Just Joined After Sending My Buddy To The Rainbow Bridge


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 9, 2019
Hi all,

Today I had to send my cat buddy to the Rainbow Bridge. His name was Nemo, and I use that as my forum name in his honor. Back in late 2014, Nemo, a black and white shorthair cat with a misaligned jaw adopted us. He had been hanging around for a while before late 2014 and we had been leaving food out for him. We found out from neighbors that his original owners had mistreated him as a younger cat. At one point, so the story goes, somebody hit him in the head with a golf club, resulting in his jaw becoming misaligned. By the time Nemo met us, his jaw had healed in a way that he did not feel any pain and was able to lead a relatively normal kitty life in the neighborhood in which we lived. Yes, his eating and drinking was a little awkward, but he did just fine. At that time we had three other kitties--one a stray that we had adopted in that neighborhood (and we later found out was related to Nemo), and two others that we had adopted from the local Humane Society. Nemo was a happy cat--loving and affectionate. He loved to play. When I would take walks through our neighborhood, Nemo would follow me, "talking" to me in his own way with his sweet meows. We joked that Nemo thought that he was a dog.

In early 2015 we started letting Nemo into our house. Up until that point, I had been leaving the man door of our garage open for Nemo to go inside when the weather was inclement. In the garage was a nice deep-seated swivel chair with soft blankets in it, which Nemo would take advantage of. Sometimes I would leave an electric space heater on to make sure Nemo would be warm and comfy. But because my and Nemo's relationship evolved, the decision was finally made to begin letting Nemo in the house whenever he wanted to come in. That was it, the little rascal had me!

In August of 2015 we were forced to move out of the house we had been renting and into a mobile home park. Our cats, including Nemo, came with us. Nemo loved the new location. The mobile home park abutted some undeveloped land, and he enjoyed exploring it. Sometimes we would explore together. The three things Nemo loved to do were exploring, playing, and curling up in my lap when I was at home. That little rascal knew the sound of both my personal car and my work vehicle, so whenever I got home, he would either be on the porch waiting for me or he would be inside the house next to the front door, waiting for me to enter. He would actually get excited when I came home, running around, batting at toys, scratching the kitty posts.

My wife and the other cats didn't especially like Nemo. He was a bit dominant with the other kitties--one of which was my wife's favorite. However, today when we said our final goodbyes to Nemo, my wife cried a lot. Turns out, she had fallen in love with Nemo in her own way.

Right now, just about three hours after having to say goodbye to my cat buddy due to end-stage renal failure, I, a manly 49 year-old guy, am alternating between bouts of uncontrollable crying and feelings of gratitude that I got the chance to know Nemo for the past several years and to give him a good life. I have had to assist in putting two other cats down--one who I had to sedate myself before the final ride to the vet. And let me tell you, losing Nemo is by far the hardest on me.

Hello, I am Nemo, and I love cats.


Happiness is being owned by a cat
Staff Member
May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
to you (Nemo), on behalf of The Catsite community, a warm
to you.

So glad that you’ve joined this wonderful site and you are in the right place for all things cat and this site is loaded with tons of rich resources and you’ll find friendly and helpful cats around and many of our cats are very knowledgeable in cat related stuffs.

to hear about Nemo :alright: Glad that you took him in and gave him the best of life and he was a good companion to you.

You may want to pay a tribute to Nemo and you can do it here :- crossing-the-bridge.19

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Enjoy your stay and see ya around :wink:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2017
United States
I am so sorry that Nemo crossed the bridge. I wish I could take your pain. I have lost my “special “one too. It’s really okay for a 49 year old male to experience those bouts of crying. Your love is showing. Nemo was given the best thing any living creature can be given, deep and true love. You gave him comfort, companionship and safety. He obviously understood your feelings and returned them. Your story of spending time together is beautiful. Please know that a part of him will always remain with you in your heart. He gave you joy while he was here. You stopped him from suffering, now he would want to stop you from suffering. Cats always want to comfort us. I know that there are no words I can offer you to ease the pain. I can offer you a shoulder to cry on, arms to help hold you up, an ear to listen any time you need or want to talk and a piece of my own heart to help hold yours together. Thank you for telling us about such a wonderful kitty and the sweet and gentle life you provided for him. You are a hero among humans. You saved him. :grouphug2: We are here for you. I’m very glad you came here with the story of Nemo. It is a precious thing to hear. You honor Nemo by telling of his life with you.


