Let's Babble Our Way to Post #4,000,000 And Win Prizes Too!

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TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
I know that the store is in a mess. My previous manager was working insane hours herself as she tried to keep it afloat and was (although I'm not supposed to know this) a hair's breath away from going postal. One of the things the previous manager used to do was to work us right up to the thirty-nine hour mark. (We're all temps--the company doesn't hire full time employees at our level.) I'm not complaining (to management) about the new scheduling, because I don' t know the reasoning behind it. (One of the things I like about the company I work at is that it looks at its employees--even temps--as people.) I know, for example, that of the seven employees working the store at my level I'm only one of two who neither has children, nor has charge of young children. New management might be trying to change the schedule to make it easier for the parents on crew--and I can see where the new schedule would  be easier on parents. Of course, I could be overthinking it. 

Yeah--AWM had a similar problem with the post office. She had to fight like a cornered wolf to get the pay she was owed, and when they were finally square with each other she quit. (I think she's still one the roster though--they keep sending timesheets in the mail showing she's worked zero hours.)

I've had problems on the blood donation front myself. For the first six times I tried to donate, my iron count was too low. Then, after I had finally managed to donate--twice--they added a question about being in Germany between two years. When I mentioned that yes, I had been in Germany between those dates (DD was stationed there), they told me I couldn't donate blood anymore. When I demanded to know why, they told me that it was because there had been a mad cow epidemic between those two years, which is total bull. I wasn't even old enough to eat solid foods, and my early years were primarily vegetarian (AWM believed that if a baby had a primarily vegetarian diet it decreased the chances of the child turning its nose up at vegetables later). The only exception to the rule were ribs--pork  ribs, not to put too fine a point on it. Not to mention that if I had  gotten mad cow, I would have gotten sick before now! (Sorry for ranting. It's just that I used to be an organ donor, but when I renewed my license the community blood center had put a notice on my information that I'm not allowed to do that.)

There are two reasons I wanted to work at the company that owns the convenience store I work at now. Reason one is that when AWM and I (we took turns doing this) were taking care of a very cantankerous aunt (who was living in an assisted living facility filled arrogant people who took issue with us because we weren't acting like proper "ladies") one of the things that kept us sane were breaks we were able to take the occasional break (the aunt was in physical therapy and we were able to rest for that hour) at a convenience store across the street. (Also the place that introduced AWM to cappuccino.) I try to create the same quick-helping and yet amiable atmosphere that place had for my customers at the station. (The other reason is that my company wants to rule the world--it's in the mission statement. Almost all of the convenience stores here belong to that company, and they have stores all over the globe, so they're off to a good start.)

Now, I've thought about setting up a craft booth at the local flea market (local being relative, of course--the nearest one is forty minutes away in good weather and light traffic). Would you be kind enough to tell me more about it?

Kind of reminds me of when AWM taught me how to drive. Every time we had inclement weather, I was out behind the wheel learning how to compensate for the bad weather. Rain so thick it's nearly impossible to see the end of the car hood? I've driven through it. Snow? Driven through it. Fog that alternates between being as clear as frosted glass to almost no visibility issues at all? Driven through it. Ice that's coated everything in a thin layer? Driven through it. Nighttime during a city-wide power outage? Driven through it. Hail? Actually, no--according to AWM hail is far too dangerous to drive in and the best thing to do during a hailstorm is stay put. By the time I finally got to Driver's ED (which is a story in and of itself) the only thing I hadn't driven in was sunshine. And believe me, it showed. Anyway, AWM would always tell me, "You may never see conditions like this again, but you will drive through them now." 

