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TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
I'm already hypoglycemic so using stevia would probably not improve that issue.  Haha.  I can usually keep it under control as long as I eat as soon as I start feeling hungry.  That means I have to carry snacks with me all the time and always have quick stuff that I can eat in a hurry on hand.  I usually have at least 20 minutes between feeling hungry and getting sick, but it has been known to happen almost immediately.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 8, 2016
Phoenix, AZ
As my doctor told me, it doesn't depend entirely on what you eat, our body makes cholesterol too. So as was said in an earlier post, we should eat the natural full fat foods but in moderation. Not eating salt and sugar is my choice ( I like sweets but don't add sugar to food or drinks ). I don't like the way salt and sugar change the taste of food, only natural stevia to take away bitterness of iced tea.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
I will read up some more about stevia to get better educated about it, thanks for your concern. We need something to sweeten our drinks and sugar causes all kinds of diseases.
I think the key is sugar in moderation, not to cut it completely. 
I'm so white and blonde, I burn to a crisp.  I had a blister the size of a half dollar on my shoulder several years ago and a few summers ago, I ended up with even bigger blisters all over my back.  Sunscreen doesn't do me much good.  When I get burns like that, aloe doesn't quite cut it.  I have to get Silvadene cream.  Prescription only.  And of course, it never turns into a tan.  But, this summer, my feet tanned!  If you look really close and squint a bit, you can almost sorta see tan lines from my flip flops.  Woohoo!  Yes, it's pathetic, but it's the most color I've ever gotten so shush!
  As both AWM and LS are afflicted with the same pale skin you have, I congratulate you on getting a little bit of color without  getting burned!
Humanity has been eating all these "bad" foods for millennia without dying out. There must be something good in all the original foods that have not been messed with or changed artificially. It's one thing to breed an organism such as corn from an insignificant grass to the big fat ears we have now, and a totally different thing to take its DNA apart and change it that way. Only in the last hundred or so years have we been able to make substitutes for wholesome things such as butter and milk out of plants to end up with margarine and soy milk. It also seems that the general health of at least Western humanity has gone down since then with more and more diseases popping up or getting worse since then. Why should good wholesome foods suddenly not be good although we have survived eating them for millennia?

Certainly, we now have diseases such as diabetes which are exacerbated by eating certain foods, but that should not lead a person without such a condition to believe that doing without those foods would make they themselves healthier or that the substitute would be better for them. 
Actually, margarine has been around a lot  longer than most people think. It was actually invented during the reign of Napoleon (who wanted a butter substitute that would taste like butter and be cheap to make so that even the poorest of the poor could have some), but it didn't actually pick up steam until people started adding yellow food coloring to it to make it pretty.
This is where I'm lucky.  I can use the real stuff and still eat as much as I want.  I'm taking college classes online and I'm just finishing up a nutrition class.  One of the assignments was to decide on our ideal weight, calculate the calories we would need to consume to stay at that weight, create a meal plan, and follow it for a day.  I'm 105 lbs right now and I feel like I could stand to gain a bit, so I put 115 as my idea weight.  I followed the meal plan and I was starving all day.  So, even though that's what I would need to stay at a weight 10 lbs higher than my current weight, it is much less than what I'm eating now.  If I followed that diet plan all the time, I would end up losing more weight.  So I'm just gonna keep being a total oinker because I can get away with it.  And I'm also going to stay 25 as long as I want.  My great uncle was 39 for over 40 years.  So I can stay 25 forever.  I've been 25 for over 3 years now.
If you're hungry all the time, maybe there's something you need that your body's not getting. Points to ponder; calories aren't the only  things a body needs. 
I'm diabetic, and I use a lot of stevia.  I'm just guessing, but here are some of the bad things you may have heard:
  1. It has a nasty aftertaste.
  2. It's bad for the environment.
  3. It hasn't really been proven to be safe.
My responses:
  1. Yes, the stevia that you can get in your local grocery store does have a nasty aftertaste.  This is a result of the cheap purification method they used.  When stevia is prepared properly there is no nasty aftertaste at all (though it's too sweet if you try to eat it straight).  I recommend either Now Better Stevia or NuStevia.  There are probably a few others that taste good, but I haven't gone searching for them.
  2. This particular claim is being made by a company that plans to manufacture a synthetic version of stevia, in order to justify what amounts to a cost-cutting measure because they can't be bothered to actually purify stevia properly.  Unfortunately, it means yet another artificial sweetener, and they're trying to get the government to say that they can call their new sweetener "stevia," without saying that it's artificial (which genuine stevia is not).
  3. There was a scare a few years ago about stevia causing some kind of horrible organ failure, which proved to be based entirely on speculation.  The biggest problem with stevia that I've been able to find online is that it can actually cause hypoglycemia (low blood sugar).  In most people it shouldn't, but if you're worried about it there are some excellent glucometers (blood glucose meters) available at low expense; I got mine from a Kroger pharmacy; it's their store brand and both the meter and the test strips are cheap, while the quality remains high.  And if stevia does cause hypoglycemia for you, you may want to get a checkup.  Merely replacing refined sugar with stevia shouldn't do that to you.
Eating too much sugar and/or high fructose corn syrup can cause diabetes.  It can also cause cirrhosis of the liver.  Just because sugar is a natural sweetener doesn't mean it's good for you.  When we were evolving, a desire for sweets resulted in eating more fruits, with all the fiber and vitamins that came with the fruit.  It also gave us more calories, so that we could better survive periodic famines.  But then we learned to keep bees in hives controlled by humans who would periodically steal their honey and sell this highly refined version of sugar, we learned how to refine sugar ourselves, and our consumption of sugar increased way past safe levels.

