Search Results for Query: ringworm

  1. T


    ...was healthy and clean. We have a vet appointment next week for first kitten shots. However, 2 days ago she developed what I think is likely ringworm on her face. Is there anything we can do between now and the vet visit to start healing this? I have been reading that monistat cream is a good...
  2. S

    3weeks kittens ringworm

    Hi I rescued mom and 3 kittens and they are about 3 weeks but this week they started to develop ringworm. 2 of the kittens has serious infection while other one not showing symptoms How do I cure it? Would it go away on its own?
  3. K

    Possible ringworm?

    Hi all, I am looking for anyone experienced with ringworm to take a look at my foster kitty's new spot. Background: This is a super sweet girl, maybe close to 2 years old, who came from a horrific hoarding situation and is in my care for foster (although we are considering keeping her). The...
  4. Sarthur2

    3weeks kittens ringworm

    I don’t see ringworm in the photo you provided. How do you know it’s ringworm? The kitten looks fine to me. Are you sure it’s ringworm? However, here is Kitten Lady’s video on ringworm. This should help: How to Help Kittens with Ringworm — Kitten Lady Also, ringworm will show up with a black...
  5. B

    Acne or ringworm?

    Hi all I noticed a bald spot under my cats chin (to the right side). It has small black scabs. What do you think it is? Its little bit far from where usually cat acne appears so I thought it might be ringworm? she is scratching it a lot. Any one experienced this before?
  6. S

    3weeks kittens ringworm

    The blackish dot on mouth is not a dot but ringworm and the yellow stuff on the foot is also a ringworm.. they didn't have all this last week I think they are ringworm because it us crusty and some part of it is hairless
  7. Norachan


    Hi @texasrose I've never dealt with this myself, but there's some good advice in this article. How to Deal with Ringworm in Cats [Inc. the Housecleaning Regime] - TheCatSite
  8. H

    Ringworm, help, I'm panicking!

    ...took it to the vet and then home. Ive got 2 dogs too, everything was fine until recently - the cat ( my Heliakos! ) was diagnosed with ringworm. We immediately started treatment, we did the vaccine against the ringworm too, we are only 1 weak in and Heliakos is responding well BUT I made the...
  9. neely

    My cat’s nose is getting worse

    Welcome to TCS! :wave3: Just out of curiosity, how did the vet diagnose it was ringworm, e.g. did they do a PCR test? Did they prescribe an oral medication? You mentioned they gave her some type of injection but do you know what it was specifically? I thought this article about ringworm in...
  10. fionasmom

    Ringworm, help, I'm panicking!

    How to Deal with Ringworm in Cats [Inc. the Housecleaning Regime] - TheCatSite
  11. yulkasilverfox

    UGH! The Ringworm clean up! about cleaning, so here it goes haha. Hi everyone! Hope you're enjoying your weekend. My hubby ordered an UV wand to see if we have any ringworm spores left in the house, and on me too since I got 3 leisures in total when our girl Skye came with her mysterious untreated ringworm. So, the...
  12. FeebysOwner

    Possible ringworm?

    Hi and welcome to TCS. I am sorry no one has responded to your post yet, and I have no experience with it. However, there are what seems like zillions of threads about ringworm. Maybe perusing through them might help. Search Results for Query: ringworm | TheCatSite
  13. B

    Please Help: skin lesions. Ringworm?

    ...waiting on results. This kitten has a littermate, and they are inseparable. We don't even have an extra room in the house to separate them (if they would even let us). So as I think about the treatment, if positive for ringworm, I am overwhelmed by how to manage both of them and the environment.
  14. L

    Ringworm Blues

    ...separate from my other cats since she hadn’t been vetted, but played with her and bottle fed her/weaned her. I eventually suspected she had ringworm, and had it confirmed by my vet (and got it myself, which was easily treated). I have been treating her with miconazole shampoo and miconazole...
  15. fionasmom


    How to Deal with Ringworm in Cats [Inc. the Housecleaning Regime] - TheCatSite Search Results for Query: ringworm
  16. B

    My cat's skin is peeling

    This could be a fungal infection (ringworm).
  17. Kirkshoe

    UVC Germicidal lamp - 100 watt - disinfecting rooms of ringworm spores

    I would like to purchase a 100 watt UVC Germicidal lamp to kill ringworm spores in my home on non-porous surfaces and on carpet, sofas, recliner, bedding and clothing. Has anyone used UVC Germicidal lamps to disinfect ringworm in a room, and was it successful? Any advice would be appreciated.
  18. M


    Hi everyone, I’m posting for guidance and advice. I have two cats. One started out with ringworm, I only found out about it once I started getting it all over my body. It was a nightmare I took her to the vet. The subscribed a oral medication that got rid of it. A couple months later I noticed...
  19. FeebysOwner

    Male cat developed skin disease post as @Norachan did, so this may all be redundant. It could be just about anything. Does he go outside? Do you have other cats? If so, since ringworm is very contagious, you might want to check them for similar spots/places? Ringworm in cats: Vet's guide to symptoms and treatment | PetsRadar
  20. Norachan

    Male cat developed skin disease

    Yes, it could be. As you probably know ringworm is extremely contagious and will affect you as well as all of the other animals in your house. It would be a good idea to take your cat to the vet before this infects everyone else in your home. How to Deal with Ringworm in Cats [Inc. the...