Let's Babble Our Way to Post #4,000,000 And Win Prizes Too!

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Maybe I am just ticked off that she wasn't seeing me in the last moments but the young girl who injected her. It was instantaneous. They never explained to me about the procedure and didn't even consider the sedative and I am glad I asked. All I know is I did the best I could and there was not to be. I just have to figure out where to put the pain other than in my heart. I didn't get to stare in her eyes as she took her last breathe. She was scared and trying to get away. I tried to make it as calm for her as possible. I couldn't do it at home. I didn't want flashbacks of her dying at home. I had one die at home of natural causes and that messed with my head in ways I never imagined. Took me years to forgive myself.

I just ate some hot pockets ham n cheese because I was too lazy to go to the grocery store last night so I bought them at cvs when Jon got his meds. I know I have to do some shopping soon. all  I have is tons of babyfood and cat food. no human food that Jon will eat. he is picky. I told him today to get some more tuna for Pumpkin face. I need it to get the miralax into her otherwise forget it. she hates being syringe fed anything. Honeybee eats anything on my finger. My sweety. I love that cat so much that I hope she sticks around for many years. Shes almost 5 years old. and pumps is 13. So I only hope pumps makes it to a ripe old age of 17 as well.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 11, 2015
south Georgia
well its done. Jon got a turtle shaped rock and put it over Floey's grave. This sucked rocks. I know now that it was the only way for him to say goodbye was by burying her as horrible as it was to see the man I love cry so hard. I think this was harder on me for this reason. I was in the room when she took her last breathe. She took her last breathe when the sedative was given. I am just so glad she wasnt suffering after that. I was sad to let her go but inside I knew I would gladly take any pain away from her just so she can be painfree. It will take some time for me to release this pain but for today I own it. And I am ok with it.
I'm so sorry about Floey.  She was a beautiful little girl and strong little trooper.  No more pain for the sweet dear.  May Floey RIP. 

And my best to  you, mom!!
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
What are you doing for your wedding New York? Is it inside or outside?what colors? Flowers? are you having tons of people or ? What about food?

I always am interested in how this comes about-usually the family makes planning the wedding a hell to deal with because so and so doesn't like so and so or they are picky about food or whatever. No weddings in my family. I only been to one wedding in my lifetime and it was a relative of Jons. One of his nephews got married in May last year then in June we lost his brother-so it was kind of strange. The wedding was in a small old place out in Wenham or was it Beverly? I can't remember. it had these beautiful gardens and was later in the afternoon with dinner afterwards. It was very nice and I really enjoyed it.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 9, 2015
Washington State
What are you doing for your wedding New York? Is it inside or outside?what colors? Flowers? are you having tons of people or ? What about food?

I always am interested in how this comes about-usually the family makes planning the wedding a hell to deal with because so and so doesn't like so and so or they are picky about food or whatever. No weddings in my family. I only been to one wedding in my lifetime and it was a relative of Jons. One of his nephews got married in May last year then in June we lost his brother-so it was kind of strange. The wedding was in a small old place out in Wenham or was it Beverly? I can't remember. it had these beautiful gardens and was later in the afternoon with dinner afterwards. It was very nice and I really enjoyed it.
We're having a small wedding at a park (maybe 50-60 people depending who shows up). The wedding will be outdoors, but there is a covered area in case of rain which just makes sense since it will be at the end of September here in western Washington. I have a folded paper bouquet and beyond that we're decorating mostly with fall leaf garlands and pumpkins (its on the first day of fall so we're running with that theme.). Colors are royal blue and orange. We have a hall inside for the reception so none of us have to stay outside for too long. The ceremony will be shortish (20 minutes or so). Its at 2pm so we're supplying snack food kind of items meatballs, chips and dip, that kind of thing. Of course a wedding cake as well. Punch and sparkling cider since neither my husband or I drinks. 