Yes, for most healthy people, sugar is safe, in moderation!  Saccharin may or may not be safe, but it still tastes like saccharin. 
  Cyclamate may well be safe -- the study that got it banned for being a carcinogen was funded by the people who wanted to market aspartame.  The studies that claim to prove the safety of aspartame all have the same disclaimer: "in moderate amounts," which is what I say about sugar!

As for fats, it isn't fat that is the problem; it's the kind of fat.  We absolutely have to have some cholesterol; our brains need it.  If a mother doesn't get cholesterol while pregnant the developing brain of her fetus can be damaged, and even adults need it for proper brain functioning.  The problem arises when we get too much of one kind of cholesterol and not enough of another.  See http://www.drsinatra.com/defining-the-different-types-of-cholesterol/ for definitions and more depth than simply "LDL cholesterol is bad and HDL cholesterol is good."  Our bodies are complex, and the fact is that we simply don't know everything about them.  Yes, new research keeps coming out, and sometimes it proves that the things we used to be told about health are wrong.  The best rule of thumb that I know of is, listen to your body.  Pay attention!  Notice when something new in your diet makes you feel bad, or good.  And read as much as you can, because the more you understand about how your body works the better you can understand what it's telling you.

Well-no. No, that's not what I heard. I heard it has a tendency to throw a body's chemistry out of whack so that it can't absorb certain nutrients. I do believe you about that bit of listening to your body though. I used to get these horrendous cravings for tomatoes (hard on me because I literally can't stand the taste of them) that didn't stop until I started taking a potassium supplement. The human body is a strange thing. 
As my doctor told me, it doesn't depend entirely on what you eat, our body makes cholesterol too. So as was said in an earlier post, we should eat the natural full fat foods but in moderation. Not eating salt and sugar is my choice ( I like sweets but don't add sugar to food or drinks ). I don't like the way salt and sugar change the taste of food, only natural stevia to take away bitterness of iced tea.
Sodium is something your body needs, very badly (and in moderation, of course). And have you considered honey? It's all natural (some of them) and some of the people down here add it to their tea while it's hot to sweeten it, before chilling it. Just a thought. 


TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
I'm so white and blonde, I burn to a crisp.  I had a blister the size of a half dollar on my shoulder several years ago and a few summers ago, I ended up with even bigger blisters all over my back.  Sunscreen doesn't do me much good.  When I get burns like that, aloe doesn't quite cut it.  I have to get Silvadene cream.  Prescription only.  And of course, it never turns into a tan.  But, this summer, my feet tanned!  If you look really close and squint a bit, you can almost sorta see tan lines from my flip flops.  Woohoo!  Yes, it's pathetic, but it's the most color I've ever gotten so shush!
Get a spray tan if you must have some color on you. Any color from the sun is sun damage. The sun is your skin's worst enemy.  It is NOT worth it . Use sunblock every day. If you have not found one that works for you, go to sites like Amazon, Sephora, Ulta, etc and read reviews of other kinds. Your skin will thank you years from now. Always wear sunglasses when you go outside. Squinting causes crow's feet. I have light ones by my left eye because of just that. It's much easier to prevent them than it is to get rid of them.  


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Get a spray tan if you must have some color on you. Any color from the sun is sun damage. The sun is your skin's worst enemy.  It is NOT worth it . Use sunblock every day. If you have not found one that works for you, go to sites like Amazon, Sephora, Ulta, etc and read reviews of other kinds. Your skin will thank you years from now. Always wear sunglasses when you go outside. Squinting causes crow's feet. I have light ones by my left eye because of just that. It's much easier to prevent them than it is to get rid of them.  
Sun is very damaging to us fair people... It would take me until the summer to get a tan.. 

My dad never used sunscreen and was fair. He was always in the sun, working.. not worshipping.. He had so many areas of basal cell cancer, that I got to be an expert at identifying them.. He had a lot of surgery on his face for them. He also had one spot of melanoma, in situ (confined to one area)...

He also ended up with macular degeneration from not wearing sunglasses.

I used to bathe in the sun.. no more for me..I came down with an area of basal cell on my face. I had it removed last year--it was a pretty big area, but thankfully the surgeon was awesome. You can hardly see the scar.. He did such a great job...

Now I wear sunscreen on my face and arms, daily.. I was told to use it even in winter. 

I found out that once you have one spot of skin cancer, you have a 80% chance of having a recurrence in the following year..

I am going yearly for total skin checkups, for 5 years...If I have a recurrence, then it is twice a year...

right now I have a pre-canorous area  on my hand which will be dealt with at my next appointment...freezing it off completely..

The sun is very damaging...


TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
Sun is very damaging to us fair people... It would take me until the summer to get a tan.. 

