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  1. price053

    Romeo Romeo 💜

    Hello everyone, My little Romeo is just traumatizing my sweet Bella. Bella is a stray I took in and now she has a home with me. My resident cats are separated from her by a screen over her door. My Romeo will take off running from the living room and pounce on her screen and he does it all the...
  2. price053


    Hello everyone, I am looking for some fast advice on how to get a shelter up out of the stuff I have at my house. I will say it is not much. My Timmy is coughing and sneezing and the rain is about to come in bad. can someone please give me ideas on how to take two patio chairs and a tarp and...
  3. price053


    Good morning everyone. It is time to put up the screen to Bella's room. I did a few weeks ago but my fat cats ( resident cats) scaled it and took it off the wall. Any ways, my little "Romeo" did not perform very well when I did have the door open and screen up, he normally is so sweet and...
  4. price053

    Help Help Help

    I am stuck at work and I was not thinking, I had to put my 3 cats in my room I put a trash bag under a towel and the water bowl but it has the smell of lemon and bleach .. OMGOSH please tell me they will be okay .. I can not get home I am beyond sick and worried about them
  5. price053


    So I really am just asking what people feel and think of this question? To all of us that have rescued a stray/feral, do you think they can feel grateful? I was looking at my Bella tonight and she just laid there on her couch and she let me kiss her head so many times and never batted an eye...
  6. price053

    Strays/ Ferals

    Good morning, I need some help trying to figure out a way to set up a feeding station for some stray and feral cat's behind the hotel I work at. I just saw the newest stray that is lost and confused on how to get something to eat and how to get out of the elements. So I just need some advice on...
  7. price053


    Hey every one... I am still taking care of Timothy, and he is just the sweetest. I am trying to come up with ideas of houses I can put in the back part of my house I can cool in the summer. I want to start now so he will get use to that one so when the time comes he can use it and stay cool, it...
  8. price053


    Good evening ya"ll... I have a question truly not sure how to do this. My dear sweet friend got my Timmy an self heating mat for his little home I have for him. I need to use the straw on it as well so he will at least get in it and lay on it. Does anyone have any idea if I should cover it...
  9. price053

    Grayson and water

    I need as many ideas as I can get please. Grayson my big boy is so bad about tipping all the water out of bowl and all over my floor. I went to one bowl for all three, yet it is going to get very very cold and I need to put them all in one room and they have to have water. He is just driving me...
  10. price053


    I have to say she has been a blessing as I have said the real work begins when I put up the screen and open the door. Right now I will take the blessing at hand. I just wanted to share where she was to where she is. Thank you for this great community 💜💜💜 Thank God she is not on the nasty ground...
  11. price053

    My Timothy outside

    Kinda late in the game. I have made a make shift shelter for him under my steps in the back yard. I have closed the sides up the best I can and have straw in there for him do you think he will be warm enough? Not much I can do but I still worry. Its supposed to get down to 30 tonight. He has an...
  12. price053

    Stubborn Stray cat

    I have a stray I am taking care of at work.. its getting beyond cold and she will not lay on anything. I have tried to catch her and no luck. she will not stand on blankets, towels, rugs anything. Dose anyone have any ideas on what I can put down under my car she might stand on to at least stay...
  13. price053

    For fun

    Who here if you have more than one Kitty feels like they are being stalked by a pride of lion's lol. You can be stalked by one kitty as well 😂. My kittens as I walk down the hall they are behind me and it feels like I am being stalked by lion cubs LoL 😹😹😹😹
  14. price053

    New here!

    Good morning. I am new and learning the ropes. I have three babies that are cycling's and a hand full but I love them dearly. Grayson, Romeo, and Little One not sure if pics go here but still learning the site. Glad to be here Grayson is my white kitty, Romeo is the adorable one and my Little...
  15. price053

    Spayed and neutered

    I have to come back to the community 😔. My kittens Grayson ( boy) and Little One (girl) were both fixed on the same day and we are about ten days in, why is Grayson still trying to mate with Little One. The whole idea of fixing them was to stop this behavior I hope someone here can help me. I am...
  16. price053

    Spayed kitten

    My kitten was spayed on Wednesday of last week so was her brother she and I have had a time getting through it because of the zorbium they gave her. She has been like a rat on crack. 72 hrs of no sleep for us. She has been a challenge keeping her from licking her site she has the glue off yet...