Corona Virus Now Spreading


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 23, 2012
Just came across this, and can totally relate. :sigh:

View attachment 326352
i wont share it here, but i sent a picture to my niece of my hands. they are literally peeling from dry skin. LOL too much hand washing and hand sanitizer. I have obsessive tendencies, and my hands used to bleed from washing them too much, i controlled this over time by dialing down my obsessive washing slightly and using lotions, but this is sending my obsessiveness into high gear. lol
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
Well this isn't good for my hoarding tendencies at all, lol. My overbuying has been vindicated! I just went out to the storage area to take inventory and I have 2 full Sam's Club packs (45 rolls each I think) plus an opened pack of TP, 1 full pack of paper towels and 1 opened pack, 5 16-pound bags of dry and 5 cases of canned cat food, 2 40-pound bags of dog food, and my freezer and pantry are full of people food. Plus I use washable feminine supplies (due to sensitivities) so I'm OK on that front too. I guess I'll survive for a while :D. I am low on canned cat food (24 cats after all!) so I hope I can snag some of that tomorrow.

So if any of my friends need TP I can be their supplier. I'll only ask them for what I paid but if any strangers want it (unless they're old or have tiny kids) I might see how much I can get. . .

If your hands are raw, try applying Vaseline/Aquaphor or Crisco (or even butter or food oil, just anything good and greasy) at night and wear gloves. That sorts them out pretty well most of the time.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
There is no way people are going to use the amounts of toilet paper they are getting in 30 days.
We use a roll of toilet paper per day for 3 people. We pee a lot. :lol: We definitely don't have 30 rolls in the house!

Just came across this, and can totally relate. :sigh:
I always wash my hands before & after I do anything. So this is nothing new for me.

24 cats after all!
You have 24 cats? I didn't know that.


Snowshoe Servant
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Sep 6, 2016
Southern California
I tried to go to the store to get kale and lettuce for my rabbit this morning. No luck. They had kale and lettuce but even though I was there at opening (when I normally shop) the lines were insane. I don't want to wait in the line next to other people.

I ended up driving around and noticed the parking lot was empty later in the day. Was able to get in and out with my kale but the store looked very bare. Dog food was all gone but there was cat food. There were some waters, all the potatoes, onions and bananas were gone,

Here is bread and meat departments....



TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
Yeah, cats just happen to me, lol. There are a few others here with just as many. . .Norachan, JamesCalifornia. . .I think a few others. They're all indoors because I live on a highway, but I do have an old house on the property that half of them live in, with plans for an attached outdoor enclosure this summer. Anyway, you can see why I need to keep a decent amount of cat supplies on hand!

My vet posted something on Facebook saying the clinic won't close down because of the virus but she won't be able to hug anybody! Which is good because I have to get a few in for shots and make an appointment for Zeke's neuter this week. I won't try to hug her ;).


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Feb 4, 2020
My parents just got out of their 2 week quarantine after their vacation in Bali. They went to the grocery store for their first activity out of the house because, of course, they didn't have much left (they'd gone shopping after getting home and before isolating, going super early in the morning to avoid people as much as possible). I felt bad for them. I could literally go across the street and buy a massive amount of toilet paper from the 20 convenience stores in my little neighborhood and send to you all and I'm supposedly living in a hotbed.

It's hard to see other places having such a terrible time, but it's also frustrating seeing everyone making the same mistakes because they didn't pay attention when it was just a Chinese problem. (And I mean, I don't really blame average people for this, but the governments should have taken more proactive measures as history has show these things spread) The stories out of Italy are almost word for word the same that came out of Wuhan a month or two ago.

