Search Results for Query: stroke

  1. G-Factor

    Possible stroke, symptoms and recovery

    Possible Stroke - Symptoms and recovery I'm sharing this for anyone at some point goes through something similar. End note: My cat Ian is doing well. Prefix: Male cat (Ian), 13 years old. Diagnosed at age 12 with hyperthyroid, on Methimazole twice daily to control T4. No other...
  2. maggie101

    What's on Your Mind Thread - 2024

    He also had a stroke and level 3 kidney disease. Probably part of the reason.
  3. catloverfromwayback

    Geoffrey Small Cell Lymphoma

    Aritesmom, I'm so, so sorry. You didn't let him down - a stroke isn't something one can plan to avoid, least of all for cats, and you had looked after Geoffrey so well, and you loved each other to bits.
  4. tabbytom

    Skin and bones very friendly and active ginger. Advice please🙏🏻

    Wow! He's good looking and looking good!
  5. C

    Administering Meds to a Cat Who Has Had a Stroke

    ...till the next day to contact our local vet who told us to bring him right in. They told my husband that he was not injured that he had had a stroke. So they gave him Meds to treat the stroke and kept him for 3 days. George is home doing well, we were worried because he had not eatin since...
  6. IndyJones

    Sudden Death of 11 year old cat no answers

    Could possably have been a stroke. If the heart and other organs were fine i would suspect stroke
  7. GranolaLouise

    Word Association Game is back

  8. Tigger's Mum

    We had to put our Stanley down this morning

    I too lost my cat today. He was 19 so had a good, long life. It was a massive stroke with him. All I can say is, I know how you feel and hugs from across the Pond.
  9. Furballsmom

    Blindness after spaying my cat

    Do they think there's a chance this is temporary? Have they checked her bloodpressure? Could she have had a stroke or something?
  10. IndyJones

    Sudden Death of 11 year old cat no answers

    Often a stroke comes on very suddenly in cats. The first few muinits are the most critical. I don't belive anything could have been done to prevent it in this case if it was stroke. Either a blood vessile ruptures or a clot blocks blood from reaching the brain. Thats what causes the brain to...
  11. Kwik

    Double Letter Association is back

    M- swimming Stroke
  12. maggie101

    What's on Your Mind Thread - 2024

    My dad had a stroke a few years back. Now he's also diabetic,level 3 kidney disease,continuous uti. My mom bought something from walgreens to find out if he really has uti. Do those things really work? She is struggling taking care of my dad,herself,me, and my sisters and will not get help with...
  13. Mamanyt1953

    Kitty doesn't want the other's to have attention so much. Wants to be at the center.

    Believe me, I know how difficult that can be! We're almost hardwired to get that little bit of love in, aren't we?
  14. taomom

    From feral cat to domesticated cat - Progress

    We bought a toy that has a stick and feather, he seems scared of it. We are thinking of using treats and have our fingers and eventually our whole hand be associated with rewards. If that doesn't work, we will look into that "hand tool". :salam:
  15. tarasgirl06

    From feral cat to domesticated cat - Progress

    ...him being able to take a chance on trust and the loving relationship you want with him. In shelters, they use a "hand tool" to reach out and stroke scared cats. If you have anything like a soft feather duster or other long, non-threatening thing you can try to stroke him with that puts a...
  16. MicheleLynn

    Kitty doesn't want the other's to have attention so much. Wants to be at the center.

    Thank you so much for the article. I will do my best to not sneak in a stroke when setting him down.
  17. Kwik

    Skin and bones very friendly and active ginger. Advice please🙏🏻

    He's so gorgeous - he has filled out beautifully
  18. tarasgirl06

    Skin and bones very friendly and active ginger. Advice please🙏🏻

    That's great news! He's very handsome. :clap: :redheartpump::redcat::redheartpump:
  19. B

    What causes dandruff flakes on cats?

    My cat Boaz has little white specks of dandruff on his back, and more pop up when I scratch his back. I pet him and stroke the dandruff flakes away and more pop up. There's not a huge amount of flakes, but still, it has me wondering. Any thoughts?