Name Three things - 2023

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In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Man, it poured during the night and early this morning. Rick said there was 3/4 inch in the rain gauge. We'll take it.
  • Bake cookies, which will probably take me most of the afternoon. I decided on sugar, snicks, white chocolate and macadamia, and peanut butter chocolate chunk. I didn't have enough oatmeal to make the oatmeal cookies. Rick had gone to Target the other day to pick up a prescription, so he brought home a dozen eggs for me. I used them all.
  • I didn't get the other load of laundry done yesterday as the ladder was on the stairs most of the day, so I need to get it done today. Or tomorrow, as the case may be.
  • Working on a grocery list. It seems that we need a lot of paper/cleaning stuff this time around.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Not much going on around here today....Continue to work in the living room. Rick plans to paint the hallway today.
My cookies were a hit last night. I took my sister's cookies over to them and our neighbor's cookies to them. Rick came home with an empty container. There were a couple cookies left and one of his teammates offered to take them off Rick's hands. :lol:
  • Breakfast for the girls, emptied the dishwasher, and am back here with my coffee.
  • I'm looking at lights for the foyer ceiling and blinds for the window. Not having a lot of luck. And now Dear Richard wants me to add a hall light to my "looking" list.
  • Still working on the grocery list.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Rick's turn to get up with the girls. About 30 minutes later, he came back and awakened me. There were twelve (twelve!!) blue jays at the suet. Absolutely stunning. We couldn't get pictures because of the screen in the bathroom window. I've never seen twelve blue jays in my life! We also have a pair of brown thrashers that came in this spring. You don't often see thrashers, so we consider ourselves blessed; they are nesting in the rose bushes at the lion fountain by the pool. We hope, at some point, to see a family of thrashers this summer, but I doubt we'll be that lucky. Rick says that you can tell we're old because we get excited by birds. :lol: But they're gorgeous!
  • I need to re-season my cast iron frying pans. I made pizza last night and, while one of the pizzas slid out beautifully, the other one stuck like crazy. I cleaned them both with Dawn (a big no-no) and brushed them out well with the Ninja brush. I'll oil them and throw them in the oven for a few hours. They really do make an outstanding pizza crust.
  • Start to put things back in the kitchen at that wall. Rick put the spice racks back up. It will be nice to get the kitchen back into some semblance of order. (He tried to put the rings back around the sun tunnels, but that didn't go well. They have to go on just right and then turn into place. Lots of muttering going on!)
  • Hit the Shed to check on the plants. And I'm really hoping to see that last blasted episode of Picard tonight!


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Up early
Medicated Geoffrey
Painter came in early to finish up windowsill
Trash room for my trash
Finished rest of morning chores
Cuddled with Geoffrey
Geoffrey threw up--- cleaned it up, went to trash room
Picked up some groceries and litter
Put groceries away
Tiny reception for a prior tenant
Lied down for an hour. Geoffrey was under bedspread
not hungry-- just some toast

Left to do: wash few dishes, evening meds for Geoffrey.. and relax..
Today was a Chemo day for him; because, he vomited and was feeling poorly, I skipped it. Maybe tomorrow---depending on how he acts tonight and tomorrow morning.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
My side of the electric blanket bit the dust last night. Turned it on and...nothing. Rick's side, OTOH, was nice and toasty. He came to bed and I was so far over on his side, he thought I was going to kick him out of bed. I'd like to not buy another electric blanket since we're so close to warmer weather. But well, frankly, I can't exist without it. :cold: I can deal with any amount of cold during the day, but come bedtime, I need my blanket.

I did re-season my cast iron pans yesterday. And now I want to try them!
  • Breakfast for the girls, emptied the dishwasher, and am back here with my coffee. I'll scoop in a few.
  • I have the kitchen back into some semblance of order from painting, whatever "order" is around here. Still looking at foyer and hall lights. I don't like 3/4 of what I've seen and what I do like, I can't afford. At some point, I need to add some rugs to my "look at" list, for the living room and for the hallway.
  • My GF's birthday was this past week and she did a fundraiser from Pampered Chef for her favorite refuge. My order (it's basically seasonings and such...I do not need any pots or pans or cookie sheets or air fryers!) should be here today.
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strider rose

cat toy lady and cat mom to 3
Top Cat
Jul 19, 2020
Marshall Michigan
get todays mail
hopefully get my amazon gift card in from my mom and do some shopping
write a letter or two
talk to mamanyt1953


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 10, 2018
Today I overslept and then also fell asleep on the couch watching YouTube. I definitely have things I need to get done, so I forced myself to cross a few things off the to-do list, so I vacuumed the gutters (something that was severely overdue since I've never done it in the 3 years I've lived in my house and I'm experiencing leakage in my basement) and I also took down the Christmas lights from the house. I also did the dishes and made chicken and asparagus for dinner. Later I plan on working on crocheting an octopus for my niece's 7th birthday in a few weeks. She requested that it be pink and that it glows, so we'll see what I can do with that.


