Name Three Things - 2024


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Yesterday, we thought we try Sam's Club, see how I react to a long walk around the store. And I did OK. I was able to walk through without going to the front to sit down and rest. I did have to ask Rick to slow down once or twice because I simply couldn't keep up. But we managed, got our stuff, checked out, and packed it all into the car. Got home, put the meats through the Food Saver and got it all into the freezer. But then I got sick last night with dry heaves; I think it's because I can no longer go all day without eating and then eat dinner. It just doesn't work with drinking all that water. I did make dinner and I ate dinner. But it was an early night for me.

It's cold this morning. The local weather-weenies kept talking about an icy mix this morning, but we don't have much.
  • Breakfast for the girls, emptied the dishwasher, and am back here with my coffee.
  • I'd like to go to a local bulk food store to see if they have bittersweet chocolate melting wafers. King Arthur has a recipe for No-Bake French Silk Pie that I'd like to try, but the filling part calls for Guittard Bittersweet Onyz Wafers. Interestingly, the website recipe doesn't call for the wafers (just calls for bittersweet or even semisweet), but the recipe in the KA catalog does. And I don't want to spend a small fortune on shipping, nor do I want to buy a bunch of stuff to get free shipping. I'm also out of freezer labels, so I can check for those at the store, too.
  • A quick swiffer about the kitchen and living room. Nothing major.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 5, 2010
My back has been sore for a couple of weeks. Very painful on Saturday so I called the clinic. Luckily enough 1) my doctor was in and 2) I had a choice of appointment times. Remarkable! It's not my hip. It's sacroiliac. She gave me a referral for an X-ray, prefers I see an orthopedist (where they have X-ray equipment in the office) but do it within a week.

So I called yesterday, got an appointment with the second of the two suggested doctors. But not until February 1, more than a week out. I called the clinic yesterday to see if longer than a week was O.K. Called again this morning because I had not received a call back.

Sigh. Quick call back today - when the receptionist went to put today's message in the doctor's box she noticed there was already a message for me. Keep the February 1 appointment but go to the hospital for an x-ray before then

So this morning we will do this errand, that errand, then go to the hospital. As long as I have the referral I can just walk in for the x-ray.

Extra strength acetaminophen keeps things down to a dull roar. Saturday's doctor gave me a prescription (which I filled) for something stronger if I need more. I filled it, but the listed side effects have me hesitant about taking it.

The (not) joys of aging, right?

So a busy morning. I want to make leek and potato soup this afternoon, always good even if the weather is supposed to warm up. Load of laundry to shift from washer to dryer before we go. And put another couple of sticks of firewood in the stove too. 35 degrees Fahrenheit is warmer than it has been, but that's relatively speaking.


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
My back has been sore for a couple of weeks. Very painful on Saturday so I called the clinic. Luckily enough 1) my doctor was in and 2) I had a choice of appointment times. Remarkable! It's not my hip. It's sacroiliac. She gave me a referral for an X-ray, prefers I see an orthopedist (where they have X-ray equipment in the office) but do it within a week.

So I called yesterday, got an appointment with the second of the two suggested doctors. But not until February 1, more than a week out. I called the clinic yesterday to see if longer than a week was O.K. Called again this morning because I had not received a call back.

Sigh. Quick call back today - when the receptionist went to put today's message in the doctor's box she noticed there was already a message for me. Keep the February 1 appointment but go to the hospital for an x-ray before then

So this morning we will do this errand, that errand, then go to the hospital. As long as I have the referral I can just walk in for the x-ray.

Extra strength acetaminophen keeps things down to a dull roar. Saturday's doctor gave me a prescription (which I filled) for something stronger if I need more. I filled it, but the listed side effects have me hesitant about taking it.

The (not) joys of aging, right?

So a busy morning. I want to make leek and potato soup this afternoon, always good even if the weather is supposed to warm up. Load of laundry to shift from washer to dryer before we go. And put another couple of sticks of firewood in the stove too. 35 degrees Fahrenheit is warmer than it has been, but that's relatively speaking.
:hugs: I'm sorry you're hurting


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
C catapault I hope your back is feeling better. :hugs:
susanm9006 susanm9006 Did you work on your project in the basement?

