Name Three things - 2023

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Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
It's not even 8 am and I'm debating whether or not to put together the new Trixie litter box enclosure I got,I replace that kind of stuff when it gets damaged and hard to clean

I'm beat,already cleaned outside,picked up all the leaves,swept-,fed the birds,squirrels,cats- cleaned all the litter boxes,took out garbage,finished grouting the new hallway partition,cleaned Timmy's enclosure,watered patio plants & cleaned my car-.:that's about a normal morning but I did 2things I wanted to get in today- cleaned and refilled bird bath and trimmed a couple of bushes- I'd like to get that Trixie thing assembled ahd throw the existing one out- might not get the ummmph to do it today


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
Uhh,I did also replace the A/C filter so that does make 3 things!
It's been 48 days since I vacuumed!Timmy would be absolute terrified so I'm sweeping everyday and that's not sufficient,I've got furry carpeting at this point ... gonna have to start doing 5 minutes here and there -I went a month without TV because he was terrified of that but he's getting used to it now...? Poor guy,it a scarey world indoors!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 5, 2010
Today and tomorrow I will be busy prepping for house guests and day visitors. I need to

1) Pull out trundle upstairs and make bed (now king size): mattress topper, etc.
2) make up bed in my study, single size.
3) go across the Delaware River (on bridge, I hasten to add) to farm stand, looking for plum tomatoes so I can make ratatouille
after which
4) recross river and go to orchard where I have pre-ordered blueberries, also white, yellow, and donut peaches
5) continue onward to friend with exlemplary vegetable garden to drop off flattened boxes
and more
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 10, 2018
Today I was rudely awoken to my dog, Poppy, barfing in my bed (she had to be sedated yesterday at the vet, so it was likely from that). So I got up and threw all the bedding and towels (Poppy was also experience incontinence after sedation, so towels were everywhere) in the laundry. I worked and took breaks to glaze a project I've been working on. Unfortunately my project broke a bit in the kiln, so I'm figuring out how to piece it back together using glaze as a glue. After work, I tried snaking my kitchen sink, but that didn't work, so I may have to call my dad.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 5, 2010
I bought 2 quarts of plum tomatoes, the blueberries and peaches, and visited my friend. Beds are made and bathrooms have fresh bath towels, bathmats, etc. Potatoes are cooking for salad to be made later this evening.

Tomorrow to Wal-mart and Costco and the feed and mercantile store. Somewhere I will find time to make 3 bean salad, coleslaw, carrot and raisin salad. Perhaps bake the flourless chocolate orange cake but may default to ice cream.

And on Friday before the NYC contingent arrives I will dash off to the conveniently nearby farm stand / wagon and get a dozen ears of corn.


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
Would love to start painting my hallway and door- doubt I'll start today but finished grout,spackle and prep

