Let's Babble Our Way to Post #4,000,000 And Win Prizes Too!

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 9, 2015
Washington State
We had streamers in the hallway when Kim graduated from college.  Eclipse was determined to get them.  He was still pretty small so we would pick him up to bat at them.  When one finally fell down, we taped it to the back of a chair for him to play with.  They were a thick malamar material so no worries about him eating them.
Ours are paper. I don't think it'd be a big deal if they ate them, though I don't know if the dye in them might make them sick. They are back out now and being good so far.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
I hate when that kind of thing happens. 

Carrot and Angua have lost their out of room privileges for playing with streamers.
 Well, cats will be cats and cats attack things. (Except for this really lazy cat I saw last night. A bug ran right in front of it and it just watched! Our  cats would have at the least given chase!)
I have to laugh.  How could you not expect them to attack streamers? 
  It's like a long hanging cat toy. 

@Tallyollyopia   I could see it going either way, although her struggles with the classes and her improving skills would add to the story.
The problem is that I  can see it going either way. I've asked RB (who's also reading the story) what he thinks and he says he thinks he'll find out when I get there. 
 Not helpful!


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
I would read it, but I hate starting a story halfway through.  :(

I'm really lucky.  I can eat anything I want and not gain an ounce.  On the other hand, I'm hypoglycemic.  If I don't eat within 20 minutes of feeling hungry, I start getting nauseous, light-headed, and shaky.  If I wait much longer, I start dry heaving,

My boyfriend got major points a month and a half ago.  It was storming pretty bad and someone at work said there were tornado warnings.  I texted my boyfriend (he was off that day) and told him and the first thing he said was, "Don't worry; if one hits I'll take the kitties to the basement before coming back up for the expensive stuff."  And this is from a guy who treats his electronics like his kids.
@Tallyollyopia may be time to cut and paste the whole shebang onto one thread...we'd keep going there to read...OR...make a list of the post numbers so newbies can get caught up easily!

You are lucky.  Do be aware that that sort of luck can run out.  I stayed within 5 pounds of the same weight no matter what I did or did not eat until I hit 45, when the fat fairy visited me overnight and blessed me with the ability to store every single calorie about 300 a day.  Darn it.

As for the bf, yeah, that's VERY major points.  Me, I'd say the boy is abjectly in love if saving your kitties comes before the electronics!  My elder son would, I think, save his computers before ME!  Though to be fair, he's a cloud architect and his computers are his livelihood.  He can get along without me easier.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
@Tallyollyopia may be time to cut and paste the whole shebang onto one thread...we'd keep going there to read...OR...make a list of the post numbers so newbies can get caught up easily!

You are lucky.  Do be aware that that sort of luck can run out.  I stayed within 5 pounds of the same weight no matter what I did or did not eat until I hit 45, when the fat fairy visited me overnight and blessed me with the ability to store every single calorie about 300 a day.  Darn it.

As for the bf, yeah, that's VERY major points.  Me, I'd say the boy is abjectly in love if saving your kitties comes before the electronics!  My elder son would, I think, save his computers before ME!  Though to be fair, he's a cloud architect and his computers are his livelihood.  He can get along without me easier.
Well, I made an offer to the newbie, and it stands for anyone who wants one, to PM everything I've posted in the story so they can  get caught up. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
@Tallyollyopia may be time to cut and paste the whole shebang onto one thread...we'd keep going there to read...OR...make a list of the post numbers so newbies can get caught up easily!

You are lucky.  Do be aware that that sort of luck can run out.  I stayed within 5 pounds of the same weight no matter what I did or did not eat until I hit 45, when the fat fairy visited me overnight and blessed me with the ability to store every single calorie about 300 a day.  Darn it.