Rick and I were out catting around yesterday, for the first time in forever. We hit a kitchen store and a local bulk food market. And then went to Red Lobster for an early dinner. It was nice getting out, pretending that things are at least semi-normal. For a while anyway. Came home and I crashed for a while. Then Mollipop and I spent last night watching reruns of Expedition X on Discovery, hanging out on my iPad and talking to my brother on the phone while Rick was bowling. It was a nice birthday. And, for the first time in quite a while, we actually went out to dinner on my birthday.
  • I have an appt with the nephrologist tomorrow morning. His office called this morning and wanted blood tests and a urine culture done right away, so that the results will be ready this afternoon. That way, if he thinks I need IV/fluids (and I'm sure he will), I will have them right after my appt tomorrow. They scheduled me for 10:00 this morning for the blood work, so I had to make a mad dash into town to do the tests. Drink, drink, drink....sigh
  • Two loads of laundry
  • I need to make a small regular grocery list for Giant, just things like baking powder, baking soda, cornstarch, etc. Every year, I throw out my old supply and buy new. (I didn't do that one time and made coconut cupcakes that barely rose...figured out it was old baking powder that was no longer very active. So I buy new every January and label the containers with the year. I do get most of the stuff used up, so it's not that big of a waste.) When we went to the bulk store yesterday, they did have SAF yeast, but only the gold, which supposedly is good for sweet doughs. I like SAF yeast in red because it's good for pizza dough and bread. If I can't find it, I'll have to order it. It's instant yeast, so there's no worry about the temperature being too hot or cold. Just throw the yeast in and go, although there are times when I'll proof the yeast anyway.


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
C catapault I hope your back is feeling better. :hugs:
susanm9006 susanm9006 Did you work on your project in the basement?

Rick and I were out catting around yesterday, for the first time in forever. We hit a kitchen store and a local bulk food market. And then went to Red Lobster for an early dinner. It was nice getting out, pretending that things are at least semi-normal. For a while anyway. Came home and I crashed for a while. Then Mollipop and I spent last night watching reruns of Expedition X on Discovery, hanging out on my iPad and talking to my brother on the phone while Rick was bowling. It was a nice birthday. And, for the first time in quite a while, we actually went out to dinner on my birthday.
  • I have an appt with the nephrologist tomorrow morning. His office called this morning and wanted blood tests and a urine culture done right away, so that the results will be ready this afternoon. That way, if he thinks I need IV/fluids (and I'm sure he will), I will have them right after my appt tomorrow. They scheduled me for 10:00 this morning for the blood work, so I had to make a mad dash into town to do the tests. Drink, drink, drink....sigh
  • Two loads of laundry
  • I need to make a small regular grocery list for Giant, just things like baking powder, baking soda, cornstarch, etc. Every year, I throw out my old supply and buy new. (I didn't do that one time and made coconut cupcakes that barely rose...figured out it was old baking powder that was no longer very active. So I buy new every January and label the containers with the year. I do get most of the stuff used up, so it's not that big of a waste.) When we went to the bulk store yesterday, they did have SAF yeast, but only the gold, which supposedly is good for sweet doughs. I like SAF yeast in red because it's good for pizza dough and bread. If I can't find it, I'll have to order it. It's instant yeast, so there's no worry about the temperature being too hot or cold. Just throw the yeast in and go, although there are times when I'll proof the yeast anyway.
Thanks, I am still contemplating. The situation is that I have a very heavy antique coffee table with splayed legs that spread past the table itself. I have never cared for that look and after stubbing the same toe two days in a row on one of the legs a couple weeks ago, I decided it either has to go or I have to give it different legs.

So option 1 is to remove the coffee table base and offending splayed legs and replace them with straight legs. The risk being that I could destroy the table in the process of removing the legs.

Option 2 is to build or modify a salvaged coffee table that I would have to find. It would be much lighter and easier to move for cleaning but it could take me months to find the right piece.

For now, the coffee table is sitting in the basement waiting for me to decide what to do.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 5, 2010
Good wishes appreciated. Currently things are (somewhat) under control with acetaminophen. Call from my GP on Tuesday. Having seen Monday's X-rays she wants me to go for a CAT scan (guess Domino napping in my lap is not adequate.) And depending on what that shows she may want me to go to a different doctor for followup, rather than the orthopedist first suggested.

X-ray was a walk-in. CAT scan - I have an appointment for January 30, with previously scheduled ortho visit on Feb 1.

Stay tuned for future developments. As am I.

susanm9006 susanm9006 What if - as a temporary solution for the coffee table - you get a glass top that sits on top, extending out as far as the splayed legs. That should keep you from walking into the legs and give you time to casually search for a replacement.

BTW - our coffee table is the iron base for a cast iron cooking stove with a heavy piece of glass as the top. If you are intrigued, let me know and I'll take a picture.