Kitty on the half shell, tortie power!
Top Cat
Apr 4, 2018
Littleton, CO
I’m so glad you are hear to tell us about how special and amazing Nemo was. While all cats touch us in our hearts, the ones that we see as so special that somehow someone else thought they could cast away or mistreat I think are all the more treasured. I’m so sorry you lost Nemo, but I’m so glad you found us.

Welcome, and don’t be a stranger.


TCS Member
Mar 27, 2016
Hi all,

Today I had to send my cat buddy to the Rainbow Bridge. His name was Nemo, and I use that as my forum name in his honor. Back in late 2014, Nemo, a black and white shorthair cat with a misaligned jaw adopted us. He had been hanging around for a while before late 2014 and we had been leaving food out for him. We found out from neighbors that his original owners had mistreated him as a younger cat. At one point, so the story goes, somebody hit him in the head with a golf club, resulting in his jaw becoming misaligned. By the time Nemo met us, his jaw had healed in a way that he did not feel any pain and was able to lead a relatively normal kitty life in the neighborhood in which we lived. Yes, his eating and drinking was a little awkward, but he did just fine. At that time we had three other kitties--one a stray that we had adopted in that neighborhood (and we later found out was related to Nemo), and two others that we had adopted from the local Humane Society. Nemo was a happy cat--loving and affectionate. He loved to play. When I would take walks through our neighborhood, Nemo would follow me, "talking" to me in his own way with his sweet meows. We joked that Nemo thought that he was a dog.

In early 2015 we started letting Nemo into our house. Up until that point, I had been leaving the man door of our garage open for Nemo to go inside when the weather was inclement. In the garage was a nice deep-seated swivel chair with soft blankets in it, which Nemo would take advantage of. Sometimes I would leave an electric space heater on to make sure Nemo would be warm and comfy. But because my and Nemo's relationship evolved, the decision was finally made to begin letting Nemo in the house whenever he wanted to come in. That was it, the little rascal had me!

In August of 2015 we were forced to move out of the house we had been renting and into a mobile home park. Our cats, including Nemo, came with us. Nemo loved the new location. The mobile home park abutted some undeveloped land, and he enjoyed exploring it. Sometimes we would explore together. The three things Nemo loved to do were exploring, playing, and curling up in my lap when I was at home. That little rascal knew the sound of both my personal car and my work vehicle, so whenever I got home, he would either be on the porch waiting for me or he would be inside the house next to the front door, waiting for me to enter. He would actually get excited when I came home, running around, batting at toys, scratching the kitty posts.

My wife and the other cats didn't especially like Nemo. He was a bit dominant with the other kitties--one of which was my wife's favorite. However, today when we said our final goodbyes to Nemo, my wife cried a lot. Turns out, she had fallen in love with Nemo in her own way.

Right now, just about three hours after having to say goodbye to my cat buddy due to end-stage renal failure, I, a manly 49 year-old guy, am alternating between bouts of uncontrollable crying and feelings of gratitude that I got the chance to know Nemo for the past several years and to give him a good life. I have had to assist in putting two other cats down--one who I had to sedate myself before the final ride to the vet. And let me tell you, losing Nemo is by far the hardest on me.

Hello, I am Nemo, and I love cats.

Maria Bayote

Mama of 4 Cats, 4 Dogs , 2 Budgies & 2 Humans
Top Cat
Jan 15, 2018
It is so heartbreaking that Nemo's passing is what brought you here, but please let me greet you a warm welcome and lots of cuddles from my 4 cats, 3 doggies and 2 budgies.

Your post made me cry. As I was reading I can imagine Nemo hanging out with you, going on walks, getting excited etc. You gave him a good and happy life. That is all that mattered to him. And he is eternally grateful for the loving home you shared with him.

It is ok to cry. You can cry, no matter if you are old or young. We all feel the pain when our pets leave this earth. It is never easy, but just hang in there.

Sending you my thoughts and prayers.