My dad never used sunscreen and was fair. He was always in the sun, working.. not worshipping.. He had so many areas of basal cell cancer, that I got to be an expert at identifying them.. He had a lot of surgery on his face for them. He also had one spot of melanoma, in situ (confined to one area)...

He also ended up with macular degeneration from not wearing sunglasses.

I used to bathe in the sun.. no more for me..I came down with an area of basal cell on my face. I had it removed last year--it was a pretty big area, but thankfully the surgeon was awesome. You can hardly see the scar.. He did such a great job...

Now I wear sunscreen on my face and arms, daily.. I was told to use it even in winter. 

I found out that once you have one spot of skin cancer, you have a 80% chance of having a recurrence in the following year..

I am going yearly for total skin checkups, for 5 years...If I have a recurrence, then it is twice a year...

right now I have a pre-canorous area  on my hand which will be dealt with at my next appointment...freezing it off completely..

The sun is very damaging...
I am full blooded Irish. The sun hates me and the feeling is mutual. I have never had a tan in my life and I wish that back in the day (late 70's and 80's) I knew what I know now. I would have avoided the sun like the plague. Back then though, being pale was considered to be horrible. I was teased all the time because I was pale. People would come up to me and tell me that I needed more sun because I was "so pale".  We used to slather ourselves with baby oil and lay in the sun 

No one really knew back then how bad the sun really is for you. I adore the beach but you will never, ever, ever catch me there during the day. Only after sundown. 

I didn't spend as much time in the sun as many other people did back then but I still have freckles and a few dark spots. Freckles are sun damage too. 

Many people don't realize that tanning beds are even worse. Those bulbs are so close to the skin. I used them a few times in the early 90's. I paid for a sunburn. Stupid me. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
That reminds me; I got my second degree sunburn at a beach. Now, please pardon me while I rant about new management.

My schedule for next week is insane! Not only am I working almost straight through it (the only exception being a day I requested off two weeks ago), but the hours are horrible! Please, let me explain. With the last management there were three shifts in the day. First shift began at six, second at one, and third at ten. That way, you knew exactly  when you were supposed to be at work when the schedule said your day started at six, one, or ten. It was easy. It made sense. Not this new crap! This new schedule has me coming in halfway through second on three of the days and leaving partway into third and coming into work in the middle of third and leaving partway into first! It's enough for me to go "what is the new manager thinking", because I know  she's the one who made schedule!

All right. I think I know part of what she's thinking. As my hours go up, one of my coworkers hours are going down. As in, way, way down. She's down to one four hour  workday next week, and this week she only had two days. (I think I know why too; the one time I worked second with her she kept taking breaks and we don't get breaks.) One of the few  good things about the new scheduling is that the days are just a little bit shorter--usually about seven hours rather than eight and on one day I'll be there for five hours instead of seven. (Of course, on a couple of days I'm scheduled to be there for seven and a half hours.) It's just that it looks insane--and mine  is the only one that looks this messed up! Everyone else's schedules look relatively normal. (Well, except for the coworker down to four hours next week.)

If you read the rant, thank you. I really needed to get that off my chest. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
Many places have three shifts that never vary, like hospitals where the usual arrangement is 7 am to 3 pm, then 3 pm to 11 pm and then 11pm to 7 am. Three even shifts and they all have 1 hr off (unpaid) after 4 hours, as the law requires. 2 paid breaks of 10 minutes each are also required. Do you know why your employer or manager has such a hard time following such a schedule? Employees are easier to find when they know when they are supposed to work and thus can make plans for doctor's appointments, school, errants etc. If you put up with such nonsense you only have yourself to blame. Speak up or  find another place to work where they treat employees the way they deserve. Seems to me that this employer and/or the manager is taking advantage of no supervision from higher up and nobody complains to the right people. Put it in writing so there is no mistake in what you mean. Also state a solution to the problem.   


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Many places have three shifts that never vary, like hospitals where the usual arrangement is 7 am to 3 pm, then 3 pm to 11 pm and then 11pm to 7 am. Three even shifts and they all have 1 hr off (unpaid) after 4 hours, as the law requires. 2 paid breaks of 10 minutes each are also required. Do you know why your employer or manager has such a hard time following such a schedule? Employees are easier to find when they know when they are supposed to work and thus can make plans for doctor's appointments, school, errants etc. If you put up with such nonsense you only have yourself to blame. Speak up or  find another place to work where they treat employees the way they deserve. Seems to me that this employer and/or the manager is taking advantage of no supervision from higher up and nobody complains to the right people. Put it in writing so there is no mistake in what you mean. Also state a solution to the problem.   
@segelkatt    FYI:  In hospitals, there are not all consistent with shifts. I worked 10am - 6pm... and from 9am-5:30pm and from 8:30 am - 5pm... with an unpaid 30 minute lunch and absolutely no coffee breaks.. not even the legally called for 15 minute break in a 4 hour shift. Many days we did not get lunch either. We ate in-between seeing patients; a bite here and there...

it is illegal and the administration knows it. They dare you to say something. If you do go to HR, you are branded as a trouble maker, thus allowing them to 'find' some way of firing you. Yes, firing you...writing you up for stupid things, and knowing the wording to make it stick....

