Search Results

  1. 2ketzels

    kitty just died - 20 years old. how will her brother cope? what should i look out for?

    i've never had an animal die. i don't know how this will affect the brother, Boy. will he be in any danger? please advise. is there anything i can do for him?
  2. 2ketzels

    how can i tell if kitty is dying these days?

    i've never been witness to an animal's death. i think Miss Kitty is dying tonight. she refused food all day ONCE i could find her (hiding); i had to move all the furniture; she usually comes to her name but....not today. i saw her take some water once but ... that's all. she continues to...
  3. 2ketzels

    older kitty

    what should i expect from a 12 year old kitty? for 2 days she has pooped on the floor next to my very cleaned cat litters. she never did this before. the Vet did a test where she was deficient in potassium. apart from that, she has always been very clean. is this what happens to older...
  4. 2ketzels


    Miss Kitty (12 years old approx) fell off the catwalk into the "deep" stairwell - she had been exhibiting wobbliness on the catwalk. the Vet did blood tests & told me that she has low potassium but the price she intends to charge for potassium is rather high. what dosage and which kind of...
  5. 2ketzels

    re-gurgitating kitty

    ok, I started a new thread.  in answer to the other person's query - miss kitty is probably around 6 or so; she was adopted. and no, the problem isn't solved because she still periodically throws up, including mucous. by 'occasionally' I mean about once a week or so. when I first got her I took...
  6. 2ketzels

    anal secretion? mr kitty very touchy about this area...

    wondering what the symptoms are for prostatitis?  also, mr kitty tends to 'scoot' - always has - sometimes i've cut off fecal matter on fur clotted around the 'nuts' area and his scooting ceased...he has extra fur in this area. but tonight he seemed to be in pain when i looked at his...
  7. 2ketzels

    Miss Kitty throwing up

    ~~Miss Kitty has always had a delicate digestive system but lately she's throwing up every time I feed her. I thought I was on a winning streak when I discovered she really liked trout Fancy Feast but day she threw that up too. for a while I thought it only happened when I slept in on...
  8. 2ketzels

    catnip indifference

    my kitties used to like catnip but recently they seem to have grown indifferent. i tried several different kinds, expensive ones too, 'bud' type ones; i even used a Kongo catnip spray - they HATED that - they ran away. i have tried rubbing the catnip between my fingers to let it give off a scent...
  9. 2ketzels

    chewing paper or plastic

    why do my kitties chew plastic or paper? one chews plastic every morning, like a ritual before he's fed. the other seems to like to chew paper especially my files. there are little bits of plastic or paper lying about. they don't seem to swallow it. is it harmful? are they missing something in...
  10. 2ketzels

    Boy personality versus Girl personality

    Is it just my experience or do you think that 'boys' are outgoing, playful, funny, leaping in play, dominant, expose their bellies to scritching, generally acting more 'dog-like' while 'girls' are more timid, polite, asking permission to come up, soft, gentle and play close to the ground while...
  11. 2ketzels

    how long does it take 'used kitties' (i.e., 5 years old+ ) to get sucky and clingy with their owner?

    it's been 3 years now and i play with them, feed them good food, furminate them - which they love - massage them, pet them, talk to them, supplied them with a good flowing fountain. i have toys like da Bird, mousies, cat dancer, fishing rods etc. i was just wondering because they've never been...
  12. 2ketzels

    licking plastic

    i want to know why my kitty is obsessed with plastic, licking it....and, is it dangerous?  what is it about plastic which attracts him so? should i prevent him?
  13. 2ketzels

    sick kitty - Boy - white blood cell count

    my kitty -  Boy - whom I adopted 2 years ago seems to be suffering recurrent bouts of illness. 6 months ago he suddenly ran a very high temperature and I took him to the Vet that day. A number of tests were run, his temp eventually came down and he came home. Now, 6 months later (this weekend)...
  14. 2ketzels


    thanks! i guess i was just wondering how old my cats are - about 1 1/2 yrs ago i adopted them and i was told they were 3-4 years old but i think they may be older. how can i tell a cat's age?
  15. 2ketzels

    white hair

    at what age do cats start getting white hair?  like, white hairs on chin or white hairs on body - or do they?
  16. 2ketzels


    my 'Boy' seems to be a big masturbator - altho he was fixed. i took him to the vet and he verified that, yes, he was fixed. he seemed awfully interested in my little square pillow (my neck pillow) and i have since donated it to him for his fornicative activities. he seems to use it sometimes up...
  17. 2ketzels

    one picky and the other a 'hoover'

    hi all - i'm more concerned about the picky eater (Luna); if she eats an entire bowl in one sitting (1/2 a small can) then she throws up later but i don't know why. usually i must offer her her food 3-4 times before she finally finishes her bowl. the other problem is the 'hoover' - Boy. he eats...