I'm glad someone taught you a little of how cars work. My vehicular based education from the males of my family consisted of, "This is a cell phone. This is how you program speed dial. My number's already in here." (AWM showed me how to fill the radiator, check oil, refill the windshield washer fluid, change a tire, and so on.)
I was born and raised in Missouri.  I've driven through everything.  When my ex-husband was stationed in 29 Palms (desert), it snowed once a winter.  I wouldn't go out and drive - not because I couldn't drive in it, but because no one else could.  I went out after a snow ONCE and almost got hit a dozen times and never did it again.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Hey guys.   Popping in real quick and real late.  Looks like we might have some pretty rough weather coming this way at some point tomorrow.  Tropical depression is expected to upgrade to tropical storm and move into my area.  Nothing huge, but some wind and lots of rain.  Our power lines are above ground, so I may lose power or internet connection.  We should be fine, this isn't going to be a huge deal, more of an annoyance, but if I don't get here, don't worry about me.  SMOOCHIES to all!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
I was born and raised in Missouri.  I've driven through everything.  When my ex-husband was stationed in 29 Palms (desert), it snowed once a winter.  I wouldn't go out and drive - not because I couldn't drive in it, but because no one else could.  I went out after a snow ONCE and almost got hit a dozen times and never did it again.
Those mountains in Missouri are tough  (I took a couple of road trips there, after getting my license, to visit DD). And I know what you mean. Around here I have perfect  control of the vehicle through rain, sleet, snow and even (after months of training) sunshine. No one else around here knows how to drive through it, and may all the good forces watch out for you if it suddenly starts raining in the middle of Christmas lockjam traffic. 
Hey guys.   Popping in real quick and real late.  Looks like we might have some pretty rough weather coming this way at some point tomorrow.  Tropical depression is expected to upgrade to tropical storm and move into my area.  Nothing huge, but some wind and lots of rain.  Our power lines are above ground, so I may lose power or internet connection.  We should be fine, this isn't going to be a huge deal, more of an annoyance, but if I don't get here, don't worry about me.  SMOOCHIES to all!
Best of luck! 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
I think the key is sugar in moderation, not to cut it completely. 

  As both AWM and LS are afflicted with the same pale skin you have, I congratulate you on getting a little bit of color without  getting burned!

Actually, margarine has been around a lot  longer than most people think. It was actually invented during the reign of Napoleon (who wanted a butter substitute that would taste like butter and be cheap to make so that even the poorest of the poor could have some), but it didn't actually pick up steam until people started adding yellow food coloring to it to make it pretty.

If you're hungry all the time, maybe there's something you need that your body's not getting. Points to ponder; calories aren't the only  things a body needs. 

Well-no. No, that's not what I heard. I heard it has a tendency to throw a body's chemistry out of whack so that it can't absorb certain nutrients. I do believe you about that bit of listening to your body though. I used to get these horrendous cravings for tomatoes (hard on me because I literally can't stand the taste of them) that didn't stop until I started taking a potassium supplement. The human body is a strange thing. 

Sodium is something your body needs, very badly (and in moderation, of course). And have you considered honey? It's all natural (some of them) and some of the people down here add it to their tea while it's hot to sweeten it, before chilling it. Just a thought. 
We get enough sodium from bread, cereal, baked goods, etc. I don't add it to my food because I don't like the way it makes it taste. Same thing with other seasonings. You don't use the ones you don't like in your food. I like the idea of using honey for my iced tea, no bad effects from sugar or artificial sweeteners. Thank you!
Honey is natural, yes.  It is also sugar.  It tastes better than white sugar (my opinion), and local honey can help you with pollen allergies, and it feels good on a sore throat in a hot drink, but it's still sugar.

I agree wholeheartedly that artificial sweeteners are bad for you.  But that doesn't mean that everything natural is good for you.  When I was a kid there was a small swamp at the bottom of the hill our house was built on; my brothers and I used to play there.  We sometimes ate cattail roots from the swamp -- very good, but the key is that we knew what they were and that they were safe to eat.  There was a plant growing in the swamp that looked to me like it might be wild asparagus.  Since I never much liked asparagus I wasn't tempted to experiment with it, and that is a very good thing, because I found out a long time later what it really was -- hemlock.  It was totally natural, but if I'd eaten it I would have been just as dead as if I'd eaten a synthetic poison.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
Honey is natural, yes.  It is also sugar.  It tastes better than white sugar (my opinion), and local honey can help you with pollen allergies, and it feels good on a sore throat in a hot drink, but it's still sugar.

