How Much Does It Cost To Get A Cat Fixed

How Much Does It Cost To Get a Cat Fixed

Thinking about getting your adorable new kitten fixed but worried about the cost?

We’re here to answer your questions about how much it might cost you to get Kitty spayed (or neutered) and provide you with useful tips on how to reduce the price.

So, how much does it cost to get a cat fixed?

Vet surgery neutering a cat on the veterinary clinic, ovarian removal

That depends on two things -

  1. Whether the cat in question is male (neutering) or female (spaying)
  2. Whether you go to a regular vet or to a low-cost clinic.

We calculated the average cost for getting a cat fixed in the US based on data collected from our members and we have the figures for you.

In a regular clinic -
Neutering a male cat: $95
Spaying a female cat: $140

In a low-cost clinic -
Neutering a male cat - $40
Spaying a female cat - $60

Wondering about the difference in pricing? Why is it more expensive to spay a female than it is to neuter a male? What do these prices include and what don’t they include?

We have all the answers for you. Grab a coffee, this is not a short explanation.

The Importance of Spaying and Neutering Cats

Here at TheCatSite, we’re no strangers to talking about the importance and benefits of spaying and neutering your cats. 

Just in case you're wondering whether or not to spay or neuter due to the price, let's talk for a bit about why it's so important to get cats fixed. If you're committed to spaying/neutering, feel free to scroll down to the next topic.

So, as a quick refresher.

Spaying and neutering are two separate surgeries that prevent reproduction in cats. In females, the surgeon will take out the ovaries and the uterus.

In males, they will take out the testes. These surgeries are incredibly common, with millions of cats undergoing these procedures every year. Cats are never conscious and thus feel no pain during the surgery.

Tabby cat in a medical blanket after surgery. Kitten neutering, protective suit.

And since we’re doing a quick recap, just a few more facts.

Why get a male cat fixed

There are myriad benefits to fixing your cat. Male cats that roam to have sex with females are prone to diseases and injuries from fights with other tomcats. If your cat is at home and neutered, those injuries do not occur.

Also, to claim a spot as their own, male cats tend to engage in what’s known as spraying. This is where they spread urine around the home, which smells awful!

The earlier you get your cat neutered, the fewer chances they have of spraying.

Why get a female cat fixed

When in heat, a cat’s behavior changes drastically.

Females become very vocal, clingy and sometimes even aggressive as they’re overstressed by their hormones. Spaying them prevents this behavior.

Your cat will also be healthier, as fixed females have fewer chances of developing mammary cancer, uterine tumors, and ovarian cancer.

They’re also less likely to get pyometra (a uterine infection that can lead to death) and breast cancer.

If you truly love cats, get yours fixed

The cat wears a collar to prevent licking the wound after sterilization. Neutering the male cat. Sick cat concept.

Neutered cats live longer and healthier lives. But that’s not all.

By spaying and neutering cats you’ll be preventing the birth of new kittens.

And yes, kittens are the most adorable thing in the world, but with not enough good homes to take them in, most kittens either end up in shelters or they die on the streets.

Think you can find great homes for your kittens? Then get your cat fixed and volunteer at the local shelter where you can save the lives of dozens of sweet kittens by helping to find them forever homes.

When to Spay/Neuter Your Cat

Cats can actually be spayed/neutered as early as 8 weeks of age. That’s known as “early spay/neuter” and it’s a practice normally reserved for shelters and rescue organizations that want to make sure the kittens are fixed before they go to their new home.

For owners, the current recommendation is to have the kitten fixed before the age of 5 months.

Talk to your veterinarian to see when the best date would be, based on his or her availability and the kitten’s weight and overall condition. Just try to make sure surgery is scheduled to take place before the kitten turns 5 months old.

Read more: When To Spay Or Neuter A Cat?

Why Prices Vary Between Spaying a Female Cat And Neutering a Male Cat

Ok, back to the topic of the cost of getting your cat fixed. You may be wondering why neutering a female is so much more expensive than neutering a male.

Here’s why.

Spaying a female cat and neutering a male cat essentially serve the same purpose but these are two different procedures.

During a spay operation, a veterinarian will fully anesthetize the cat and then create an incision in her abdomen.

The vet will cut through several layers to expose the cat’s uterus and ovaries and then gently remove them from the cat’s body.

Next, while the cat is still completely unconscious, the vet will meticulously suture several layers to close the incision.

Neutering a male cat is a far simpler procedure. The male cat is usually sedated and only the scrotum area is fully anesthetized and also shaved and disinfected.

The vet then makes a small incision in each testicle, removing most of the spermatic cord and tying it off. The incisions are so small, there’s no need for sutures.

As you can see, we’re talking major operation for a female vs. a far less complicated procedure for a male cat. This accounts for the discrepancy in prices.

What does the price of spaying or neutering include?

Veterinarian surgeons in operating room doing cat neutering

When you get a quote from your veterinarian, it’s always best to ask what’s included and what’s not.

