Search Results for Query: clicker training

  1. F

    Clicker training

    just wondering if anyone has had any great success with clicker training so that I can maybe ask for some tips So my kitten Gollum is approaching almost 15 weeks. I’ve been clicker training him for about 3 weeks now. It’s going well. He knows as soon as I pick up the clicker and comes running...
  2. S

    Clicker training with play as reward

    Hello all, I'm wondering if anyone has experience with clicker training using play as the reward. I have an extremely play motivated cat (more so than food I would say) and am trying to clicker train her to accept having her claws trimmed. I have a "jackpot" toy that I try to use with her — she...
  3. skygem

    Clicker Training Help?

    Hey guys, I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this thread, sorry if it isn't! Anyways, I recently started trying to clicker train Rayleigh, but I ran into a bit of a problem. My boy is super super food motivated, and he just completely tunes out the sound of the clicker. It's like...
  4. ZombieTiger

    Clicker training

    How many here clicker train your cats, and do you have any tips?
  5. F

    Clicker training to improve behavior

    ...confident he'll be an easy cat to clicker train. So far I've watched a bunch of videos on youtube, read a few books/articles on clicker training, and bought the supplies needed (clicker & treats). I'm ready to start but I can't seem to find information regarding a schedule or order of...
  6. danteshuman

    Clicker training tricks

    So next month I’m going to begin clicker training Jackie. Any ideas on the best treats to use? I’m thinking maybe baby food? Any idea on tricks to train him? We are currently working on spin but I’m going to use clicker tray to make it clearer. He knows up (high 10) & sit. I am doing it partly...
  7. ldy71

    Clicker Training Problems

    I am currently in the process of clicker training two kittens (a brother and sister who are five-months-old). The sister is a genius and is picking everything up almost effortlessly, but her brother on the other hand just can't seem to process anything other than "sit." He seems to not pay...
  8. kunoichi9280

    Clicker Training A Kitten

    So I'd like to give clicker training Itachi a try. He already responds to his name, usually responds to "no", and will follow my finger to an object often (I can point and say "There's your food" or "There's your toy" and he'll go to what I'm pointing a lot of the time. Not with any sort of...
  9. A

    Questions About Kitten (clicker Training, Harness, Play, Vacation)

    ...also 'off.' We found a couple of short articles on it, but nothing very extensive. Any resources or tips that you'd recommend for clicker training? 2) We would also like to harness train the cat to go on short walks, maybe once or twice a week during nice weather. Is that realistic? Or...
  10. NyxHemera45

    Clicker Training To Not Bite

    is clicker training cats to not bite possible? Also how does clicker training effect or has effected bonds with your cats?
  11. Sonatine

    Clicker Training And Treats?

    ...go here instead of under nutrition since it involves training, but does anyone have any recommendations of good treats to use for clicker training? The treats I use now are total garbage nutrition-wise, and while the kitty likes them, she doesn't go crazy for them or anything, so if anybody...
  12. S

    Clicker Training Experiences

    ...-- my name is Sarah Toy and I'm a reporter for The Wall Street Journal's health and science bureau. I'm working on an article on clicker training cats and wanted to hear about your experiences. Have you tried clicker training your cat? What was that like? Was it difficult? What have you...
  13. AmyTheKittyMommy

    Clicker Training Question

    Percy and Jasper have sit figured out, and I’d like to move on to stay. However, I’m not sure how to go about training this behavior. I sit them and encourage them to stay put with treats, but the treats keep falling or they get up to eat them, totally defeating what I’m asking them to do. Has...
  14. D

    Clicker Training

    Just basic questions... Is the ultimate goal of clicker training to get the cat to do something WITHOUT the clicker i.e. with just a verbal cue? So as soon as the verbal cue is working, drop the clicker? Is the other goal to drop the food treat? And if so, will the cat continue to do the...
  15. munashi

    Clicker training?

    Does any one have any experience with using clicker training with a cat/kitten?  I'm interested in trying it out with our little one, Zelda, but was wondering if anyone could recommend some good resources to learn from.  I do have a small book "Cat Training in 10 Minutes", but was wondering if...
  16. M

    Too many problems Clicker training this one

    I need some suggestions, cause I'm ready to give up. I've clicker trained two separate cats at to different times successfully. I've got a new set of kits and I'm at wits end. Mr. Claw, aptly named because he likes to swipe at you, is my main problem When I tried charging the clicker, after...
  17. wayne sugimoto

    Clicker Training

    Hello all!  I have tried to search regarding clicker training a cat and I have seen a lot of good information given and also a lot of people that are not familiar with clicker training a cat.  I was wondering if anyone knows of anyone or any company that does cat obedience training? If there is...
  18. frankiesinatra

    Clicker training a cat- tips?

    Hi all, I've started conditioning my cat, Frankie to the clicker. I decided to start this because he is so intensely food motivated, and gets into trouble/can get aggressive suddenly whether it be play or irritation at getting his claws trimmed.  I'm a psych student with an interest in animal...
  19. 2

    Hello (haven't posted for a long time); looking for a forum on clicker training cats

    Hello!  I'm looking for a forum or thread for people are new to cllicker training cats. Anyone know of such a forum or thread?  If I start a new thread here on that topic, which forum topic would you suggest I post it to?
  20. D

    Clicker training multiple cats

    ...not long from now. Still debating on the details, but that isn't the issue at hand For a variety of reasons, I've been looking into clicker training the pair some time after they've settled into their new home. Nothing incredibly complex, just a few tricks for mutual fun and behavioral...