I agree wholeheartedly that artificial sweeteners are bad for you.  But that doesn't mean that everything natural is good for you.  When I was a kid there was a small swamp at the bottom of the hill our house was built on; my brothers and I used to play there.  We sometimes ate cattail roots from the swamp -- very good, but the key is that we knew what they were and that they were safe to eat.  There was a plant growing in the swamp that looked to me like it might be wild asparagus.  Since I never much liked asparagus I wasn't tempted to experiment with it, and that is a very good thing, because I found out a long time later what it really was -- hemlock.  It was totally natural, but if I'd eaten it I would have been just as dead as if I'd eaten a synthetic poison.

When the "natural food" craze hit my high school I'd drive my friends crazy. They'd say things like, "But this is all natural! It must  be good for you!" I'd respond with, "Yeah, but so's hemlock. What's your point?" (It probably wouldn't have worked if the craze hadn't hit the same time we were talking about Socrates in Literature class.) And, to be completely fair, they were trying to show why my lunch--of a bag of chips and a can of soda--was bad for me. They'd already tried saying so directly at which point I pointed out that the only thing keeping incidents of food poisoning from alerting the health department to the school's poor sanitary procedures was the fact that most of the students knew better than to try  to eat the offered food at lunch. (I highly suspect that they kept offering the same foods until they were visibly bad, but I can't prove anything.)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
well I never thought that other kids didn't get shown how to tinker with cars. I took a semester of automotive. Engine rebuilding and alignment and suspension. It was super easy as far as book work. but the work itself was hard for me until someone showed me what is what. I had done a year of welding at the college before but the 2nd year was heavy code welding and I wanted to do small parts..that was a dimwitted thing I did at 20. then in the auto class=they made us take parts apart with no power tools. now you have to imagine a leaf spring on the rear end of a 1500 chevy=your basic half ton-its about 5 feet long-the bolts to hold it down I think were 2" in diameter. They had me use this 4 foot long wrench to loosen it. its up over my head. Despite holding onto that wrench hanging off the floor I still couldn't budge that bolt. Now maybe I could since I have been stronger but wow I decided that I would get old way too fast working in a hot sweaty auto shop. so I finished out that semester and decided to try graphic arts. yuck. so yeah I have never actually finished any career other than my welding degree which I went back 7 years later to finish that. Luckily they didn't make me take over the electives since its been over 5 years. Such a pain school is. its different now with all the online classes. sure which I had that back when I was in high school.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 9, 2015
Washington State
Getting to work on your own car now is a bit more rare I think. The newer cars like to make it complicated. I remember my friend trying to work on his PT cruiser in high school and getting so frustrated with the way the car was put together on the whole. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Definitely. They use special sized hardware and you have to buy special tools to change it. I only know chevy stuff. I have no clue about other brands. I have only owned GM products. I guess someday maybe I will try another one but I love my chevy half ton and it is still running good despite having 200,000 miles on it. I am waiting to run it into the ground before I buy another truck. I just hate asking for help for carting stuff off not to mention if I ever flea market again I need a big rig to haul the junk around. It seems the price of parts for cars has also gotten a bit more expensive and the quality is not the same anymore. Ever since they sent the manufactures overseas the quality has gone down hill and its a crap shot guessing what you will get even if you buy the higher end parts.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
Getting to work on your own car now is a bit more rare I think. The newer cars like to make it complicated. I remember my friend trying to work on his PT cruiser in high school and getting so frustrated with the way the car was put together on the whole. 
Oh, yeah, but it's not limited to new cars. My old little car (which has since been scrapped) had a bizarrely shaped engine. (It was a 1997 Oldsmobile Achieva.) The valve to release the oil for changing it was not on the oil pan, but front and left; the valves for the air conditioning system were squarely in the middle of the engine, and I think that maybe half the visible hoses were superflous decoys. Don't know that for a fact though; I don't know a lot about cars. I do  know that the price for changing my oil had a tendency to take a twenty increment hike upwards from the phone quote (and I was very  careful to give the make, model, and year of the car on the phone). It was frustrating.

