Name Three Things - 2020

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Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Mia6 Mia6 Could you please five me the name of a good harpist?

I think probably any classical music that doesn't have big crashing crescendos would be good, Chopin, Bach, Brahms, Debussy...

There's an American Harpist named Yolanda Kondonassis that you might enjoy :)

Today I'll be grooming the cat, doing a water change for the fish, and doing a water change/adding a drop of fertilizer to my marimo :thumbsup:
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TCS Member
Super Cat
Oct 12, 2019
Thank you, I really appreciate that and I will keep you and yours in my prayers as well.🙏

  • Boxes
  • Tea
  • Going to appt. at the Cleveland Clinic Pain Management Dept. People come from different countries to have their pain controlled. I'm thinking about wearing a mask but don't want to be an alarmist. Not sure what to do. Going to snow later on but not sure how much we'll get. I don't like leaving Cal alone because she frets when I'm gone for a few hours or more. Hopefully she'll sleep. Helper must go, will write about that later. She yelled at me yesterday and I was afraid. She told me she had shot someone at one point in time but I didn't know if I believed her Now I do. They have background checks done before they are hired but I don't know how through they are.She is not working tomorrow so I will call Jon. Everybody has their breaking point and she may have reached hers, that is biology.
this rubbish deserves a slap in her face and a kick in her ass :(
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TCS Member
Super Cat
Oct 12, 2019
Winchester Winchester Awwww....darling Banshee!! The Vincie girl always gave me the business but I'm surprised at getting it from
Callie. I was such a big suck-up, a grown woman begging, ha!! Sounds like Banshee was your girl. :hugs: :hearthrob::redheartpump:

New aide will start the 10th of March, a Monday!!!!

Thanks to all of your for your support. I could not have
come to this wise decision without you. Mush wanted
to come across the pond and sort her out so I knew it was
time for her to go.

this is the most wonderful news !!! :)


TCS Member
Super Cat
Oct 12, 2019
Mia6 Mia6 Could you please five me the name of a good harpist?

I think probably any classical music that doesn't have big crashing crescendos would be good, Chopin, Bach, Brahms, Debussy...

There's an American Harpist named Yolanda Kondonassis that you might enjoy :)

Today I'll be grooming the cat, doing a water change for the fish, and doing a water change/adding a drop of fertilizer to my marimo :thumbsup:
our cats love to listen to a group Enigma :)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 5, 2010
Feel lethargic this morning. It is still morning, yes? Look at clock - yup, I'm good. Maybe a second coffee will help.

Bed made, cats fed, load of laundry in washer. A couple of hand wash things soaking in bucket with Eucalon.

Today I want to:
1) Organize the preps in the basement. I think I'm done shopping. Except for a few more cans of soup. And echinacea tincture. I am of the opinion that the tincture is more effective at energizing the immune system than the capsules but it doesn't keep forever.
2) Still thinking about fruit if we need to sequester at home so today I will make and bottle applesauce. Would have been better with fresh harvest autumn apples but there you have it, it isn't autumn any more. I bought a smallish bag of Granny Smith and a smallish bag of Gala. Will combine the two. Question is whether to bottle in 12 ounce or pints. Aha! I'll do both!
3) And having indulgently bought dormant liatris corms at both Lowes and Costco I need to plant some, starting today. May also pot some for later on to accommodate "Oh, they'd look good over there . . ." impulses. Liatris are so nice. Good cut flower, butterflies love to nectar on the flowers, goldfinches love the seeds.