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jun 16, 2016
South Philly
NewYork1303 NewYork1303 we have a bit of a delema going on here since last December. We like to keep things simple here we're no spring chickens so we have a cat & dog anyway my husband found a kitten last winter and we took it in a female and mine is a female and the dog is a female too the two cats were territorial but we were all getting by for about 5 hrs anyway next door had a kitten too and my husband thought it might be theirs so he knocked on their door and long story short they took the cat but the kitten really bonded with my hubby now the thing is every time my husband goes in the yard to clean after our dog the now 9 month old cat is always on our yard step waiting for him. And my husband plays with it and gives it good and water and it scuffs it up but eventually they bring it in by the way they named her Micci and so is really beautiful and she really loves my husband because those two are always in our yard spending time together and he told her owners several times to take her in but now she is 1/2 alley cat I think she is fixed because she never had a belly she is very streamline and my husband & she love each other so much but poor Micci' owners live right next door. ?????!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 9, 2015
Washington State
@NewYork1303 we have a bit of a delema going on here since last December. We like to keep things simple here we're no spring chickens so we have a cat & dog anyway my husband found a kitten last winter and we took it in a female and mine is a female and the dog is a female too the two cats were territorial but we were all getting by for about 5 hrs anyway next door had a kitten too and my husband thought it might be theirs so he knocked on their door and long story short they took the cat but the kitten really bonded with my hubby now the thing is every time my husband goes in the yard to clean after our dog the now 9 month old cat is always on our yard step waiting for him. And my husband plays with it and gives it good and water and it scuffs it up but eventually they bring it in by the way they named her Micci and so is really beautiful and she really loves my husband because those two are always in our yard spending time together and he told her owners several times to take her in but now she is 1/2 alley cat I think she is fixed because she never had a belly she is very streamline and my husband & she love each other so much but poor Micci' owners live right next door. ?????!
That's an interesting dilemma. Hopefully she is fixed so that she won't have babies. There's not much that can be done if the cat belongs to them. At least when she's out she gets to spend a bit of time with your hubby. We never have neighborhood cats around here. When they are around and indoor outdoor they end up disappearing. Too many wild animals around here. 


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jun 16, 2016
South Philly
NewYork1303 NewYork1303 yes I guess we'll just how their gonna treat Micci when the cold comes. If they leave her in the snow we're taking her and let them sue us because at that point it will be for keeps poor Micci always has a good home waiting for her here. I see them cuddling in the yard when he gives her food and water and it breaks both our hearts to keep closing the door on her because she wants to come in.


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Big bad storms.  I'm going to turn everything off now.  Hekitty is under the bed.  My neighbor and friend, Suzanne, just called, and she is in her closet.  Not afraid, but better not online.  Unplugging things as we speak.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
I second that ^^^^^ STEAL The cat!! I have stolen pets before from useless owners. They never even bothered to look for them.

Pumpkin face will be getting an appoiintment with the new vet for senior bloodwork. I really like him and we will do a Saturday appointment. Maybe we will do an ultrasound if he feels she needs it. she struggles with constipation but thats because she wont eat ANY wet food. We have tried them all. At least I can get miralax into her with the tuna but sure would like her to eat something better. She will be turning 13 soon and we also have to figure out a way to get her to loose a bit of weight. she has bad arthritis and they wont do surgery until the cat looses weight-SO this will be interesting!!!


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jun 16, 2016
South Philly
segelkatt segelkatt believe you me we will eventually give micci the proper loving happy home she deserves as soon as I can convince my husband that it's not wrong to take her. That's the only thing holding us back right now. I just proposed it to him again and he is thinking ! I can't make him do anything without him thinking it thoroughly through. I give it till the next time he finds her out there in the rain on our step waiting for him and wanting to come in then I think we'll have a new addition to our family with the new name Michele. I'ii keep you posted


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 9, 2015
Washington State
@segelkatt believe you me we will eventually give micci the proper loving happy home she deserves as soon as I can convince my husband that it's not wrong to take her. That's the only thing holding us back right now. I just proposed it to him again and he is thinking ! I can't make him do anything without him thinking it thoroughly through. I give it till the next time he finds her out there in the rain on our step waiting for him and wanting to come in then I think we'll have a new addition to our family with the new name Michele. I'ii keep you posted
Does she ever get to come in their house at all? 

My mother's name is Michele. I've never seen it spelled like that by anyone else before. 


