Feels Like I Have Lost My Cat


TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Mar 22, 2015
Hey guys,

I am really sad. I moved to a new place, away from the only place my cat has ever lived. Since being here, it feels like I have lost her. She's a totally different cat and I barely see her because she's always afraid and hiding. Nothing I do seems to help her get more comfortable. We've been here for a month now and she's still hiding.

I have tried Feliway and have taken a lot of time off work to be around. My cat is the most important thing to me and it breaks my heart. :(

Any ideas on how to help bring her back around?


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Bless your heart for trying to work with your cat. I think maybe relax a bit - your stress may be making it more difficult for her because she is aware you're upset, she can tell.

Is it a place where there were other animals living there before? Maybe cleaning the carpets/floors again would help.

Is it an apartment? There might be other animals in other apartments that she's detecting...

Try some chamomile tea, from the tea bags (that's safe for cats). a couple cooled teaspoons a couple times a day for her, and lots of cups for you.

Also, in my case I noticed that my guy didn't have any reaction, as a matter of fact it seemed sort of negative actually, to the Feliway that was being used in one of my old vet offices. However, he does seem to be more relaxed when I have the Comfort Zone at the house plugged in.

Be sure to look at the packaging to ensure you're getting the ceva sante' animale product. (I believe the Comfort Zone is a different product entirely - their website and packaging has removed all references to Feliway). Also be sure, if you ordered it from Amazon, that you got an actual Feliway product.

So with all that said, let me give you this info of some of the many other over the counter products that might work better for your cat;

There is Zylkene, Calming Care, Calm-o-mile, Sentry, Natures Miracle calming spray, Vetri-Science's Composure is another item to look at, Pet Remedy (it has valerian) is yet another, as is Essential Pet Pet-ease, Only Natural Pet (brand and website) has a calming product, Pet Naturals also has one I believe, there's Richard's Organics Pet Calm.
Also Thunderease has diffusers.
Some people have had good results with CBD oil.
Lambert Vet Supply is a website to look at, and of course chewy, also there's Petwishpros, drsfostersmith, animaleo, 1800petmeds.

There are a couple of discussions about calming items, here's the link to one thread. Post #6 in this has a link to the second discussion.
Calming Treats?


Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
I'm so sorry your cat is struggling to settle into your new home. Furballsmom Furballsmom has given some good suggestions. TCS also has some articles that might have some helpful.

Fingers crossed she gets back to her normal self soon. :crossfingers: Is she eating and using the litter box normally? There is the possibility that she isn't feeling well, and it's just a coincidence that it happened at the same time as the move. So do consider a vet checkup, if you suspect she might be ill.

Here are the article links:
How To Move With Your Cat To A New Home In A Safe Way

Is Your Cat Stressed Out?
You, Your Cat And Stress
Potential Stressors In Cats - The Ultimate Checklist
Six Surefire Strategies To Reduce Stress In Cats

How To Get A Cat To Come Out Of Hiding?
10 Must-know Tips For Happy Living With A Shy Cat
16 Top Cat Experts Share Tips For Dealing With Timid Cats

35 Signs That Your Cat May Be In Pain


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jan 25, 2018
It can take a long time for a cat to get used to a new space. When I've moved with cats before or adopted a new cat, they have always spent a lot longer than I expected getting comfortable with the space. Think about it this way-- it's a much larger space for them than for us, relative to their size, and given the fact that they use the vertical spaces and we don't. But each one needs to be approached cautiously and examined fully before it can become 'safe'. Plus, there are new smells and sounds that can be scare and off-putting.

Does your cat have hiding spaces in the new space that allow her to observe her new environment from a hidey-hole that feels safe to her? If you have items that she used and liked in her old apartment, it might also help to spread them around her new space so that it smells like her (or like you).

Good luck, and it might just require more time, as tough as it is to wait.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Feb 22, 2017
We moved about 4 months ago with our 2 2(ish)-year-old cats.
The two weeks was a mess with movers and workers constantly in and out, us unpacking and just the general chaos of a new place. Both cats were very tentative for at least a month. It is hard to explain but they just weren't themselves. That faded over time, but one guy is not too happy with one of our rooms but I think that is because the prior family's dog spent a lot of time there.
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Mar 22, 2015
I'm so sorry your cat is struggling to settle into your new home. Furballsmom Furballsmom has given some good suggestions. TCS also has some articles that might have some helpful.