As for the bf, yeah, that's VERY major points.  Me, I'd say the boy is abjectly in love if saving your kitties comes before the electronics!  My elder son would, I think, save his computers before ME!  Though to be fair, he's a cloud architect and his computers are his livelihood.  He can get along without me easier.
Oh, yeah, he's in love.  I'm TECHNICALLY still married.  As in I've had nothing to do with my ex-husband for nearly 4 years but I haven't able to afford the divorce.  So, my boyfriend said, "You need to hurry up and get divorced so I can put a ring on your finger."  I think that's about as close as you can get to a proposal without actually proposing.  And, he adores the cats, too.  I've caught him snuggling and baby talking them.

Murphy jumped on his keyboard the other day and I said, "Better get down or you'll get in trouble."  He lifted up his head, looked at me, and gave a VERY exaggerated yawn like he was saying, "Yeah, yeah, I'm not scared."  Then he laid his head back down.  John walks in, picks him up, snuggles and kisses him and said,"Kitties don't sleep on laptops" then set him down.  Then he left the room again and Murphy immediately jumped back up there.  I have no idea why he wasn't deterred.  John was VERY short with him.  He only kissed him once before setting him on the floor.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jun 16, 2016
South Philly
My husbands niece and her husband were over for a few hours. The dog and cat were on their best behavior. We were so proud especially of BOOTSE because she's not use to people but she did good they both did. Anyway we were talking about hair and makeup and when she left I thought of altering my picture a little to make my hair look like I had pink streaks since someone said your never too old to die your hair and even though I promised my Husband I would go gray with him this picture I was playing with makeup which I usually don't wear so decided to see what pinkish red hair would look like. So Hete GoesView media item 371402


TCS Member
Super Cat
Feb 9, 2016
I've been feeling pretty down today. I miss having close friends that I could talk to about anything. But it seems I can't make friends in real life for the life if me. My anxiety keeps me from enjoying being around people. I am Autistic and I hate crowds. They cause me all kinds of stress because of sensory overload. I get so stressed that it drains me and all I want to do is go home, get to my room and lock the door. But at the same time, I am lonely, but the friends I do have are like me, and prefer to only hang out with people once in a blue moon.

I don't even know why I am writing this. Just babbling I suppose.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 8, 2016
Phoenix, AZ
Chiqui stayed outside so late last night that she's banned now from using her doggie door at night. When she comes in in the early evening, I'm closing it off and she can very well wait until I get up in the morning from now on. I was so afraid that something had happened to her. She has always come running back when I rattle the snack jar and call her. Better safe than sorry if she's going to go so far from the house that she doesn't hear and come running for the treats. She's vaccinated so no danger of diseases from other cats when she's outside. It was scary and I stayed up until she finally came in at 5 a.m.!


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
I think my apartment is too small for the boys to really get to run around.  My building has a long hallway so I'm thinking about letting them out there for a while at night.  They slip out the door every time it opens and run up and down it til we catch them so they'll probably enjoy it.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
Well, for about a week now my hands have been hurting. I figured they were dry and I've been putting lotion on them every free moment I have--but it wasn't helping. I was explaining the situation to AWM when she suggesting taking a couple of disposable gloves and the burn aloe that we have. She said to put the aloe all over the and and pull the glove over it, because she thinks that it was a light chemical burn instead of dryness. Well, I saw no harm in trying it with one hand first--and it feels a lot better. (It also absorbed so much aloe that it created a suction with the glove.) I'm going to try sleeping with it on both hands and see if that makes them feel better in the morning. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 9, 2015
Washington State
Well, for about a week now my hands have been hurting. I figured they were dry and I've been putting lotion on them every free moment I have--but it wasn't helping. I was explaining the situation to AWM when she suggesting taking a couple of disposable gloves and the burn aloe that we have. She said to put the aloe all over the and and pull the glove over it, because she thinks that it was a light chemical burn instead of dryness. Well, I saw no harm in trying it with one hand first--and it feels a lot better. (It also absorbed so much aloe that it created a suction with the glove.) I'm going to try sleeping with it on both hands and see if that makes them feel better in the morning. 
I love aloe. That stuff is absolutely amazing. It feels like a miracle cure when it comes to burns.


