Search Results

  1. Notacrazycatlady

    Advice Related To Relocation

    Warning: very long post. Because of increasing rent, I've been looking to buy a house. Here's the problem: I have a small colony of two males and two females who live around my apartment. I have a couple of shelters and a feeding station and they're accustomed to my putting wet food out twice a...
  2. Notacrazycatlady

    Baby Teeth

    I found a couple of Leo's baby teeth in the last couple of days. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with them, but they're so tiny.
  3. Notacrazycatlady

    Quick Question About Tapeworms

    I don't know how, since both of my guys are on Revolution and only go out on a leash, but I found a tapeworm near Angus' butt. I've already called the vet and am picking up a prescription to treat both Angus and Leo. My question is the litter boxes. I'm assuming that a complete change of the...
  4. Notacrazycatlady

    Raw Cat Food Recall

    I don't know if this affects anyone here, but this came across my Facebook page and I thought I'd share it here: G & C Dog and Cat Food Recall Expands to Include Multiple Brands
  5. Notacrazycatlady

    Increased Appetite?

    This past week or so, Angus and Leo have been eating voraciously (or at least everything I put out for them). The ferals have been cleaning the dishes as well, but that could be someone in the complex who used to feed moving out so fewer other resources. I understand that the ferals pack in...
  6. Notacrazycatlady

    Have Your Colony Cats Left Presents For You?

    I'm just curious. My small colony has left me what I jokingly refer to as 'rent payments' 3 times now. Although, Betty Boop Angus shooting the breeze with Boop by Notacrazycatlady posted Aug 28, 2018 at 3:45 PM actually stole one of the rent payments :crackup:(seriously, I happened to look out...
  7. Notacrazycatlady

    For Those Who Have Dealt With Anal Gland Issues

    I have a question about impacted anal glands. My four month old, Leo, had an impacted anal gland about three weeks ago. I've been dealing with soft, smelly stool/diarrhea with him almost from the beginning and then my older kitten, Angus, started dropping soft smelly stool/diarrhea. No...
  8. Notacrazycatlady

    Opinion On Eyeball.

    Does Angus' right eye look odd? Specifically the lower eyelid. He doesn't act like it's bothering him, it just looks thicker and darker to me than before. It could just be that he's 11 months old now and his body is transitioning to an adult. I'm not sure why they're sideways, but I also...
  9. Notacrazycatlady

    Gamer Kitties

    While I was trying to play a game on my tablet, Leo crawled into my lap and was absolutely fascinated by the moving figures on the screen. Do any of you have a kitty who enjoys video games? Gamer Kitty Leo by Notacrazycatlady posted Sep 24, 2018 at 8:34 PM
  10. Notacrazycatlady

    Should I Be Concerned?

    Okay, I have a 14-15 week old kitten. For the last couple of weeks his poop has been super soft/borderline diarrhea, light tan in color--like diarrhea and smelly--like diarrhea. He also re-positions himself several times in the litter box and I've been finding marble-sized clumps of urine. I've...
  11. Notacrazycatlady

    Toothpaste For Cats

    This isn't a request for advice so much as a testimonial (unpaid). My 10 and a half month old kitten, Angus, Angus by Notacrazycatlady posted Aug 30, 2018 at 12:15 PM was diagnosed with mild gingivitis at his first vet appointment just after I got him at six months of age. I was concerned that...
  12. Notacrazycatlady

    Food Aggression In Young Kitten

    Okay, due to the persistence of my 10 month old kitten, Angus and the persistence of the new, 3 month old kitten, Leo that I took in last week, the quarantine ended early. Leo snuck out when I opened the door and while I was chasing him down, Angus snuck into the spare room. I put Leo back in...
  13. Notacrazycatlady

    Advice On New Kitten

    I really, really don't want to be a crazy cat lady! I came home this afternoon to find a tiny (maybe 3 pound) male kitten running around the parking lot. There's a bad storm moving in--the sky is black just west of here. The kitten gets corralled and I try to determine where this little guy...
  14. Notacrazycatlady

    Feral Rent (funny)

    Okay, not a question just a funny incident that those who take care of feral colonies might appreciate. I have a small colony of feral cats who reside in Hobo Cat City (also known as my patio). Previously, I found a dead mole just outside of the feeding station. I went :heartshape: and...
  15. Notacrazycatlady

    I Am Not A Crazy Cat Lady . . . Yet.

    I'm not generally one for introductions. I prefer to just jump in and start posting, but maybe some background would help. The fact is that I'm not really a cat person--I'm a dog person. I love animals but I've wanted a dog for years. The problem is that with my unpredictable work schedule...
  16. Notacrazycatlady

    Regurgitation, Food Intolerance Or Mystery Issue?

    Hi, I just joined this site today although I've browsed through discussions and articles on the site quite a bit. I technically have five cats and I'm cat-sitting my niece's cat. Four of the five cats are ferals who live in the 'Hobo Cat Camp' I set up on my patio (I got them TNR'd because I...