Today's 3 things:
Polished the copper bottoms of two Revere ware pots used yesterday
We went out to lunch
Laundry now swishing around then later into the dryer


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
Good wishes appreciated. Currently things are (somewhat) under control with acetaminophen. Call from my GP on Tuesday. Having seen Monday's X-rays she wants me to go for a CAT scan (guess Domino napping in my lap is not adequate.) And depending on what that shows she may want me to go to a different doctor for followup, rather than the orthopedist first suggested.

X-ray was a walk-in. CAT scan - I have an appointment for January 30, with previously scheduled ortho visit on Feb 1.

Stay tuned for future developments. As am I.

susanm9006 susanm9006 What if - as a temporary solution for the coffee table - you get a glass top that sits on top, extending out as far as the splayed legs. That should keep you from walking into the legs and give you time to casually search for a replacement.

BTW - our coffee table is the iron base for a cast iron cooking stove with a heavy piece of glass as the top. If you are intrigued, let me know and I'll take a picture.

Today's 3 things:
Polished the copper bottoms of two Revere ware pots used yesterday
We went out to lunch
Laundry now swishing around then later into the dryer
Sorry to hear about your back issues!
Unfortunately the table has a raised granite section in the middle, so glass wouldn’t work. Pic attached.


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
Thanks, I am still contemplating. The situation is that I have a very heavy antique coffee table with splayed legs that spread past the table itself. I have never cared for that look and after stubbing the same toe two days in a row on one of the legs a couple weeks ago, I decided it either has to go or I have to give it different legs.

So option 1 is to remove the coffee table base and offending splayed legs and replace them with straight legs. The risk being that I could destroy the table in the process of removing the legs.

Option 2 is to build or modify a salvaged coffee table that I would have to find. It would be much lighter and easier to move for cleaning but it could take me months to find the right piece.

For now, the coffee table is sitting in the basement waiting for me to decide what to do.
Ambitious- you said it's an antique,right? Is it worth all that work and of course it will then no longer be an antique,maybe you might try to see what it worth before you attempt modification?

Funny thing,I pray all the time and I'll always "ask" if something I'm considering is what I need,want or should get - lo & behold I can't tell you how many times I've prayed about "stuff" and next day or so I'd FIND exactly what was on my mind---- it's happened with a recliner ,lamps,a headboard,etagere,book shelves and a patio set!... no joke - the patio set was still wrapped in plastic -brand new,I actually knocked on neighbors doors to ask if it was delivered and why it was out by the dumpster( someone threw out a girlfriend and what they ordered,lol)

I'd look for something else❤


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
Ambitious- you said it's an antique,right? Is it worth all that work and of course it will then no longer be an antique,maybe you might try to see what it worth before you attempt modification?

Funny thing,I pray all the time and I'll always "ask" if something I'm considering is what I need,want or should get - lo & behold I can't tell you how many times I've prayed about "stuff" and next day or so I'd FIND exactly what was on my mind---- it's happened with a recliner ,lamps,a headboard,etagere,book shelves and a patio set!... no joke - the patio set was still wrapped in plastic -brand new,I actually knocked on neighbors doors to ask if it was delivered and why it was out by the dumpster( someone threw out a girlfriend and what they ordered,lol)

I'd look for something else❤
Reality of most antiques is that they aren’t worth much especially when they aren’t in a sought after style or by a famous maker. But part of the decision making process I am stuck on, if I want to pass it on whole to someone who will appreciate it or do what needs to be done to make it useful. I was all ready to modify it but now I am not sure. It is out of the way where it is and I am going to give it it more time and thought while I look for a potential makeover piece. I can’t strip anything until Spring anyway.

Like you I have been very lucky at finding things I needed. Last year I saw a pair of bookshelves/display cases at the thrift store and went home before realizing that they were absolutely perfect (and needed) for my dining room. Quick drive back and snatched them. In perfect condition they cost me $30 total.


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
Reality of most antiques is that they aren’t worth much especially when they aren’t in a sought after style or by a famous maker. But part of the decision making process I am stuck on, if I want to pass it on whole to someone who will appreciate it or do what needs to be done to make it useful. I was all ready to modify it but now I am not sure. It is out of the way where it is and I am going to give it it more time and thought while I look for a potential makeover piece. I can’t strip anything until Spring anyway.