As a change of subject here; I was thinking of getting my brother a pillow for Christmas. I know that doesn't sound like much, but his pillows have a tendency to go flat in about a week (and sometimes in less than a single use) and he can't sleep without one, meaning his pillow buying bill is pretty high. So, does anyone have a suggestion on a pillow that won't go flat so quickly?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
I will have to check out all this talk about pillows. I just use whatever I can find.

Today has been crazy at work. Tons to order. People emailing people without including me so I get tons of questions. Head spinning.

Then my right knee is throbbing and being a pain. I really miss the gym but I forgot to throw some gym clothes in the truck BUT I didn't unpack a box of clothes so maybe I got a pair of sweat pants in there because I really need to blow off some steam.

A coworker lady broke up with her boyfriend. They have been having issues for weeks-months and he pushed her into a corner Friday about getting married and then approached her this morning at shift start up and she returned the ring. They were supposed to get married. The thing that floored me is his mean vibes and remarks infront of other coworker. We all work together. Which makes it more and more a good idea that people shouldn't date coworkers if you don't know how to keep it private.

The most annoying thing was watching him touch her and smile at her but then at home he was the meanest beast that I have ever heard. And it made it very hard for her to break away because some days he would treat her well but other days he just was very controlling and mean. He doesn't have kids and she does. He never understood why she puts the kids first before him. Even though they are in high school it doesn't matter. She kept telling him soon they will be on their own and for now she wants to be involved in their lives. My heart is heavy because I know tonight she will cry herself to sleep and blame herself for not putting up with it better.

I tried to tell her how proud I was of her for standing up against his bullying bullcrap and let her know she has my respect. I told her there will be someone out there for you who will love and appreciate you. I told her that I feel honored that you came to me this morning and told me what is going on. I am just so sorry I can't save your broken heart. The biggest kicker=this I think we all will agree on.

He wont come get the cat. He brought his kitty to her house. They never lived together. He used to say I will never live where she does..and she said I won't give up my house. She paid for it herself and works her butt off. The thing about not wanting any reminders really ticks me OFF! The cat didn't ask to be tossed away like trash!! SO VERY MAD!
 How do you reject your pet???
 I just can't believe the things this butthead has said in front of other people. She tells me that he always tries to make me bleed. I told her that is NOT love!! He should protect and love you not throw hurtful vibes at you in front of coworkers..the thing is-he isn't well liked around here. The guys are kind of weird-they won't confront him or say anything to his face but talk behind his back.

I am just glad she can get on with her life and dump that loser. who needs that?!!!!!!!!

handsome kitty

TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2014
Newark CA
I will have to check out all this talk about pillows. I just use whatever I can find.

Today has been crazy at work. Tons to order. People emailing people without including me so I get tons of questions. Head spinning.

Then my right knee is throbbing and being a pain. I really miss the gym but I forgot to throw some gym clothes in the truck BUT I didn't unpack a box of clothes so maybe I got a pair of sweat pants in there because I really need to blow off some steam.

A coworker lady broke up with her boyfriend. They have been having issues for weeks-months and he pushed her into a corner Friday about getting married and then approached her this morning at shift start up and she returned the ring. They were supposed to get married. The thing that floored me is his mean vibes and remarks infront of other coworker. We all work together. Which makes it more and more a good idea that people shouldn't date coworkers if you don't know how to keep it private.

The most annoying thing was watching him touch her and smile at her but then at home he was the meanest beast that I have ever heard. And it made it very hard for her to break away because some days he would treat her well but other days he just was very controlling and mean. He doesn't have kids and she does. He never understood why she puts the kids first before him. Even though they are in high school it doesn't matter. She kept telling him soon they will be on their own and for now she wants to be involved in their lives. My heart is heavy because I know tonight she will cry herself to sleep and blame herself for not putting up with it better.

I tried to tell her how proud I was of her for standing up against his bullying bullcrap and let her know she has my respect. I told her there will be someone out there for you who will love and appreciate you. I told her that I feel honored that you came to me this morning and told me what is going on. I am just so sorry I can't save your broken heart. The biggest kicker=this I think we all will agree on.