Mother of one and numerous ferals
Top Cat
Jan 22, 2017
Ohio, USA
watched lifetime movie network. spectrum had a deal so i now am
watching tv again after 7 years.......i hate the commercials

still cannot quite read hard copy books but that is coming soon

would love to plant a rose bush,,,,,,,,something fragrant


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Last night, Rick's side of the blanket died. He brought the heavy comforter out and I slept much better.
Raining all day today. Good for the garden.
  • It had been a while since I had fed Serena (the third? fourth?). Got her out earlier this week and started feeding her properly. The feedings woke her up and she's been bubbling like crazy. Yesterday, I made a loaf of sourdough in the bread oven and it turned out beautifully. Will feed her again today and use the discard to make sourdough soft pretzels tomorrow.
  • Going to clean the bedroom fairly well; the AC guys are coming on Wednesday to start working. (I wish we could get the elliptical from the bedroom to the basement, but the thing is just too difficult to maneuver down the steps. It's really heavy, too, and Rick and I can't do it alone.)
  • Picard. Please give me one hour, just one hour! to watch Picard this afternoon. That's all I ask.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 5, 2010
Winchester Winchester If the AC guys seem to be pleasant, young, strong - why not ask them if they could get the elliptical down into the basement for $20 each. Sounds like it would be worth it.

This morning I started a bone in pork shoulder in the slow cooker for pulled pork.

Need to unload dishwasher.

Want to move my car out of the garage so I can maneuver the hand truck and shift large potted plants out of the greenhouse to outdoors. Grey skies and rain are good transition weather conditions for this.

strider rose

cat toy lady and cat mom to 3
Top Cat
Jul 19, 2020
Marshall Michigan
waiting for my stuff from amazon to arrive
write letters later
make money orders to pay the rent
talk to mamanyt1953 later this evening


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
C catapault That's a good idea! Thank you!

We had a mess yesterday and it's not over yet. We've had over two, almost three, inches of rain this weekend. Rick went to the basement to check on the outside drain and it was covered in leaves. And there was water in the basement. We moved everything, mopped out the water, and used the wet/dry vac to clean everything up as best we could. Two fans running and the dehumidifier as well. He cleaned out the drain under the outside steps and that stopped the water from coming in. We've been good about keeping that drain cleaned-out (it was one of those things I always did when he went to Oregon and I was ripping through the house and would clean/vacuum the basement. It became a fall chore to do after the leaves fell. I don't know when we forgot about it, but we did. I did it back in the early spring. We've had a lot of gusty winds that brought leaves in.)

I finally got to see the last episode of Picard! Outstanding, just outstanding. I love TNG and this was least for me. I admit to a few tears. So good. Rick hasn't seen the third season yet, so I may watch it again with him. He doesn't want me to kill P+ yet.

I didn't keep my sourdough discard, so no baking today. I need to feed her again today; depending on how she does, she may be able to go back into the fridge.

Oh! That man! Remember a while back when I said that I brought the last apple pie up from the freezer? Well, I lied. Not intentionally, but I lied. I was in the upright freezer yesterday. And found three apple pies. What the...? "Oh yeah," says Dear Richard. "I moved them over to the upright." "Why?" "Seemed like a good idea." We had a caramel apple-raisin pie for dessert last night.
  • Breakfast for the girls. I woke up to Tabby giving me whisker-kisses and purring like crazy. Emptied the dishwasher and I'm back here with my coffee. I'll scoop in a few.
  • I want to vacuum, but trying to maneuver back here is a bit of a joke. Everything is in the computer room, so that there's room in the bedroom for the AC weenies. We have stuff back here from the living room as well.
  • Water the Shed plants. I checked them last night before watching Picard and they're a little dry, but I do like them to dry out a bit between watering.

strider rose

cat toy lady and cat mom to 3
Top Cat
Jul 19, 2020
Marshall Michigan
check my mail
stamp some letters to go out
get out my new latch hook rug and work on it some more
(later) talk to mamanyt1953


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
A lot of rain again during the night. It will stop raining as soon as we get the rest of the garden in. That's how it usually works.
  • The AC weenies are coming tomorrow. I need to move the last of the stuff around to give them plenty of room to work. They'll be here tomorrow and Thursday. Then, on Friday, I can move it all back into place. Until we start with the floor and then the floor molding, at which time, it will all get moved around again.
  • A bit of swiffering and vacuuming
  • Change the bedsheets and launder the dirty ones
  • Feed Serena this afternoon and put her in the fridge tonight. I was getting bubbles, but not a lot of rise. I thought it might have been too watery, so when I fed her yesterday, I added less water to the flour and stirred that in. And by the end of the afternoon, she was about 1/2-inch from the top of the container, with lots of bubbles! Yay. Serena! I wanted to make soft pretzels or crackers from the discard, but I just don't have the time this week.


Mother of one and numerous ferals
Top Cat
Jan 22, 2017
Ohio, USA
snowing now, got to love Ohio in the spring❄


have Stouffer's mac and cheese in oven
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