Like you I have been very lucky at finding things I needed. Last year I saw a pair of bookshelves/display cases at the thrift store and went home before realizing that they were absolutely perfect (and needed) for my dining room. Quick drive back and snatched them. In perfect condition they cost me $30 total.
Good find- don't you just love when that happens?!

So its too cold to strip huh? The fumes would be too much to do downstairs?Is that what you do,bring the things outside?

white shadow

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 28, 2010
......our coffee table is the iron base for a cast iron cooking stove with a heavy piece of glass as the top. If you are intrigued, let me know and I'll take a picture.
That is intriguing! If it's little trouble, do you have a picture?

Years and years ago we somehow acquired an old Singer, removed the cabinet and laid a piece of black-tinted plate glass in its place. We found an old set of faux wrought-iron patio chairs and presto! - we had an oh-so-elegant dining set! Poor as paupers, but high-class diners! :lol:


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
Good find- don't you just love when that happens?!

So its too cold to strip huh? The fumes would be too much to do downstairs?Is that what you do,bring the things outside?
Yeah, way too stinky and messy for indoors plus stripper is combustible . I do it in the garage with the doors open so air flows through.

Inspiration hit last night as I was laying in bed - I already have the perfect piece of furniture to modify! An old piano bench that I got free and have used as a table in the garage . Perfect size, lift top seat for storage. It just needs the legs shortened and to be refinished and it will be perfect.
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Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
Yeah, way too stinky and messy for indoors plus stripper is combustible . I do it in the garage with the doors open so air flows through.

Inspiration hit last night as I was laying in bed - I already have the perfect piece of furniture to modify! An old piano bench that I got free and have used as a table in the garage . Perfect size, lift top seat for storage. It just needs the legs shortened and to be refinished and it will be perfect.
Brilliant! Sounds terrific!


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
Hauled my piano bench out of the garage and into the house. Width and length fit my space perfectly. Legs are removable so simple to cut down a few inches and in decent enough shape they may only need touch up. Top definitely needs refinish but is removable so a fairly easy and fast job. Could not be more satisfied with this solution. The old table will get put on marketplace a little later in the spring.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
susanm9006 susanm9006 I like your idea to modify the piano bench. And when it's done, I'd love to see a picture of it. Don't you love it when a plan comes together?! Your coffee table is an interesting-looking piece. But I can see the difficulty with those legs.

I never find anything really interesting at thrift stores. I don't go that often, though, so maybe that's why.
  • Had the appt with the nephrologist this morning. Good and bad news. While my creatine level really hasn't moved much, I did not need IV/fluids. This is the first week since I started chemo back in the week after Thanksgiving that I have not had IV/fluids. Potassium level is now excellent and he told me to stop taking it for now, which is good because I'm done with my prescription. He wonders if some of the nausea problem might be related to gastritis and he put me on omeprazole for two weeks to see if it helps. If it does and I can drink more water, so much the better. I need to have bloodwork every Thursday for the next month to see if things improve. He also said that, even after having the bladder removed, I will continue to have kidney issues, probably for the rest of my life now. Anyway, he's hoping that my nausea is caused by gastritis and I'm hoping that the omeprazole will help. Meanwhile, once again, I'm not drinking coffee (bc of its diuretic properties) and I'm drinking either CF Pepsi or Sunkist in addition to all the water I can handle....just shoot me now. I also make pitchers of CF iced tea and keep it in the fridge. CF = Caffeine Free
  • Off to Home Depot for black and white paint samples for the steps in the living room. Followed by a quick lunch at Cracker Barrel. Then to Giant to pick up the omeprazole, baking powder, baking soda, cornstarch, etc. Then to CVS in Target to get the scripts problem straightened out. We also found out that the CVS in "our" Target will not be closing; the pharmacist said, in PA, that it's only a couple Targets in and around the Philly area that are losing their CVS pharmacies.
  • Got home, threw out my old baking products, labeled the new and re-stocked my baking shelf. Snapped copies of all my receipts for my Fetch app (anybody else do Fetch?), and gave the girls their dinner.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
I will continue to have kidney issues,
I have obviously lost track of things, -- I'm sending you my very best wishes!

I'll have to look into Fetch ... Do you like it?

  • We were going to take the F-150 pickup truck in for its oil change but it snowed overnight, which meant yucky sloppy dirty roads so in order to maintain a clean environment for the mechanic to work on we'll take it in next week since it's supposed to warm up to the mid-60's F.
  • Regarding the critters, changed the water in my mystery snails tank, fed them and the betta fish, and the cat
  • And for household chores, made beds, ran the dishwasher, did a load of laundry.
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