My Feral And Rescued Cats

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May the purr be with you
Dec 22, 2005
Jcatbird Jcatbird I think cat antennas are much better than rabbits since their whiskers are longer, thereby, getting better reception. 📶
Fingers crossed you continue to get a signal but above all, stay safe. :crossfingers:

Maria Bayote Maria Bayote I'm so sorry to hear about Graham not being able to make the trip back to your country but it might be a sign that he was meant to stay with you. :hugs:

All our trees have lost their leaves except for one red maple that is hanging on. It's always the last to comply. :headshake:


Living in Kitty Paradise.
Top Cat
Sep 17, 2020
Maria Bayote Maria Bayote I so sorry to hear about this setback. I still praying for you. I believe things happen for a reason. I hope that everything works out in the end despite any "bumps in the road". Hang in there.🙂
Jcatbird Jcatbird So glad you were able to get back on. I hope you and the kitties are safe as you continue to shelter in place from all that smoke. Glad Chez Catbird is under great Supurrvision . So happy Banjo is trying to help you get a better signal so you can come visit here.😉 I hope you could visit here more often. Just in case you need help with your TV reception, I am sending you this guy below. :lol:Take care. :heartshape:



TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Back at'cha and thank you, Whenallhellbreakslose Whenallhellbreakslose and you know me well! That's a GREAT mat!
Maria Bayote Maria Bayote A good friend of mine thinks, and tells me, that what should happen, does happen; and I hope and pray that's the case for you and Graham!
Jcatbird Jcatbird :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: Yeah, those big floofy ears should pull in all the signals that are good! How is sweet Banjo doing these days? Yeah, lay low and batten 'em down. We're all here when you're able to get up and running and safe and all.:hearthrob:


Living in Kitty Paradise.
Top Cat
Sep 17, 2020
Back at'cha and thank you, Whenallhellbreakslose Whenallhellbreakslose and you know me well! That's a GREAT mat!
Maria Bayote Maria Bayote A good friend of mine thinks, and tells me, that what should happen, does happen; and I hope and pray that's the case for you and Graham!
Jcatbird Jcatbird :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: Yeah, those big floofy ears should pull in all the signals that are good! How is sweet Banjo doing these days? Yeah, lay low and batten 'em down. We're all here when you're able to get up and running and safe and all.:hearthrob:
Yup. I knew you love that one. It just warms the heart having that as a Welcome Mat. 🥰 🥰 🥰

Maria Bayote

Mama of 4 Cats, 4 Dogs , 2 Budgies & 2 Humans
Top Cat
Jan 15, 2018
i know you were counting on Graham traveling but you also had second thoughts? Maybe this is the paw of protection working? We will hold you and Graham in our prayers.
I saw your post in my email, my heart went out , I really wanted to reply, and I actually got a signal! Something is working!:hugs: Trust and we hold on to positive thoughts that this happened for good reason. Everything changes and change continues. Maybe you will be staying there and want Graham with you?🙏 Maybe you will all travel together later?
Yes, my next option is to travel together, maybe next Summer during our annual vacation if all goes well here. I hope the company I am working at gets back to normal. Thanks, Friend. Be safe and well always.

I'm so sorry to hear about Graham not being able to make the trip back to your country but it might be a sign that he was meant to stay with you. :hugs:
Yes probably, I was also a bit uneasy and was having second thoughts. Maybe it is for the better.

I so sorry to hear about this setback. I still praying for you. I believe things happen for a reason. I hope that everything works out in the end despite any "bumps in the road". Hang in there.🙂
Thank you. So sweet of you. You too, hang in there whatever our trials in life.

A good friend of mine thinks, and tells me, that what should happen, does happen; and I hope and pray that's the case for you and Graham!
I hope so too. Maybe it is the Universe telling me its not yet safe for Graham to be sent back home. Not yet. Not now.

Be well everyone. Smile! We have our kitties, and that is all that matters!


TCS Member
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2017
United States
My signal may go out so I will try (not easy for me lol to be quick)
rubysmama rubysmama It is very hard for me to miss doing posts too! Lol I have smiles to share and they may build up to bursting levels! 🌋 😀😄😁😅:lol:
I love that kitty smile!The picture made me smile. Uh oh….. here comes the overflow!:flail:
rose That is so precious and I
:salute: them as well as all the veterans who have guarded and protected us all. To all who have ever served, you have my thanks and complete gratitude.
Banjo as a Marine! She loves it! She asked me to tell all ,” Semper Fi!” Semper Fidelis… Always faithful. :grouphug2::redheartpump:

