Name Three things - 2023

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In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Got the computer room straightened out yesterday and it looks good again. Except for Rick's desk, which always looks like a hurricane hit it.
  • My main chore today is to mow the yard. We had all that rain and the grass jumped.
  • Clean and weed the asparagus bed a bit; it looks pretty sad.
  • Rake up under the trees by the Shed. We lost a lot of really small branches and it doesn't even pay to try to pick them all up. A good raking will do the trick and then I can carry them up to the brush pile.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 5, 2010
As you can see, yesterday our intermittent handyman carried the upstairs banana downstairs and out the front door for its summer vacation.

Moving Bananas_2023-05_out the door.jpg

I had moved the other banana which was in the great room out onto the deck with a hand truck and some assistance from Himself. Today I want to top dress both pots with fresh soil - prefer to make that type of sure-to-be-messy efforts outdoors.

Remember when I mentioned that the plumber who is coming this afternoon to fix whatever is amiss under the kitchen sink will be asked to also repair the outside pipe by the greenhouse that apparently ruptured over the winter. Our water saga continues.

Yesterday or maybe it was the day before Himself did some caulking on the hose connection by the in ground, always outdoors bananas before that water was turned on. So yesterday I'm in my study and hear the sound of rushing water. Leap up, dash outside and discover that the connection is still on the faucet but the hose had disconnected itself from the metal connection. That's right, just "naked" hose, no metal, and water is spewing out of the faucet and puddling on the ground. Turned the faucet off and we will need to do something about this before the bananas get so large we cannot easily get at it.

Always something.


Mother of one and numerous ferals
Top Cat
Jan 22, 2017
Ohio, USA
beautiful day here in NE OHIO, low humidity 33%, temp around 65 and sunny!!!

doing a load of colors

resting up from eye doc appt from yesterday. got my RX but have to buy them from Walmart because the Cole eye clinic doesn't take my insurance, will order on Thursday

strider rose

cat toy lady and cat mom to 3
Top Cat
Jul 19, 2020
Marshall Michigan
washed laundry
checked the mail
visited with a neighbor
(later) write some letters
(later) talk to mamanyt1953


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
I got the yard done, but not until last night after dinner. I got busy with other things yesterday afternoon. And I wrenched my neck while trying to duck under the redbud tree branches. Rick said that after the tree is done blooming, he's going to get after it with a good trimming. I hope he does.

We've been putting things back up on the walls in the living room as we decide where we want things to go. We moved the catgoyle from above the basement steps into the hallway and the clock from above the piano over to the beside the window. Since I will not have the piano, we'll move Rick's desk over to that spot and re-arrange a few things in the living room. And that will have to do until next spring when we buy new furniture. (The only thing is that when I go out into the hallway, I always want to say, "Excuse me" to the catgoyle! I'm not used to it being there yet and I always think somebody is standing there! Who that somebody would be is beyond me!)
  • Breakfast for the girls, emptied the dishwasher, and am back here with my coffee. I'm really tired this morning and could use a nap.
  • I need to do the Kindle and get it back up to Rick's mother. She ended up in the ER Saturday night while we were at the concert; his sister called him to tell him to go to the ER. Well, he couldn't as we were a few hours away. She went home early Sunday morning and he visited with her then. She wasn't particularly amused that he didn't leave the concert to go to the hospital, but we didn't drive to the concert. My sister and BIL said we could leave early, but that wasn't fair to them either.
  • I think we're going into the farmers' market this morning for produce: lettuce, tomatoes, etc. And whatever else looks good.
  • Making a final garden list up today as tomorrow we're buying the plants that we need: nothing spectacular, just a few mild banana peppers, a couple hot peppers, some tomato plants, a couple zucchini and a couple yellow squash plants. Whatever else seems interesting. The potatoes are finally starting to peek through the ground. We still have to plant the corn and pole beans. The red beet tape needs to get planted, too. I don't think we'll have the same size garden this year that we had last year. But we'll never know with us.


Mother of one and numerous ferals
Top Cat
Jan 22, 2017
Ohio, USA
Winchester Winchester What was wrong with Evelyn?

another nice day here, low 70s, low humidity and sunny

doing light chores

the cleaning lady will be here Friday. She charges 25.00 per hour. I thought
that was high but it's about average for around here. The Cleveland Clinic
has home care paid by my insurance so I hope to have someone soon.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 5, 2010
It wasn't under-the-kitchen-sink that was dripping. Turns out it was the flexible extension water pipe that pulls out from the faucet. All taken care of. And the piece of outside pipe that burst was cut out and a new piece of copper pipe fitted. Will make an appointment for an air widget inside the garage. Then when I turn the water off and open the outside faucet next fall, air will get into the pipe to let the last little bit of water out. Plumbing is not our area of expertise.

Plant more cannas today. The end of this is perhaps in sight. Then I can sweep out the garage and move my car back in. Very sunny today so need to water all the pots that have been planted up. I would say it never rains but it pours. But if it did then I wouldn't have to water, now would I!

Swapping over winter clothes / summer clothes. Really should put some things on Freecycle but it is easier to just switch in / out of garment storage bags. Could just put some in those clothes drop boxes by the fire station. But think I read something that those just bale up the clothes and they go for rags. Anyone know if there is any truth to that?


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Mia6 Mia6 She was bleeding (I can't say where on the forum) and it was pretty bad. And to top it off, she has yet another UTI. She was taken to the ER to try to get it stopped and figure out what was wrong. They think she'll be OK; it's just very frustrating for her. She has to pee a lot and the aides are not very understanding about it at all.