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
You know what works really well for dry cracked skin? Dermatone Camphor Ice skin balm. Hikers and campers and outdoorsy people use it a lot. The balm it a bit greasy so it's best to use it at night, gloves optional. Try not to let the cats lick the area where you applied the balm (or touch the cats after applying the balm) because the camphor can be harmful if ingested. The scent is a bit strong, like Vicks Vapo Rub if you're familiar with that.
I've been feeling pretty down today. I miss having close friends that I could talk to about anything. But it seems I can't make friends in real life for the life if me. My anxiety keeps me from enjoying being around people. I am Autistic and I hate crowds. They cause me all kinds of stress because of sensory overload. I get so stressed that it drains me and all I want to do is go home, get to my room and lock the door. But at the same time, I am lonely, but the friends I do have are like me, and prefer to only hang out with people once in a blue moon.

I don't even know why I am writing this. Just babbling I suppose.

Do you know if you are highly sensitive? I guess it's more accurately called high sensory processing sensitivity. It's a trait kind of like if you are right handed or left handed (or maybe both), not a behavior or mental issue. Basically the brain gets overstimulated by noise, lights, crowds, life in general. Major sensory overload, as you said.It's pretty common with people who are introverts and those who have anxiety. Here's a great web site to find out more: http://hsperson.com/ I listen to this podcast and have found it really helpful on how to by myself without being overwhelmed by the entire world: http://highlysensitiveperson.net/

Almost done with applying for my mortgage refinancing online. Just have to check my credit card current balance and minimum payment later when I get home, enter that info, and hit submit. Can't do that from my work computer.
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TCS Member
Super Cat
Feb 9, 2016
:grphug2: :grphug2:

Do you know if you are highly sensitive? I guess it's more accurately called high sensory processing sensitivity. It's a trait kind of like if you are right handed or left handed (or maybe both), not a behavior or mental issue. Basically the brain gets overstimulated by noise, lights, crowds, life in general. Major sensory overload, as you said.It's pretty common with people who are introverts and those who have anxiety. Here's a great web site to find out more: http://hsperson.com/ I listen to this podcast and have found it really helpful on how to by myself without being overwhelmed by the entire world: http://highlysensitiveperson.net/

Almost done with applying for my mortgage refinancing online. Just have to check my credit card current balance and minimum payment later when I get home, enter that info, and hit submit. Can't do that from my work computer.

Yes. Sensory processing issues are very common in Autism and my sensory problems were a huge part of my diagnosis.

I have zero ability to cancel out background noise. So when I am out and about, I hear everything that is going on around me. And often it just blurs into one big indistinguishable sound. People often assume I am hard of hearing because when I am out with friends and I have to ask people to speak louder and repeat what they've just said, because what they are saying to me just gets lost in the sea of noise around me.

When I am alone in my house and its quiet, I can hear a pen drop from the other side of the house.

I also have (hyper)sensitivities with taste, touch and smell. But my hearing is the thing that stresses me most, and unfortunately there us nothing that I can do to switch off my hearing.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 9, 2015
Washington State
I went out and bought some pretty art today. The person uses leaves and foliage from around here and paints with metallic paints. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
My son gave me this recipe for whiskey fudge, at least that's what he calls it. It looked interesting as chocolate is about the only sweet I really eat and then not much. I'm really off sugar, even fruit does not excite me. So I made this boozy sweet, it has about 1/2 cup of good whiskey in it although I would think rum might work very well also, and Ghirardelli bittersweet chocolate chips, butter, sugar, powdered sugar and vanilla. This stuff is addictive! I cut it up into bite size pieces and filled several smaller plastic containers with it, put all  but one in the freezer, the last one is in the fridge, kind of way back so I don't see it right away. I actually ate 3 pieces and I would usually eat only 1 piece of any kind of sweet and that would last me all week. Now I already want more of this. Well, I'm not going to get up just to get another piece of candy and maybe by the time I do get up that craving will be gone. No, actually, I just want a small drink of milk to get the taste out of my mouth.