Usually, the cost of spaying and neutering includes:

  • Full anesthesia for a female cat
  • Sedation and local anesthesia for a male cat
  • The surgical procedure itself, including suturing
  • Follow up and removal of stitches for females

What the cost of spaying and neutering usually doesn’t include:

  • Pre-surgery blood tests (if necessary - some vets require them)
  • Special conditions - some veterinarians may charge extra for operating on a cat in heat or one that’s already pregnant.

Then there are items which some veterinarians like to include as a package deal while others don't -

  • A general checkup
  • Vaccinations (at least some of them)
  • Post-surgery pain management medications. These can be given in the form of a shot, pills or both.
  • A cat cone for females so they’ll avoid chewing on the stitches (not always necessary).

These may or may not be included in the quote - ask your veterinarian in advance.

little cat with Elizabethan collar after spay surgery

Why different places charge different prices for spaying and neutering?

As you’ll soon see, there’s a range of prices when it comes to spaying and neutering.

Other factors that come into play when it comes to determining the cost of a spay/neuter surgery are the veterinarian’s personal charges. Better-known vets may charge a higher price to spay/neuter a cat than smaller ones.

Your location also plays a role. Cheaper cities will typically offer more inexpensive surgeries. If you live in a more populous city, you can generally expect to pay more.

The cat’s weight can also boost the price in some instances (which is another great reason to get your cat spayed or neutered when they’re young and small).

What Our Members Paid for Spaying and Neutering Cats

We asked our members at TheCatSite what they paid for getting their cats fixed.

Data we requested included the cost of the surgery, where they live (city, town, rural environment, etc.), and whether they went to a low-cost clinic or a vet.

The quotes provided at the beginning of this article are based on that input. Here's some more information and quotes.

In all, we had 65 respondents. Most of the members who responded lived in cities, with California a popular location.

There was a pretty even split between those who chose to get their cat's surgery at a veterinarian’s office versus a low-cost clinic.

The lowest price for surgery was $25 in Nebraska for either spaying or neutering at a low-cost clinic. The most expensive price was $600 for a neuter in Washington at a regular vet’s clinic.

We did not include this number when calculating the averages because this seems to have been an exceptionally negative experience with a single veterinarian:

I had mine neutered 9 years ago, so can’t give recent numbers, BUT I’d like to point out, you may get a price quoted, but then your vet may add to it without reason, or even asking...

The vet I picked quoted me $190 total, for an initial exam, shots and a neuter. We got there, she terrorized my poor kitten for an hour, and then demanded $600.

Another member who paid a lot shared their story:

I live in a metro area (Atlanta). Prices vary greatly. My vet charges $404 for neuter and $507 for spay. A low-cost vet charges $50 for neuter and $70 for spay.

Many cat owners get their cats fixed at affordable prices. Some even manage to get it done for free!

One member from Phoenix, Arizona said:

Maricopa County will often offer a free voucher to a certain amount of applicants at the beginning of each month. Most of my cats were covered by a voucher, and I paid for vaccines, tests, and pain medication.

Paying for a Cat to Be Spayed or Neutered Is Always Cheaper Than Not Doing So

Cat after neutering with elizabethan collar

TheCatSite members who responded to our survey have shown that spaying or neutering a cat can sometimes be expensive (though it doesn’t have to be and we'll soon share tips on lowering the costs).

You might think it’s better to just let your cat go without spay/neuter surgery, then. You’ll keep a close eye on them, discourage unwanted behaviors, and hope for the best, right?


That won’t work as well as you think. Realistically, you can’t watch your cat 24/7. You just can’t. It only takes a female cat getting out and mating once for her to get pregnant.

When they do, you’re going to have to spend a lot of time making sure your kitty is healthy and ready to give birth.

Once your cat becomes a mother, they’re going to have a whole litter of kittens. Hopefully, they can give birth naturally. If not, expect to pay $500 to $3,000 for a Cesarean section or C-section. Kittens are delicate creatures and can easily get sick.

Which means high vet bills. The kittens will need to be vaccinated every few weeks in early kittenhood, which could cost several hundred dollars for each cat.

Oh, and then there’s food, too. The mother cat will consume more food when pregnant and lactating. And once the kittens are weaned, expect them to be ravenous.

After all, as kittens grow, they need a nutritional diet to sustain them. You’ll pay roughly $300 to feed six kittens for maybe a few weeks.

What goes in, comes out… budget for extra litter costs too. This can easily cost close to $100 or more depending on how many cats you have.

All in all - spaying and neutering cats isn’t just the right thing to do morally. It also makes financial sense.

Tips for Lowering the Price of Spay/Neuter Surgery

Veterinary surgery in the operating room. Surgeon operating and neutering a cat on the operating table.

If you’re concerned about being able to afford the surgery, you can definitely try and lower the cost. We have a few suggestions which may help.

1. Look for low-cost - or even free - spaying and neutering in your area.

Many counties, cities and towns offer these as a service to pet owners. Search the ASPCA database or reach out to a local rescue organization or shelter.

These groups may have resources for low-cost clinics or vouchers that you weren’t aware of.

2. Shop around.

Call several veterinarians and ask for quotes.