One or two hospitals, in Boston, did have to pay back thousands and thousands of dollars in unpaid lunches and overtime... mandatory overtime.. yes, they know how to work it.. You have to ask permission to stay to work overtime.. by the time you find a supervisor, of course they are all gone because their work is done, it is too late.. so you just work it---or you run the risk of "abandoning' patients... 

Yes, those hospitals had several individuals, (fired from there) who documented all their hours worked....now they have a time clock.. Imagine nurses and medical people having to punch in and out.. ridiculous...

It is a no win situation.. 

They know all the ins and outs of getting every single ounce of blood from you....

They dare you to got legal help....Their lawyers have all the wording covered...very hard to win...


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
 I use mild Italian sausage and only taste the spices when I eat a piece of the ground sausage.  You can make it w/o the spices and add them if it isn't spicy enough.  My husband likes spicy foods and I don't so he is always adding chili powder to my food.

BTW If your trying to cut calories, check the ingredients on your chili powder.  I had one that had sugar added to it.

Just found this icon. 
   Not sure when you would use it.  What do ewe think?
Huh, I never noticed that sheep before, but I'll be looking for a place to use it.  As for the sugar, LOTS of people put sugar in anything tomato-based, to cut the acidity.  If you want really strange, I put two squares of a Hershey  bar in my chili,  You can't taste the chocolate at all, but it cuts the acidity and adds a rich, deep smokey flavor to the chili.
I haven't been here in ages. Wonder if anyone remembers me or knows who I am any more lol :-)
You must have disappeared before I joined,  Welcome back.
Many places have three shifts that never vary, like hospitals where the usual arrangement is 7 am to 3 pm, then 3 pm to 11 pm and then 11pm to 7 am. Three even shifts and they all have 1 hr off (unpaid) after 4 hours, as the law requires. 2 paid breaks of 10 minutes each are also required. Do you know why your employer or manager has such a hard time following such a schedule? Employees are easier to find when they know when they are supposed to work and thus can make plans for doctor's appointments, school, errants etc. If you put up with such nonsense you only have yourself to blame. Speak up or  find another place to work where they treat employees the way they deserve. Seems to me that this employer and/or the manager is taking advantage of no supervision from higher up and nobody complains to the right people. Put it in writing so there is no mistake in what you mean. Also state a solution to the problem.   
I entirely agree with this.  I would add that it looks like she knows she has a willing horse, and is acting accordingly, 


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
I think the key is sugar in moderation, not to cut it completely. 

  As both AWM and LS are afflicted with the same pale skin you have, I congratulate you on getting a little bit of color without  getting burned!

Actually, margarine has been around a lot  longer than most people think. It was actually invented during the reign of Napoleon (who wanted a butter substitute that would taste like butter and be cheap to make so that even the poorest of the poor could have some), but it didn't actually pick up steam until people started adding yellow food coloring to it to make it pretty.

If you're hungry all the time, maybe there's something you need that your body's not getting. Points to ponder; calories aren't the only  things a body needs. 

Well-no. No, that's not what I heard. I heard it has a tendency to throw a body's chemistry out of whack so that it can't absorb certain nutrients. I do believe you about that bit of listening to your body though. I used to get these horrendous cravings for tomatoes (hard on me because I literally can't stand the taste of them) that didn't stop until I started taking a potassium supplement. The human body is a strange thing. 

Sodium is something your body needs, very badly (and in moderation, of course). And have you considered honey? It's all natural (some of them) and some of the people down here add it to their tea while it's hot to sweeten it, before chilling it. Just a thought. 
I eat a pretty balanced diet.  I was raised on good home cooking and that's what I stick with.  I also take a daily multivitamin.  I just have a much faster metabolism than most and need more calories to sustain my body than most people.  I eat twice as much as anyone I know and I'm still considered underweight, but my doctor said not to worry about it because I'm healthy.  I'm about 5'6" and 105 lbs.  I've been trying really hard to gain 5 pounds so I can donate blood, but it's not working.  I had to get a major blood transfusion after an ex-boyfriend beat me up pretty bad a couple of years ago and lacerated my spleen and kidney.  It saved my life and I really want to donate blood to "pay back" what I used and help other people.  I just can't gain weight no matter what I try.  I shouldn't complain, though.  Most people have the opposite problem!  Haha

I don't get out in the sun much.  I've been walking a lot playing Pokemon Go, but I usually go out at night because I'm a night owl anyway and I like walking around the college campus when it's quiet and empty.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
this is why I am so thankful to work in a union. We don't put up with nonsense like that. We all have set hours. We have the option to apply for hardship if there are reasons you can't make it to work in the stated hours in the contract. but in order for this to happen you must use up all paid time off and vacation before they consider. So in essence its rare that a hardship is granted. 

I used to manage a gas station. We never screwed around with their hours. I worked 5:30 or something to I think 2. Second came in at 2. left at 10. or 10:30. no third shift.  I managed about 5 to 7 people. most all were full time. we had 3 part timers for weekends and fill ins. I often had to work those shifts that those idiots called out. I always made them aware at the interview that they need to make prior arrangements with everyone else when calling in. Let them know I tend to assign work on the nights due to less foot traffic after 7pm so that usually worked out. my 2nd shift guy was very dependable and never called out. my 1st shift deli girl also was very dependable. The young kids were another story. I tended to stick to more mature folks who applied for work. I know they say we cant discriminate and I didn't. I hired young people all the time but it was usually with an understanding by the older folks that they wouldn't last. I was only 25 by the way at the time. I had my head on my shoulders and wanted to live at my mothers-we lived across the street from this convenience store in the country. any grocery store was at least 10 to 15 min away so most people hit our store in between trips. 