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jun 16, 2016
South Philly
NewYork1303 NewYork1303 yes she gets to go in their house almost every day but she's on our step every day in over 90 degree weather and pouring rain and my husband is out there with her hugging her and she him and giving her water and food which she eats and drinks like no tomorrow but don't worry I have him Thinking he just went out in the yard 15 minutes ago to see if she was there but she wasn't maybe 11 pm tonight or tomorrow but she'll be there and I do have him seriously thinking of kidnapping her. Am I wrong?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 9, 2015
Washington State
@NewYork1303 yes she gets to go in their house almost every day but she's on our step every day in over 90 degree weather and pouring rain and my husband is out there with her hugging her and she him and giving her water and food which she eats and drinks like no tomorrow but don't worry I have him Thinking he just went out in the yard 15 minutes ago to see if she was there but she wasn't maybe 11 pm tonight or tomorrow but she'll be there and I do have him seriously thinking of kidnapping her. Am I wrong?
I don't know. I just wonder how bad of cat owners they really are. I know a lot of people who let their cats go in and out all of the time in rain, sun, snow, or anything because the cats want to. I worry that they may actually love their cat. You can let a cat in and out without being an awful pet owner. Maybe this cat just likes your husband enough that it wants to be out on hot days and in the rain- but then I wonder if that means he should have her as his own. Hmm... I'm not sure.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 11, 2015
Naperville, IL
I'm not sure, either. Have you gone over to the neighbors and talked to them about how much the cat likes your husband? And do they really want the cat? You can let them know she can have a home at your house. I think you should really discuss the situation before you snatch the cat. Inevitably, they will see the cat at your house.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
Got to work and a coworker stabbed the refrigerator with a screw driver trying to defrost it. instead of just unplugging it and letting it melt. so he went to buy a new one and plugged it in-it heated up. I got the book out and read that it is supposed to be upright for 4 hours prior to plugging in. so I unplugged it and will plug it in around 2ish. then find out that the paycheck processing company didn't pay us on time. They had some kind of glitch. So they paid us on Friday and the company said that they will pay for overdraft fees. How does a big processing company have a software glitch?? I think someone tried to hack but they can't prove it.

Margret-yes you are right. It still doesn't leave me with peace. It will take some time because all I keep remembering is the last 30 min of her life and how they made me wait for 15 minutes until the final shot. I didn't expect her to loose consciousness so fast. It was barely 15 sec after the sedative. She stopped breathing. It was horrible. But at least she was out of pain and relaxed. I had seen other cats get the sedative and sometimes it takes awhile. This just confirms that she was more than ready to go even if it is hard for me to swallow. She is at peace now and now I have to figure out how to handle the grief. Its just the way it is.
I hate it when people don't read directions. It sounds like your cat was really ready for peace, and the vet staff handled it much better than the ones who put my grandmother's dog to sleep. (I am never using their clinic again!) I'm sorry, I know something like that doesn't help right now while your heart is in pain, but it will make a difference later. It really will. 
You are correct. I am already married, but I'm having a wedding with all of my family in September since when I wanted to get married wouldn't have worked for my family members. 
Good for you! 
 From what I understand, New York is beautiful in September, and it should be a wonderful wedding! (And I hear, although I don't know for a fact, that already being married when the wedding occurs reduces stress.)

I had a horrible day yesterday. I got home from third shift, realized RB was sleeping (AWM told me he didn't get to bed until three in the morning), realized it would be a perfect  time to finally wrap his birthday presents--so I did. (Also, my boss had said she wanted to move me to first shift so that I could learn paperwork for a raise--which she seems to have forgotten about. Not sure what to do there.) Then my boss called and asked me to come in for second shift and, like an idiot, I agreed. Second shift isn't that bad when there are two people working--which there weren't. Oh, there were two people there, but I was the only one working. (I was so relieved to actually be on my own for the last three hours of shift--you have no idea how much easier to simply not have  another coworker there, especially one who keeps taking breaks. Breaks! We don't get  breaks during shift--that's one of the reasons we're only supposed to have three days a week, to give our bodies time to recover from it--and she kept taking breaks and yelling at customers who bothered her! Our job  is to serve customers!) To make matters worse, a group of guys stole the wet floor sign so they could--disgustingly--urinate on the floor of the bathroom! When I asked why, they said they were too drunk to aim and thought that would make my life easier! (I kept trying to clean it, but every time I went back there we had another flood of customers, and customers can't be left alone in the front--that's a shoplifting hazard. So I got off work and still  couldn't clean the bathroom! 
) There was something else that makes matters worse. In order save money I went to a bulk store and got a bunch of gummy fruit snacks so that I'm not paying three dollars a working day for candy. (The sugar is vital.) Today, when I opened the third packet (they're tiny, with three or four candies in each packet)--the candies were full of hair! It was disgusting! And made worse by the fact that I didn't notice until after  I'd popped them in my mouth! (I couldn't eat any more of them after that, which made work even harder.) By the time I got off it was all I could do to stagger to the car. (Thank goodness that RB was there to drive me home; I'm not sure I could have.) When I got home I had some bread (I had to eat something, I was starving and bread is definitely easy to digest), and crashed on the couch. Then  RB decided to lecture me about not even making it down the hall to my bed and did I realize that the living room is a shared space that I have no business taking up so much of with sleep  (the ironic thing is that I fell asleep partway through the lecture. I have no idea how long it was--my body went vertical and shut down). It really ticks me off, especially considering what I spent the morning doing  after work. I did apologize to my relief (and that's exactly what she was) that more wasn't done, but the store was just too slammed with customers for me to move too much.

