Introducing Betty White

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  • #221


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Sep 7, 2018
Well, I ask you: how would YOU feel? :angrycat:
Seriously, sounds like she's got a good vet. Safe journeys and good checkup (with treats on the other end!)🍗🥩🍖🧀🥚🍤🍣🍥
She doesn’t like treats. 🤷🏼‍♂️ Or maybe I keep buying the wrong kind. I got her a Yeow cigar and a scratcher car that I’ll unpack from my car after her visit. Between her yacht, her car, and her cigar, she’s livin’ a baller’s life! 😎
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  • #223


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Sep 7, 2018
Why is the poke taking so long? Oh Betty! I hope you’re behaving.

Margot Lane

Kitten at heart, not a Top Cat
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Oct 24, 2021
Honestly I think humans suffer more than cats sometimes. Waiting is SO hard. Please show us her enjoying gifts later at home!!! She’ll be glad to see you.
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  • #225


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Sep 7, 2018
Honestly I think humans suffer more than cats sometimes. Waiting is SO hard. Please show us her enjoying gifts later at home!!! She’ll be glad to see you.
Yeah. The tech said she was an angel. I didn’t ask why it took so long. I imagine there was a lounge where she had a martini and a cigar before casually rolling up her sleeve for the blood draw. A little foreplay before the poke. 😹 She rode quietly all the way home (with my hand giving her scritches the whole time) and she even did the flying carrier stroll from car to apartment without a peep on the return. I’ve given her a wide berth once she got home and released back into the “wild.” I figure we both have a little self soothing (mine includes brewing a new cup of coffee) to do from a stressful morning. But after briefly considering a hide, she’s back to her regular self again. All is forgiven. 😻
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  • #226


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Sep 7, 2018
I just watched a video on how they do it. Youtube FTW! They shave a bit under her neck and put a topical anesthetic cream on that needs 20 minutes to take effect before they can do the blood draw. I'm sure she was getting lots of fuss and cuddles in those 20 minutes. 😻 This also explains the wet spot I kept encountering when stroking her on the ride home. I just assumed the smell of rubbing alcohol was her meowtini.
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  • #227


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Sep 7, 2018
She’s also up to 9.4 lbs. She was 9.7 in December. 9.1 when I adopted her. 9.25 when last visit (three weeks ago.). This is a good trend. Her spine and pelvis feel less prominent. 👍 She’s nearly where I’d like her to be.
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  • #228


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Sep 7, 2018
VCA may be a little more expensive. But I appreciate not being put on hold every time I call, being able to get timely appointments, having access to her records and bills through the app, being able to pay online rather than fussing with that over the phone with an anxious cat who wants to go home, and being able to chat through the app (not that I have used this yet) with a professional 24/7. This will help with those, "do I take her down or not?" questions in the middle of the night. There's lots of little things to VCA that add up to a much better experience than I was getting from her previous vets. I can't even fault them for CareClub. It's actually a really good idea for being proactive about your pet's health. It's just a shame that it comes to such a steep monthly cost (twice her insurance premiums!) I have the cash flow to handle those expenses when they come up rather than subtracting another spendy subscription from my take home. First physical, poop and a poke, all that's left is her dental (and hopefully no extractions.) Then we can both relax until next year's wellness exam.
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  • #232


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Sep 7, 2018
*Hoping your back feels better. May I suggest a warm catpack.* :hearthrob: :lovecat3: :hearthrob: :yess:
It's slowly working itself out. Now if I could only convince myself to do the same. I used to do pushups in the cook time before meals. But Betty is such an aggressive snuggler, she was weaving in and out beneath me. I couldn't get in a pushup edgewise for fear of smushing her. Betty also demands all that cook time for fuss and snuggles. I did start running again. And I may still go out for a quick one today even though it looks cold (California "cold") and blah, bordering on damp. Usually when it's not so acute, a run is good for getting the blood flowing again. But anyway, I've been slowly trying to work in some stretching and yoga since Betty. She loves it. When I lay on back for shivasana, she flops herself into my head. I figure we're going to have to work on our flow slowly until I can get through one without her adorable interruptions.