We were in a rinky dink town near Salem NH. They didn't have a high school or anything. now they do. Things have changed so much since I left when I was 26. I lasted a year at that job. They promised me bonus for meeting the goals and they came up with bullsugar about how I didn't make the objectives when I had it in writing I did. It was a family run business so you know how well that worked. I gave them 2 weeks notice and worked at Shaw's produce department after that. they hired this kid who was 19 and she was upset that I wouldn't show her anything. They pretty much pushed me out of that job claiming I was mentally ill. I took advantage of the doctors visits to appease them and looked for work asap. I am so glad to be done of that toxic hell. I really beg people to keep looking or better yet start your own side business.

I did. For almost 20 years. I recently thought about going back into the flea market business but I just don't have the patience for idiot people anymore. I guess I am too gruff and don't do fake smiles too well. I miss my loyal customers but don't miss getting up at 2:30 to drive for 90 min to arrive at 4:30 and set up at the flea market in the pitch dark then customers dint come in until 8 or 9. then at 1pm its a ghost town. I used to set up with a gentleman who would save my spot for me.

one Sunday I got a flat tire on rt 101 in Raymond. Oh god I had to unload 10 boxes of books on the highway to get the covers off for the jack then attempt to change my tire in the dark. Jon came to help but i was 1 hour away so by the time he showed up it was 5:30. I got to the flea at 7am. I was TICKED OFF!!!

So ever since then I am super nervous about driving on back roads or during construction. So a few months ago I bought a nice floor jack at a yard sale for $25 that has its own case. So next time I have to heft a 75lb tire or whatever the heck it weighs-I have the tools to do it fast. I HATE working on my truck. I will whine and complain about it until someone offers to take care of it for me. Luckily working with 95% men-there's at least 50% of them that are car enthusiasts and can do most of the work but I have two really good mechanics if I need to get it done. I just hate working on cars.

I attempted to rebuild my own carburetor when I was 19. I had a crabbox Chevy citation 2.8 V6...which had some power to it. I had the hardest time putting the 3 throttle plates back together due to the springs were not seating properly. I managed to get it back together but ever since then the car had no power. I no longer could rev around slow pokes. But I sold it for a bit of cash and got a Buick 3.8. much BETTER!! I burned rubber in that thing all the time. The best part??!! no carburetor to mess with!! no timing to tinker with!!! Those days were when I was young and dumb and didn't know anyone in the city I lived in so I figured better to do it myself than to risk someone ripping me off...didn't always work that way but heck I had fun learning.

the best part=my dad felt like I new kid when he set the carburetor in the citation and he had me test it out. holy moly that little put put could move!!! I never should have messed with the carburetor. Lesson learned. Now I am totally spoiled with all the stuff the cars have. I since then have only driven big suvs or buick sedans. I cant stand small cars. I have to say its ok if I need to get a ride with someone but I dont know if I could go back to driving a small car.

Back when I got that Citation-I almost bought a V8 chevy big car-what the heck was that model that was big as a boat?? I can't remember! caprice or something!? I always wanted a V8 and I didnt want to drive a rinky dink 4 banger. My sister talked me out of that car claiming it would have been a gas hog. she was right! so yeah back to the point about jobs-sometimes we have to use jobs as stepping stones. I have to say the job I have is the longest I have ever worked at one place. Although I did work for a small business cleaning places for I think 7 or 8 years on and off. Also another job I worked part time in a grill-worked 4 years in a row then went back for another 2 years. so I guess you can say I have had good luck-most times I got the job by word of mouth....hopefully this job you have Tally works out and they stop jerking you around. That's exactly what they are doing. If they don't want that person back why don't they just let them go??!!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
*Good on you!* for your being pro-union.  And as for the vehicular improvement, I wanted my dad to teach me how to work on cars so much!  He didn't, though.  He did most of the work on his cars when he could.  

handsome kitty

TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2014
Newark CA
Kim is making bread.  No worries about wanting to eat it even though it smells delicious.  

Decided to get back to walking so I walked to the bank - 2 miles one way, and on to Safeway at the same intersection and home again.  It was pretty cool when I left and getting hot when I came out of the grocery store.  I spent too much time trying to decided what to get for dinner.  Timed it bad and got home at 12:30 starving.  So I added a few corn chips to my leftover pork roast and then after lunch ate a whole box of mini chuckles (3.5 servings according to the box).  Now I don't feel so well.  At least the sugar craving is well and truly gone.

OK that bread is really smelling good.  This is a good time to walk Eclipse.

