Search Results for Query: prozac

  1. Elizabeth Sanders


    ...pees outside the litter box. She’s currently unsuitable for rehoming- which was my original plan when I rescued her. anyway- we are going to try Prozac. I will have to use the human kind because I live in a non-western country with limited vet care. any advice on how to manage that? Thank you.
  2. stephanietx

    Weaning Off Prozac Questions

    When my IBD kitty was at his worst with an IBD flare, he was urinating all over the house. The vet prescribed Prozac for him daily for 30 days, then every other day for 30 days. It helped tremendously with the inappropriate urination, but not with the inappropriate pooping outside the box. When...
  3. M

    Too much Prozac for my kitty??

    ...and roughly 10lbs. He’s got anxiety (back rippling and tail attacks but not self mutilating, aggressive non fun zoomies) Our vet put him on Prozac and he’s been taking it a week and a half now. His dosage is 5mg in morning and 5mg at night. He seems MORE anxious and having more episodes for...
  4. C

    What dose of Prozac?

    For those who have cats on Prozac what dosage are you giving and how long did it take your cat to adjust? My boy has been sleeping a lot more since starting it though today he was awake and playing more. We are on week 3 of 5mg daily.
  5. V

    Urine retention on Prozac (fluoxetine)

    Hi all, New here but my female cat (9 years old around 15lbs) was put on Prozac at my request due to increased anxiety and over licking her stomach. She has been on it about a week. Since about day 3 I’ve noticed she holds her urine for more than 24hours sometimes up to 36/48 hours. She is...
  6. J

    Prozac & urinary retention? Advice needed FLUTD kitty

    ...Throughout testing we’ve only found crystals once and that’s make my vet believe this is FLUTD caused by anxiety. I started him on liquid Prozac (fluoxetine) five days ago. He was prescribed 1mL/day. And at night I’m weaning him off gabapentin (50mg at night from 200mg a day prior). It...
  7. aelovina

    Experience with cats on Prozac/fluoxetine? He's in good health, but has some anxiety and has been displaying territorial aggression with two of our other cats. The vet recommended Prozac to help with the aggression. We'll be trying pills first since that's the least expensive option. If he refuses to take them (picky cat) I...
  8. T

    Urinary Issues/ Prozac Suggested by Vet

    ...again. She has been anxious and jumpy lately. I know that stress can be a cause and I know that she does have some anxiety, the vet prescribed Prozac but I don’t really want to give her heavy medicine like that, I wanted to know if other people had the same issues I do and what you use to...
  9. K

    Prozac and Mirtazapine?

    Hello all, I started my cat Theo on 5mg of Prozac on Thursday of last week for inappropriate urination per the advice of my vet. He seemed to be fine the first few days, but his appetite had decreased a bit and on Sunday I noticed he did not go to the bathroom at all. Finally he ended up...
  10. sugarwookie

    Prozac? Is it safe?

    We've tried just about everything to get our older cat acclimated to the kitten, now 6 months old. It's just not working. The Vet recommended Prozac, so I'm just wondering if anyone can chime in on giving this to a cat for aggression.
  11. A

    What time to give Prozac

    I am finally out of other options and am ready to start my cat on Prozac. My vet just wrote the prescription for once a day. Has anyone else received more specific instructions about what time of day? Or has anyone tried it at different times and found a time that worked best?
  12. M

    Overgrooming Cat + BM issues = Prozac

    ...allergies and parasites (mostly because the cats share their boxes so if one has a parasite, for sure the other would to) and the vet gave me prozac, 5mg/day. He said that it might take a while to kick in, and Coraline is tolerating the surgery suit well, so I'm going to leave her in it and...
  13. C

    Prozac and Inappropriate Elimination but he says this is normal for a 14 year old cat/ aging process etc. She is only 5 pounds—-she’s always been a small girl. He recommended Prozac for the inappropriate peeing and pooping 2.5mg. The first day, she stopped the bad behavior and started using her box again. For 7 days straight...
  14. A

    Anyone with experience with Prozac for hyper cat?

    ...her "special" needs and am exhausted and Josie is stressed out. Josie does not want to be body slammed anymore. My next and last hope is Prozac. I made an appointment to speak with the vet about it. If this doesn't work, my next step would have to be re-homing as I can't continue on with...
  15. J

    Does Prozac really work?

    After much consideration I’ve had to put my youngest kitty on Prozac for aggression issues that have come on slowly over the years. For those of you that have had to do this, does it seem to work? I feel like this is my last hope before I have to rehome him :(
  16. lmdisalle

    Fluoxetine/Prozac adjustment

    Hi all! Wondering who can share their kitty Fluoxetine/Prozac adjustment stories. After several years of debate and struggle, we put our 4 year old on it just about 2 months ago. She has always had issues with aggression/anxiety. (We’ve tried literally everything else) So far I’ve done a good...
  17. Erinlinkcappy

    Prozac for spraying - experiences

    Our cat has been on Prozac for about a month. At first he was spraying inside less and we thought it was working well but now he is back to constantly spray peeing everywhere. Has anyone had positive or negative experiences with this they can share? Unsure whether to give up or increase the dose.
  18. M

    Prozac for anxiety?

    ...of anxiety that is causing her to act out ( she was pooping on the floor either at night, or when no one was home). Has anyone given their cat Prozac before? Is she ever going to be able to stop taking it or is this a long term thing? And are there any side effects? I plan on asking the vet...
  19. B

    Aggression in Cat, PROZAC? regards of trying to correct the behavior. He also has a playmate already that is pretty scared of him. The vet we see suggested we try Prozac or Gabapentin, but we couldnt afford the cost of the gabapentin, as we are young and in college and simply trying our best to work with him because...
  20. Kittypet

    Does My Cat Really Need Prozac?

    ...her. I've asked for help from both my vet and the foundation we adopted them from and they've both recommended either a pet behaviorist or...Prozac for cats. I'm personally not comfortable giving animals medication that I feel is mind altering- I don't think my boy has any sort of imbalance...