Search Results for Query: stomatitis

  1. T


    Our 3-year-old kitty was recently diagnosed with stomatitis and I'm wondering if there are any treatments anyone who's had a kitty with stomatitis has found to be effective? We're prepared to have all of his teeth extracted as this seems to be the best treatment for it but just wanted to know if...
  2. J

    Feline Stomatitis, and Plaque Off

    Hello friends, I have an older male cat, that I have been battling Stomatitis with, he has had antibiotics, several rounds of steroids ( with mixed results , some giving relief for up to a month, or so, some no improvement ) I was advised full mouth extraction, and around first part of March...
  3. L


    Hi all! My Lilly has stomatitis. She has had 2 PME’s. She has another flare up and is scheduled to have 2 canines removed in February. She got a steroid shot today. I’m overwhelmed and stressed. Are there other medications/diets I should try to decrease the flare ups? I was told about Zyrtec...
  4. W


    My kitten was recently diagnosed with this terrible disease. No cure, sad but most cat owner do not know much about it. It's very painful and not to much can be done for it. So please be aware. Redness around gum line drooling not eating. Very sad , and painful kitty.
  5. D

    Stomatitis fixed after shot, but returns.

    I am new here and I'm not sure if I am doing this right. My cat came down with what I am thinking is Stomatitis. I took her to the vet and the shot he gave her seemed to do the trick but he said if it returns to bring her back. It did return, so I took her back and it returned again. I had to...
  6. cytotoxic-cat

    Stomatitis Care & Diet Suggestions

    Hello, Sorry in advance for the long post, but I thought the details may interest anyone going through a similar stomatitis situation and provide more clarity. I have been going through quite a few of the threads on here, trying to get my sweet Peach's (7 yr) mouth in heathy condition. She has...
  7. J

    Inflamed Back Teeth in the Mouth (DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO NEXT)

    Our Persian Luv Bug Jujeh’s upper tooth is inflamed and causing discomfort when he eats. We took him to the Vet and they have him on antibiotics and pain medication. He has been on the medication for two weeks. Just got back from the Vet and the inflammation is not decreased. His blood work...
  8. D

    Cats getting stomatitis one after the other

    I have one cat that started battling stomatitis in 2020. She eventually had to have all her teeth out, but I still have to medicate her to keep it under control. Then, a second cat of mine started experiencing it last year, resulting in another full mouth extraction. I took another one of my...
  9. C

    Bruce eye half open

    ...on antibiotics He's been a very sick cat all his life I love him to bits I've nursed him for almost 12 years He has chronic cat flu and stomatitis I've fed him wrapped in a towel for 5 years as he won't eat on his own I was at the vets with him 2 weeks ago and got the rubbish vet I wanted...
  10. E

    FIV+ diagnosed with stomatitis, ended up being staph

    If you take anything from this, it's that you need to get a culture of your cat's mouth if you have any doubts about a stomatitis diagnosis. Especially if your cat is fiv+ and immunosuppresants are recommended. Our cat started to tilt her head while she ate and pawed her mouth a bit, so we took...
  11. gitabooks

    Resorbing Teeth Cause

    My Nocturne kitty just had two more teeth pulled for resorptive lesions. She is doing well and hopefully is now pain-free. This means she's lost 3-4 teeth to this disease though. I was curious if anyone has heard good theories as to why some cats get this more than others. I've heard chronic...
  12. kunga

    Need Some Group Help to Figure This Out

    14-year old Shorthair About one week ago became lethargic, not eating/drinking Vet thought possible pancreatitis Bloodwork good, maybe a bit low in iron/anemia numbers but not much Put on cerenia which helped with eating Noticed increased drooling prior to Cerenia and after, so not related to...
  13. tml1991

    Cat barely eats after full mouth extraction

    My cat, Lee-Lee, has barely ate at all since his full mouth extraction finished Thursday evening. Technically he last ate a decent amount Wednesday night. His lack of eating is worrying me. My vet told me his lack of eating is from the post extraction pain of a very inflamed mouth. Lee-Lee is...
  14. tiggerwillow


    So Tigger's been to the vet today, vet said she has stomatitis (if I spelled it right, alter corrupt on my phone when i came out of the appointment wanted to change it to stomach titis) Anyone had dealings with this? I'm not familiar with it and I'm worried in case the medication the vet put...
  15. leighton22

    Red gums - Dental prevention

    Hello! My cat has a bit of redness around his back molars. He is 1 year old. I actually never knew I needed to brush his teeth or anything (was never told by the vet), so I haven’t been doing any dental care :( I just started brushing his teeth and bought ProDen plaque off, but I’m wondering if...
  16. R

    SOS Feral Cat Dying the vet (he actually said that - bc "he can't, bc he's sick") I took Maggie to the vet. Her tongue is almost cut in two and she has stomatitis. Doc gave her a dose of antibiotics in one shot that will last abt 2 weeks and sent us home with pain meds and an anti-inflammatory. I've been...
  17. S

    Help! Pawing at face and acting like in extreme pain

    Having episodes where he seems to be in a lot of pain, then paws at his eye and mouth. Vet said there was an infection in his roots and removed some teeth. 3 days later while healing, they started again. The vet thinks maybe seizures.
  18. lissalouie

    Guessing my girl's age

    ...FIV and FeLV. She will have a full dental/likely full extraction done next month and I plan on asking the dentist if it looks like she has stomatitis or if her teeth look genuinely worn down. As you can imagine, 4-10 is quite a large range! When I first got her, I actually assumed she was on...
  19. P

    chronic gingivitis even after dental cleaning?

    hello everyone, one of my cats (monty, 1.5 years old neutered male) has had issues with inflamed gums ever since we got him. our vet did a dental cleaning but said his teeth were actually surprisingly clean. she then gave us some enzymatic tooth paste which i hive him daily. brushing his...
  20. lonelyotaku69

    A Outdoor Cat with an Issue

    I have been trying to help this outdoor cat I have named Jabba. He seems to be drooling a lot and I notice that sometimes his tongue sticks out. He also coughs like something is in throat that hey can’t get out. However, his breath is terrible, and I’m not sure if that is because he’s an outdoor...