I applaud all who can work on their cars.  I can barely open the lid and have a hard time closing it.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
My grandpa insisted that I learn to change a tire and check and change the oil before I even got my learner's permit.  However, little did my mom know, he'd already taught me to drive by then.  From the time I was 12, he took me out to the country, pulled over and put me behind the wheel, and told me to drive.  So, when I did get my permit, my mom took me out and said, "Wow' you're a natural!"  I was like, "Yep, I guess I am."  Haha.  He did the same thing with my younger sister, Christi.  Poor Danielle didn't get the benefit of Grandpa's teaching.  By the time she was 12, the Alzheimer's had already taken over so badly, he couldn't drive anymore.  Grandma had my uncle "borrow" the truck and never return it to save Grandpa's pride.  DD just turned 16 and we lost Grandpa a year and a half ago.  I can't even look at a car without thinking of him.  I never knew my dad, but he filled the position so well, I never felt like I was missing anything.  He took me fishing, taught me to use tools, and did all the typical dad things.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
Many places have three shifts that never vary, like hospitals where the usual arrangement is 7 am to 3 pm, then 3 pm to 11 pm and then 11pm to 7 am. Three even shifts and they all have 1 hr off (unpaid) after 4 hours, as the law requires. 2 paid breaks of 10 minutes each are also required. Do you know why your employer or manager has such a hard time following such a schedule? Employees are easier to find when they know when they are supposed to work and thus can make plans for doctor's appointments, school, errants etc. If you put up with such nonsense you only have yourself to blame. Speak up or  find another place to work where they treat employees the way they deserve. Seems to me that this employer and/or the manager is taking advantage of no supervision from higher up and nobody complains to the right people. Put it in writing so there is no mistake in what you mean. Also state a solution to the problem.   
I know that the store is in a mess. My previous manager was working insane hours herself as she tried to keep it afloat and was (although I'm not supposed to know this) a hair's breath away from going postal. One of the things the previous manager used to do was to work us right up to the thirty-nine hour mark. (We're all temps--the company doesn't hire full time employees at our level.) I'm not complaining (to management) about the new scheduling, because I don' t know the reasoning behind it. (One of the things I like about the company I work at is that it looks at its employees--even temps--as people.) I know, for example, that of the seven employees working the store at my level I'm only one of two who neither has children, nor has charge of young children. New management might be trying to change the schedule to make it easier for the parents on crew--and I can see where the new schedule would  be easier on parents. Of course, I could be overthinking it. 
@segelkatt    FYI:  In hospitals, there are not all consistent with shifts. I worked 10am - 6pm... and from 9am-5:30pm and from 8:30 am - 5pm... with an unpaid 30 minute lunch and absolutely no coffee breaks.. not even the legally called for 15 minute break in a 4 hour shift. Many days we did not get lunch either. We ate in-between seeing patients; a bite here and there...

it is illegal and the administration knows it. They dare you to say something. If you do go to HR, you are branded as a trouble maker, thus allowing them to 'find' some way of firing you. Yes, firing you...writing you up for stupid things, and knowing the wording to make it stick....

One or two hospitals, in Boston, did have to pay back thousands and thousands of dollars in unpaid lunches and overtime... mandatory overtime.. yes, they know how to work it.. You have to ask permission to stay to work overtime.. by the time you find a supervisor, of course they are all gone because their work is done, it is too late.. so you just work it---or you run the risk of "abandoning' patients... 

Yes, those hospitals had several individuals, (fired from there) who documented all their hours worked....now they have a time clock.. Imagine nurses and medical people having to punch in and out.. ridiculous...

It is a no win situation.. 

They know all the ins and outs of getting every single ounce of blood from you....

They dare you to got legal help....Their lawyers have all the wording covered...very hard to win...
Yeah--AWM had a similar problem with the post office. She had to fight like a cornered wolf to get the pay she was owed, and when they were finally square with each other she quit. (I think she's still one the roster though--they keep sending timesheets in the mail showing she's worked zero hours.)
I eat a pretty balanced diet.  I was raised on good home cooking and that's what I stick with.  I also take a daily multivitamin.  I just have a much faster metabolism than most and need more calories to sustain my body than most people.  I eat twice as much as anyone I know and I'm still considered underweight, but my doctor said not to worry about it because I'm healthy.  I'm about 5'6" and 105 lbs.  I've been trying really hard to gain 5 pounds so I can donate blood, but it's not working.  I had to get a major blood transfusion after an ex-boyfriend beat me up pretty bad a couple of years ago and lacerated my spleen and kidney.  It saved my life and I really want to donate blood to "pay back" what I used and help other people.  I just can't gain weight no matter what I try.  I shouldn't complain, though.  Most people have the opposite problem!  Haha

I don't get out in the sun much.  I've been walking a lot playing Pokemon Go, but I usually go out at night because I'm a night owl anyway and I like walking around the college campus when it's quiet and empty.
I've had problems on the blood donation front myself. For the first six times I tried to donate, my iron count was too low. Then, after I had finally managed to donate--twice--they added a question about being in Germany between two years. When I mentioned that yes, I had been in Germany between those dates (DD was stationed there), they told me I couldn't donate blood anymore. When I demanded to know why, they told me that it was because there had been a mad cow epidemic between those two years, which is total bull. I wasn't even old enough to eat solid foods, and my early years were primarily vegetarian (AWM believed that if a baby had a primarily vegetarian diet it decreased the chances of the child turning its nose up at vegetables later). The only exception to the rule were ribs--pork  ribs, not to put too fine a point on it. Not to mention that if I had  gotten mad cow, I would have gotten sick before now! (Sorry for ranting. It's just that I used to be an organ donor, but when I renewed my license the community blood center had put a notice on my information that I'm not allowed to do that.)
this is why I am so thankful to work in a union. We don't put up with nonsense like that. We all have set hours. We have the option to apply for hardship if there are reasons you can't make it to work in the stated hours in the contract. but in order for this to happen you must use up all paid time off and vacation before they consider. So in essence its rare that a hardship is granted. 