He wont come get the cat. He brought his kitty to her house. They never lived together. He used to say I will never live where she does..and she said I won't give up my house. She paid for it herself and works her butt off. The thing about not wanting any reminders really ticks me OFF! The cat didn't ask to be tossed away like trash!! SO VERY MAD!
 How do you reject your pet???
 I just can't believe the things this butthead has said in front of other people. She tells me that he always tries to make me bleed. I told her that is NOT love!! He should protect and love you not throw hurtful vibes at you in front of coworkers..the thing is-he isn't well liked around here. The guys are kind of weird-they won't confront him or say anything to his face but talk behind his back.

I am just glad she can get on with her life and dump that loser. who needs that?!!!!!!!!
Hopefully she'll stick to it.  Too many times the women go back after a few kind words or insincere 'I'm sorry's.  I'm glad she kept her house.  Some women in abusive relationships have no where to go.  Could this kitty be meant for you? 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
oh no-that cat is the kids cat!! They will probably be ok with mom cutting loose the ball and chain. She is a hard worker and so very proud of her. It was strange from the beginning when he refused to move in with her. He wasn't over the house more than one night a week. So to be presented with an engagement ring I was kind of concerned. She has been lonely and tries to engage him in things and trips but he pouts and pulls that typical passive aggressive bullcrap. Just so glad for her. I only hope she meets someone who is proud of her and appreciates her.


TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
I will have to check out all this talk about pillows. I just use whatever I can find.

Today has been crazy at work. Tons to order. People emailing people without including me so I get tons of questions. Head spinning.

Then my right knee is throbbing and being a pain. I really miss the gym but I forgot to throw some gym clothes in the truck BUT I didn't unpack a box of clothes so maybe I got a pair of sweat pants in there because I really need to blow off some steam.

A coworker lady broke up with her boyfriend. They have been having issues for weeks-months and he pushed her into a corner Friday about getting married and then approached her this morning at shift start up and she returned the ring. They were supposed to get married. The thing that floored me is his mean vibes and remarks infront of other coworker. We all work together. Which makes it more and more a good idea that people shouldn't date coworkers if you don't know how to keep it private.

The most annoying thing was watching him touch her and smile at her but then at home he was the meanest beast that I have ever heard. And it made it very hard for her to break away because some days he would treat her well but other days he just was very controlling and mean. He doesn't have kids and she does. He never understood why she puts the kids first before him. Even though they are in high school it doesn't matter. She kept telling him soon they will be on their own and for now she wants to be involved in their lives. My heart is heavy because I know tonight she will cry herself to sleep and blame herself for not putting up with it better.

I tried to tell her how proud I was of her for standing up against his bullying bullcrap and let her know she has my respect. I told her there will be someone out there for you who will love and appreciate you. I told her that I feel honored that you came to me this morning and told me what is going on. I am just so sorry I can't save your broken heart. The biggest kicker=this I think we all will agree on.

He wont come get the cat. He brought his kitty to her house. They never lived together. He used to say I will never live where she does..and she said I won't give up my house. She paid for it herself and works her butt off. The thing about not wanting any reminders really ticks me OFF! The cat didn't ask to be tossed away like trash!! SO VERY MAD!
 How do you reject your pet???
 I just can't believe the things this butthead has said in front of other people. She tells me that he always tries to make me bleed. I told her that is NOT love!! He should protect and love you not throw hurtful vibes at you in front of coworkers..the thing is-he isn't well liked around here. The guys are kind of weird-they won't confront him or say anything to his face but talk behind his back.

I am just glad she can get on with her life and dump that loser. who needs that?!!!!!!!!
I hope she stays strong and doesn't take him back. Thankfully she made her decision before they married and not after. The cat is likely better off with her than him anyway. He sounds like a real piece of 


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Well, weather-wise, tis so far, so good.  TD8 has fizzled as it reached the coast.  We're getting bouts of heavy rain, but that's all.  TD9 is still meandering around the Gulf of Mexico, but is expected to hook north and east soon.  Depending on HOW north, we could get more heavy rain from it, and it is supposed to upgrade to a Tropical Storm and get a name very soon, if it hasn't already.  Gustav, or whatever his name is, is still in the Atlantic, fairly near, but not sure of HIS trajectory just now.  OH THE JOYS of living near a coast!  On top of that, there's a low pressure system moving eastward with lots of rain behind it.

