Spaying And Neutering – What To Ask Before The Surgery

Are you considering spaying or neutering your pet? It's a decision that can benefit your furry friend, but it might also leave you with a lot of questions.

In this article, you'll find important information to help you prepare for the procedure. You'll learn what to check on your cat before the surgery, what questions to ask your vet, and what to expect afterward.

With this guide, you can go into the surgery with confidence, knowing you've taken the right steps for your cat's health and well-being.

Read on to discover what you should know before the surgery but without giving away detailed answers to the questions you may have.

spaying and neutering what to ask before

Spaying and Neutering Your Cat: Preparing for the Appointment

Spaying and neutering provide health benefits to your pet, but many pet owners aren't sure what to ask or do before making the appointment.

Know Your Cat Before the Surgery

Check Your Cat's Health

  • Gums and Paw Pads: Examine the color of your cat's gums and paw pads. After the surgery, you can compare them to detect any differences. Paler gums or pads might indicate internal bleeding.
  • Breed's Health Problems: Understand if your cat's breed has specific health issues like heart disease.
  • Is She a Stray?: If she's a stray, she might have been spayed already. Look for a scar or a tattoo.
  • Discuss Medications: Talk to the vet about any medications your cat takes.

Prepare Your Questions

Before you go, make a list of questions you want to ask. You don't want to feel rushed or forget to ask something important during the appointment.

Key Questions to Ask Before the Surgery

Anesthesia and Recovery

  • Type of Anesthesia: Ask what kind of anesthesia will be used. Gas anesthesia often leads to a quicker recovery than injectable anesthesia.
  • IV Fluids: Inquire if IV fluids will be given during the surgery. This helps prevent a drop in blood pressure.
  • Pain Medication: Find out if pain meds will be given before surgery and how long they will be effective afterward.

Surgical Details

  • Glue or Stitches: Ask whether surgical glue or dissolving stitches will be used.
  • Surgeon's Experience: Know who will perform the surgery. Ask how many spay/neuter procedures the vet has done and how many they do in a day.

Monitoring and Pre-Surgery Tests

  • Recovery Monitoring: Confirm that someone will monitor your cat during the recovery period after surgery before you pick them up.
  • Pre-Surgery Tests: Check if any tests need to be done prior to the surgery.

Asking these essential questions helps you understand the surgical procedure for spaying or neutering your cat. Always seek clear and precise information from the vet to ensure your cat's well-being before, during, and after the surgery.


Post-Op Care & Questions After Spaying or Neutering

Behavior at Home

Know what behavior to expect from your cat once back home. One cat owner, DuckDodger, shares their experience:

"I was instructed to take her food and water away after midnight before the surgery. I had to drop her off at 8 AM, then she stayed overnight, and had to be picked up the next day.

She tried to lick at her incision. The clinic recommended an e-collar and said to limit her activity level for 10-14 days. When I went to pick her up, she was rolling her carrier across the floor (literally - she moved it several feet), so I knew that part would be difficult.

She did sleep most of the day upon getting home, but after a few days I gave up on keeping her quiet."

DuckDodger, Forums

Preparing Your Home

Prepare your home to make the recovery as smooth as possible. You may need an e-collar or alternatives like a baby-sized shirt or tube sock to prevent your cat from pulling out stitches.

Ongoing Care and Monitoring

Follow-up Appointments and Emergencies

  • Stitch Removal: Know when to take your cat back if stitches need removal.
  • Emergency Contact: Have the emergency clinic's number on hand. Rosiemac found it handy when her cat reacted to anesthesia.

Rosiemac says the emergency number came in handy when her cat Rosie was hyper and jumped up on the TV and shelves. It took her three hours to calm down enough to sleep. She started shivering even though the house was very warm. The emergency clinic was able to reassure Rosiemac that the behavior was a reaction to the anesthesia and give advice on what to do for Rosie.

Rosiemac, Forums

Symptoms and Behaviors to Watch For

  • Discharge: Learn what amount of discharge at the incision site is normal.
  • Interaction with Others: Find out if your cat should be kept away from other pets and children.
  • Eating Habits: Ask if it's normal for the cat to miss a meal or two, and when her appetite will return.
  • Litter Box Use: Understand what to do if your cat avoids the litter box.
  • Hiding Behavior: Learn how to respond if your cat hides and won't come out.

The E-Collar Dilemma

Is an e-collar necessary or can a baby-sized shirt or tube sock be used to keep the cat from pulling out stitches? Can it be removed during meals?

Most important (to the cat), will she have to wear the e-collar for a whole two weeks? Can it be off while you can be with her? These are valid concerns.

Final Tips: Ensuring a Smooth Recovery for Your Cat

Spaying or neutering your cat is a significant decision that requires thoughtful preparation and commitment. From knowing your cat's unique needs to understanding the procedure, every detail matters.

Here Are Some Final Tips to Help You:

Stay Informed: Continuous communication with your vet before and after surgery will ease any concerns. Ask questions and follow their guidance closely.

Monitor Recovery: Keep an eye on your cat's behavior, appetite, and incision site. Any significant changes should prompt a call to your vet or the emergency number.

Limit Activity: As challenging as it may be, ensure that your cat rests and doesn't engage in any vigorous activities that may affect the healing process.

Provide Comfort: Make your home a comfortable space for recovery, considering your cat's preferences for bedding, toys, and accessible litter boxes.

Patience and Love: Your cat might behave differently due to the stress of surgery. Provide a gentle and loving environment to help her feel safe and secure.

Remember, Your Attention and Care Make All the Difference

By following this comprehensive guide and keeping in touch with your veterinarian, you're ensuring that your cat's spaying or neutering process is as smooth as possible.

Your careful attention to detail, both pre-op and post-op, contributes significantly to your cat's well-being and long-term health.

It’s natural to be nervous about any procedure but arming yourself with information will get both you and your cat through the operation and recovery.

Read more about What to Look for After the Surgery.


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The forums are the only place where you can get quick answers to your cat-related questions. Please do not use the comments section to ask questions about your cat.

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2 comments on “Spaying And Neutering – What To Ask Before The Surgery

Joanna April 2, 2023
For flat faced breeds, make sure the vet is experienced with this breed as they have special requirements for anesthesia ( they need to be pre- oxygenated before induction for example). Make sure to request pain meds, some vets may not routinely give them post op which makes no sense as these are not minor procedures and there has to be post operative pain. The cone can depress cats ( at least it did for mine when she had a nose surgery, she even had trouble using the litter box). A soft cone may help. When I got my cat as a kitten, she had been spayed just 1 week prior and she was already completely healed and not showing any signs of discomfort.
pickydean September 30, 2013
Hello my name is Dean. I have a 5 month old part Siamese, she looks more Siamese except her eyes aren't bight blue. I had her spayed on Seotember 24, 2013 and picked her up on September 25, 2013 by Alabama Spay and Netuer out of Birmingham. They sent her home with pain meds for 3 days . She has finished the meds but I am concerned. She was a very active ktten, followed me and my husband wherever we went in the house. Since having her home which is 5 days today, all she does is sleep, lays on top of couch by window or in her bed. She goes to litter box and eats very little since being home. I thought she might be cold so I been warming a towel for her but still sleeping a lot. She did climb on my chest for a few minutes before the warm towel. I have read that they should be back to normal in 3 days. The surgery site looks fine, no sweeling,ect. No stiches or anything. She has a little green tattoo to show  she was spayed, so should I be concerned. Thanks Dean

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