Corona Virus Now Spreading


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 19, 2017
Burnley, UK
So, with the UK gov saying it will pay 80% of peoples wages for maybe 18 months or longer, I wonder what the knock on effect will be when things get back to normal. The debt for every country will be ginormous and we already bang on about the debt in normal times as unsustainable and leading us to ruin.
There surely will have to be a Worldwide re-think about financial systems after all this, hopefully ending in a more equitable one.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 11, 2015
Naperville, IL
So, with the UK gov saying it will pay 80% of peoples wages for maybe 18 months or longer, I wonder what the knock on effect will be when things get back to normal. The debt for every country will be ginormous and we already bang on about the debt in normal times as unsustainable and leading us to ruin.
There surely will have to be a Worldwide re-think about financial systems after all this, hopefully ending in a more equitable one.
I'm afraid the economic fallout will be disastrous. Our gov't is going to send out checks for $1,200 to almost everyone. I'm on Social Security, which means I haven't lost income like so many other people, so I could get by without it. So could a lot of other retirees.


TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
The economic fallout is going to be horrible and global. I hear people going on about getting reparations from China. I see their point, this happened on a much smaller scale with SARS. Same thing. A coronavirus linked to a wet market in a different province. The truth is China is in the same boat as far as money goes, they don't have it to pay or to loan. The main thing I have heard is that China should forgive their part of our national debt. The truth is globally we are all in the same place now. Too many people out of work. People in government are also acknowledging the damage to people's mental health and a pending skyrocketing suicide rate.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 18, 2017
Now I feel like I should have wiped down everything I got at the grocery today. Whoops. I did wear gloves while in the store.

I feel like we're going to get it eventually and just hope it's not too bad.

I read that people with O type blood are most resistant to the virus, and type A is most likely to have difficulties. My husband is A pos and I'm B neg. So yeah.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 10, 2015
Now I feel like I should have wiped down everything I got at the grocery today. Whoops. I did wear gloves while in the store.

I feel like we're going to get it eventually and just hope it's not too bad.

I read that people with O type blood are most resistant to the virus, and type A is most likely to have difficulties. My husband is A pos and I'm B neg. So yeah.
Yup A+ here. Ugh.


Extraterrestrial Being
Top Cat
May 30, 2016
Floating Untethered In The Stratosphere
Me, my mom, and my dad are A+...

A Michaels kind of near me is hiring and they seem desperate because there were 20 different signs and posters indicating that they are looking for workers and which positions are available. The only problem is, I'd have to take more than 1 bus to get there and that makes me uneasy. I need a job badly but I don't want to risk the health and safety of myself and my mom/dad by going out frequently like that.

I don't know... My dad is the one I'm worried about the most.


TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
They are finding at least now that young people also have a high level of complications. I don't know if it has always been that way and we couldn't get completely transparent info from China or it is mutating. The vast majority don't have life threatening complications. When I was 30 I had a flu that went into viral pneumonia, it wasn't life threatening and I didn't have to be in a hospital. All of the kids on the beaches in Florida thinking that they were invulnerable aren't as invulnerable as they thought. They have finally started closing those beaches.


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
We are inching closer to a mandatory shelter in place here in Minnesota. My son lives across the border in Wisconsin so I am heading over for a visit tomorrow just in case it’s a while before I can visit with him again. And I am moving my normal weekly cleaning and grocery delivery for my 90 year old mom from once a week to every other week just to minimize her potential exposure.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 10, 2015
I got take out. Got a haircut. It was extremely long and extra damaged. I didn't want to deal with it during the coronavirus months. I'm pretty sure the non essential shops are gonna start closing soon so I'm getting everything done. Getting eyebrows done tomorrow too. I'm not being social but I'm not quite ready to hunker down yet either. M maggiedemi Stay strong and keep doing your walks. Remember, you've worked hard and gotten quite healthy now. And death rate is under 1% for our age range anyway. No need to panic.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 18, 2017
I'm starting to panic listening to the news that there are not enough respirators if we all get this Corona Virus. I've only just now gotten well and now this thing might kill me? It's not fair. I wanted to enjoy my summer.
I think you do have an advantage living away from town. Not everyone who gets it will need a respirator, though I do worry you might be more susceptible given your recent health scare.

I wonder if those Cpap things will work for people who aren't as severe to need full respirators.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 27, 2015
I got a call from my company's HR today. Evidently someone I came into contact with last week has tested positive for the virus, so I'm as they say, "self quarantining." My husband is a circuit court judge and given that all court proceedings have been canceled in my judicial circuit, he's been at home for the last week. I've spoken to a friend who is a doctor and he's arranging for me to be tested, given that I've allegedly been exposed.

