Search Results

  1. jefferd18

    Rescued Siamese? What color is he / what fur length?

    What an attractive kitty you have there. Yes, there was a Siamese in the mix somewhere in his ancestry. He looks like he is going to be a medium hair kitty. I love the huge ears. :)
  2. jefferd18

    Panther has a broken femer!

    Thank you for being so good to him.
  3. jefferd18

    What breed is he?

    I don't think I have ever seen a tabby with a coat pattern like his. He certainly looks like he has Bengal in him, what a gorgeous boy.
  4. jefferd18

    My 14 day old (?) kitten still hasn't opened his eyes, should I be worried?

    In those last photos he is beginning to open his eyes. He could just be a late bloomer, it happens. He sure is cute.
  5. jefferd18

    Are raccoons dangerous to cats?

    As spoken before cats and raccoons can co-exist together. So yes it could have been a cat among the raccoons.
  6. jefferd18

    Is this cat calico?

    He's a Scottish Fold! What a cutie.
  7. jefferd18

    Should I bring my cat from home to college?

    You could always try it and bring her back if things didn't work out. One of my first roommates in L.A. brought both of his senior cats from his parent's home in NYC. They settled in just fine.
  8. jefferd18

    Newly adopted cat (11 years old) lashes out out of nowhere.

    It seems to me that you are giving him quite a bit of attention and that in turn is rewarding him for bad behavior. Simply walk away and ignore him until he calms down. Somewhere down the line he got into his head that lashing out will get him what he wants. Don't give it to him.
  9. jefferd18

    I call my cat a domestic shorthair but friends and family are telling me to reconsider.

    Buzz is really different looking, very striking. I like his attitude the best, especially in that second shot. :)
  10. jefferd18

    Are raccoons dangerous to cats?

    I couldn't agree more, raccoons are much bigger than an adult cat. They are very strong animals, very smart too.
  11. jefferd18

    Are raccoons dangerous to cats?

    I am very sorry to hear about your kitty and that you witnessed her attack. What a horrific thing for you to have seen. Although these attacks will and have happened, they are very rare. It is truly unusual when a group of raccoons hunt and attack a larger animal. Why they have been known to...
  12. jefferd18

    Are raccoons dangerous to cats?

    Yes, I think you would find evidence, and no I don't think raccoons killed Tux. They may have run him off but I doubt that it went beyond that.
  13. jefferd18

    Are raccoons dangerous to cats?

    Help your fellow baby possum out. :) I think they are so cute when they are babies, they look like Ferrets.
  14. jefferd18

    Are raccoons dangerous to cats?

    I agree, usually animals do not want to risk an injury and avoid fights at all cost. That was nice what you did for the tom kitty. By the way, I like your kitty's bright smile. :)
  15. jefferd18

    Are raccoons dangerous to cats?

    Have you ever thought about switching your feeding times? That's what I did when I was feeding feral/stray cats over at Hood's parking-lot. Normally I fed the cat at nine at night and then it became eight forty-five. Even something as small as 15 minutes threw the raccoons off. I also slightly...
  16. jefferd18

    cat born in the wild.. making demands.......

    If you work with him then he might be open to other people and get a home that way. He sounds like he doesn't want to stay feral.
  17. jefferd18

    6 week old kitten not eating/diarrhea

    No, you are being a loving and concern kitty cat parent.
  18. jefferd18

    6 week old kitten not eating/diarrhea

    You have thousands of years of instinct working there with that little guy, just give him a chance. My pleasure.