Will now go and shift laundry from washer to dryer, finish hand washables, make another coffee, and get to work.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 5, 2010
Two out of three ain't bad, right?
1) Laundry washed, dried, folded. Now waiting to go upstairs and put away.
2) Made the applesauce. If you are curious - 3 pounds each Granny Smith & Gala apples plus a pint of cider, cook until soft then puree through the food mill. Add 1 cup dark brown sugar and juice of 2 Meyer lemons. Yield - four 12-ounce and two pint jars plus two pints of cider cooking liquid.
3) Did not plant the liatris as the label says do so in April. May blame global warming and plant them tomorrow.
But I did
3 alternate) run the dishwasher and unload it.
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Mother of one and numerous ferals
Thread starter
Top Cat
Jan 22, 2017
Ohio, USA
  • Boxes
  • Tea
  • Will try some light chores as I won't have a helper for a week. Cole brought me lots of food, etc so I'm good. Stouffer's frozen dinners, easy stuff. I did burn my thumb taking a dinner out of the oven, ha!! Just had spaghetti and meat sauce. Cal snuck out
  • last night and was gone for 20 mins! She would not listen to me telling her to come in. I put the motion light on and sat down in the living room as she scratches the slider when she wants in. I went to the door and flicked the light off and on and there she was, coming from the back of the garage. My neighbors moved over the weekend and I think she was nosing around. I'll miss them but they only moved down the street.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
C catapault Your applesauce sounds really good. We add very little sugar anymore to our applesauce; it seems sweet enough, which may be because I use about 6-7 different kinds of apples in the mix. And that way, I can bake with the applesauce, too. I may a lot of applesauce brownies around here.

When Rick turned 60 many moons ago, I had this huge bash in the back yard for his party. We built a tiki bar (the party had a Tahitian theme), put Pete the Parrot on top, and used it for extra seating and storage. Well, we don't use it anymore, so Rick tore it apart yesterday. The wood that he could salvage will be used for potato boxes up in the garden. It seems strange to look out the back window and see clear space right behind the house now.

Chilly and breezy this morning. But we are to get up in the 50s this week, so I'll take it, even with the rain. At least it's not snow.
  • Breakfast for the girls, walked one mile (foot doesn't feel too bad), and drinking my coffee. It's Rick's turn to empty the dishwasher and to scoop the boxes.
  • Some grocery shopping this morning
  • Afternoon vet appts for Mollipop, Tabby, and Muffin. It's pretty much just senior visits for the girls, but I think Tabby needs a rabies shot.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
My foot has been funky for a while again. The area between my big toe and next toe on the top of my foot has been aching and is swollen a bit. Tender. It doesn't really hurt badly, but I know something is funky. I quit walking for a week, started back up, and it hurt right away. So I stopped for two weeks, started in again this morning, only for a mile, and it seems OK. I have no idea what happened. I'll keep it at a mile this week and see how it goes. (Not being able to walk has certainly done a number on weight-loss! :scale: )
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  • #353


Mother of one and numerous ferals
Thread starter
Top Cat
Jan 22, 2017
Ohio, USA
My foot has been funky for a while again. The area between my big toe and next toe on the top of my foot has been aching and is swollen a bit. Tender. It doesn't really hurt badly, but I know something is funky. I quit walking for a week, started back up, and it hurt right away. So I stopped for two weeks, started in again this morning, only for a mile, and it seems OK. I have no idea what happened. I'll keep it at a mile this week and see how it goes. (Not being able to walk has certainly done a number on weight-loss! :scale: )
Ouch!! Maybe you should see doc? :hugs:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 5, 2010
Winchester Winchester out of curiosity I just Googled and learned that there are 48 teaspoons to one cup. So each of the 80 ounces of applesauce have just over 1/2 teaspoon apiece, which is 9.6 teaspoons / pint. Still good for baking, I would think, or an embellishment for a serving of roast pork.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
C catapault I wasn't being snotty and please don't think I was. We just don't add sugar in any amount anymore. But you're absolutely right in that the amount that you use is really small.

We took the girls for their vet appts yesterday. Muffin needs a dental; they did bloodwork on her to make sure she's OK and will schedule her right away. Mollipop also needs a dental; somewhere alone the line she broke a tooth and it should be removed. She'll go next. The vet thinks Tabby might have a heart murmur, but she's not sure. It was very, very faint, so she noted it and they'll check it next time. Molli and Tabby came in at a little over 8 pounds and Muffin is a little over 9. They all got their rabies shots. Overall, they seem to be really well and as soon as the girls have their dentals, we'll be done until their fall check-ups.

Mollipop was particularly ornery this time around. She hissed, spit, and sputtered. Cussed at the vet, cussed at me, and even gave me a little nip. She hates anything to do with people messing with her. Touch, dote, caress and you're fine. Do NOT do exams, check mouths, or give shots. And never, EVER stick anything up her butt. You will pay. Muffin hissed and spit when she got the shot. Tabby just sat there like a little lady.

