Our Prime Minister, Scott Morrison (ScoMo for short.. Australians just love to shorten everything) told people they can only go out for essential services.. the usual groceries, health, and to pick up a jigsaw!
Of course now everyone is into them as they're a very efficient and enjoyable time-waster.
I've been into them for a long time as I think they're really meditative.
Anyway, this will not be the most 'used' thread in the lounge, but I thought for those of us who are into them, we could share what we're doing.
I know Mia6 is eagerly awaiting a new one, and I'm half way through this one, of a rather disturbing Alice (in Wonderland). You can see her in all her evil glory when she's finished.
So if you have any jigsaws, past or present, here's the spot for them.
Of course now everyone is into them as they're a very efficient and enjoyable time-waster.
I've been into them for a long time as I think they're really meditative.
Anyway, this will not be the most 'used' thread in the lounge, but I thought for those of us who are into them, we could share what we're doing.
I know Mia6 is eagerly awaiting a new one, and I'm half way through this one, of a rather disturbing Alice (in Wonderland). You can see her in all her evil glory when she's finished.
So if you have any jigsaws, past or present, here's the spot for them.