Mother of one and numerous ferals
Top Cat
Jan 22, 2017
Ohio, USA
Mia6 Mia6 She was bleeding (I can't say where on the forum) and it was pretty bad. And to top it off, she has yet another UTI. She was taken to the ER to try to get it stopped and figure out what was wrong. They think she'll be OK; it's just very frustrating for her. She has to pee a lot and the aides are not very understanding about it at all.
Oh no. I wish they would be nicer to her.

strider rose

cat toy lady and cat mom to 3
Top Cat
Jul 19, 2020
Marshall Michigan
went to appt at hospital
bought some stuff at the grocery store
checked mail
write some letters
talk to mamanyt1953 later


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
The garden looks good, the yard looks good. For a while anyway. Rick worked in the garden and pruned old branches off many of our trees. Built a good fire and burned a lot. I raked up under trees, getting those small branches. Then I cleaned up the asparagus bed...and cut a bazillion asparagus stalks. Guess what we had for dinner last night? And what we're having for dinner again tonight?
But I threw my back out somewhere along the line. Stood in a hot, hot shower last night and then used a bit of Icy Hot. It feels a little better. Last night, I was crab-walking. It wasn't pretty.
  • We're heading to one of our favorite nurseries in a few minutes. Grab some banana pepper plants and some tomato plants. Rick will be looking at lilies; that man loves asiatic lilies.
  • We didn't get to the market yesterday as we spent the day outside, so we need to hit the grocery store.
  • And then we'll come home and plant everything. We need to finish the garden planting while I can still walk!

strider rose

cat toy lady and cat mom to 3
Top Cat
Jul 19, 2020
Marshall Michigan
went to appt
checked my mail
called my mom in texas and called mamanyt1953
ordered me a brand new blanket and the next book in the mrs murphy list
write some letters


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Busy yesterday. Hit two nurseries, then went to Lowes, stopped at Giant for milk, and then went to our local cheesemaker for a wheel of baby Swiss. We also bought a wheel for my sister and BIL as a Thank You for us borrowing their Little Giant ladder to paint in the foyer. Came home and while Rick worked in the garden, I planted the window boxes at the Shed and planted two large coral bells (one is vibrant green and the other is purple) by the Shed patio, then planted the window boxes at the equipment shed. Fed all the azaleas and then gave the hydrangeas aluminum sulfate for blue flowers. Watered everything in well, came inside, grabbed a quick shower, and hit the bed. I was crab-walking again last night. This morning is better.
  • Breakfast for the girls, emptied the dishwasher, and am back here with my coffee. I brought some ground beef and pizza sauce up from the freezer to thaw for cheeseburger pizza tonight.
  • First of three loads of laundry is in the washer.
  • When Rick drags his butt out of bed, I'll change the sheets. Debating if I want to ditch the flannels. I can put all the flannels in the cedar chest and get out the regular sheets.
  • While Rick is moving strawberries around in their bed, I'm going to plant the tomatoes and peppers.
  • Order a truck load of mulch. We'll have to have it delivered. Crap.

strider rose

cat toy lady and cat mom to 3
Top Cat
Jul 19, 2020
Marshall Michigan
checked my mail
wrote some pen pal letters
took some headache medicine
talk to mamanyt1953 later
call my mom later


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Another busy day yesterday. I mainly worked in the house, vacuuming, swiffering, laundry, etc. Rick visited with his mom and finally got out to the garden for a while last night. He said he'll do the peppers and tomatoes, so I'm good with that, I guess.
  • Check the Shed plants and then vacuum and swiffer out there. I want to put the Deck furniture out, but I have to wait until we power wash the Deck; the birds really did a number of the Deck (and my car and our bathroom window and....well, everything!). I tried to get the poop off with the garden hose, but that didn't work. Blasted birds anyway.
  • Take the fencing down around my azaleas and the red twig dogwood at the Shed. We put it up last fall to keep the deer away. Everything looks so nice (the dogwood is blooming) that we hesitate to take the fencing down and give the deer a chance to go after it all. And they will.
  • Spend some time in the Shed watching a bit of tv. An early night tonight would be nice. I'm really tired this morning.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Since it was Mother's Day, Rick got up with the girls this morning even though it was my turn. The girls gave me a MD card and Rick gave me M&Ms with peanuts.
  • Spending the afternoon and early evening in the Shed. I finally reached the end of season 2 of Skinwalker Ranch and will start season 3.
And that's pretty much it. Rick has forbidden me from doing laundry, housework or anything else. Not going to argue!


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Rick got up with the girls again this morning. He said they were running through the house and I didn't budge. I must have really been out of it. I never heard anything. Woke up around 8:00 and Molli was in my arms, purring away. What a nice way to awaken! Once Muffin and Tabby heard me moving around, they came back to the bedroom to lead me to the kitchen for their after-breakfast breakfast. I had to make a stop in the bathroom and all three cats came in after me to cheer me on. Then onto the kitchen where their kibble awaited.
  • Must make a loaf of bread. Other than some hot dog buns in the freezer, we are bread-less. For some reason, I have baguettes on my mind. I may do English muffins, too, while I'm at it.
  • One load of laundry
  • Clean this messy house. Vacuum, swiffer, etc. Wipe down kitchen and bathroom. Clean out "must goes" must go!
  • Spend the afternoon outside.
  • I'm waiting on the mail; my Grass Roots CD should come today! :woohoo: If it does, Clarence and I may go for a ride.
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