The rhubarb in my garden tool off for the second time this year. Most places you get a good crop early in the spring and then not much and you have to wait until next year. The weather has been so crazy this year, even worse than last year (who says there is no climate change? They must be living in caves) so tat I have had rhubarb ready to pick since April but it was somewhat sparse after the first flush. So there has been this sudden heat wave for 4 days, bone dry also, and after that nice mild weather with a little humidity and the rhubarb just loved that, grew fat long stalks in abundance. Now I have 2 big pies and a pint jar of sauce waiting for someone to take them off my hands. If I don't find someone by tomorrow who wants them they will both go in the freezer and wait for the bake sale that the CatClub puts on just before Halloween.

A week ago Saturday someone finally called me from the adoption center at PatSmart, apologized profusely about having misplaced my app. Said someone would call me the following Monday to talk about hours when I would be needed and when I could come in to be shown what needs to be done etc etc. Monday came and went without anyone calling. Now it's Sunday and still nobody has called. What a bunch of flakes!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
just got back from 2 weeks. it was a nice vacation-somewhat boring for Jon as I don't care to drive around day after day. We had mostly good weather. Honeybee stayed in the house with us unless she wanted to poke around which was only in the early morning-which at 4:30 she jumped on us licking our faces to let us know she wants out. of course NO! we didnt let her out until 7am. I missed most sun rises-I dont wake until 6. but I saw each sunset. 

Pumps actually stayed around the camp for a change. She slept under the chair on the deck or on the chair or under a shrub nearby. Honeybee was ticking her off and bugging her around 4pm. she would go find her under the house next door. after a few days of this Pumps hung close to the house=she used to stay under the house next door or on their deck to get away from Honeybee. Maybe this year she realizes Honeybee pretty much ignores her outside.

Reading the thread her and listening to Pink Floyd Wish you were here. I had a few tears on the way home missing Floey and her grouchy self on the seat next to me. She used to hiss at HoneyB because Bee would climb on her to look out the window which earned a hiss and swipe. This is why I set up a ton of beds in the back of the truck=they used to sleep together on the gigantic hassic. we bring it every year because the  loveseat is too small for 2 people=pumps sleeps on the hassic while jon lays on the love seat. plus at home this hassic is part of our day bed of couch/bed.

We had a good time-I unfortunately ate too many cookies and chips. we ate mostly premade food. I didnt want to dirty up their stove and we pick at things. I am hung up on this Chili at Swan Lake Grocery store in Swanville Maine. OMG I talked to the lady today=she makes it from scratch. its spicy but GOOD. hamburg and sausage and the perfect blend of seasonings. I ate this almost every day. On the drive home I got a large container=I kicking myself=I should have got 6 of them and freeze it. I am crazy enough that I would drive 4.5 hours on a weekend and pick some up. Thats how I am about food=once I find something I love-I want it all the time. The other thing I couldnt leave alone=these shortbread cookies with fudge by Surefine. but yeah I will be hitting the gym again. Gained more weight-getting annoyed.

I may have to find a pcd to check my endocrine because I shouldnt be gaining 10 lbs a month. If I work out 90 min a day 4 times a week=hard workouts-I wasnt loosing weight but holding steady. BUT I will say I couldnt leave the food alone-but I did cut back half. I used to eat 3500-4000 calories a day=I had no clue=I started clocking it. now I keep it at 1900-2300. I cant get below 1800 or I am just too tired and dont feel well. 

so I am back and the cats are back to hanging out on the deck. 

Hope all is well! I missed you guys!!


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Oh, yeah, he's in love.  I'm TECHNICALLY still married.  As in I've had nothing to do with my ex-husband for nearly 4 years but I haven't able to afford the divorce.  So, my boyfriend said, "You need to hurry up and get divorced so I can put a ring on your finger."  I think that's about as close as you can get to a proposal without actually proposing.  And, he adores the cats, too.  I've caught him snuggling and baby talking them.