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Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
It's slowly working itself out. Now if I could only convince myself to do the same. I used to do pushups in the cook time before meals. But Betty is such an aggressive snuggler, she was weaving in and out beneath me. I couldn't get in a pushup edgewise for fear of smushing her. Betty also demands all that cook time for fuss and snuggles. I did start running again. And I may still go out for a quick one today even though it looks cold (California "cold") and blah, bordering on damp. Usually when it's not so acute, a run is good for getting the blood flowing again. But anyway, I've been slowly trying to work in some stretching and yoga since Betty. She loves it. When I lay on back for shivasana, she flops herself into my head. I figure we're going to have to work on our flow slowly until I can get through one without her adorable interruptions.
I'm sure you'll work (it) out if you really want to. I couldn't do without my weights and bench! and workout routine, because I need to stay very limber and as strong as my noodle-y little frame will let me be. Maybe Betty wouldn't mind being banished to the bathroom for the time it takes to do your workout?

cat nap

stand with ukraine
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
I'm sure you'll work (it) out if you really want to. I couldn't do without my weights and bench! and workout routine, because I need to stay very limber and as strong as my noodle-y little frame will let me be. Maybe Betty wouldn't mind being banished to the bathroom for the time it takes to do your workout?
" Maybe Betty wouldn't mind being banished to the bathroom for the time it takes to do your workout?

Betty being Banished to the bathroom? :lol:
tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 .. I have to lovingly and jokingly tease you a bit, now,.:blush:..(and remember it's just me joking with you...not serious at all.:wink:)
I figure you must be doing many reps on that home workout routine...and the weights are you naturally don't want your cats around you to get hurt...which totally makes sense to me...since weights are heavy...

But I don't think we should allow daftcat75 daftcat75 to do any yoga routine...where he's laying down...and a cat is not flopped out onto his head.:crackup::catlove::kneading:
I suppose it does increase the distraction level, when your cat tries to participate, while you're trying to 'relax and meditate'...but hey,'s not supposed to be it.

Actually, you're probably far more sensible and careful when doing workouts, as we all should be,...but as I have observed...whenever a 'floor exercise is being done'...then all types of animals...cats or dogs...are allowed to 'supervise'...'comment'...or 'interfere' as they see fit.
It makes the whole routine...elevate to a higher level of challenging.

Animals are the best 'personal trainers' the world, IMO.
Plus, they add some very needed creativity,...motivation,...and unusual movements,...(not standard routines)...of their own, to each workout.

Though, yeah, tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 ,'re probably right...and that it would be a lot safer to humans and cats...if we kept them out of the workout room. :think:

The banter between you and daftcat75...just makes me smile. :)
and crack up on occasion. :blush:
It's great !
You two are amazingly knowledgeable and humorous, too. :thumbsup:
She doesn’t like treats. 🤷🏼‍♂️ Or maybe I keep buying the wrong kind. I got her a Yeow cigar and a scratcher car that I’ll unpack from my car after her visit. Between her yacht, her car, and her cigar, she’s livin’ a baller’s life! 😎

I forgot to ask you before, daftcat75 daftcat75 ....Did Betty or yourself...ever give the yacht a new name?

Because, when I first saw it, I thought, "Hmm...that's a good looking boat, ship, yacht? Wonder what he will call it? Also, wonder how it will hold up...being that it looks like the interior is a 'cat scratching cardboard pad' will it last long, or be torn up fast."

Then I looked closer...and it actually does have a NAME. It's called the "Meow Love Cruiser" :lol:
(It reminded me of the old television show called "the Love boat",...though, I don't remember it all too well.)

Now, I really, really want to see your Betty White, cruisin' in her yacht, and enjoying the high seas.🛥
Ahh...she is so adorable.
Thank you for posting the photos.
and the laughs of the week. :)
I went to Target and bought her a boat. I don’t know if she’ll use it. But I keep seeing the kittens play with these on a foster’s Instagram and I’ve been looking forward to having a cat to buy these for.
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  • #235


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Sep 7, 2018
Only poop cats should be banished to the bathroom.

Cats are excellent purrsonal trainers. They add flexibility, mobility, and balance assists and challenges to the practice. 😹 And Betty’s flops bring humor and levity to relaxation and meditation poses. 😻 Because she does love morning and evening fuss and snuggles, I think it would be great for the both of us to develop a morning and evening practice. Im sure we’d both enjoy that more than our fuss’n’snuggle sprint intervals while cooking meals. 🤦🏼‍♂️😾

Of all the trees and scratchers, Betty’s favorite scratching spot is the carpet. 🤦🏼‍♂️ Krista had a tree leg or three she really enjoyed. But she also scratched the carpet a lot. The trick is to stay here long enough that time depreciates the carpet value more than cat damage. 😹👍
37457C98-340F-4381-89D9-06AC6BA7D874.jpeg 4F89FCFF-BA8E-4A25-8685-B2A1F11ACA58.jpeg
She likes to ride her yacht in the cabin. I call it a yacht because a ship implies a working vessel and baller Betty is too good for a mere boat. She doesn’t go topside and doesn’t scratch either platform. She does rub herself against the sides a lot. But I think it will hold out for a long time the way she uses it.

