Let's Babble Our Way to Post #4,000,000 And Win Prizes Too!

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Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
@LTS3    No, I have not tried raw. For a few reasons.. one is the yucky idea to me.. 

The other 2 have to deal with practicalities. Artie is a free feeder. He nibbles all day long. And he eats most of his food at night. I could never leave raw out all day, or even for several hours. 

Also, I have a small apartment refrigerator. The top freezer is filled with homemade food for me and extra veggies and fruit....I could not squeeze in a shipment of frozen raw for him in it...

I think if those last 2 things were different, I would really consider trying it. If I had a separate freezer and he did not free feed, then I would try it--no question about it..

The closet to raw that I have gotten is the freeze dry raw toppers from Nature's Variety... At first Artie loved them, now he turns his nose up at it....

thanks for thinking about me...

The cat cafe sounds like an awesome place to visit!! and have a cup of coffee... just for one visit though. 

Yes, I would prefer to adopt a cat from a local shelter..rather than a cafe..but it is a good idea for people in apartments where pets are not allowed..they can have their cat 'fix'.....
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handsome kitty

TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2014
Newark CA
I don't think I have a favorite chocolate.  It's what ever I can find.
  I do tend to lean towards milk chocolate but after doing the Whole30 the less sweet varieties are tastier than they were.

@Tallyollyopia   Your cat cracks me up
  I would have been terrified if my cat did that but pretty sure they aren't that clever.  Maybe you could take him to work with you.  Will we get another chapter of Magic School and Egg soon?  If you post a chapter every other post we could get lots more of the story before they close the babbling thread


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
I've never had a cat as finicky about food as Artie. I can't imagine what it must be like every day at feeding time. Come on, Artie! Eat for Mom!

One visit to the cat cafe just to check it out would be all I would do. I might go with some "crazy cat ladies" from work.


TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
I've never had a cat as finicky about food as Artie. I can't imagine what it must be like every day at feeding time. Come on, Artie! Eat for Mom!

One visit to the cat cafe just to check it out would be all I would do. I might go with some "crazy cat ladies" from work.
I have 3 picky eaters. I have been known to follow Lily through the house after she rejects a food, turns her nose up at it and then prances through the house with her tail fluffed up behind her like a little peacock girl. Me saying, "but Lily, you ate this just last week. Try it again for Mommy, please". Nope. It was over until something else was offered. She is the worst of the 3 but the other 2 aren't much better. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
I don't think I have a favorite chocolate.  It's what ever I can find.
  I do tend to lean towards milk chocolate but after doing the Whole30 the less sweet varieties are tastier than they were.

@Tallyollyopia   Your cat cracks me up
  I would have been terrified if my cat did that but pretty sure they aren't that clever.  Maybe you could take him to work with you.  Will we get another chapter of Magic School and Egg soon?  If you post a chapter every other post we could get lots more of the story before they close the babbling thread
At my work? There's no way! I have way, way  too many customers who loathe cats the same way I loathe cockroaches! I couldn't bear it if anything happened to poor Spot. Still, He is  clever. As for Magic School and Egg...here's a little more.

Once out of the tower she looked around. For the moment she had no direction. Earlier she’d had short-term goals—get Anba to the dorm, get the ointment, get Anba back to their room, and then get Rarta. The momentary lapse in having a goal left her feeling a little—listless, somehow.

The bell that summoned the students and potential students to food ran across the campus and Yarey decided that all three girls really needed some food. She didn’t know if she’d be allowed to take food to the dorms, but the place to ask would be at the kitchen. She followed the stream of students and potential students towards the building. Unlike before, she wasn’t running. Unlike getting help for Ueni, this wasn’t important. No matter what else happened, the school was not going to let them starve.

“Hey, Yarey!” called a voice.

Yarey looked around in confusion. There didn’t seem to be any hay amongst the grass growing beside the paths. Even if there was, why would someone call her attention to it?

“Yarey!” called Ban’cha giving her a gently smack on the shoulder. “Didn’t you hear me?”

“I was looking for the hay,” Yarey explained.

Ban’cha burst out laughing for a moment. Several of the students grinned at the sound, but many of the potential students made a wide berth around the two of them. “It’s just an expression, Yarey,” Ban’cha explained when he had his breath back. “A simple way of getting someone’s attention.”

“I’ve never heard it before,” Yarey admitted as they walked towards the food building.

“It’s not important. How’s Anba doing?”

Yarey grimaced. “She’s in a lot of pain and not able to move very well. I’m going to see if the cook will let me take a basket up to her.”

Ban’cha suddenly rubbed the top of her head and laughed. “Oh, I bet she’ll do more than that!” His arm dropped to where it was around her neck and he pulled her towards the food building. “Maybe,” he added with a grin just for Yarey, “if we ask real nice, she’ll let me help too.”