I used to manage a gas station. We never screwed around with their hours. I worked 5:30 or something to I think 2. Second came in at 2. left at 10. or 10:30. no third shift.  I managed about 5 to 7 people. most all were full time. we had 3 part timers for weekends and fill ins. I often had to work those shifts that those idiots called out. I always made them aware at the interview that they need to make prior arrangements with everyone else when calling in. Let them know I tend to assign work on the nights due to less foot traffic after 7pm so that usually worked out. my 2nd shift guy was very dependable and never called out. my 1st shift deli girl also was very dependable. The young kids were another story. I tended to stick to more mature folks who applied for work. I know they say we cant discriminate and I didn't. I hired young people all the time but it was usually with an understanding by the older folks that they wouldn't last. I was only 25 by the way at the time. I had my head on my shoulders and wanted to live at my mothers-we lived across the street from this convenience store in the country. any grocery store was at least 10 to 15 min away so most people hit our store in between trips. 

We were in a rinky dink town near Salem NH. They didn't have a high school or anything. now they do. Things have changed so much since I left when I was 26. I lasted a year at that job. They promised me bonus for meeting the goals and they came up with bullsugar about how I didn't make the objectives when I had it in writing I did. It was a family run business so you know how well that worked. I gave them 2 weeks notice and worked at Shaw's produce department after that. they hired this kid who was 19 and she was upset that I wouldn't show her anything. They pretty much pushed me out of that job claiming I was mentally ill. I took advantage of the doctors visits to appease them and looked for work asap. I am so glad to be done of that toxic hell. I really beg people to keep looking or better yet start your own side business.

I did. For almost 20 years. I recently thought about going back into the flea market business but I just don't have the patience for idiot people anymore. I guess I am too gruff and don't do fake smiles too well. I miss my loyal customers but don't miss getting up at 2:30 to drive for 90 min to arrive at 4:30 and set up at the flea market in the pitch dark then customers dint come in until 8 or 9. then at 1pm its a ghost town. I used to set up with a gentleman who would save my spot for me.

one Sunday I got a flat tire on rt 101 in Raymond. Oh god I had to unload 10 boxes of books on the highway to get the covers off for the jack then attempt to change my tire in the dark. Jon came to help but i was 1 hour away so by the time he showed up it was 5:30. I got to the flea at 7am. I was TICKED OFF!!!

So ever since then I am super nervous about driving on back roads or during construction. So a few months ago I bought a nice floor jack at a yard sale for $25 that has its own case. So next time I have to heft a 75lb tire or whatever the heck it weighs-I have the tools to do it fast. I HATE working on my truck. I will whine and complain about it until someone offers to take care of it for me. Luckily working with 95% men-there's at least 50% of them that are car enthusiasts and can do most of the work but I have two really good mechanics if I need to get it done. I just hate working on cars.

I attempted to rebuild my own carburetor when I was 19. I had a crabbox Chevy citation 2.8 V6...which had some power to it. I had the hardest time putting the 3 throttle plates back together due to the springs were not seating properly. I managed to get it back together but ever since then the car had no power. I no longer could rev around slow pokes. But I sold it for a bit of cash and got a Buick 3.8. much BETTER!! I burned rubber in that thing all the time. The best part??!! no carburetor to mess with!! no timing to tinker with!!! Those days were when I was young and dumb and didn't know anyone in the city I lived in so I figured better to do it myself than to risk someone ripping me off...didn't always work that way but heck I had fun learning.

the best part=my dad felt like I new kid when he set the carburetor in the citation and he had me test it out. holy moly that little put put could move!!! I never should have messed with the carburetor. Lesson learned. Now I am totally spoiled with all the stuff the cars have. I since then have only driven big suvs or buick sedans. I cant stand small cars. I have to say its ok if I need to get a ride with someone but I dont know if I could go back to driving a small car.

Back when I got that Citation-I almost bought a V8 chevy big car-what the heck was that model that was big as a boat?? I can't remember! caprice or something!? I always wanted a V8 and I didnt want to drive a rinky dink 4 banger. My sister talked me out of that car claiming it would have been a gas hog. she was right! so yeah back to the point about jobs-sometimes we have to use jobs as stepping stones. I have to say the job I have is the longest I have ever worked at one place. Although I did work for a small business cleaning places for I think 7 or 8 years on and off. Also another job I worked part time in a grill-worked 4 years in a row then went back for another 2 years. so I guess you can say I have had good luck-most times I got the job by word of mouth....hopefully this job you have Tally works out and they stop jerking you around. That's exactly what they are doing. If they don't want that person back why don't they just let them go??!!
There are two reasons I wanted to work at the company that owns the convenience store I work at now. Reason one is that when AWM and I (we took turns doing this) were taking care of a very cantankerous aunt (who was living in an assisted living facility filled arrogant people who took issue with us because we weren't acting like proper "ladies") one of the things that kept us sane were breaks we were able to take the occasional break (the aunt was in physical therapy and we were able to rest for that hour) at a convenience store across the street. (Also the place that introduced AWM to cappuccino.) I try to create the same quick-helping and yet amiable atmosphere that place had for my customers at the station. (The other reason is that my company wants to rule the world--it's in the mission statement. Almost all of the convenience stores here belong to that company, and they have stores all over the globe, so they're off to a good start.)