Two good things though (only two, I'm sorry): this one customer cracked me up. He came into the store looking for playing cards (that we don't carry, by the way) and bought two two-liters, two giant bags of chips, and glass jar of salsa (I hear really  good things about our salsa--but given my schedule it's not a good idea to eat spicy food; I'm afraid of giving myself an ulcer with all the stress my body's under). The whole time I was ringing him up he was complaining. He complained that the two-liters would be cheaper at Wal-Mart (they would), the chips would be cheaper at Wal-Mart (they would), and he'd be able to get two jars of salsa from Wal-Mart for the price of one of ours (not in our town--Wal-mart's pricing on salsa is insanely  high). So, I stopped ringing him up, looked him right in the eye, and asked (politely, of course) if he would like me to cancel the transaction so that he could go  to Wal-Mart. I even offered to give him directions (again, in the most polite and respectful manner possible). He looked at me and snarled, "This is convenient!" (Well, it is  a convenience store.)
 I tell you, I almost cracked up in front of him (I did start laughing when he left, to the surprise of the customers behind him, but I couldn't explain the joke.) 

The other good thing was this little girl (about six or seven) who came in to buy her sick mother some ginger ale and saltine crackers. (She--quite literally--brought her piggy bank.) She wanted a candy bar as well, but she was thirty cents short to get it, and she stared at her purchases agonizing. (Most kids that age would have ditched either the crackers or the ginger ale to get the candy bar.) I gave her thirty cents. She just wanted to make her mom feel better. 

When I woke up a few minutes ago Asia was cuddled up against me, as if she knew I needed the kitty reassurance.
 (The other cats have been avoiding me like plague since I got home. Not sure why.) So, after this long, long rant (and thank you, whoever reads it all the way through), I'm going to shower and actually go to my bed. My nice, soft bed with its perfectly positioned covers is calling me, and now I have the strength to make it down the hall. Good night everybody, and sweet dreams! 


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jun 16, 2016
South Philly
NewYork1303 NewYork1303 well I see what you meen only because my husband feels the same to you too DreamerRose DreamerRose I woke up 5am Eastern daylight time and was wondering if micci was on our step. My husband was still asleep and I wouldn't dare take it upon myself to let her in knowing he was thinking about it and hadn't made a decision yet. I waited till he woke up 6 am & did not mention the cat at all till 6:30am anyway I said " I wonder if the cats out there" and he said "probably" so he went to see but again she wasn't out there then he came back and cuddled w/ BOOTSE and said to me "see they do take Micci in they do care " I didn't say anything then he said " why should I feed thei cat" so I know he doesn't want to take her from next door and I'm the one who told him if he wanted to feed her when she started coming up to him and cuddling with him that we had plenty of food if she was hungry and we do but he does not want to take our neighbors cat. My bad. Thank you for your opinion


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
This morning I finally woke up without crying. I am slowly getting to a place where there has been some time in between the death of Floey and my peace about it.

Pumps didn't like the liquid gaba I gave her last night as she was limping from the rain. She has arthritis and refuses to eat dasquin or cosequin. I am currently putting a tiny speck into her tuna in the morning and so far she eats it but if I put more in it forget it. We tried the laser therapy but I don't think it worked. For now they told me to give it to her daily. I just don't know how I feel about this strong medicine for a cat. It seems to help keep her more comfortable. We have to cut back the amount of kibble we put down as well but for the next month I am not because I don't know if she will grieve Floey's passing so I don't want to stress her out. For now we will try the liquid meds. I don't think the transdermal cream was all that effective. I will try the liquid oral meds for 7 days and see how she responds. I would like to get her up and moving around to help with her joints but she pretty much just sleeps all the time. She never used to be like this until we got Honeybee. She really changed so much that sometimes I debate rehoming Honeybee but I don't trust anyone near me to take care of her the way we do.

Pumps was always a skittish kitty and I just don't want her to think we have forgotten about her. I play with her nightly. She used to run around and play with mice but now she doesn't. She did eat well last night. I have two kinds of food down. one high calorie for Floey and the other is the cheaper food. She tends to go back and forth between the two. I will try a bowl of wet tonight but usually she wont touch it.

Honeybee doesn't seem to be self grooming as much last night. Hopefully that was just a few days of it. I will be calling that Vet in Mass to set up senior bloodwork for Pumpkin face.

I just feel more confident having him exam her as he seems to know his stuff. Honeybee doesn't need an exam as she is doing very well. Honeybee has asthma and she so far has not had a lot of wheezing or issues. We also ordered meds from a different pharmacy and they seem to work better even thought its the same exact brand and dose. So fingers crossed that Pumpkin Face sticks around a few years and we figure out how to loose some weight and treat the arthritis.
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