  • Breakfast for the girls, walked 1 mile, and am sitting out here in the shed with my coffee (this is in Bold because it's harder to see on the laptop). Other than the little fridge running, it's really quiet out here! Rick emptied the dishwasher and will scoop.
  • Vacuum, swiffer, and wipe down the kitchen and bathroom.
  • Mail a BDay card to our grandson.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 5, 2010
Didn't think you were being snotty, Winchester Winchester Inquiring minds want to know, is all. It was obvious that I used a small amount of sugar, and wanted to know how it breaks down.

Today is a busy one. So far I have
1) Usual morning start - everyone is fed, the bed is made, I did my 10 minutes in the inversion chair.
2) Tossed a load of jeans etc into washer to churn around and get clean.
3) Will take Himself to PT and go to Costco & Wal-Mart to examine food savers. The little Reynolds handi-vac that uses propiatory bags is also dead - never took the batteries out when I put it away, they corroded, and the device is unusable. Can get a new one for about $20 but I prefer the Food Saver where I can make different size bags myself. Question is - will I use it enough to justify the money.
4) Not sure but know there will be more to do.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 5, 2010
Reporting on today's hectic but not especially productive morning. That's for me, Himself did his PT while I discovered that

Wal-Mart has empty shelves where any immune response vitamins etc should be. No echinacea. Progresso soups - mostly empty shelves, no chicken noodle, chicken anything. Store not too crowded but just one register open. They're trying to shift customers to self-checkout. I only bought grapes and bananas.

Went to nearby CVS. Their only echinacea is capsules, not tincture. Was going to buy it as a fall back. That's until I read the label. You are supposed to take 7 capsules per day, individually, preferably with meals. Anyone here eating 7 meals / day? Didn't think so.

Picked up Himself. Discussed it. Went to Costco. Himself found their one and only Food Saver. For $140. No thank you. I found they don't stock echinacea. Their bulk soup is Campbell's chicken noodle. Tried it once. Prefer Progresso. Bought Hersey's chocolate kisses - probably good for immune support, right? Was going to get dried apricots but they only had some healthy-coated-with-probiotics, so I did not. Did get apples, lettuce, tomato paste, and fresh salmon.

And so went our morning. Well actually it is after 1:00 p.m. now.


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
It’s March and cabin fever has set in. Usually I would do a drive to a casino and pretend for an afternoon I was on vacation but definitely not ready for a germ fest, so today I went on a Caffeine free Dr Pepper run to southern Minnesota, some 80 miles away. The soda is no longer available in Central Minnesota so I decided it was a good day for a drive to go get some. It was pretty much a straight shot hour and a half each way on a nice divided two lane highway with side roads and small towns every few miles. I didn’t stop though until after I picked up the soda and then I stopped into a Caribou coffee (Midwest Starbucks equivalent) for a small specialty drink. $4.96 a cup - how do people do this regularly! Anyway left at 9:30, back by 1:00. Not as much fun as a casino but at least I got out in the world and as my mother would say “blew the stink off of me”


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
Didn't think you were being snotty, Winchester Winchester Inquiring minds want to know, is all. It was obvious that I used a small amount of sugar, and wanted to know how it breaks down.

Today is a busy one. So far I have
1) Usual morning start - everyone is fed, the bed is made, I did my 10 minutes in the inversion chair.
2) Tossed a load of jeans etc into washer to churn around and get clean.
3) Will take Himself to PT and go to Costco & Wal-Mart to examine food savers. The little Reynolds handi-vac that uses propiatory bags is also dead - never took the batteries out when I put it away, they corroded, and the device is unusable. Can get a new one for about $20 but I prefer the Food Saver where I can make different size bags myself. Question is - will I use it enough to justify the money.
4) Not sure but know there will be more to do.
I have had my food saver for years and years, use it regularly and love it. I buy family packs of meats on sale and divide them up into individual potions and vacuum seal them. You never get freezer burn. If you buy one, I would suggest that you buy the premade bags instead of the roll - the pint and the quart size are the most useful. Just makes packaging faster. Also ziplock also sells vacuum sealer bags and theirs are both a hair cheaper and a little better made than the Food Saver brand.
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