It's also put me in a weird place because the stuff that I sometimes criticize Korean society for (groupthink, surveillance state, etc) has actually been the most effective tool in keeping virus numbers low despite the highly dense population. I mean, we can know which bus an infected person rode at what time...cannot imagine that happening anywhere outside of China, Korea, and Singapore, to be real!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 10, 2015
Yeah, cats just happen to me, lol. There are a few others here with just as many. . .Norachan, JamesCalifornia. . .I think a few others. They're all indoors because I live on a highway, but I do have an old house on the property that half of them live in, with plans for an attached outdoor enclosure this summer. Anyway, you can see why I need to keep a decent amount of cat supplies on hand!

My vet posted something on Facebook saying the clinic won't close down because of the virus but she won't be able to hug anybody! Which is good because I have to get a few in for shots and make an appointment for Zeke's neuter this week. I won't try to hug her ;).
Well that's amazing. No wonder you're so knowledgeable lol!

Joan M

TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jan 3, 2020
Southeastern PA
I'm in PA in the Philadelphia suburbs and everything around me is shutting down. The county right next to mine has the most cases in PA. The governor has asked all non-essential stores in four counties around me, including mine, to close.They are telling us to stay home. My church will have its sermon online; they do live streaming anyway so they're set up for it. All gyms and other public venues are closed. State parks are closed. Schools are closed. Offices are doing telecommuting if they can. The grocery store shelves are looking raided. The good thing is the supply chain is still fine, so if the grocery store is out of something today, they will probably have it tomorrow or the next day. I think once the initial shock of being told to have a couple of weeks of supplies dies down, the grocery stores won't look like a blizzard is on its way.


Staff Member
Oct 11, 2006
We have two cases in my town, and six possible ones a few miles over in the next town. My BIL arrived to stay overnight after attending a wargaming concention (great, a large crowd). He just thinks the virus is only a "bad cold" and that "it's propaganda". As soon as he leaves, I'm am using Dettol to disinfect the guest room, the linens (you can use it in the wash), and anything surfaces he could have touched. I've been asking DH to wash his hands properly as soon as he comes in the door after work, shopping, etc. He doesn't do it properly, and doesn't seem to care if he gets me sick. I always get respiratory stuff, so I'm concerned. There will be no one to take care of me if I get sick. Lysol spray is my new best friend. I do all handles, knobs, keypads, etc. every night before bed. My place of employment has closed for two weeks, but I still get paid. Our governor has requested that we don't leave home unless we absolutely have to. DH is still working, though. He went to Giant and Wegmans this morning, and said that the stores are being re-stocked, and they have toilet paper. However, Wegmans have temporarily shortened their hours in order to clean and re-stock, and have a large list of items that will only be sold in limited quantities:
Limited-Purchase Items
Due to limited supply and high demand, we have implemented purchase limits on certain items. We apologize in advance if these items are out of stock.
Baby Wipes – limit 2
Baby Medication – limit 3
Diapers – limit 2

Packaged Breads & Rolls – limit 2

Cleaning Supplies

Bleach, Laundry Boosters & Pre-treaters – limit 1
Household Cleaners – limit 2

Eggs – limit 2
Milk, Buttermilk & Milk Substitutes – limit 2

Frozen Vegetables – limit 4

Boxed Cereal – limit 2
Canned & Packaged Fruit – limit 2
Canned Meat & Beans – limit 2
Canned Seafood – limit 4
Canned Vegetables – limit 4
Flour or Corn Meal – limit 1
Hot Cereal – limit 2
Juices – limit 2
Packaged Dinners & Entrees – limit 4
Packaged Milk – limit 2
Packaged Pasta – limit 4
Pasta Sauce – limit 4
Peanut & Other Nut Butters – limit 2
Rice – limit 2
Soups – limit 4
Sugar, Sugar Substitutes & Corn Syrup – limit 1
Health & Wellness
Allergy Medications – limit 2
Anti-Bacterial Hand Soaps – limit 2
Blood Pressure Monitors, Health Trackers, Thermometers, Vaporizers, and Humidifiers – limit 1
Cold & Sinus Items – limit 3
Cotton Balls, Pads & Swabs – limit 2
Feminine Hygiene Items – limit 3
First Aid Items – limit 3
Hand Sanitizers – limit 2
Herbal Supplements – limit 2
Homeopathic Items – limit 2
Incontinence Items – limit 3
Mouthwash – limit 2
Nutritional Meal Replacements (bars, shakes, powders) – limit 2
Pain Relief Items – limit 3
Shaving Items – limit 2
Sports Medicine Items – limit 2
Stomach Relief Items – limit 2
Toothpaste – limit 1
Vitamins – limit 3