TCS Member
Mar 27, 2016
Dear ones,

Thank you for your wonderful story about Nemo. I know he will remain, in spirit, with you always. You and your wife were blessed to have a 'very special' boy, and he was so blessed to have you and your wife. He was more dog like and was a true companion for you. That's why you're grieving so.

I understand your relationship with Nemo because I have a cat like that. He is 11 years old. I don't know how I will survive without Charlie.

Warm regards,
C K Ashbrook


Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
So sorry about Nemo. :alright: He sounds like a very special cat, who not only formed a special bond with you, but also worked his charm on your wife. I'm so glad that after a bad start to his life, in his final years he found comfort and love with you. :petcat: :heartshape: RIP sweet Nemo. :angel:

Nemo Nemo : Sorry for the circumstances that led you here, but welcome to TCS. I hope you'll stick around.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 9, 2019
Thank you all for your supportive comments. I'm really struggling right now. Nemo had become such an integral part of my day-to-day life that, it seems everywhere I turn when I get home, I am painfully reminded of his absence. He greeted me when I pulled in the driveway--sometimes even climbing onto my vehicle and climbing into the car with me. When I got settled in after coming home from work, I would kick back at my computer with my feet up on the desk in the spare bedroom/office--and he would soon be in my lap, getting luvs and curling up for some quality Lap Time. When I went to bed, he would end up snuggled next to me or sometimes ON me.

Last night I cried myself to sleep. I slept out in the living room because I knew that was probably going to happen and I didn't want to keep my wife awake. Today she told me she heard me anyway.

Today was my first full day without Nemo. I did okay getting up and going to work. But when I got home, as soon as I pulled up in front of our home, the sense of loss began to reassert itself. When I entered the house, the sadness began to grow, because Nemo was not there to greet me as he had been for the past four years or so. Oddly enough, though, our two remaining cats, who we call the "Fluffy Boyz", because they are both fluffy long-haired cats, came over to greet me--which they have never done before. I don't know if they are just reacting to the general change in the home due to Nemo being absent, or if they are sensing something with me. Even my wife commented on it, though.

But, as I read the comments on this thread tonight, and as I was also acutely aware of Nemo's absence on my lap, I broke down again in tears. I only have about a dozen pictures of Nemo (the one in my profile pic is one of the better ones), but I have lots more memories with him. I know my grief will subside in time, but right now, I'm struggling.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2017
United States
The struggle is so hard. We all know. There is that feeling of emptiness. An imporatant part that is missing. You are not alone though. We are here for you and a part of Nemo is still with you. Your thought about the other kitties is actually right on the mark. They do understand you are hurting. They are coming to try and comfort you and they also need you to comfort them. They may not have seemed close to Nemo but cats are bonded, just as we are. They were family to Nemo too. If you can find it in your heart, spend time with them. It will help them and I think you will find some measure of comfort too. Often, cats sense that you are closest to another and step back. They wait for a chance to be closer to you to share your love. They need you just as Nemo needed you. You are their parent, their family. Cats are very family oriented creatures. As a rescuer I can tell you that I have seen many great acts of compassion by cats. They protect each other and the humans they love. I have also seen cats do everything in their power to ease the pain of others. My only child was quite ill. Some of our kitties spent many hours working to heal, protect and comfort her. They gave my daughter great joy. Sarah did leave us. When I lost my daughter, it seemed that nothing could ease my suffering. Our kitties began spending all their time with me after that. Instead of staying in their usual spots, they came and sat beside me, sought me out as I went through each day and made a point of coming to rub against me. It finally dawned on me that they not only missed my daughter too but were trying to give me comfort. We shared the loss and in that sharing, grew even closer than before. I will always be grateful for the love they gave and the help they offered even as they were experiencing the loss too. Hold on to those Fluffy boyz. You are all going through this together and they love you too.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 10, 2015
I'm so sorry to hear about Nemo's passing but thank you for letting us get to know him. We know how you feel!