Now, I've thought about setting up a craft booth at the local flea market (local being relative, of course--the nearest one is forty minutes away in good weather and light traffic). Would you be kind enough to tell me more about it?
My grandpa insisted that I learn to change a tire and check and change the oil before I even got my learner's permit.  However, little did my mom know, he'd already taught me to drive by then.  From the time I was 12, he took me out to the country, pulled over and put me behind the wheel, and told me to drive.  So, when I did get my permit, my mom took me out and said, "Wow' you're a natural!"  I was like, "Yep, I guess I am."  Haha.  He did the same thing with my younger sister, Christi.  Poor Danielle didn't get the benefit of Grandpa's teaching.  By the time she was 12, the Alzheimer's had already taken over so badly, he couldn't drive anymore.  Grandma had my uncle "borrow" the truck and never return it to save Grandpa's pride.  DD just turned 16 and we lost Grandpa a year and a half ago.  I can't even look at a car without thinking of him.  I never knew my dad, but he filled the position so well, I never felt like I was missing anything.  He took me fishing, taught me to use tools, and did all the typical dad things.
Kind of reminds me of when AWM taught me how to drive. Every time we had inclement weather, I was out behind the wheel learning how to compensate for the bad weather. Rain so thick it's nearly impossible to see the end of the car hood? I've driven through it. Snow? Driven through it. Fog that alternates between being as clear as frosted glass to almost no visibility issues at all? Driven through it. Ice that's coated everything in a thin layer? Driven through it. Nighttime during a city-wide power outage? Driven through it. Hail? Actually, no--according to AWM hail is far too dangerous to drive in and the best thing to do during a hailstorm is stay put. By the time I finally got to Driver's ED (which is a story in and of itself) the only thing I hadn't driven in was sunshine. And believe me, it showed. Anyway, AWM would always tell me, "You may never see conditions like this again, but you will drive through them now." 

I'm glad someone taught you a little of how cars work. My vehicular based education from the males of my family consisted of, "This is a cell phone. This is how you program speed dial. My number's already in here." (AWM showed me how to fill the radiator, check oil, refill the windshield washer fluid, change a tire, and so on.)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 8, 2016
Phoenix, AZ
I think the key is sugar in moderation, not to cut it completely. 

  As both AWM and LS are afflicted with the same pale skin you have, I congratulate you on getting a little bit of color without  getting burned!

Actually, margarine has been around a lot  longer than most people think. It was actually invented during the reign of Napoleon (who wanted a butter substitute that would taste like butter and be cheap to make so that even the poorest of the poor could have some), but it didn't actually pick up steam until people started adding yellow food coloring to it to make it pretty.

If you're hungry all the time, maybe there's something you need that your body's not getting. Points to ponder; calories aren't the only  things a body needs. 

Well-no. No, that's not what I heard. I heard it has a tendency to throw a body's chemistry out of whack so that it can't absorb certain nutrients. I do believe you about that bit of listening to your body though. I used to get these horrendous cravings for tomatoes (hard on me because I literally can't stand the taste of them) that didn't stop until I started taking a potassium supplement. The human body is a strange thing. 

Sodium is something your body needs, very badly (and in moderation, of course). And have you considered honey? It's all natural (some of them) and some of the people down here add it to their tea while it's hot to sweeten it, before chilling it. Just a thought. 
We get enough sodium from bread, cereal, baked goods, etc. I don't add it to my food because I don't like the way it makes it taste. Same thing with other seasonings. You don't use the ones you don't like in your food. I like the idea of using honey for my iced tea, no bad effects from sugar or artificial sweeteners. Thank you!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 9, 2015
Washington State
I got to play with some cute kitties tonight. I'm starting to worry about the guy who has been there longest now. He's getting growly and swats at everyone. It is time to give him a break I think.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
We get enough sodium from bread, cereal, baked goods, etc. I don't add it to my food because I don't like the way it makes it taste. Same thing with other seasonings. You don't use the ones you don't like in your food. I like the idea of using honey for my iced tea, no bad effects from sugar or artificial sweeteners. Thank you!
Well, maybe you  do. In our area they're experimenting with low and no sodium everything--breads, meats, cereal--it's getting to where you can't get salt unless you add it. (They've even passed an ordinance that restaruants aren't supposed to use cheese made with salt! 
It's insane, I tell you!) I'm glad you like the idea of using honey. I hope it works out well for you. 

I got to play with some cute kitties tonight. I'm starting to worry about the guy who has been there longest now. He's getting growly and swats at everyone. It is time to give him a break I think.
 Poor kitty! It sounds like he's getting a little cranky. 
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