Family Pack Boneless, Skinless Chicken Breasts – limit 2
Family Pack Ground Beef, 80% Lean – limit 2

Paper Products
Bath Tissue – limit 2
Facial Tissue – limit 1
Paper Towels – limit 2
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Staff Member
Oct 11, 2006
I'm in PA in the Philadelphia suburbs and everything around me is shutting down. The county right next to mine has the most cases in PA. The governor has asked all non-essential stores in four counties around me, including mine, to close.They are telling us to stay home. My church will have its sermon online; they do live streaming anyway so they're set up for it. All gyms and other public venues are closed. State parks are closed. Schools are closed. Offices are doing telecommuting if they can. The grocery store shelves are looking raided. The good thing is the supply chain is still fine, so if the grocery store is out of something today, they will probably have it tomorrow or the next day. I think once the initial shock of being told to have a couple of weeks of supplies dies down, the grocery stores won't look like a blizzard is on its way.
I'm also in the Philly suburbs.


TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
The stores will restock over the next week and I think stores will be back to normal by next weekend. This kind of frenzied buying will burn out soon. People will either finally get stocked up enough and come to their senses or people will simply run out of money.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 11, 2015
Naperville, IL
It's hard to see other places having such a terrible time, but it's also frustrating seeing everyone making the same mistakes because they didn't pay attention when it was just a Chinese problem. (And I mean, I don't really blame average people for this, but the governments should have taken more proactive measures as history has show these things spread) The stories out of Italy are almost word for word the same that came out of Wuhan a month or two ago.

It's also put me in a weird place because the stuff that I sometimes criticize Korean society for (groupthink, surveillance state, etc) has actually been the most effective tool in keeping virus numbers low despite the highly dense population. I mean, we can know which bus an infected person rode at what time...cannot imagine that happening anywhere outside of China, Korea, and Singapore, to be real!
The way that South Korea was handling the virus was touted on cable news today. They said Korea's handling the situation was a good example of how to cope with it. It wouldn't work as well in other countries because we don't have the technology to track every single person.


Pearl, my labrador who loved cats. RIP.
Top Cat
Aug 28, 2016
Colorado, USA
I live in a Denver suburb and we are shut down- schools, libraries, any kind of event, church, many grocery stores are cutting hours. I did find things I needed at the grocery yesterday and today. I made myself not over-buy! Just enough to get through another couple of weeks. Luckily I had been to Costco recently before all this hoarding got rolling.


TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
Each country has to find their own way of handling it. Viruses run a course, they peak and then subside. When they peak enough people have been exposed, the effects of herd immunity kicks in and they begin subsiding. The issue in many countries including the U.S. is the number of people who become to ill to stay at home and let it run it's course and not having the hospital capacity for the number of patients needing care. That is why they talk about flattening the curve. By limiting exposure thru social distancing and people who can working from home they are hoping to avoid that peak. It will take longer to reach that point where herd immunity kicks in but critically ill people won't overwhelm the health care system. In the absence of a vaccine or an effective treatment this is really all that can be done.

People really need to get a grip with this panic buying though. Packing stores is not social distancing and stripping store shelves for no good reason is breeding panic.


Pearl, my labrador who loved cats. RIP.
Top Cat
Aug 28, 2016
Colorado, USA
Oh and I just read Gov. Polis is closing down the ski areas for one week. Discouraging people from flying, going through the airport, gathering in the ski town restaurants, residents heading to ski towns.