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Welcome to you, your remaining cats (what are their names?) and to Nemo, whom I am sure is joining us in spirit. His pawprints are on your heart forever.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 9, 2019
Welcome to you, your remaining cats (what are their names?) and to Nemo, whom I am sure is joining us in spirit. His pawprints are on your heart forever.
The remaining two cats are Puffin and Klause, our FLUFFY BOYZ. Both are long-haired fluffy cats--although Puffin got a lion cut a few weeks back because he was getting fur mats. We affectionately call him our "poodle cat" now. Klause is a Maine Coon mix. He has some (but not all) of the size of a Maine Coon, and all of the cutesy-ness of that breed.

For the past few days, both Puffin and Klause have been showing up when I come home to either greet me or just be in the general vicinity. This is something they never did while Nemo was alive. As much as I loved Nemo, I also recognize that he could be a real bastard with the other cats in our family, chasing them off when they got close to me.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2017
United States
I’m glad that your boys are greeting you now. I’m sure they want your attention and look forward to your arrival home. Nemo May have been dominant but the others still recognized you as their family.
Puffin and Klause! I love the names. A lion cut can be a relief from the heat this time of year and certainly more comfortable than mats. My Smokey and Bonjure are long haired kitties. Bonjure is part Maine Coon. He’s a big boy and heaviest in the rear end! Junk in his trunk! Smokey is a Blue Smoke and she tends to get matted up. She usually lets me cut the mats out but sometimes we require a bath. Ouch! She used to cooperate but now she has learned that a nip on my fingers makes the bath end a bit faster. Maybe we should try the lion cut. She’s such a prissy girl, I can imagine her thoughts on the matter! Bonjure has a silkier fur that hasn’t gotten matted...... yet. I have several cats and more than one with a bit of Maine Coon. That is a cutesy breed. I love it when they walk around singing and chirping. I also love the fluff paws. We’d love to see photos of Puffin and Klause if you can get a couple.


TCS Member
Jul 14, 2019
The remaining two cats are Puffin and Klause, our FLUFFY BOYZ. Both are long-haired fluffy cats--although Puffin got a lion cut a few weeks back because he was getting fur mats. We affectionately call him our "poodle cat" now. Klause is a Maine Coon mix. He has some (but not all) of the size of a Maine Coon, and all of the cutesy-ness of that breed.

For the past few days, both Puffin and Klause have been showing up when I come home to either greet me or just be in the general vicinity. This is something they never did while Nemo was alive. As much as I loved Nemo, I also recognize that he could be a real bastard with the other cats in our family, chasing them off when they got close to me.
I am so sorry to hear about your loss :( thank you for sharing your story. It sounds like your other cats are aware of your sadness and are showing support. My girl (Daphne) never used to approach me or come for cuddles when her brother (Jasper) was with us, Sadly, I lost my Jasper late last year. Since then, Daphne is always waiting for me when I get home from work, is always in the same room as me and even comes for a cuddle every now and again.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jul 1, 2019
Oh my goodness, I'm in tears as I read through this thread. I'm so very sorry for the heartache and grief that you are going through right now. It can be hard to openly grieve the loss of a four-legged family member, as not everyone recognizes the validity of that loss. I've read some articles, however, that state that the loss of a beloved and bonded pet can be worse. There are very few places in this world we find that pure, unconditional love, that understanding without words - it's a profound loss.

I remember being so overwhelmed with grief when I lost my pup...I'm not sure if this is the healthiest way to get through it or not, but I remember waking up one morning soon after she passed, and those feelings of loss welling up. I remember saying to myself, "I do not have to feel these feelings today. Maybe tomorrow. But not today" and forced my mind elsewhere. I had to do that quite a bit for a while, because there were days I felt more able to allow myself to "feel" than others. I sincerely hope that as the days have passed, the sharp edge of that loss has started to soften, and that you can take some comfort in knowing that you gave Nemo the best years of his life, and showed him what it felt like to be loved and accepted. :hearthrob:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 28, 2017
London, England
Welcome! I'm sorry for your loss of Nemo, thank you for sharing your story with us and I'm glad you were able to give him a loving life. I'm sure he was very grateful to you and is smiling down at you from the rainbow bridge!

zed xyzed

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 10, 2015
Toronto Canada
Welcome and thanks for sharing Nemo's story. I am so sorry you lost your dear friend. This is a great place to memorialize our cherished friends