Let's Babble Our Way to Post #4,000,000 And Win Prizes Too!

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
He probably didn't want any animals to dig up her grave. Its a rock from the stone wall that's been on the property for decades plus it marks the grave better as we weren't sure where Flash was exactly. We chose this area in the woods nearby but not so close.

I order some clams n scallops. The chowder is fabulous. I'm so hungry!


TCS Member
Super Cat
Feb 9, 2016
Ugh. My sister's ex-college roomate just decided she didn't want the Betta fish that she and my sister got for their dorm room last year (and they know I have a passion for fish). And my sister can't keep it in her new dorm this year, So long story short, this fish is now my responsibility. I knew this would happen when they said they were going to get a betta fish.

And what's even worse is that its in this horrible 3 gallon tank with neon colored geavel and a "filter" that has absolutely no power/flow and does not move the water at all [emoji]128544[/emoji]. And she didn't even take him out of the tank (as in put him in a small container full of his tank water) to transport him the 3 hour drive from campus to my house.

I don't think the tank heater even works either, as I plugged it in and the little light that tells you its heating the tank never came on and the water in the tank is very cold.

Ugh, I wish people wouldn't buy pets they can't take care of!


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
If the heat doesn't let up here soon I shall run mad.  I am, due to my heart and lungs. literally trapped inside my apartment until after midnight, when if finally cools off enough for me to creep down to the dumpster and to the mailbox.   I have to do my monthly shopping during the day so I can get the to bank at the same time, but by the time I get home and get the groceries put up, I'm sick from the heat and good for nothing but lying down and napping for several hours.

Oh, BTW, I'm not a huge fan of summer.  During the cold months I feel like a kitten again!


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jun 16, 2016
South Philly
@ [@]NewYork1303 yes Edward & Alphonse such beautiful new kitties with new names and a new home to grow up together ino
Just saw the cutest update on Ruby's babies from the shelter we got her from. Their names are now Edward and Alphonse (I appreciate the Fullmetal Alchemist tie in). Look how cute her babies are! So glad that they have a good home also. 

View media item 365126

Still trying to make sense of this traumatic time. I have slept most of the morning away or quietly crying. I have realized with clarity that she was in a bad place. The vet said she was loosing blood internally. Evidently either the tumors erupted or something sinister going on that we ran out of time. After reading up again on lymphoma it all makes sense. All her organs were inflamed or showed abnormality on the ultrasound. I had never seen an ultrasound before but I have seen images of organs and the things we saw on the monitor really make me cry for all the pain she was in. While she would normally hiss or meow when we mess with her tummy-she laid back and purred. I asked the vet do all cats do this? He said no. And I saw that look in his eyes that he knew something was very wrong. I said that's her pain purr isn't it? He said more than likely. We didn't even finish the ultrasound as he and I agreed we had seen enough. She was clearly uncomfortable and she was such a trooper. The ultrasound took about 20 minutes. He took his time and reexamined everything twice to make sure what he was seeing was correct. The thing that puzzles me is how can her spleen be enlarged and liver enlarged yet her blood work didn't really show this? Its so weird how her blood work didn't really match up with the issues we saw. The only thing that matched was the low proteins and possibility of internal bleeding and her elevated T4 levels. Her white cells were high as well. So I guess I will set up exams and ultrasounds for my other two cats this fall and do it yearly with this guy since the other vet didn't seem to catch any of Floeys issues. It is weird how I have to process all the facts for a day or two in order to realize I did the right thing. I keep second guessing myself but keep reminding myself her last week here was in quite a bit of pain and I should have managed it better. I keep asking myself what if we gave her pred and would it have helped? I just don't know where the line is-this cat hated being pilled and fought hard. until last week. So I try to honor their wishes. I will always be open to treatments but if it is too traumatic for them then I can't keep doing it. That is the hardest part in this. We just never know what we will do until we are in that situation. 

kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
If the heat doesn't let up here soon I shall run mad.  I am, due to my heart and lungs. literally trapped inside my apartment until after midnight, when if finally cools off enough for me to creep down to the dumpster and to the mailbox.   I have to do my monthly shopping during the day so I can get the to bank at the same time, but by the time I get home and get the groceries put up, I'm sick from the heat and good for nothing but lying down and napping for several hours.