Getting over to lawyers to sign addendum to trust

Bank,need to go inside- ugggh

Install camera outside,try to figure out how it works
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In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
We did hit the farmers' market yesterday, but it's too early for freestone peaches; the guy is thinking another week or two. So last night, I made a blueberry buckle. I had to add about 3/4 cup of my last stash of frozen blueberries to the fresh berries. It's really good.
  • One load of laundry this morning.
  • Took some blueberry buckle over to the neighbors.
  • Put more audiobooks on Rick's mom's Kindle. He's on his way to take it up to her, along with some blueberry buckle.
  • Clean the bathroom. Vacuum. One thing I've noticed about floors without carpet is that they show the dirt more readily. As do the rugs we put down.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Rick got stung by a couple yellow jackets. He was emptying the vacuum canister into the trash can and knocked it against an old railroad tie by the driveway. They came swarming out and, thankfully, only two got him; it could have been much worse. That happened on Thursday, but Friday, he had to go to his doctor as his wrist and arm started swelling. He's on two antibiotics and Benedryl. He went back out with Wasp Killer spray and doused the railroad tie. He doesn't like to kill things, even yellow jackets, but they're way too close to the house.
  • Change bed sheets and will wash on Monday
  • Rick is going to power wash the stair railing. When he's finished, I'll go out and sand it down to get it ready to paint.
  • Check the Shed plants, sweep the Deck, all that good stuff.
You know, a couple weeks ago, I made a hot milk sponge cake. A few days later, I did cookies. Earlier this week, I made a blueberry buckle. Last night, Molli and I were in bed watching tv and Dear Richard came back and said, "There's nothing sweet in the house! And there's no iced tea!" :sigh: I could see him complaining if I never baked anything. And the tea has been gone not even a day. :sigh: I just asked, "Don't you know how to make iced tea?" To which he replied, "I used to. But you're better at it than I am." Which is not even remotely true.
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Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
Rick got stung by a couple yellow jackets. He was emptying the vacuum canister into the trash can and knocked it against an old railroad tie by the driveway. They came swarming out and, thankfully, only two got him; it could have been much worse. That happened on Thursday, but Friday, he had to go to his doctor as his wrist and arm started swelling. He's on two antibiotics and Benedryl. He went back out with Wasp Killer spray and doused the railroad tie. He doesn't like to kill things, even yellow jackets, but they're way too close to the house.
  • Change bed sheets and will wash on Monday
  • Rick is going to power wash the stair railing. When he's finished, I'll go out and sand it down to get it ready to paint.
  • Check the Shed plants, sweep the Deck, all that good stuff.
You know, a couple weeks ago, I made a hot milk sponge cake. A few days later, I did cookies. Earlier this week, I made a blueberry buckle. Last night, Molli and I were in bed watching tv and Dear Richard came back and said, "There's nothing sweet in the house! And there's no iced tea!" :sigh: I could see him complaining if I never baked anything. And the tea has been gone not even a day. :sigh: I just asked, "Don't you know how to make iced tea?" To which he replied, "I used to. But you're better at it than I am." Which is not even remotely true.
He's just spoiled by his DW( am I getting the internet lingo? Lol) poor thing,do hope his swelling has gone down although it's a good excuse not to make the tea!!!lol Cute story,you are a good wife(& Molli's great mommy)


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
He's just spoiled by his DW( am I getting the internet lingo? Lol) poor thing,do hope his swelling has gone down although it's a good excuse not to make the tea!!!lol Cute story,you are a good wife(& Molli's great mommy)
If the wasp killer spray doesn’t work, then have him try Sevin garden powder. I had a massive nest both outdoor and indoors and the Sevin worked best at killing them. You need a squeeze bottle of some kind So you can puff the powder into and around the nest.

The good thing about yellow jackets is that they don’t use the same nest for the next year so you don’t need to worry about the returning to the same spot next year.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 5, 2010
It went like this -

Daughter, son-in-law, adult granddaughter arrived from Texas on Thursday. I had made three bean salad, potato salad, then broiled chicken breasts at dinnertime. Granddaughter made an avocado crema and a tomatillo (somewhat hot) salsa (I had previously bought the ingredients and had them available here) to accompany the chicken. Dessert was a flourless chocolate citrus almond flour cake I baked in the morning (daughter has gluten intolerance.)

Friday morning daughter, granddaughter and I went to the very nearby farm cart stand and bought a dozen ears of corn and four beefsteak tomatoes. My brother and Himself's sister arrived from NYC. Niece and her 19 year old son who live about an hour away in NJ also drove over. Lunch was the aforementioned two salads, carrot raisin salad, bicolor corn on the cob and ratatouille. Broiled kosher all-beef hotdogs. Served the cake with vanilla ice cream. Brother, niece, son departed. Himself's sister stayed over (she got the sofa, all beds being previously assigned.)

Lunch on Saturday was sort of fend for yourself - options included sliced chicken, tomatoes, avocado crema on a toasted roll, assorted salads, hard boiled eggs, fresh orchard peaches (yellow and white cling stone and donut peaches) etc.

