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    Can cats get worms from eating from another cat's dish?

    So I have a stray cat that I've been taking care of. He left some food on the dish and my cat went up to the dish and ate the remainder. I don't know if they stray has any worms but I'm a bit worried on whether or not my cat can get worms through eating from the same dish.
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    Can I feed my cat raw Tilapia?

    Okay so not like a meal replacement but like a snack on the weekends. When I'm on my day off, usually I like giving her some of my food which I simplify it by instead of cooking her chicken or fish with seasoning, I just chop off a part of it and either boil it, bake it, or air fry it(not...
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    Is it safe to introduce a new cat in a play pen?

    So I live in a studio apartment and thinking of getting a second cat, more likely a kitten so that my current cat won't feel threatened as much as getting an adult cat. Living in a studio apartment though means I have one big living space rather than my own room to separate the two cats. So I'm...
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    Thinking about adopting a second cat, age suggestion?

    So my cat is 2.5 years old right now and I'm currently thinking of getting her a new friend. Would it be better if adopted a kitten 3 months or 6 months compared to say 1 years+? My cat is pretty skittish but does hiss and growl at other cats around so I'd like to give my cat the best chance...
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    What's With This Cat's Behavior?

    So I help the little guy out whenever with food and shelter(can't adopt him because my current cat and that cat seems to hate eachother) but he seems to do one thing consistently, hisses a lot at me. He also makes low growling sounds but it's clear as day to me that he doesn't want to harm me...
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    I Keep Rewarding My Cat For This, Is This Wrong?

    So my cat catches all manners of things but mostly between lizards, rats, and birds. Each and every time she catches one of those I release them and give them a head start. However during that time I'm giving my cat freeze dried chicken treats because for one I'm not going to punish her for...
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    Are Carrageenan Really That Bad?

    Okay first off I'd like to say that I'm not in complete disbelief that it could be bad for our cats. The argument being once the "ungraded" carrageenan enter's your cat's stomach, it can become "degraded". Once degraded, it becomes a form of carcinogen. With that said, sounds pretty bad right...
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    Scooping The Litter Box But Should I Empty It Out?

    So I've been scooping my cat's litter box clean for quite some time now... I remember hearing Jackson's Galaxy suggestion that clearing out the box is just for us and not exactly for the cat since the smell in the box is their marked territory. Anyways I have clumping litter which I scoop it...
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    Random But My Cat Sorta Latched Onto My Face.

    So my cat was just hanging out on my computer desk as I was just watching a show. All of a sudden from a relaxed sleeping position she rolled on her back with both of her paws out. She then reached forward to knead my shirt followed with sitting up right and latched onto my face with her claws...
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    Anyone's Cat Keeps Eating If You Let Them?

    So it's my day off and I figured since I'm eating whatever I want, I'll feed my cat whenever I eat. She's eaten 10 ounces of wet food today and I'm willing to bet if I were to feed her more, she'd eat more. She is currently 1yr 8mo old atm and I personally think she's very healthy. Not sure if...
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    Cutting Your Cats Nail Isn't Easy...

    I finally found a solution though(at least for my cat and hopefully some of yours)! I used to have to fold her up like a burrito and for some cats they're okay with that. Mines however cries and sometimes even hisses. So I tried another method which I waited until morning when she is hungry and...
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    Should I Get A Second Cat?

    I know this question is asked many of times but I'd like to personally ask one as well. For starters, my cat was adopted from the shelter at 6 months old and now she's 1 year and 7 months years old. I'm away from home 8~10 hours a day for 5 days a week and during that time she's just stuck in...
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    Anyone Else's Cat Do This?

    My cat Luna likes exploring outside and yes I'm okay with that. Keeping her "safe" is not a good enough reason to strip her of her freedom. I wouldn't do it to my kids nor would I do it to Luna which is a furry kid of mines. With that said... Luna tends to yowl very loud every time she comes...
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    Is It Alright That I Feed My Cat Baked Chicken?

    So during my weekends I tend to eat baked chicken and when doing so I also tend to give my cat a meal during the middle of the day that's roughly 2.5 ounces of baked chicken. This meal that she gets is an "extra" meal. During the day and night times she gets what I believe to be high quality...
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    Does Your Cat Do This?

    After a meal at night she starts yowling/howling all the way until she finds me. She does this as well when I let her outside early in the morning and when she comes back in she howls/yowls til she finds me or tires out. The sound at the end she makes is when she found me.
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    How Much Time Do You Spend Actively Playing With Your Cat A Day?

    I spend roughly 30~45 mins a day actively playing with my cat a day. By active I mean really active as in I'm involved in the activity and both me and my cat Luna gets a work out from it. She does get outdoor access from 10am~2pm when I'm working and 10am~8:30pm(when it gets dark and drivers...
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    My Cat Likes Going Outside... Can I Change That?

    Ever since my cat Luna found a way to escape her outside cat cage, she's been doing it every single time she gets in it. She always makes it back home safely though and back in the cage and I'll let her in when she meows. As of recent I decided to take a second look of whether or not it's a bad...
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    Should I Just Let My Cat Be Dirty?

    So I live in an apartment with a porch and I used to have this cage that I put in front of the sliding glass door to go outside. For a little while now she's figured out how to get out of the cage by doing some acrobatics and here we are today, she's out in the front porch rolling around on...
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    How Do I Get My Scaredy Cat To Be More Confident?

    Okay to start it off, my cat wasn't always like this. During my first visit to her at the SPCA, she was practically jumping at me behind the glass door. She was pawing the door trying to get my attention(a complete stranger at the time), though when taken out she was a little shy. Took a second...
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    Do Cat Foods Need Additives?

    Recently I just tried out Applaws meanwhile expensive, my cat Luna really loves the food. I mean look at it, it could pass as human food! The side says that it has no additives and only 4 ingredients. Says it's served as a good addition to other cat food. I'm wondering if she could just pass by...