Oh, BTW, I'm not a huge fan of summer.  During the cold months I feel like a kitten again!
And there I was last night curled up under an electric blanket . Most of the stores here use swamp coolers. So right now with the humidity they are a nightmare to be in. The word swamp is very descriptive.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jun 16, 2016
South Philly
Messed up but I did see a picture of two new kitties with newly chosen names of Edward and Alphonse with a new home and would love to see these Two kitties pictures again because they celebrate happiness and new life


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jun 16, 2016
South Philly
If the heat doesn't let up here soon I shall run mad.  I am, due to my heart and lungs. literally trapped inside my apartment until after midnight, when if finally cools off enough for me to creep down to the dumpster and to the mailbox.   I have to do my monthly shopping during the day so I can get the to bank at the same time, but by the time I get home and get the groceries put up, I'm sick from the heat and good for nothing but lying down and napping for several hours.

Oh, BTW, I'm not a huge fan of summer.  During the cold months I feel like a kitten again!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
What a pair of cuties! (I hope their lives are easier than their namesakes, however.)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Honeybee is curled up sleeping next to me. She doesn't mind my tears. Just thinking about Floey and missing my pancake kitty. She used to stretch out on the arm of the sofa. Jon would say "hi pancake kitty"

Got to put flea stuff on pumpkin face soon. I have to check the calendar of when I put it on her this month. I gave her gaba in her ear which she hated. She kept scratching at it so I distracted her. Will need to start up adaquen injections if I can't get her to eat the dasquin. She's so hard to feed. Honeybee eats anything. Pumps nope. Its only junk food or something.

Jon seems ok. Kind of quiet but that's just how the guys roll isn't it? I sometimes wonder how they process grief.

On the ride to the clam shack he talked about some of the issues with family members and how they call and beg for money. I felt like I could relate. Then we ate and stuffed ourselves. On the ride back he ran two stop lights and I swore at him because when I do it he gives me grief.

This time he was laughing and saying see its still yellow. You have to understand he drives like a mema. He always ticks people off by not going with the flow of traffic or just being annoying if someone tailgates. I drive so opposite of him. I got things to do so get out of my way!

He came up with a saying " Clank Clank I am a tank! Get out of my way or I will run you over! " isn't he crazy? ! So nice to see the man I love laugh a bit.


TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
Lily now begs for treats every time DD opens the fridge. She went to get some water and Lily ran through the living room into the kitchen to see if there were any goodies to be had.

DD glared at me and said, "You have created a monster"

Was I properly chagrined by this?

Of course not. I went to the fridge, took out some turkey breast and gave Queen Lily a little treat. She was so happy, she was prancing around me. Henry heard and came in for some with Sophie on his heels so they all got some. DD rolled her eyes and went back to her room.

My house, my cats, my rules.

(Lily gave me permission to say that by the way!

handsome kitty

TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2014
Newark CA
I went to the yoga class this morning.  There were 7 or 8 elementary school age girls there.  I suspect some were there under protest.   The yoga master skipped some of the breathing techniques he usually does - probably to keep it interesting for the younger students.  So here it is 7:10 in the evening and I want to go to bed.  My back is achy from rolling on the floor to loosen my back.  My thighs are sore from all the leg stretches.  I almost hate this class but I am getting stronger and my stomach has more muscle and a little more definition.  I also noticed/realized I am the only non-Indian in any of the classes I have taken.  Not that it's a big deal, it just took me 4 classes to notice.   It does explain how the yoga master remembers me.

Spent the afternoon going to yard sales.  I found one with fabric @ $1 a yard and sewing/quilting books.  I found one book with directions for making cat beds.  There was a very soft fur fabric I got for the top and a slate blue print for the bottom.  I will practice on my sewing machine with the cat bed before I try to make the pillows I have patterns for that will be Christmas presents.  I want a cat bed for the top of my shelves in the living room.  They are 13" deep but my cats are long and I haven't found one long enough that is narrow.