Yarey stared at him as he dragged her along. “But wouldn’t that mean going into the girls’ side?” she asked, confused.

“Maybe Cook won’t remember that,” Ban’cha said as they came up on the building.

Yarey took a moment to stare at the odd shape again, and this time noticed something new; there were irregular bumps all over the outside, in addition to the spikes. “These buildings are amazing,” she said as they walked up to it.

“I don’t know if it’s the buildings, or if it’s the way they were made,” said Ban’cha. For a moment he sounded a lot—older. She looked at him and he grinned. “The world is a strange place, little girl from a warhorse estate.”

“True,” admitted Yarey. She was coming across strange and new things all the time; especially since arriving at the school! “Let’s go ask,” she urged. The two of them got into the line, but instead of grabbing the strange trays Yarey explained the situation to the cook.

“It happens with every batch of new students,” said the cook knowingly. “I’ll have my helpers make you up a basket.” The woman turned and yelled, “Shysera! You’re delivering a basket of food for me, and you’d better stay to bring it back!” The cook turned back to Yarey and smiled. “I’ll include enough in the basket for four people.”

“What about me?” asked Ban’cha with a grin.

The cook raised an eyebrow and grinned right back. “You,” she said, “aren’t allowed in the girl’s dorm.”

Ban’cha puffed out his chest. “Not all fairy folk have genders as humans understand the term,” he said pompously. Yarey couldn’t help but giggle at the attitude he was taking—compared to his normal behavior it was funny.

“Aye,” said the cook with a knowing grin, “but you do—and males aren’t allowed in the female dorms.”

Ban’cha interlocked both hands behind his head and Yarey noticed a bulge under his shirt. She figured that the bulge must be the egg and she marveled that he had found a way to carry it while still having two free hands, instead of having to do everything one-handed. “Aw,” he complained good-naturedly.

Shysera ambled up—still in her helping uniform—as the Cook shook her finger at Ban’cha. “We’ll have none of that here,” she told him firmly. “After you graduate—perhaps. It’ll be up to your friend. Shysera, do you have the basket?” asked the cook.

“Hyer won’t like this,” she warned the cook. Yarey noticed that she was holding a large woven basket with cloth tucked in over the top with lumps under it. The basket smelled amazing and Yarey could hardly wait to get it to the dorm so that they could see what was in it.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Please, do not close the babbling thread. I have felt so comfortable in here.. I really like the camaraderie!!


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
I have 3 picky eaters. I have been known to follow Lily through the house after she rejects a food, turns her nose up at it and then prances through the house with her tail fluffed up behind her like a little peacock girl. Me saying, "but Lily, you ate this just last week. Try it again for Mommy, please". Nope. It was over until something else was offered. She is the worst of the 3 but the other 2 aren't much better. 
I guess I should be lucky with my two. Leroy eats anything he can get into his mouth.... edible or not
Emma occasionally turns her nose up at her canned food snack (I rotate the same two brands and a bunch of varieties for each) but will eat after some coaxing and a topper. If one won't eat the raw, it means either observing for a few hours and a phone call to the vet if I still can't get the one to eat or if there are other signs of possibe illness or "off" behavior, an immediate trip to the vet ER.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
All right; this is a poll for everyone reading the story Magic School and Egg. There's going to be a point (sometime relatively soon) in the story where Odandi might be leaving the school. (The story is served equally well whether she leaves or whether she stays.) So here's my question: should she stay or go?

Docs Mom

TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Dec 13, 2010
Lafayette, IN
Me ? Milk Chocolate...Symphony to be exact. Fudge ? Chocolate with or without walnuts. [emoji]128522[/emoji]
Indiana has been tornado alley this week ! We have been REAL lucky that they have passed us by in Lafayette... Kokomo, where hubby used to work got nailed pretty bad, last I heard it was an F3. Lots of damage, I can't imagine trying to find your family members, amidst the wreckage, 2 legged or 4 legged. Well that was my babbling for the nite...


TCS Member
Super Cat
Feb 9, 2016
Me ? Milk Chocolate...Symphony to be exact. Fudge ? Chocolate with or without walnuts. [emoji]128522[/emoji]
Indiana has been tornado alley this week ! We have been REAL lucky that they have passed us by in Lafayette... Kokomo, where hubby used to work got nailed pretty bad, last I heard it was an F3. Lots of damage, I can't imagine trying to find your family members, amidst the wreckage, 2 legged or 4 legged. Well that was my babbling for the nite...
Docs Mom Docs Mom

Oh I know! It has been awful! I go to college in Indianapolis and we keep getting tornado warnings and I have been put on lockdown in the basement of Herron School of Art 3 times in the last week!