Imma drown. (southern-speak for "I'm going to drown.")
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TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
Well, weather-wise, tis so far, so good.  TD8 has fizzled as it reached the coast.  We're getting bouts of heavy rain, but that's all.  TD9 is still meandering around the Gulf of Mexico, but is expected to hook north and east soon.  Depending on HOW north, we could get more heavy rain from it, and it is supposed to upgrade to a Tropical Storm and get a name very soon, if it hasn't already.  Gustav, or whatever his name is, is still in the Atlantic, fairly near, but not sure of HIS trajectory just now.  OH THE JOYS of living near a coast!  On top of that, there's a low pressure system moving eastward with lots of rain behind it.

Imma drown. (southern-speak for "I'm going to drown.")
Well, weather-wise, tis so far, so good.  TD8 has fizzled as it reached the coast.  We're getting bouts of heavy rain, but that's all.  TD9 is still meandering around the Gulf of Mexico, but is expected to hook north and east soon.  Depending on HOW north, we could get more heavy rain from it, and it is supposed to upgrade to a Tropical Storm and get a name very soon, if it hasn't already.  Gustav, or whatever his name is, is still in the Atlantic, fairly near, but not sure of HIS trajectory just now.  OH THE JOYS of living near a coast!  On top of that, there's a low pressure system moving eastward with lots of rain behind it.

Imma drown. (southern-speak for "I'm going to drown.")
We've been getting a lot of rain from TD9. I wish we could send it to California. They need it way more than we do. 


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jun 18, 2015
Northern Michigan
Hello everyone! I thought I would see this thread way beyond the 5000 mark. Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Been crazy, busy and have had Internet problems. Looks like things might be working good now. Hopefully I'll get to see the winner!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
welcome back everyone! 
I hope she stays strong and doesn't take him back. Thankfully she made her decision before they married and not after. The cat is likely better off with her than him anyway. He sounds like a real piece of 
oh believe me-some of the stuff out of this person's mouth...oh man. the thing that is hard=we used to be really close and talk to me but then he started this yacky crap with her and being controlling. I would try to pick his brain or get him to open up about childhood issues to see if I could help him unlock his insecurities but nope it slammed shut each time.

I don't think she will take him back. She told me several times=once it's done=its done. I told her to go home and hug her son and daughter and be blessed that he stayed away from the kids without hurting them as well. He basicly doesnt like how much time she spends with them and thinks they should be working jobs and moving out asap. These kids are still in highschool and I really don't understand how he thinks he can dictate to her how she raises the kids..especially when he knows what kind of ex she has from before. So sometimes people are really blind to how negative they can be and not see the light. 

I know it seems weird how I get fixated on people's relationships but I just hate to see her hurting and I hate to see him turn into a prick. He always was weird that way and of course the woo is me because his prior gf was lets just say didnt understand boundaries around other men. so now he thinks all women suck. So yeah I am over the moon that she finally woke up and realized he isn't going to change and she can't change him.

on a different note=honeybee just jumped up on my table and lay across the keyboard. I was drinking some water and she licked the bottle. so I gave her cap full of water and she licked the water off the bottle in between-I like frozen cold water and she licks the condensation off the side of the bottle. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 11, 2015
Naperville, IL
@foxxycat  I'm glad she broke up with him, too. My husband was like that, and they never get any better, never mellow. They just get worse as they age. Some people like to hurt others, and that sh**bag was one of those. She deserves better treatment than that.


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
@foxxycat  - you are a good friend -  I've noticed before that you worry about your co-workers and look out for them.  You're right that your your friend is better off without a controlling jerk who puts her down and doesn't understand her commitment to her children.  No one should stay with someone who doesn't treat them with respect.

I've been hanging pictures and hardware today as part of my continuing effort to not do my paperwork.  So far, I've been extremely successful.   
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