Murphy jumped on his keyboard the other day and I said, "Better get down or you'll get in trouble."  He lifted up his head, looked at me, and gave a VERY exaggerated yawn like he was saying, "Yeah, yeah, I'm not scared."  Then he laid his head back down.  John walks in, picks him up, snuggles and kisses him and said,"Kitties don't sleep on laptops" then set him down.  Then he left the room again and Murphy immediately jumped back up there.  I have no idea why he wasn't deterred.  John was VERY short with him.  He only kissed him once before setting him on the floor.
You have a keeper.  SIGH...I know how that "can't afford a divorce" thing goes.  Took me awhile to save for my first one.  My second one was paid for by the ex, because he knew I couldn't afford it.  We're still good friends, we just didn't do married well.
Well, for about a week now my hands have been hurting. I figured they were dry and I've been putting lotion on them every free moment I have--but it wasn't helping. I was explaining the situation to AWM when she suggesting taking a couple of disposable gloves and the burn aloe that we have. She said to put the aloe all over the and and pull the glove over it, because she thinks that it was a light chemical burn instead of dryness. Well, I saw no harm in trying it with one hand first--and it feels a lot better. (It also absorbed so much aloe that it created a suction with the glove.) I'm going to try sleeping with it on both hands and see if that makes them feel better in the morning. 
Aloe is good for most anything skin related.  It cured my dad of a fungus infection that recurred on his hands for years after working in a steel mill,  Molten steel popped on his hands, and a fungus got into the burns.  He spent a small fortune in prescription creams over the years, only to clear it up permanently with aloe.

@foxxycat   WELCOME HOME!!!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 9, 2015
Washington State
My son gave me this recipe for whiskey fudge, at least that's what he calls it. It looked interesting as chocolate is about the only sweet I really eat and then not much. I'm really off sugar, even fruit does not excite me. So I made this boozy sweet, it has about 1/2 cup of good whiskey in it although I would think rum might work very well also, and Ghirardelli bittersweet chocolate chips, butter, sugar, powdered sugar and vanilla. This stuff is addictive! I cut it up into bite size pieces and filled several smaller plastic containers with it, put all  but one in the freezer, the last one is in the fridge, kind of way back so I don't see it right away. I actually ate 3 pieces and I would usually eat only 1 piece of any kind of sweet and that would last me all week. Now I already want more of this. Well, I'm not going to get up just to get another piece of candy and maybe by the time I do get up that craving will be gone. No, actually, I just want a small drink of milk to get the taste out of my mouth.

The rhubarb in my garden tool off for the second time this year. Most places you get a good crop early in the spring and then not much and you have to wait until next year. The weather has been so crazy this year, even worse than last year (who says there is no climate change? They must be living in caves) so tat I have had rhubarb ready to pick since April but it was somewhat sparse after the first flush. So there has been this sudden heat wave for 4 days, bone dry also, and after that nice mild weather with a little humidity and the rhubarb just loved that, grew fat long stalks in abundance. Now I have 2 big pies and a pint jar of sauce waiting for someone to take them off my hands. If I don't find someone by tomorrow who wants them they will both go in the freezer and wait for the bake sale that the CatClub puts on just before Halloween.

A week ago Saturday someone finally called me from the adoption center at PatSmart, apologized profusely about having misplaced my app. Said someone would call me the following Monday to talk about hours when I would be needed and when I could come in to be shown what needs to be done etc etc. Monday came and went without anyone calling. Now it's Sunday and still nobody has called. What a bunch of flakes!
If there is one thing I've learned from volunteering it is that the volunteer cordinators and volunteers can be a bit flakey. It is a challenge to get anything out of them sometimes. I'd call them back and remind them. :)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 9, 2015
Washington State
Today is a lazy day. I am just laying around enjoying it. The weather turned dark and rainy so its a good day to be indoors.
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