Thankfully I didn't have class today (I commute) because apparently there was some crazy flooding downtown. A friend of mine sent me pictures of the area near the zoo (which is really close to my school) and the water was over a foot high on the road. And I guess a lot of other commuters were stranded because everywhere was flooded.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
All right; this is a poll for everyone reading the story Magic School and Egg. There's going to be a point (sometime relatively soon) in the story where Odandi might be leaving the school. (The story is served equally well whether she leaves or whether she stays.) So here's my question: should she stay or go?
I would read it, but I hate starting a story halfway through.  :(
My darlings, you both look lovely.  Unfortunately, my hair is streaking itself with the most cunning silver as we speak.

OH, I've been on that page for most of my life.  It's a thick book, but tasty.
I'm really lucky.  I can eat anything I want and not gain an ounce.  On the other hand, I'm hypoglycemic.  If I don't eat within 20 minutes of feeling hungry, I start getting nauseous, light-headed, and shaky.  If I wait much longer, I start dry heaving,
Me ? Milk Chocolate...Symphony to be exact. Fudge ? Chocolate with or without walnuts. [emoji]128522[/emoji]
Indiana has been tornado alley this week ! We have been REAL lucky that they have passed us by in Lafayette... Kokomo, where hubby used to work got nailed pretty bad, last I heard it was an F3. Lots of damage, I can't imagine trying to find your family members, amidst the wreckage, 2 legged or 4 legged. Well that was my babbling for the nite...
My boyfriend got major points a month and a half ago.  It was storming pretty bad and someone at work said there were tornado warnings.  I texted my boyfriend (he was off that day) and told him and the first thing he said was, "Don't worry; if one hits I'll take the kitties to the basement before coming back up for the expensive stuff."  And this is from a guy who treats his electronics like his kids.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 9, 2015
Washington State
My boyfriend got major points a month and a half ago.  It was storming pretty bad and someone at work said there were tornado warnings.  I texted my boyfriend (he was off that day) and told him and the first thing he said was, "Don't worry; if one hits I'll take the kitties to the basement before coming back up for the expensive stuff."  And this is from a guy who treats his electronics like his kids.
Aw. That was sweet of him. My husband says the same thing for in the case of a fire. He'll throw the cats in the car if he can find them and then go back for his electronics if there is time.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
Okay, so this is interesting. Since I'm off tonight I thought I'd take some of my birthday money (I haven't had time to spend much of it--too busy healing from work) and go to see that new movie Suicide Squad. (I don't really know what the movie's about; but I want to do  something, and it's something to do.) However, I got up and discovered that RB has the car (his van's undergoing technical difficulties at the moment), and he doesn't get off work until two. (The movie starts at two-fifteen, and the theater is in such sad shape that I refuse to pay for more than matinee.) So--eh. Tentative plans disrupted. Oh well, I should probably save my money for the huge craft fair next month anyway.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 9, 2015
Washington State
Okay, so this is interesting. Since I'm off tonight I thought I'd take some of my birthday money (I haven't had time to spend much of it--too busy healing from work) and go to see that new movie Suicide Squad. (I don't really know what the movie's about; but I want to do  something, and it's something to do.) However, I got up and discovered that RB has the car (his van's undergoing technical difficulties at the moment), and he doesn't get off work until two. (The movie starts at two-fifteen, and the theater is in such sad shape that I refuse to pay for more than matinee.) So--eh. Tentative plans disrupted. Oh well, I should probably save my money for the huge craft fair next month anyway.
I hate when that kind of thing happens. 

Carrot and Angua have lost their out of room privileges for playing with streamers.

handsome kitty

TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2014
Newark CA
I hate when that kind of thing happens. 

Carrot and Angua have lost their out of room privileges for playing with streamers.
I have to laugh.  How could you not expect them to attack streamers? 
  It's like a long hanging cat toy. 

@Tallyollyopia   I could see it going either way, although her struggles with the classes and her improving skills would add to the story.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 9, 2015
Washington State
I have to laugh.  How could you not expect them to attack streamers? 
  It's like a long hanging cat toy. 

@Tallyollyopia   I could see it going either way, although her struggles with the classes and her improving skills would add to the story.
Well, they're on the ceiling. :p So Its a bit of a trick for them to get them. Of course they are cats, so essentially ninjas. Ruby hasn't touched them, but then she's the clumsiest cat I know.

handsome kitty

TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2014
Newark CA
We had streamers in the hallway when Kim graduated from college.  Eclipse was determined to get them.  He was still pretty small so we would pick him up to bat at them.  When one finally fell down, we taped it to the back of a chair for him to play with.  They were a thick malamar material so no worries about him eating them.
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