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  1. encino34

    Got 2 new cats recently and 1 pees on our bed (already have 1 from before)

    original cat is 1.5 years and the kittens are 4 months old. The one kitty only pees in our bed, no where else (except kitty litter)
  2. encino34

    Got 2 new cats recently and 1 pees on our bed (already have 1 from before)

    Good day everyone. So the first 4 days that we had the new kittens everything was great. Well on the 5th day one of them got locked up in our bedroom by accident and peed/pooped on the bed. Also earlier that day we had our family over with 2 younger children screaming and yelling. Not sure...
  3. encino34

    my 17 year old cat seems always stuffed up

    The litter is super low dust, we change our merv 7 filter every 3 months. Nothing has changed.
  4. encino34

    my 17 year old cat seems always stuffed up

    I've been noticing this for the last few months. It has NOT gotten worse btw. she is NOT sneezing anymore than normal, there is NO mucus anywhere around her nose. She does drink lots of water though. she had bloodwork done 6 months ago and was good then.
  5. encino34

    Our 6 Month Old Will Not Let Us Sleep

    My cats go crazy at night as well. My oldest one used to sleep in the bedroom with us until we got Oreo. She has zero boundaries and will sleep on your face and get in the middle of "exercising". Me and the wife had to lock them out of the bedroom. Bella scratches at the door till we get up...
  6. encino34

    Is My Cat Having A Nightmare? Or Paralyzed? Or Coma? Idk Help

    Bella my oldest one has been in deep sleeps where it looks like she is dead. I can pick up her paws and push her around with no movement. It freaked me out at first but now im used to it.
  7. encino34

    Oreo Has Been Hanging Out In Litter Box For Over A Week Now

    What are your thoughts about zylkene or feliway diffuser?
  8. encino34

    Oreo Has Been Hanging Out In Litter Box For Over A Week Now

    I took out the other cat box and put it in the living room and shes in it right now. Baby steps :)
  9. encino34

    Oreo Has Been Hanging Out In Litter Box For Over A Week Now

    I had bought another one but neither of them ever used it so i put it away. I will take it out now and fill it up.
  10. encino34

    Oreo Has Been Hanging Out In Litter Box For Over A Week Now

    I had her at the vet on Wednesday. She did have a fever and scratching scabs on her head. Head was shaved and treated and a shot given (forgot what it was for) and i was given cream to put on her head. This behavior started 3 days before this (when i noticed) She talks to me like normal from...
  11. encino34

    Oreo Has Been Hanging Out In Litter Box For Over A Week Now

    Both cats are pooping and peeing just fine. Appetite for both is good too. Should i keep pulling her out of the litter box or leave her in there? Its a covered box with a flap in the front. I've coaxed her our a few times with treats or toys but 5 min later she runs back into the kitty...
  12. encino34

    Oreo Has Been Hanging Out In Litter Box For Over A Week Now

    Our 3 year old we got from the humane society 3 months ago has been hanging out in the litter box or under our bed. Not sure what happened to her in the last week. Nothing that i know of has changed. She used to purr and hang out in the livingroom with me and my wife all the time.
  13. encino34

    Territorial Female When Menstruating

    I guess its no better than my younger cat peeing on our sex towel :P
  14. encino34

    Sigh, Bella Is Not Eating/drinking/using Her Litter Box And Has A Uri.

    I'm not sure if she's just refusing to eat or if she still can't smell. Still not interested in eating on her own.
  15. encino34

    Syringe Feeding

    I ended up getting a homedics portable humidifier and putting it in her cat pen with a blanket over top for 30 min at a time. I'm using distilled water in it. If this doesnt work i will get the nebulizer. I figured after she is better i could use it on my desk or something.
  16. encino34

    Syringe Feeding

    Ive been doing the bathroom sauna thing all week and doesn't seem to be helping. I'm going to buy a nebulizer today and see if that helps. I'll use just saline in it.
  17. encino34

    Syringe Feeding

    found some locally here for $30cad. Ill try it out! Which oil(s) should i get for her?
  18. encino34

    Syringe Feeding

    please explain what that is? Can i buy it over the counter? Thx :)
  19. encino34

    Syringe Feeding

    She still wont eat on her own. She does sniff whats on the floor then walks away. Were going to either try dropping saline in her nose or pediatric nose drops. The whole house smells like wet cat food! :(
  20. encino34


    For my oldest cat i give her wet food in the morning with 3ml of liquid lactulose on it. She loves it and it keeps her regular.