She has rubbed her new car quite a bit. Like everything else at cat level. MINE! 😽 But she hasn’t taken a test drive (or a Godzilla flop) yet. 😔 At least not that I have been awake for…? 🤔😼
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  • #236


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Sep 7, 2018
Shoot! I suspect Betty ate a foreign body. She has been hungry and eating. But she hasn’t been able to keep anything down. Shortly after eating I hear her yowling and then horking. I did see one tiny rubber band next to a stomach acid spit up. That band had no business doing there. In fact, it’s a replacement part for a gizmo of mine that I haven’t used in a long time. That means Betty got into something. But I can’t imagine where I left that. And what else she may have eaten? 🤷🏼‍♂️ So off to the ER we go. Good thing she’s insured.
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  • #237


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Sep 7, 2018
An hour or two wait time! 🤦🏼‍♂️ I think Betty might be able to wait that out. She’s starting to calm down. But I don’t know what I’m going to do for an hour or two in the car. Calling another ER..

In the meantime, here’s some pictures. I’m on paw duty with the free hand. If she wants to keep her head out, she has to keep her paws in.
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Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
No joke, cat nap cat nap ! I'm aspy and OCD and micromanage everything -- AND of course, my beloved cats are Priority One (or is that "PURRiority One"?) so I make sure they don't get near the weight bench when I'm weightlifting.
daftcat75 daftcat75 The HMS Elizabeth is quite a craft! (But has it been christened with the champagne yet? Or in this case, would tuna juice be more appropriate?) *PRAYERS* and best thoughts and wishes for Betty to have gotten rid of the whatever-it-is and to be back to full health with no more puking! That is very concerning. I try really hard to ensure that there's nothing within reach of little jaws, too, but with my roomie being very drop-prone, I have to be doubly vigilant.
OMC! Hoping you can find someplace where she can be seen sooner! *She's so adorable in her carrier!*

cat nap

stand with ukraine
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Shoot! I suspect Betty ate a foreign body. She has been hungry and eating. But she hasn’t been able to keep anything down. Shortly after eating I hear her yowling and then horking. I did see one tiny rubber band next to a stomach acid spit up. That band had no business doing there. In fact, it’s a replacement part for a gizmo of mine that I haven’t used in a long time. That means Betty got into something. But I can’t imagine where I left that. And what else she may have eaten? 🤷🏼‍♂️ So off to the ER we go. Good thing she’s insured.
An hour or two wait time! 🤦🏼‍♂️ I think Betty might be able to wait that out. She’s starting to calm down. But I don’t know what I’m going to do for an hour or two in the car. Calling another ER..

In the meantime, here’s some pictures. I’m on paw duty with the free hand. If she wants to keep her head out, she has to keep her paws in.
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...*PRAYERS* and best thoughts and wishes for Betty to have gotten rid of the whatever-it-is and to be back to full health with no more puking! That is very concerning. I try really hard to ensure that there's nothing within reach of little jaws, too, but with my roomie being very drop-prone, I have to be doubly vigilant.
OMC! Hoping you can find someplace where she can be seen sooner! *She's so adorable in her carrier!*
Fast Health vibes and prayers being sent for Betty, from here, too.
Also hoping that she spit out and threw up... whatever she had accidentally eaten.

If an ER cannot see her soon...Could you also just call around some random Vet places...and explain the situation?
Maybe they would squeeze her in?
(Although not sure if they would have all the equipment needed to actually find something.)
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  • #240


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Sep 7, 2018
What’s confusing is this piece I found near one of her spit up piles is something I don’t expect anywhere near Betty. So if she somehow got a hold of this, what else is she getting into when she has the office to herself all night. I don’t close her in. But I don’t lock her out either. And she’s decided that is her zoomies room! She’s been really good up until this point about not even chewing on things she shouldn’t. I guess we’re doing another round of Betty-proofing this week.

Found another ER literally next door to the other one. I always assumed they were the same people, but different services. Maybe that’s a common mistake. In any case, they were able to take Betty right away. They already have her. And while I was typing out whether I was going to stick around or go home, the doctor already gave a quick look over, called me back, we discussed what happened and what the doctor wants to do. And she told me it will take “about an hour to an hour and a half. So go home or run some errands.”

Sounds like she’s in good hands and it sounds like I’ve found a better ER. 👍