My Feral And Rescued Cats

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Dec 5, 2017
United States
tabbytom tabbytom That is so true and what a precious photo on the midweek Pawverb! :heartshape: That is something we all need to remember! Hugs received! Prayers working. I love the picture of praying kitty!

Furballsmom Furballsmom

pearl99 pearl99 All better now? Goggles are a good idea! Thank you for the wishes for us and I am so glad you find smiles here. A crazy world but smiles still exist. We made it there and made it back.

CL56 CL56 Thank you! We did get there and found wonderful people at the school! It is such a busy place but they spent time with us and were very loving to Banjo. The thoughts wishes and prayers are working.

dustydiamond1 dustydiamond1 Love the frog and I was looking for a paw too! Lolololololololol Pretty flowers! Sunshine yellow.:heartshape:

Laughing at the 4th be with you and both the others!:flail: Sooo cute!

rubysmama rubysmama Thank you and we made it through! You don’t miss a thing! Lol You spotted me in the health forum. Thank you for passing that on. Maybe someone else has some ideas. We won’t jump to conclusions but research is always a good idea.

neely neely Your spirit was with us. Thank you for wishing you could help us navigate but sending vibes does help to carry that ripple. Compassion was shown here and made it all the way to those who worked with Banjo! They were very compassionate.

Mamanyt1953 Mamanyt1953 Candle power got us there and back! Now I am sending candle power back! Don’t try to catch up here too quickly. A lot has gone on in a couple of days and it can wait. Very glad you got some sleep though! You deserve some good sleep.

@WhenallhellbreaksloseThat is very true about that mountain. I might add that we can only climb one mountain at a time too. I keep my hiking shoes on.;) Make sure you have a good pair of shoes too. Thanks for looking up all that information. That was a huge amount of work and it helps. We both have eye issues so I know that was an effort of love.

Lari Lari Thank you! We made it there and back and we will be learning more so it did work out. Amazing considering all the calls and effort that had to go into this by many people. I also made a new contact the night before! Rescuing really is about networking. One of my earliest contacts that was made through me giving to a rescue group that I found out about over thirty years ago (but only met this person four or five years ago) helped me. I called but got no answer. I texted ,” It’s about Banjo!” I got a text back, “What’s wrong!” I explained I needed transport. By the time we finished talking I had gotten someone to drive but still called the contact my previous contact gave. The woman does transports interstate for shelters but not individuals. After much conversation she told me she had considered branching into transport for individuals and I suggested she come and tell her story and the story of her cats on TCS. We hit it off and she felt my call came at a time that was very coincidental. She is willing to transport us in the future and has been to that vet school many times! Things can work out! I think a lot of people here would use her services if they become available. She has several inside kitties and some ferals. One inside kitty is a rescue with FIV. I hope she joins us

As everyone might imagine, I am tired! Lol Figuring our how to arrange our trip was an up and down event. Each call made seemed to be ,” I am already obligated” and so it continued. It’s a busy world. However, as I tend to repeat myself, let me do it again! Never give up. The day before the appointment I found someone willing to drive and after going to the city, a rental car available. Whew! One last thing fell into place that night. Someone to stay with the cats. My friend that knows the cats. I once posted pictures of BJ snoozing under the hem of her dress. Lol

We have not gotten a diagnosis yet. We are waiting for test results. The people were wonderful. The specialist thought the view on the CT scan was ,” weird” and had not seen this ever before. Weird is not always bad. Who knows? Perhaps we caught a mass dissolving into liquid and into nothingness. That’s my story of it unless it becomes something different. Banjo is happy and making biscuits for me and that is what matters.

We got some gorgeous sky pictures that morning and that afternoon. I took a lot of cloud pictures too. I’ll post a few now and more later.

I also caught this sign! Ummmmm, we did not stop there. Lol


Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
Jcatbird Jcatbird : Glad you and Banjo had no major issues on your travels. The sky was certainly beautiful for your drive. Hopefully "weird" is good, and that whatever it is either resolves itself, or is easily treated.
Sending more healing vibes your way. :vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::bicolorcat:

Can totally understand you not stopping into the Sheldon Convenience Store. :eek3:

And for anyone needing a Friday smile...



TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Jcatbird Jcatbird trying to catch up a little on the latest. *PRAYERS* from the heart for sweet Banjo and for you!
And for everyone else, *Prayers* and best thoughts. I seem to be getting knocked off of threads a lot lately and also off several other sites I'm on the listserv of. No, it's not a security issue, at least my software doesn't say it is. I do use a VPN and maybe that is the matter. Anyway, just want to check in and let everyone know I'm still here.


May the purr be with you
Dec 22, 2005
Jcatbird Jcatbird I'm just catching up and glad to hear the ripple effect is in full force and working for Banjo and you. :hugs: Being able to arrange a transport, rental car, someone to stay with the cats and a knowledgable specialist to help diagnose Banjo's health issues is more than anyone can ask for. Your devotion to Banjo is coming back tenfold. :heartshape:


TCS Member
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Dec 5, 2017
United States
rubysmama rubysmama Thank you! The traveling part of the trip was…. Interesting? Lol I saw places I had not seen before. I have certainly never seen a sign like the one at that store! I was hungry but then….. not.:lol: I have known people to eat everything on the list except for one. Pig tails. In my world those are a hairdo!🤔 I know we should never waste anything but….Butt….
I could see that I was going through an area that was not wealthy so I understand. I am more than grateful for my own blessings. Maybe I should have bought gas or something else there? The driver was not inclined to stop.
I really laughed at the trash going out more than I do! One thing though, I have to go out to take the trash so it all evens out? Lol Not exactly my idea of a fun time out but I go anyway. :lol:
Please keep the healing vibes coming. They may be working! Weird might turn into okay.

dustydiamond1 dustydiamond1 I suppose we do tell all our cats’ private business! Lol Sorry kitties! I have a whole lot of apologies to make!:worship::blackcat2:

N NY cat man Oh my! Thank you! That is a stunning bouquet! The colors are so beautiful! Your garden always brightens my day. Flowers and cats! We can’t ask for much better to bring smiles. I love the tulips!:sunshine:

tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 I am so glad to see you. I am also glad it is JUST a glitch of some sort that had you missing. I always worry when I miss someone and I was missing you! Very grateful that it was not something other than that. Thank you so much for the prayers. Banjo says to thank you from her too.:bicolorcat:

neely neely Thank you. It was a bit nerve wracking to try and line things up. ALL the plans fell through once snd then came back together at the last moment and very late at night. When we got home and everyone was settled I sat down to take a break and slept! Lol A lot! I haven’t slept like that….maybe ever! Devotion? She has my whole heart. She has from day one. She serves the best. Look at all she has given!:bicolorcat::redheartpump: I hope that what I can give will be enough. I thought of something today that made me smile. I have rented a car only four times in my life. Two of those times were for Banjo! I really need to let her get her own car now. She still wants that Catillac.;)

In all the hustle and bustle lately I forgot to report that on the day she was supposed to get the colonoscopy I could not find my keys! They were in her carrier! Banjo!!!!:flail:
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