I also found 2 music boxes/statues.  One is a  mouse w/a cake that plays Happy Birthday and the other is a snow globe w/a carousel horse that plays Wind Beneath My Wings.  One of the yard sale people said they had more music boxes and I should come back on Sunday.  I just might do that.

@Donutte It's a little concerning that a third cat is having kidney trouble.  Could it be something in your environment causing this?  Has something changed that could be effecting your kitties?

There is no way I am getting 10,000 steps today!  Good night everyone.


Professional cat sitter extraordinaire!
Top Cat
Apr 22, 2015
Northern suburbs of Chicago
It's a little concerning that a third cat is having kidney trouble.  Could it be something in your environment causing this?  Has something changed that could be effecting your kitties?
For chronic, no. If it was acute, I'd definitely be considering environment. In fact, we did when Sara came down with acute. But chronic is due (in major part) to age. Genetics and other outside factors can play a role. Some say diet, some say dental issues, others say other things. Ultimately, they don't really know why some cats get it and others don't. Vet said at her age, it's not uncommon for kidney function to be declining.

She's asymptomatic, which is good. This was caught during routine blood work from a routine checkup (not one where she was taken in because she was sick). Lucky had acute due to a tumor most likely, based on test results and how quickly he declined. Sara had multiple issues, but it was a kidney infection that caused the acute aspect for her, as she had actually started to improve from that. Both had lost appetites before they were diagnosed. Maple, she's happily eating as much as ever. Still a diva. In fact, just now, she was meowing at me and I was asking, "What do you want??" because I couldn't figure it out. Then I saw her "path" to the couch on the table had been blocked off by my notebook. Nope, she wasn't walking over the notebook, I had to move it.

Needless to say, I'm gonna be a helicopter mama with her now. And probably freaking out over every little thing. She's my last senior.

In all honesty, I'm surprised she hasn't had any other issues, other than being overweight and anxiety, considering I can say with 100% certainty there was some inbreeding with her. Her father was also her grandfather.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
Honeybee is curled up sleeping next to me. She doesn't mind my tears. Just thinking about Floey and missing my pancake kitty. She used to stretch out on the arm of the sofa. Jon would say "hi pancake kitty"

Got to put flea stuff on pumpkin face soon. I have to check the calendar of when I put it on her this month. I gave her gaba in her ear which she hated. She kept scratching at it so I distracted her. Will need to start up adaquen injections if I can't get her to eat the dasquin. She's so hard to feed. Honeybee eats anything. Pumps nope. Its only junk food or something.

Jon seems ok. Kind of quiet but that's just how the guys roll isn't it? I sometimes wonder how they process grief.

On the ride to the clam shack he talked about some of the issues with family members and how they call and beg for money. I felt like I could relate. Then we ate and stuffed ourselves. On the ride back he ran two stop lights and I swore at him because when I do it he gives me grief.

This time he was laughing and saying see its still yellow. You have to understand he drives like a mema. He always ticks people off by not going with the flow of traffic or just being annoying if someone tailgates. I drive so opposite of him. I got things to do so get out of my way!

He came up with a saying " Clank Clank I am a tank! Get out of my way or I will run you over! " isn't he crazy? ! So nice to see the man I love laugh a bit.
Men process grief in their own way, just as women do.  "Always remember you are unique, just like everybody else."

Some people move more slowly than others.  Some do all their crying when alone.  Some never cry at all.  Some feel that they have to be strong for their loved ones; that's the only one I'd be inclined to worry about.  The important thing for both of you is to feel what you feel.  A horrible thing has happened to you and the only way to get past it is to acknowledge it and to move on from there.

I know you've been kicking yourself for not having found Floey's illness sooner, for not trying different treatments, for not deciding to put her to sleep sooner, for not giving her a few more days, everything, even contradictory things.  The facts are: you did not cause Floey's cancer, you are not the vet who failed to diagnose her illness early, and you are the one who made all the hard decisions to the best of your ability with all the facts that were available to you.  All of these what-ifs are perfectly normal, but they are not a reflection of reality.  They are the way we'd like things to be, where we could change the horrible things so that they never happened, and because we can't do that we have to come to terms with our own helplessness in the face of death.  How to do that, I can't tell you.  I only know that wallowing in what-ifs isn't the answer.

