boy. He is sure lucky to have such a devoted fan looking after him! And many more, watching his progression here. :catrub:
Paralyzed cats can always live a happy healthy life without the use of their back legs. Have you considered what it would be like to give him a breather from vet appointments and try letting him grow on his own? Kittenhood only happens once. And there may never be a change. (Although I'm not ignoring the improvements he HAS made!) He seems to be in just the right place with you, and I am glad you are so willing to devote everything for this tiny life. We can hope and wish he gets well, but even if nothing changes, he will always be the best he can be, because he is! Best of luck to the both of you, can't wait for updates.
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  • #228


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Dec 8, 2016
DeweytheLion DeweytheLion , thanks for the advice. Actually Fetén discovered that cardboard helps him move all on his own while playing in a box :biggrin:.

We don't want to interrupt therapy because we have seen improvement and because he generally likes it except for his sole pool session. But his therapist and us have discussed a plan to know when to stop if we do not see benefits from therapy.

trudy1 trudy1 , his therapist suggested using a ball to place him over the top so that he stands. This is how he does therapy now, you can barely see it, but there is purple ball underneath: IMG-20180213-WA0005.jpg


TCS Member
Super Cat
Nov 19, 2011
Seems pretty content just laying his chin on your hand...

You know I’ve often wondered in feten’s dreams is he running and jumping? I’ll bet he is.

Or when he looks at you with those content eyes is he thinking wow, I’m not so bad off after all.

Ah feten, if we could just get in that sharp little cat mind I’ll bet you would surprise us all.

I think he is teaching us all “the feten way”

Good night sweet prince


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jan 1, 2017
U know u can do the pool therapy at home in the tub? They tried with bob to strengthen his back legs. The idea is to make him weightless to where it is easier to move which hopefully stimulates him to move more. Also the wanting out factor helps. It didn't really do anything for bob but he was also not ever put together right. I would try it yourself at home and see in a warm tub! Nerve damage hurts in the cold! I have it do trust me there's no way I would move in it! So glad to hear he's doing well. U can get him pajama pants and drag bags for his back end if he needs them.
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  • #233


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Dec 8, 2016
daisyd daisyd and trudy1 trudy1 , Fetén is doing well. Today he got his first vaccination after therapy. I was also shown a video of his experience in the pool, which I hadn't seen. It is heartbreaking. He was sooooo stressed and he was only in there for one minute and a half! When Sarah told me he got stressed I had imagine him being uncomfortable, but not crying like that.

I don't think we'll try it again. It is not good for him to feel so stressed and vulnerable. He is also getting a few bald patches in his front legs. We got those checked today and it is not anything contagious. Probably an allergy or due to stress. We were sent home with some medicated soap for his legs and oil supplements for his food.

krisrath11 krisrath11 , maybe trying at home in the tub with warm water might be a little better, but I'd like to give him time to recover from all the stress he went through.

Finally, all three cats are bonding quite well. Here's proof (Left to right, Fetén, Tita, and Gato):

There's no place for me to sleep in!

Kitty Mommy

TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Oct 7, 2017
Ah, feten and buds...I love it!

Now you need to go to amazon and by a case of lint rollers like I do to de-cat hair the bed!

Isn't it fun trying to find a spot for you to sleep? Sometimes I think I need to get my own bed :crackup:
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  • #236


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Dec 8, 2016
Now you need to go to amazon and by a case of lint rollers like I do to de-cat hair the bed!
:flail: I already buy lint rollers by the dozen! Actually, we just bought a new vacuum cleaner to pick up all the cat and dog hair. BTW, your cats are gorgeous!

Kitty Mommy Kitty Mommy , yes! I don't know why, but every night is the same. As soon as I start getting ready to go to bed, my cats take their places in the bed, so that by the time I am ready to sleep, I have to seriously consider taking the couch. It is all my fault, though, I should have known better and buy two beds, one for them and one (hopefully!) for me.

I am a little worried with Fetén's bald patches. I just saw that he has flaky skin on the top of his paws and on the tip of his tail :gaah:. I am bathing him with the medicated shampoo he was prescribed (it contains chlorhexidine) as well as applying a spray that contains antibiotics, dexamethasone, and ketoconazole. He does not seem to be bothered at all by it and is not scratching or showing any discomfort but I am freaking out! None of the other cats or dogs are showing any similar symptoms, so I wonder what could it be. I'll make sure to ask at his next therapy appointment.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Nov 19, 2011
I can tell you that regarding the bed it’s two things, the bed is comfortable and the most important it’s where their human sleeps. So if you buy another bed you’d better be taking in a boarder because no self respecting cat will sleep there if “mom” is in the “real” bed!

I’ll tell you a “cat hair” story. When I was a kid we had a very long haired angora cat at home. Both my parents worked so house cleaning and vacuuming were not a priority. It wasn’t until I moved out that I realized that when you poured milk on your cornflakes in the morning that a big wad of cat hair didn’t come floating to the surface! Wow, what a revelation.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jan 1, 2017
Does he drag to get around? I missed out on some weeks of posts since my notifications stopped and that's a ton to read. If so it's likely just callouses building up wherever runs the most. What a cute kitty he is! So glad it worked out for u to keep him!
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  • #239


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Dec 8, 2016
Does he drag to get around? I missed out on some weeks of posts since my notifications stopped and that's a ton to read. If so it's likely just callouses building up wherever runs the most. What a cute kitty he is! So glad it worked out for u to keep him!
Yes, he drags his hind legs to get around. I initially thought it was calluses forming because the flaky skin is on the top of his paws (which touch the floor when he drags around) and in the part of his legs that is in contact with the floor, but this seems something different. It not a callus forming, but rather flakes of skin. I am doing some reading and it could be either a bacterial or yeast infection, but I don't want to jump to conclusions until I talk to his vet again.
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  • #240


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Dec 8, 2016
I can tell you that regarding the bed it’s two things, the bed is comfortable and the most important it’s where their human sleeps. So if you buy another bed you’d better be taking in a boarder because no self respecting cat will sleep there if “mom” is in the “real” bed!

I’ll tell you a “cat hair” story. When I was a kid we had a very long haired angora cat at home. Both my parents worked so house cleaning and vacuuming were not a priority. It wasn’t until I moved out that I realized that when you poured milk on your cornflakes in the morning that a big wad of cat hair didn’t come floating to the surface! Wow, what a revelation.
Wait, whaaaat? no cat hair with breakfast? Is that possible?:crackup: