newly adopted feral kitten advice


TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 4, 2020
hi everyone! i recently adopted/rescued a kitten that was born to a feral mother outside. she is about 7 weeks old.

she just came to our apartment today and is of course very frightened and immediately took to hiding under the couch.

is there any advice anyone can give so that i can help her adjust to her new home? i brought back some sand & leaves from where she was found to mix in her litter box so that going potty can at least be somewhat familiar. the litter i’m using is odorless and has a similar texture to sand. however she hasn’t eaten since she arrived here. she did eat before we took her in the car and came home, but she hated the car ride and i’m scared we may have traumatized her in some form.

while in the car she wanted out of her cat carrier, so i eventually gave in and let her sit in my lap, she actually found comfort in that and stopped crying and proceeded to sleep on my lap for the rest of the ride. but when we got home she has since distanced herself from both me and my fiancé. when we were introduced to her she was shy at first but we actually managed to get her permission to pet her and she even began to purr and sleep next to us!

i’ve bought her some toys, kitten wet food, and comfort blankets.

i want to make this transition as easy as possible for her and was wondering if i could have any advice? we unfortunately couldn’t take a litter mate with us as they’ve all been claimed so she’s currently the only cat in the house.


Happiness is being owned by a cat
Staff Member
May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
i want to make this transition as easy as possible for her and was wondering if i could have any advice?
:hellosmiley:and welcome to TCS!

Thank you for taking in this kitty and for giving her a warm and fur-ever loving home and safe sanctuary to live out her life :clapcat:

She's most probably not used to the new environment and also after the car ride as many things flashed by her mind as to what is happening to her. It is normal that she hides. Give her some time to get use to the surroundings and sounds.

It's great to hear that she's purring and wanted to be by your side as she has total trust in you and just make sure you don't betray her trust else it'll be harder for her to trust you again.

What you've done for her like getting leaves and dirt for her litter box to transit her over is the right thing to do. Just give her time, devote all your love and patience for her and as of now, you are almost there winning her over a 100%. I'm pretty sure this kitty is gonna be a love bug.

Feel free to ask questions if you have any and we'll try guide you along.
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TCS Member
Adult Cat
Mar 17, 2017
It is very common for cats to find a place to hide when they first come home. Give her time and space to adjust to her surroundings on her own. I have a very timid cat that gets scared easily and runs to hide all the time, and I have found that if I lay down on the floor quietly, she will come to me when she is scared. My advice is give it time.
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  • #4


TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 4, 2020
thank you so much for the welcome and the advice! i am currently playing some nice relaxing music for her and she seems to like it, she even started to play with one of the small toys i left under the couch for her! it’s only her first night so i don’t expect her to come running for cuddles anytime soon, but i do want to show her that this is a safe environment for her to be in.

she is the first cat i’ve had since my senior kitty passed away last year and i want nothing more than to provide a loving home for her for the rest of her life. i haven’t had her for long but the love i feel for her is tremendous and i’m prepared to be patient and let her move on her own time.

should i be worried if she hasn’t eaten since she’s arrived or is that normal behavior for kittens when they’re in a new environment?


Happiness is being owned by a cat
Staff Member
May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
Great that you are playing relaxing music for her to calm her down. Good to hear that she’s playing with a toy. Yes, don’t rush her. A step a day is better than running an incomplete lap. Each day, just move the toy further out and slowly lure her out from under the couch so that she knows it’s safe to come out. But let her explore the room and house at her own time. Once she feels safe, she’ll venture out.

Place an empty cardboard box for her to hide instead of under the couch. Leave a piece or two of your clean unwashed non perfumed garment in the box so that there’s familiar scents and also leave towel where she is to soak up her scents. This way, if she ventures our, you can take the towel and place it around so that her scents will be there and she’ll feel safe.

At the present moment, she could still be weary but you may sit near her and use a spoon or place the wet food on your hand and try to feed her. This way, she knows that food comes from you and food is a great motivator for them and if you hand feed her, her trust in you will be greater.

If she does not take food from your hand, don’t worry and don’t give up. Leave the plate of food where you want her to eat away from the litter box and leave her alone. She’ll eat when she’s hungry enough. Always remember not to leave food and water near the litter box.

Continue with routines and she’ll get use to it. Just don’t confuse her.

So sorry to hear about your previous cat :alright: You may want to pay a tribute to your kitty here in :-Crossing the Bridge
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  • #6


TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 4, 2020
Great that you are playing relaxing music for her to calm her down. Good to hear that she’s playing with a toy. Yes, don’t rush her. A step a day is better than running an incomplete lap. Each day, just move the toy further out and slowly lure her out from under the couch so that she knows it’s safe to come out. But let her explore the room and house at her own time. Once she feels safe, she’ll venture out.

Place an empty cardboard box for her to hide instead of under the couch. Leave a piece or two of your clean unwashed non perfumed garment in the box so that there’s familiar scents and also leave towel where she is to soak up her scents. This way, if she ventures our, you can take the towel and place it around so that her scents will be there and she’ll feel safe.

At the present moment, she could still be weary but you may sit near her and use a spoon or place the wet food on your hand and try to feed her. This way, she knows that food comes from you and food is a great motivator for them and if you hand feed her, her trust in you will be greater.

If she does not take food from your hand, don’t worry and don’t give up. Leave the plate of food where you want her to eat away from the litter box and leave her alone. She’ll eat when she’s hungry enough. Always remember not to leave food and water near the litter box.

Continue with routines and she’ll get use to it. Just don’t confuse her.

So sorry to hear about your previous cat :alright: You may want to pay a tribute to your kitty here in :-Crossing the Bridge
we put her in the bathroom to have her own space overnight and this morning she’s quite playful and purring! however i’m slightly worried, she used her box to pee but while using it she cried and then hopped out and pooped next to it. there was just the tiniest dot on blood and it was a dark brown color. should i be worried she may have gotten constipated yesterday since she was too scared to go or eat much? it’s currently 5 am, i came in the room because she was crying and she seems completely playful and like a normal kitten, with still a little shyness. she also ate food from my finger as well.


Happiness is being owned by a cat
Staff Member
May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
however i’m slightly worried, she used her box to pee but while using it she cried and then hopped out and pooped next to it. there was just the tiniest dot on blood and it was a dark brown color. should i be worried she may have gotten constipated yesterday
Can you be sure it was blood? Was the 'blood' in the pee or poop? Here are a few thing to watch for. Peeing with blood or traces of blood signifies UTI coupled with loud constant when theta is trying to pee as she is straining to pee and pee clump is like marble size and she'll be going in and out of the letterbox many times.

The other thing is that constipation or diarrhea may cause blood in stools that is like clear pale yellowish/greenish liquid during the cat's bowel movement.

It's best if you can catch her in action and probably take photos of it and send it to the vet.


Just observe her for the next one two days and feed her with wet food to keep her hydrated.

Not sure if the crying is due to loneliness and wanting attention or she's in pain.
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  • #8


TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 4, 2020
Can you be sure it was blood? Was the 'blood' in the pee or poop? Here are a few thing to watch for. Peeing with blood or traces of blood signifies UTI coupled with loud constant when theta is trying to pee as she is straining to pee and pee clump is like marble size and she'll be going in and out of the letterbox many times.

The other thing is that constipation or diarrhea may cause blood in stools that is like clear pale yellowish/greenish liquid during the cat's bowel movement.

It's best if you can catch her in action and probably take photos of it and send it to the vet.


Just observe her for the next one two days and feed her with wet food to keep her hydrated.

Not sure if the crying is due to loneliness and wanting attention or she's pain.
it looked like a very light drop of blood, it was where she pooped but i didn’t notice any when she peed. she just pooped again, this time in the box, no crying, it was a light brown this time? i don’t think she’s peed since that last time though.
i’m going to continue to document what she does today, and call her vet with what i’ve seen noticed.

aside from that weird moment with the litter box earlier, she’s been quite playful and slowly acting more like a kitten. i do feed her wet food, but she hasn’t been drinking much water, she only takes a sip or two before she walks away from it. is this okay or should i try to entice her to drink more?


Happiness is being owned by a cat
Staff Member
May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
Yes, please keep watch on her and since she’s a kitten and she has not seen the vet yet, it’s good that you bring her in for a check and also get her the needed vaccinations.

Cats have low thirst drives and not all cats will drink water from a plate or a water fountain. It’s best that you keep feeding her wet food to keep her hydrated and also wet food is full of proteins and nutrients. Give her wet food meant for kittens or food labeled ‘For All Life Stages’. Also you may want to get some KMR milk replacer for her to drink or add to the wet food to boost her system a little since she may not have enough nutrients from her momma.

You may also add a little water to her wet food as a way for her to increase her water intake. I use to do that cause my boy does not drink water.

As a growing kitten, feed her as much as she can eat at one sitting and feed her at least 4 - 5 times a day.
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  • #10


TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 4, 2020
Yes, please keep watch on her and since she’s a kitten and she has not seen the vet yet, it’s good that you bring her in for a check and also get her the needed vaccinations.

Cats have low thirst drives and not all cats will drink water from a plate or a water fountain. It’s best that you keep feeding her wet food to keep her hydrated and also wet food is full of proteins and nutrients. Give her wet food meant for kittens or food labeled ‘For All Life Stages’. Also you may want to get some KMR milk replacer for her to drink or add to the wet food to boost her system a little since she may not have enough nutrients from her momma.

You may also add a little water to her wet food as a way for her to increase her water intake. I use to do that cause my boy does not drink water.

As a growing kitten, feed her as much as she can eat at one sitting and feed her at least 4 - 5 times a day.
she has an appointment for the vet tomorrow morning! it could either just be from stress or a possible uti but we will have confirmation tomorrow. i was told to keep monitoring the situation in the meantime. she will also be getting her shots while she’s there.

i’ll try adding some water to her wet food! she’s currently on a kitten wet food as well! i’ll also go pick up some KMR just for an extra boost.

i appreciate the advice more than you know. i’m very anxious about her health and just want her to be okay. she’s napping currently so no new litter box trips yet but i’ve been keeping an eye on her from the other room. aside from the incident this morning she’s been behaving normally (for her) so i’m hoping we can solve this as quick as possible.

she’s going to be mad at me tomorrow for having to go back in the car to go the vet but i’d rather her be angry with me for a while than have something bad happen to her.
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  • #11


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
May 4, 2020
an update:
she has since urinated in her box again, but both times she did not cry and the clumps were not marble sized as you said to look for! she covered it so quickly i wasn’t able to tell if there were any traces of blood though.

she’s also pooped a few more times, sometimes they seem normal, other times it’s more liquid-like.

there hasn’t been any crying using the box since that first time this morning.

i fed her about 5 times today with her kitten wet food and put a little water in there like suggested so i know she got some fluids. my fiancé went to the store to pick up some kmr, should i mix that into the food or give it to her alone?

she also ventured out of the bathroom on her own today! i left the door open and sat on the couch to do some embroidery within eyesite of the bathroom and she eventually came out and checked out the living room. i talked to her and played the music she likes, but didn’t interfere with her exploring. when my fiancé came home from work it did frighten her and she went back to under the couch but he sat in her safe place in the bathroom and she went and checked him out, even started playing with him as well!

hoping to hear good news at the vets tomorrow about any litter box issues!


Happiness is being owned by a cat
Staff Member
May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
i appreciate the advice more than you know. i’m very anxious about her health and just want her to be okay. she’s napping currently so no new litter box trips yet but i’ve been keeping an eye on her from the other room. aside from the incident this morning she’s been behaving normally (for her) so i’m hoping we can solve this as quick as possible.

she’s going to be mad at me tomorrow for having to go back in the car to go the vet but i’d rather her be angry with me for a while than have something bad happen to her.
That's very good to hear that she's peeing normally and covering them.

Also it's ok that she'll be mad with you but it's for her good and she'll appreciate it after that. She already trusted you and I guess she won't hold it against you.

an update:
she has since urinated in her box again, but both times she did not cry and the clumps were not marble sized as you said to look for! she covered it so quickly i wasn’t able to tell if there were any traces of blood though.

she’s also pooped a few more times, sometimes they seem normal, other times it’s more liquid-like.

there hasn’t been any crying using the box since that first time this morning.

i fed her about 5 times today with her kitten wet food and put a little water in there like suggested so i know she got some fluids. my fiancé went to the store to pick up some kmr, should i mix that into the food or give it to her alone?
She's probably getting more hydrated with the extra water in her wet food and therefore peeing and pooping normally.

As for the KMR, it can be either way. Mix with food or standalone, it depends which way she likes it.

she also ventured out of the bathroom on her own today! i left the door open and sat on the couch to do some embroidery within eyesite of the bathroom and she eventually came out and checked out the living room. i talked to her and played the music she likes, but didn’t interfere with her exploring. when my fiancé came home from work it did frighten her and she went back to under the couch but he sat in her safe place in the bathroom and she went and checked him out, even started playing with him as well!

hoping to hear good news at the vets tomorrow about any litter box issues!
This is very good news that she is out of her hiding and showing her confidence and having more trust in you guys. I think you are doing tremendously well with her :clapcat:

Do ask the vet lots of questions when you are there.

Keep it up and keep us posted of the progress.
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  • #13


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
May 4, 2020
That's very good to hear that she's peeing normally and covering them.

Also it's ok that she'll be mad with you but it's for her good and she'll appreciate it after that. She already trusted you and I guess she won't hold it against you.

She's probably getting more hydrated with the extra water in her wet food and therefore peeing and pooping normally.

As for the KMR, it can be either way. Mix with food or standalone, it depends which way she likes it.

This is very good news that she is out of her hiding and showing her confidence and having more trust in you guys. I think you are doing tremendously well with her :clapcat:

Do ask the vet lots of questions when you are there.

Keep it up and keep us posted of the progress.
well the answer is in for the weird poops, she had the parasite coccidia :( but she’s doesn’t have an uti!!

we got the medication and in ten days she should be good as new! after the ten days we go back in a for a follow up to make sure that they’re all out of her. she also got her dewormer and flea prevention today as well.

just gave her the medicine for today she didn’t seem to mind the taste too bad, hoping these next days go by quickly so she can get to feeling better!

on the bright side: before we went to the vet today she was happily playing and exploring, so i’m glad to know that it didn’t dampen her spirits at all. though now that we are home she’s resting in a hiding place but i don’t blame her, a car ride & vet trip? she deserves a break haha!
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  • #14


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
May 4, 2020

this is the little lady this whole thread is about, on the way home from the vet i wrapped her up in a cozy blanket, it seemed to make the car ride much more easy for her she fell right asleep after this. i love her so much.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 10, 2018
Aside from all the good advice you've already gotten, if you are able to then adopting another Kitten will do wonders for her confidence and overall mood. Having more than one Kitten is actually less work, they will burn off energy playing with eachother and get into far less trouble, and keep eachother company when you aren't home.
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  • #16


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
May 4, 2020
Aside from all the good advice you've already gotten, if you are able to then adopting another Kitten will do wonders for her confidence and overall mood. Having more than one Kitten is actually less work, they will burn off energy playing with eachother and get into far less trouble, and keep eachother company when you aren't home.
we actually were looking to find her a friend since all her littermates were claimed. but now we have to wait since coccidia is contagious and we don’t want to give another kitten this!

once we are sure she’s in the clear and everything is disinfected we are definitely going to look into a friend for her 💖


Happiness is being owned by a cat
Staff Member
May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
well the answer is in for the weird poops, she had the parasite coccidia :( but she’s doesn’t have an uti!!
Yes, that is why a visit to the vet is important for a kitty this age and get all checks and vaccinations done.

this is the little lady this whole thread is about, on the way home from the vet i wrapped her up in a cozy blanket, it seemed to make the car ride much more easy for her she fell right asleep after this. i love her so much.
This is one cute lovable darling love bug :hearthrob: :redheartpump: Don't forget to take lots of photos of her as kittens grow up very fast and you don't want miss all the kitten photos.
Here's a special thread just for her :- post-pics-of-calicos-tortieshells-and-orange-cats-here.303458

Have you given her a name yet?

Please have her spayed when the time is right for spaying her. Extra reading for you :-





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  • #18


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
May 4, 2020
Yes, that is why a visit to the vet is important for a kitty this age and get all checks and vaccinations done.

This is one cute lovable darling love bug :hearthrob: :redheartpump: Don't forget to take lots of photos of her as kittens grow up very fast and you don't want miss all the kitten photos.
Here's a special thread just for her :- post-pics-of-calicos-tortieshells-and-orange-cats-here.303458

Have you given her a name yet?

Please have her spayed when the time is right for spaying her. Extra reading for you :-





thank you so much! we decided to name her poppy! i’m a big animal crossing fan and there’s a character with that name who’s one of my favorites, i thought it would suit her. (:

once she’s of age she will definitely be getting spayed!

i also have great news, after about an hour after we got home from the vet yesterday she came out of her hiding spot ready to eat and play! my fiancé fed her and once she was full she immediately began to run around the living room and grab all her toys! she’s also learned to climb up on the couch so she could sit on my lap. every day we see more and more of her little personality and i couldn’t be more happier!

she wasn’t mad about the car ride which i’m grateful for! i think being wrapped in the blanket made her feel so much better about it.


Happiness is being owned by a cat
Staff Member
May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
thank you so much! we decided to name her poppy! i’m a big animal crossing fan and there’s a character with that name who’s one of my favorites, i thought it would suit her. (:

once she’s of age she will definitely be getting spayed!

i also have great news, after about an hour after we got home from the vet yesterday she came out of her hiding spot ready to eat and play! my fiancé fed her and once she was full she immediately began to run around the living room and grab all her toys! she’s also learned to climb up on the couch so she could sit on my lap. every day we see more and more of her little personality and i couldn’t be more happier!

she wasn’t mad about the car ride which i’m grateful for! i think being wrapped in the blanket made her feel so much better about it.

I feel so happy for you and Poppy and that's a cute name that suits her!
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 8, 2016
What a joy! I'm so glad you rescued her.

Just know that parasites are extremely common, run of the mill diseases for rescue kittens. It'd be a surprise if she didn't have at least one. Coccidia is stubborn though, so be prepared for it to be a small challenge to kick completely. What medication is she on? Albon is the standard, but as it only inhibits reproduction and doesn't actually kill the parasite, it takes a while to work (I usually saw it prescribed for 21 days, so maybe that's not what you were given) and sometimes multiple rounds. There is another called ponazuril, which is more often used in horses so some small animal vets aren't aware of it yet, but it actually kills the parasite directly and is much more effective. Hopefully that's what you have!

Also importantly, bleach does not kill coccidia. You'll want to disinfect the litter box and any hard surfaces that she spends a lot of time on somewhat regularly (every few days or so) with an ammonium-based cleaner. And, sidenote, do not mix ammonia and bleach products! Any bedding you can wash with hot water to disinfect. This will reduce the chance of her reinfecting herself. Keeping her in a small, cleanable space like the bathroom will make this easier on you for now, and cats usually feel more comfortable in smaller spaces when they're adjusting anyway.

You have such a fun journey ahead of you! Poppy is going to be so attached to her people! Cats, especially those that had a rough start, know when they're being taken care of and will put up with a lot considering they don't really understand what's going on. But they know what being loved and and provided for feels like, and they're grateful in their own way.

Food is usually great for shy adult cats, but on average it seems that even more than food, kittens can't resist play time! She'll probably bond with you faster through play than anything else, so take advantage of that. It's so cute when they're obviously scared to come out...but that mouse toy looks like SO much fun that they just can resist chasing after it! Just avoid the temptation to use parts of your body as toys, or else you'll end up with a full grown cat that likes to attack ankles and hands.