I do know of one thing that you're doing absolutely right -- you're coming to the people who understand what you're going through and talking with us about it.  Friends help.  Keep talking to us.

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
Lily now begs for treats every time DD opens the fridge. She went to get some water and Lily ran through the living room into the kitchen to see if there were any goodies to be had.

DD glared at me and said, "You have created a monster"

Was I properly chagrined by this?

Of course not. I went to the fridge, took out some turkey breast and gave Queen Lily a little treat. She was so happy, she was prancing around me. Henry heard and came in for some with Sophie on his heels so they all got some. DD rolled her eyes and went back to her room.

My house, my cats, my rules.

(Lily gave me permission to say that by the way!
I have a similar problem Back when we had whipped cream--which we no longer have--AWM would give any cat that was in the kitchen at the same time as her some whipped cream on a plate. They came to expect it. (Difference is that they are my  cats. I feed them, groom them, and clean the litterbox. Now, with my new job, I'm also financially responsible for them too--so, yes. My cats, my rules. Her house though.) I couldn't make her stop, so I stopped getting whipped cream. (She went and got heavy whipping cream from the store for them. 
) You're right though; your house, your cats (go Lily!) equals your  rules. 

Bought a whole lot more for my wedding today. I feel like I keep buying things and keep needing more things. 
I'm sorry--I must have missed something. I thought you already got married?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Got to work and a coworker stabbed the refrigerator with a screw driver trying to defrost it. instead of just unplugging it and letting it melt. so he went to buy a new one and plugged it in-it heated up. I got the book out and read that it is supposed to be upright for 4 hours prior to plugging in. so I unplugged it and will plug it in around 2ish. then find out that the paycheck processing company didn't pay us on time. They had some kind of glitch. So they paid us on Friday and the company said that they will pay for overdraft fees. How does a big processing company have a software glitch?? I think someone tried to hack but they can't prove it.

Margret-yes you are right. It still doesn't leave me with peace. It will take some time because all I keep remembering is the last 30 min of her life and how they made me wait for 15 minutes until the final shot. I didn't expect her to loose consciousness so fast. It was barely 15 sec after the sedative. She stopped breathing. It was horrible. But at least she was out of pain and relaxed. I had seen other cats get the sedative and sometimes it takes awhile. This just confirms that she was more than ready to go even if it is hard for me to swallow. She is at peace now and now I have to figure out how to handle the grief. Its just the way it is.


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
Got to work and a coworker stabbed the refrigerator with a screw driver trying to defrost it. instead of just unplugging it and letting it melt. so he went to buy a new one and plugged it in-it heated up. I got the book out and read that it is supposed to be upright for 4 hours prior to plugging in. so I unplugged it and will plug it in around 2ish. then find out that the paycheck processing company didn't pay us on time. They had some kind of glitch. So they paid us on Friday and the company said that they will pay for overdraft fees. How does a big processing company have a software glitch?? I think someone tried to hack but they can't prove it.

Margret-yes you are right. It still doesn't leave me with peace. It will take some time because all I keep remembering is the last 30 min of her life and how they made me wait for 15 minutes until the final shot. I didn't expect her to loose consciousness so fast. It was barely 15 sec after the sedative. She stopped breathing. It was horrible. But at least she was out of pain and relaxed. I had seen other cats get the sedative and sometimes it takes awhile. This just confirms that she was more than ready to go even if it is hard for me to swallow. She is at peace now and now I have to figure out how to handle the grief. Its just the way it is.
My Milo also lost consciousness right after the sedative but his vet told me to expect that.  Is it possible that different vets use a different sedative strength?  Milo didn't stop breathing though so his experience was different from Floey's.  You are right that she was ready to go and some day I hope you find peace in knowing you did right be her, every step of the way.  I know that's hard.  I still second guess myself about all my rainbow cats and dogs even though I know intellectually I did the best I could.


Professional cat sitter extraordinaire!
Top Cat
Apr 22, 2015
Northern suburbs of Chicago
Miss Penelopy decided to walk under a ladder this morning (she's my black kitty). I think we're gonna have double-good luck now. I should play the lottery.

Trying to figure out what to have for lunch today. I've not even had breakfast yet.
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