In the afternoon the ladies group went to the Kingwood feed and mercantile, and then to the very large lovely pricey farm stand. Sister-in-law left Saturday late afternoon, taking a bus back to NYC. I made her a frozen banana smoothie just before she left, which she liked so much I needed to write out the recipe. Dinner for the five of us was a chicken stirfry with mushrooms, red onion, sweet pepper, celery, green peas, green beans over rice, mini-wontons poached separately so no issue for daughter as the wrappers have gluten. (She also doesn't eat fish or pork.) Last of the cake, ice cream, chocolate chip cookies.

Last three house guests left this morning. Today I have been doing widely spaced loads of laundry to avoid stressing the septic system. Fourth one in the washing machine right now, and will run dishwasher at bedtime. Then tomorrow (Monday) I can return to the usual strip-our-bed-wash-sheets routine.

Good to see everyone. Cats actually made appearances. I believe a good time was had by all.
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In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
My Sunday went up in flames. As I was sitting at the computer yesterday morning with my coffee, my head exploded. I was back in bed by 10:00 and stayed in bed until around 2:00 in the afternoon. By that time, it was manageable. I made Rick iced tea and we ended up with spaghetti instead of the chicken I had planned. It was easier. After dinner, I did the litterboxes and hit the Shed for a while, came back in the house, and went back to bed, watching a bit of Shark Week. I feel fine this morning.

Mollipop anointed the new rug in the hallway. She came back the hallway, threw up her breakfast, and then sauntered off. She's lucky she's so cute.
  • I used the coffee grinder for the first time this morning. Man, is that thing messy! I did 8 ounces on the Medium grind and think that will be fine. I'm drinking coffee now and it's good. Rick got up with the girls before I did and he makes the coffee when he gets up; I make it when I get up. So when I came out into the hallway, I didn't smell coffee. Rick: I didn't know if you washed the thing, I didn't know how fine the grind should be, I didn't know how to use it! That man is lucky he's so cute.
  • We're doing a quick run to the grocery store for things I can't get at either Costco or Sam's. And then to Lowes for a few things.
  • Two loads of laundry today: One load is the bed sheets that I changed on Saturday. And I need to do a load of kitty linens.


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
I am on my someteenth day of organizing my tool space. The wastebasket has been emptied several times, the shelves are half empty and what remains is sorted into bins. I just need to bring the labeler down and label everything and it is done, or mostly done.

The dilemma is what to do with all the now empty plastic bins. Store them in case I add more junk or just toss them. I need to think about that a bit. I am still planning on going through other storage - clothes, picture frame, sewing stuff etc. but I need a few days away before I tackle that.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Nasty t-storm last night. More rain than we thought we'd get. Lots of bright lightning. I like watching lightning, wish we had a place with a roof (porch) where we could go outside to watch a good t-storm.
  • Breakfast for the girls, emptied the dishwasher, and am back here with my coffee.
  • Didn't get the laundry done yesterday, so must do today.
  • Must freeze peppers this morning.


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
The 3 things I'd really like to do today is nothing,nothing and a little bit of nothing

I start each day long before the birds, some times before Midnight- by this time(8am) I've already put in an 8hr day and I'm beat.But y'all know when you have a kitty family there's always stuff to do .......


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 5, 2010
Winchester Winchester - your storms must go north or south of us since we got overcast skies and no rain at all.

Today we'll stop at the bank, then Himself has a PT/INR at the health center, and finish the outing with a stop at the IGA for milk, hot dog rolls, etc. Guest linens - sheets and towels - all washed and put away, our bed sheets ditto. Now working on our towels. Since it didn't rain there are plants to water.

And oh yes, we have a baby rabbit showing up in the morning industriously dining on clover outside the kitchen. Mr Poe's tail switches like a metronome while he watches it.
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