Search Results for Query: pica

  1. gabicards

    How to differentiate between normal chewing/biting behavior and mild pica?

    Hi guys, My cat likes to gnaw on things, such as plastic sticks that are part of his toys (his are full of teeth marks), carboard boxes (can also be found full of tiny little holes), and elastic strings that are attached to stuffed cat toys. I put his toys away after we play, but we've still...
  2. S

    Is Pine Pellet Litter Bad for a Cat who has Pica?

    ...the dust from the clumping clay litter is causing health issues for both the cats and humans. Two of the cats have asthma (one of those two has pica). We don't know why the one cat has pica. We don't know if it's due to hunger, boredom, or something else. He licks and eats paper and...
  3. C

    Pica? health issue?

    I'm not sure if this is behaviorial or health issue. She is suddenly licking a blanket like she is grooming the blanket. She has IBD and she is on budesonide for 3 months now. She is also drinking water. She rarely drank water prior to budesonide. We also noticed she urinated in her sleep...
  4. S

    Acting out, pica or tomcat behavior?

    I have a 1 year old neutered tomcat. But he is chewing on the corners of the wood at the scratching poles. Also he is idiotic vocal. He miauws really loud. Demanding attention. He has been to the vet. But they can't find anything. Ignoring him is not an option, because we live in...
  5. semeagher

    Pica and Farts

    ...for a cat ER visit, so any advice. I have bought a bunch chew friendly toys for kittens, some that specifically mentioned they were good for Pica. I need to figure out how to get the cats eating again and start making it through the nights. Amber's chewing is frustrating, but I can deal with...
  6. anxiousmama

    Is it pica or just acting out?

    ...strands! I’ve done some pretty extensive reading on this site and on cat behavior sites, but I’m struggling to figure out whether or not it’s pica, and whether to discourage or ignore it... He doesn’t ALWAYS eat the carpet pieces, but it seems like, when he does, it was his intention all...
  7. kat003

    Best litter for cat with pica?

    I need a safe non clumping litter for my cat, one that if she happens to eat will be safe.
  8. TacosAndPurritos

    I think my cat has pica - any advice on safe furniture?

    My vet and I suspect my cat has pica - she likes to chew and rip things apart and eat them. She had abdominal surgery 2 months ago, and right now she is at the vet, who just induced vomiting because we suspected a foreign body. She was weaned very early and was also sick as a kitten (according...
  9. R

    I’m having trouble finding toys for my cat with pica

    My cat who turned 1 on August 6 has pica. I noticed this pretty early. She liked to chew on my dirty clothes and blankets to the point of eating holes in them. When I bought a new laundry hamper so she couldn’t access my clothes, she moved onto pretty much everything else. She eats any toy...
  10. L

    Cat peeing & pica

    I have 3 cats. My 6yr old orange boy is neutered, healthy. Hes always been one to steal food, eat weird things & puke. 4mos ago an outdoor cat (he is not feral has a collar) shows up at various windows at our house and gets our cats all riled up. He is friendly we have to shoo him, but my guys...
  11. Spookyandsammy


    Spooky loves to chew and eat everything I think she might have pica I don't know if its normal for them she also carries marbles in her mouth and throws it to play with it I try to stop her before she takes off like a bat out of hell whatever shes eating is gone
  12. P

    How To Correct Pica

    Hi all. I have two kittens (1 year old) who both seem to have pica. They have nutritious diets and no health problems, but were separated from their mother at less than 3 weeks, we believe, so we think this is probably the source of the pica. Luckily, our girl almost only tries to eat...
  13. Antonio65

    Might Pesca Have Pica? them from a wider perspective, I think they're part of the same problem. I wonder if this could explain her soft (and sometimes runny) poop. Eating weird stuff might upset her bowel. Do I have to think she has pica? If so, I foresee a long and troubled cohabitation... Any experience? Thanks!
  14. L

    Help! Any ideas for a cat with PICA?

    I just picked my cat up from the vet because she had an emergency operation this week to remove items from her stomach. I knew she had PICA, and so there are no string like objects lying around my house.... Yard, floss, ribbon, etc. Then 4 days ago, she threw up steel wool. She had dug it out of...
  15. B

    Both Of My Cats Have Pica?

    I'm worried about the health of both of my cats. They both seem to love eating non-foods, but they like to eat different types. Bubba likes to eat plastic, tinsel, tissue paper, and other paper products. One time he started chewing through a package of toilet paper, and another time I found him...
  16. rosegold

    Pica/eating Hair... But Only When Purring!

    Just curious if anyone has any ideas about why Chilli does this, or if it’s just a weird cat being weird! She eats clumps of her own hair off the ground, and almost exclusively while already cuddling/purring. She does sometimes munch on plastic if she gets the chance, and she occasionally will...
  17. mrsnides5

    Help With A Pica Cat

    Hello, For a while now, I've notice that my one year old male indoor cat Zeppelin, whom a vet checked over, has been chewing on electrical cords and destroying boxes (never eating, just severe chewing destruction). I think he is doing it out of boredom as he's a very smart, active cat. I have...
  18. toxicglowsticks

    Issues With Pica

    ...about 2-5 months old and my husband and I raised him from then on. Onto the troubles. When he was a kitten, he ate fine and showed no issues of Pica. It was actually when we brought our resident cat back (she had been staying at my mom’s in the duration and has since passed this year) when...
  19. Graceful-Lily

    Pica In Cats

    Has anyone had any experience with pica in cats before? If so, can you tell me how you managed the condition. Also, if you have any research articles on pica in cats, I'd love to read them as I'm trying to understand the disorder better. Thanks.
  20. destinyz12

    Does Foxy Have Pica??

    My cat Foxy, who we've had since she was 10 weeks old, is now a year and a half old, but lately she's been eating certain things that she clearly shouldn't be- particularly plastic, cardboard, and most recently- found a balloon string and swallowed a big chunk of it! We try hard to keep stuff...