Remember to ask in advance what the quote covers and also what additional fees should be expected so you can have an accurate estimate for each place. Ask specifically about the costs of pre-op care and post-op care.

Remember, you’re not married to your veterinarian. If another vet in town offers more affordable spay/neuter options, you can have the procedures done there and then return to your regular vet for other matters.

Just ask the vet who’s going to fix the cat to send the paperwork to your primary vet so everyone’s all caught up for your cat’s next appointment.

3. Ask about payment plans and other financing options.

Sometimes these are available and if you can’t find a cheap option, then financing might be the way to go. The important thing is to get your cat fixed on time.

4. Finally, if you really can’t pull together the money, there are some cat care funds that can contribute to and sometimes fully cover the cost of your cat’s surgery.

Don’t let the cost keep you from spaying and neutering. Remember - the alternative is not only bad for your cat, it’s also more expensive.

If you found this article helpful, please share it around. And to help others even further, leave a comment telling us how much you paid to get your cat fixed too.

And as always, if you have more questions or need help with a specific situation, go to the cat forums for that. That's where our members can quickly spot your question and provide help.

Note: We may get commissions for purchases made through links on this page.

11 comments on “How Much Does It Cost To Get A Cat Fixed

SKinSK March 21, 2021
In South Korea (where I live), the average is W250,000 (about $220) for a spay, W150,000 ($120) for neutering. My vet gave a slight discount for a feral TNR I did (which is common). There are also funds in many areas for government sponsored TNR for feral and abandoned cats. Sadly, lots of street cats here.
Neko-chan's mama August 9, 2019
$160. That was for spay, microchip, e collar, last surgery meds, and electrocardiogram. It was in part low cost because she was a shelter kitten. Not bad considering it would have been over$300 if we did it on our own.
chipvang September 18, 2018
meandcaptinmeow July 25, 2018
Oh this is a good article! I'm the one who payed $600 (which hurt because I'm on social security (I'm old)..and you get left alone, so I got a cat. But then I got robbed by a vet who did things I never agreed to, tripling the bill. When I pointed that out, she threatened to keep my loved one hostage and have the cops put me in a cage unless I pay her (legally, they can do that ...which is something vets lobbied for, which is why I hate them). I later went to Yelp and found other people complaining bitterly about the same rip off and threaten scam. Apparently there's a GOOD vet a few blocks away, and I had sadly chosen an awful one. My advice is avail the customer reviews in life now, always read the customer reviews! This is my beautiful friend, ten years later. He's actually watching TV with me, which he'll sometimes do if the picture has vivid color blocking. We were watching News Radio, at 1 AM..the episode where 'Dave' talks to Mr James in a little electronic box the handyman created (the "Gorelli 5,000"! lol). Captain Meow knows good comedy when he sees it :) :) :)
lavishsqualor July 19, 2018
$45.00 for a cat of either sex through Pet Alliance in Orlando, Florida
maincoonmama July 18, 2018
there are also free spay and neuter clinics, and free vet care for those on social assistance or old age pension depending on where you live.
tarasgirl06 July 16, 2018
Another great resource is Best Friends' website under RESOURCES. has a wealth of information on all kinds of cat-related topics.
LTS3 July 16, 2018
Some vets offer financial assistance in the form of discount waivers for spay / neuter. SNAP is one such assistance program. There is a searchable list of low cost spay / neuter clinics in the US here: Low cost spay and neuter services | SpayUSA | Animal League Check your state SPCA web site for information on low cost spay and neuter. There may be programs that are specific to the state, even to a city or town. Proof of financial hardship may be required to be eligible for these programs. The SPCA here offers free spay / neuter for cats in a specific city and low cost spay / neuter ($75) for dogs in that same city. For non-US pet owners, check with your humane society or animal rescue or animal protection society for info.
tarasgirl06 July 16, 2018
Antonio65 said:
Over here where I live, I've never heard of a veterinarian who advices to have kittens spayed or neuterd before the 5th month of age. They generally say to wait until 6-7th month.
That's the older school of thought that was prevalent here, too, in the past. But now, in the US at least, many advise neutering at above 2 lbs./4 months of age. We really want to end the overpopulation issue and ensure that every cat has a loving permanent home!
Antonio65 July 16, 2018
Over here where I live, I've never heard of a veterinarian who advices to have kittens spayed or neuterd before the 5th month of age. They generally say to wait until 6-7th month.
tarasgirl06 July 13, 2018
Huge props for this very informative article! It says everything I would want said on the subject, and I especially love: "...Think you can find great homes for your kittens? Then get your cat fixed and volunteer at the local shelter where you can save the lives of dozens of sweet kittens by helping to find them forever homes." What a nice and helpful way of putting something I've often wanted to pound into the thick heads of people I've talked with who are either of the "just one litter" mindset or excuse themselves by saying some variant of, "Awww, we were going to get her spayed but she got out and got pregnant again!" (and it's almost always "again" with these morons). Since humans are (arguably, IMHO!) the most intelligent species on earth and the self-appointed reigning beings over all other species, it IS our responsibility to care and to put that caring into action. No ifs, ands, or buts. Thank you for saying it so much more nicely than I would.

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