Fingers crossed she gets back to her normal self soon. :crossfingers: Is she eating and using the litter box normally? There is the possibility that she isn't feeling well, and it's just a coincidence that it happened at the same time as the move. So do consider a vet checkup, if you suspect she might be ill.
We did go to the vet right before the move, and she was fine. She is eating and using the litter like normal. She's just not around as much. On weekends when we are home all the time. she has been coming out more. Now that we have some furniture, she also comes out to hide under the couches rather than staying under the blankets all day. I miss her a lot when she's hiding. :(
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Mar 22, 2015
There is Zylkene, Calming Care, Calm-o-mile, Sentry, Natures Miracle calming spray, Vetri-Science's Composure is another item to look at, Pet Remedy (it has valerian) is yet another, as is Essential Pet Pet-ease, Only Natural Pet (brand and website) has a calming product, Pet Naturals also has one I believe, there's Richard's Organics Pet Calm.
Also Thunderease has diffusers.
Some people have had good results with CBD oil.
Lambert Vet Supply is a website to look at, and of course chewy, also there's Petwishpros, drsfostersmith, animaleo, 1800petmeds.

There are a couple of discussions about calming items, here's the link to one thread. Post #6 in this has a link to the second discussion.
Calming Treats?
Our vet suggested trying Zylkene but only after giving her more time to just get use to the place on her own. Is this stuff save to use and also safe to just stop use once she doesn't need it anymore?


TCS Member
Young Cat
Aug 15, 2018
United States
Just give her time, maybe 2-3 weeks. I don't see comments from my mobile device atm so sorry if i reply previous messages.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 3, 2006
Chicago area
I have been where you are now. It is a hard process to go through but you will get there. In 2001 I moved with three cats from a one bed room apartment into a 3 level 2 bed room 2 1/2 bathroom townhouse. It was a lot more space then any of my cats had ever seen. I knew nothing about how cats react to moving at the time. I let them out of their carriers and figured they would just explore and get used to the new place on their own. That did not happen for a while. They ran into the basement and hid. Their litter boxes were already downstairs. I put their food, water and toys with them in the basement. We also did not wash two of our big bath towels before we moved. I took the dirty towels and placed them down stairs with my cats. They hid in the basement. I think I hardly saw them for at least two weeks. We checked the food, water and litter to make sure everything with that stuff was normal. Hubby and I took turns hanging out in the basement sitting on a cement floor just talking to them while they were hiding. They did start interacting with us in the basement but would not come up stairs at all. We just kept interacting with them in their comfort zone until they were ready to come out. One day the youngest of three followed my hubby up the stairs. He picked her up and sat her on his lap on the couch. She decided that it was safe upstairs and slept with us that night. The next cat to come up hid in a cabinet in my kitchen for 24 hours. He did come out to eat and drink when we went to bed. Once Tegato came out of the cabinet he started exploring the house on his own. The next day hubby went down stairs to interact with Claude and he was able to carry him up stairs and do cuddle time on the couch. Once Claude saw the other 2 cats upstairs he began exploring too. I do not remember exactly how long the process took since it was so long ago.

I am going to now make some suggestions based on my personal experience with this issue.
1.) Take a deep breath and try to relax yourself. Cats pick up on our stress.
2.) Sit on the floor near where she is hiding and just talk to her. You could also try sitting on the floor reading a book to her. Getting down on her level will make her feel more comfortable.
3.) This process will happen at the pace your cat sets and just be patient. You can try placing treats where she is hiding. Let her decide when she is ready to let you pet her. You can work on her getting used to the new space once her interactions with you go back to normal. It is very normal for a cat to hide when they are scared of a new space.
4.) when she does come out of hiding to interact with you reward her with some treats or play time with her favorite toy. This will help her understand that good things happen to her in her new home.
5.) I also agree about washing the carpets and floors if someone else with pets lived there before you. This was not an issue for me because I was the first person to live in my townhouse. We bought the place when it was under construction and everything in it was brand new.


TCS Member
Young Cat
May 30, 2018
Is she doing any better?

I have a similar situation, but with an elderly (and traumatized) rescue cat I just took in two weeks ago. She's started eating regularly, thank goodness, and occasionally comes out to explore a tiny bit, but is mostly hiding in a corner behind a cabinet. Given what she's been through (loss of her human, who severely neglected her, and a few traumatic vet experiences during her recovery plus months living mostly alone in apartment with just someone coming in to feed her), it makes sense that she will need time to adjust. But I understand how you must feel -- I am aching to comfort this kitty I hardly know, and who hasn't even let me pet her yet, so I can only imagine how you feel with a kitty who is already a close member of your family, and who is scared and hard to reach emotionally and physically. I hope your little one (and mine!) will gradually allow themselves to feel safe. Sending good thoughts.


TCS Member
Young Cat
May 30, 2018
I haven't yet, but I will. Or some calm ambient Brian Eno perhaps? :) I am not sure how good Lucy's hearing is, though, so it may not make too much difference. But I will try. It will calm me down at least! (Any recommendations for other threads here discussing how to help traumatized cats settle in?)