Good lord, what crazy times these are.

Please, everyone, take the novel Coronavirus seriously and be mindful of your own health.

Don't take risks. It isn't worth it.


“What greater gift than the love of a cat.”
Staff Member
Dec 13, 2017
Pacific NW
I got a call from my company's HR today. Evidently someone I came into contact with last week has tested positive for the virus, so I'm as they say, "self quarantining." My husband is a circuit court judge and given that all court proceedings have been canceled in my judicial circuit, he's been at home for the last week. I've spoken to a friend who is a doctor and he's arranging for me to be tested, given that I've allegedly been exposed.

Good lord, what crazy times these are.

Please, everyone, take the novel Coronavirus seriously and be mindful of your own health.

Don't take risks. It isn't worth it.
Be safe and well. Seriously. You and everyone here at TCS are all my friends. I’ve never met any of you, but I care about you all.


TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
I got take out. Got a haircut. It was extremely long and extra damaged. I didn't want to deal with it during the coronavirus months. I'm pretty sure the non essential shops are gonna start closing soon so I'm getting everything done. Getting eyebrows done tomorrow too. I'm not being social but I'm not quite ready to hunker down yet either. M maggiedemi Stay strong and keep doing your walks. Remember, you've worked hard and gotten quite healthy now. And death rate is under 1% for our age range anyway. No need to panic.
I am really in need of a haircut as well but the shops got closed before I got it done. Ohio is almost on lockdown. It's kind of like lockdown without calling it a lockdown.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 11, 2015
Naperville, IL
Yes, it's near to a lockdown. I need a haircut, too, but put it off. I have to venture out to the grocery store tomorrow, and I'm worried. I did remember that I've got disposable gloves in the kitchen, so I will wear those. I need to check on cat food. If the stores don't have any, I will have to drive to the other side of town to Pets Supplies Plus. Their website says their stock is low, but their prices are several dollars cheaper than the grocery.

I wish people would stop hoarding and just buy what they need for a week.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
Margret, I have to completely disagree with this comment; based on my lifelong history of working in The medical field.

Please do NOT go to the hospital or PT or anywhere near a medical facility, unless it is for a medical emergency or a matter of life or death.
My physical therapy is, at this point, largely non-contact - she's evaluating the effectiveness of the exercises I'm doing, watching my technique and telling me whether it's right or wrong, suggesting ways to make it more effective. Even when there was contact, she was touching my freshly washed wrist, arm, and hand, with her freshly washed hands (soap is both cheap and effective). I was wearing a face shield today, for the protection of both of us (as well as everyone else in the facility). And the facility is not in a hospital; it's in a strip mall near my house -- a private physical therapy office. Anyone with a cough is required to cancel. They have face masks (though not the N95 variety) and they offered me one today, for my own comfort, but no one there was wearing a face mask, nor were they getting close to the patients except for the specific therapist. And I don't expect anyone there to get sick - at least, not from work.

I have a follow-up appointment scheduled with my surgeon for the 31st. When I called his office yesterday to ask whether they wanted me to skip or postpone the appointment they said, "Only if you're uncomfortable with it." They'll take my temperature at the door, and anyone with a fever or a cough will be sequestered from everyone else. And, once again, this isn't in a hospital; in this case it's in an office building near my house. (And if my surgeon is informed at some point that he's needed in an E.R. or I.C.U. to help out with COVID 19 patients I'm sure I'll be told, and my follow-up appointment will be rescheduled or postponed indefinitely.)

Now what I am avoiding are an eye exam and some dental work, because in both cases I feel that it involves faces being too close. I'm also avoiding the chiropractor's office because the paper they use to protect the face when lying face down tears too easily. And Jasmine won't be getting her annual physical and vaccinations until all this is over (nor will she be going outdoors).

The problem with cancelling P.T. appointments is that damage can become permanent if it isn't taken care of in a timely manner. My left hand, for instance, is permanently damaged -- I've lost range of motion, the ability to spread my fingers as far as I should be able to, finger independence, and dexterity. My little finger refuses to close tight when I clench it, and my middle and ring finger will never be straight again, all because an insurance company denied me the right to continue my therapy back when I most needed it, and for much of that it's too late now. Considering that I'm both a tatter (form of lace making) and a guitarist I consider this to be a major loss. It's a mistake to think of physical or occupational therapy as "elective."

When it comes to these already scheduled medical activities I've been acting based entirely on the guidance of the medical personnel who are potentially at risk. I trust their judgement. I think that's reasonable.

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