neely neely I am always so relieved to get back here. Of course my priority is keeping the kitties safe but we miss everyone here! I hate leaving some of the rescuers I was posting to as well. I am sure they are fine without us but the more here who can give support, the better. The more the merrier too! ;) I’ll have to let the kitties send out “cat signals” if we can’t get on site. Their ears can receive so I am thinking they can send signals too. Cat sonar? :lolup:
The maple won’t comply? Lol It must be part Cat all paw (catalpa) tree!
Whenallhellbreakslose Whenallhellbreakslose lolololol That kitty is so funny! I hope I will be able to be on site more too! I miss everyone! Hmmm. That kitty must be helping! We are here. You take care as well. :heartshape:
tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 Yes. I too believe that we travel a path for a reason. We may not always know the direction things will take when we start out but we do find the right way. Semper Fidelis. Good words.
Thank you to you and all here for staying this path! It is always a very good feeling to see that everyone here is still here. We are battening down the hatches and watching for the next trail on the path here. May it rise up to meet us very soon.
Banjo is doing well. The kitties are all a bit nervous from things around us but they have a hooman to pile up on. And they do! Lol


Maria Bayote Maria Bayote You know how I am always saying that I believe we should trust our little inner voice and you did mention that you were having second thoughts. I think Graham would have been safe but I also think the timing just was not quite right for some reason. When it is right, I think you will know. For now, Graham is in the best place a cat could be. With you. :petcat:
tabbytom tabbytom Yes! No diamond can ever match the sparkle and energy emanating from a cat!
The reason Wilma Flintstone would like diamonds is because Sabertooth tigers give intense love bites!:lol:


Happiness is being owned by a cat
Staff Member
May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
Their ears can receive so I am thinking they can send signals too. Cat sonar?
CaT phone home..................chattering.............chattering................chattering ...................meowowowow..................meowowowow................reporting......................Banjo, do you read me over.........................................beeeep...............beeep.......beeeeeeeeeeeep..........................Roger out! :flail: :flail: :flail: :flail: :flail: :flail:


TCS Member
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2017
United States
Hmmmm. Is that Morris the cat code? Smile post?
It’s time to get a signal?

I think I hear something.

I can do it just as well as any other kitty!

I may need to do it a bit differently.

You know how I do things hooman.

Get that phone ready….

Here it comes…..

It’s happy tail!

That’s pretty cool Whistle!

How about a signal booster?

I can help.

Thanks but I don’t need help. I know the Morris code.

Pardon me but….

Closing the door on this now.

Nothing carries a message better than a Happy Tail and a good strong Whistle. It can reach the skies.

We’ll be back as we can but always listen for the sound of a good, strong Whistle! It’s a very special language and while dogs understand a little, kitties know it all.;) If you want to make your kitties roll over laughing, just try making the sounds a bird makes. You know…. Like a j catbird! Silly bird!
We send lots of love and Whistles!
I hope we left you smiling for the day.
:blush: J:bicolorcat:🐦


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Someone's looking very floofescent and prosPURRous on the cat carrier!
And yes, someone is very definitely hearing signals from space...winged signals, I'm thinking! Is (s)he speaking Sylbo back?
Does everyone here know of the throat singing of the people of Tannu Tuva? It's truly amazing.


Pearl, my labrador who loved cats. RIP.
Top Cat
Aug 28, 2016
Colorado, USA
I am currently in the Middle East.
Moderna vaccine has a serious effect on me, from first vaccine till 4th. From Thursday to Friday night I had a really bad fever and chills.
Oh I hope it got better! I've had all Pfizer and not terribly bad.
(I'm catching up on reading.)

Achey arm (beats an achey-breaky heart any day),
Yup. When my daughter was little she sang it as "achey breaky haahhhh." Kids!

I do wonder if because my side effects are minimal, that means my immune system isn't producing the antibodies.
It is because older folks' immune systems may be slower to respond. The side effects are from our body building antibodies against the virus. We still get to the same immunity, just over some more time. So you're good. There is an antibody test, probablty $$$$. But when I donated blood during the worst of covid it included an antibody test.

Butter's first vet visit today! He is officially a member of the family. Its confirmed also that he is a boy. He will return to the vet 2 weeks from now.
Yay!!!! I'm so sorry he's not making it with you now!

I am so very fur behind… ummm, that doesn’t sound right, does it?
Mmmmmmm...not quite...BUTT we know what you mean. SOOOO good to hear from you!!!


Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
It is because older folks' immune systems may be slower to respond. The side effects are from our body building antibodies against the virus. We still get to the same immunity, just over some more time. So you're good.
Oh, good to know. It's been a bit over a week now, so hopefully my antibodies are developing.

There is an antibody test, probablty $$$$. But when I donated blood during the worst of covid it included an antibody test.
I think it would be interesting to be able to do an antibody test. But, like you, I imagine it's pricy.
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