Search Results for Query: lymphoma

  1. D


    My beloved 11 year old cat was recently diagnosed with lymphoma. He has been on a small amount of steroids every other day for years because of asthma and has done fantastically with it (although it may have masked the lymphoma symptoms for awhile). The vet drastically increased his steroid...
  2. F

    Small cell lymphoma

    Hi My little girl is 15. She is done beautifully on a treatment protocol for small cell lymphoma over the past year and 1/2. I’m inquiring if anyone else has a similar situation and if they have gotten cat ultrasound. She had an endoscopy and biopsy which indicated the lymphoma, but I’m...
  3. Wrobel

    Getting chemo with inconclusive lymphoma diagnosis

    Hi, I saw a previous post you made a few years ago and it said that your kitty had an inconclusive lymphoma diagnosis but was still able to receive chemo. Can you give me some information on how you were able to make that happen? None of the vets in my area are willing to treat without a...
  4. fionasmom

    Getting chemo with inconclusive lymphoma diagnosis

    ...false positive results. Companies which sell blood marker tests, or circulating tumor DNA tests, tend to heavily market their product. GI Lymphoma Panel – VDI Laboratory, LLC How is Feline Lymphoma Diagnosed? What to Expect from Your Vet When Your Cat has Certain Symptoms – ImpriMed These...
  5. KikiKami

    experiences regarding possible lymphoma?

    ...losing weight), and based on the results of the ultrasound (thickened intestines?), the vet said the most likely culprits are either IBD or lymphoma, her guess is low-grade. she told me i should consider a biopsy, which would be able to say if its lymphoma or not. there are some things i am...
  6. VinceL

    Any experience with cats with cancer?

    Our cat Loki was diagnosed with lymphoma at 13 years old. His only real symptom was major weight loss. We treated him with chlorambucil (3 times per week) and prednisolone every day. I had read (and our vet and our daughter who is also a vet confirmed) that since lymphoma in cats is not very...
  7. VinceL

    Masking Smell Of Prednisolone Pill Or Should I Try Liquid?

    Sorry to hear about your cat having lymphoma. Our cat, Loki had lymphoma. Our vet prescribed Chlorambucil (chemo) and Prednisolone for him. Loki had other medical issues as well. He had to take 3 to 4 pills per day. We used a pill shooter to give him his meds. We had used a pill shooter...
  8. S

    Any experience with cats with cancer?

    Sorry to hear about Loki, and thank you for sharing your experience. Like most here, it seems that there are no major symptoms like loss of appetite. If I may ask, how did they diagnose him? was it through surgery?
  9. G

    Feline Lymphoma?

    ...back to normal, but getting better. The thing was, he lost about a pound since his previous visit and the vet started thinking that it was lymphoma and took him back and gave him a steroid shot. However, she never took any tissue samples. I brought him back two weeks after that appointment...
  10. A

    Small cell lymphoma in the intestines

    My 15 year old cat ( soon to be 16) was just diagnosed with small cell lymphoma of the intestines after taking X-rays , blood test , ultrasound of abdomen , CT of chest and then a biopsy performed after a colonoscopy. Thursday she was prescribed a steroid and I was told to f/ u with oncology...
  11. FeebysOwner

    Ultrasound for Intestinal wall thickening ask. The intestinal wall thickening being viewed via ultrasound will likely not conclusively determine if she would also have IBD - or lymphoma. And, even adding a fine needle aspiration (FNA) which can be done if any suspicious tissue is found during an ultrasound will not always...
  12. aorticorbit

    ibd or lymphoma

    ...every few days. today they did an ultrasound and found thickening in her duodenum, and swollen lymph nodes. the vet said its either ibd or lymphoma. she's only 2. they did an FNA and a blood panel today so we'll get official next steps when the results come in. everything ive read says the...
  13. S

    experiences regarding possible lymphoma?

    The thickening of the intestinal mucosal layer is what they would see with intestinal lymphoma. Also some enlarged lymph nodes in the abdomen as well.
  14. IzzysfureverMom

    Constipation Meltdown! an ultrasound? Before my cat ( 19 at that time) had been diagnosed with IBD they wanted to do a ultrasound to determine if she had IBD or lymphoma. I ask well either way you are going to give her prednisolone right? They said yes that's right, so I asked to start her on that. In this case...
  15. S

    Any experience with cats with cancer?

    I am not sure if it's intestinal lymphoma because the suspected mass in above the stomach and near the liver as I recall, but whatever it is, I hope it's something simple and treatable. I think I will check with them if Ultrasound is possible to get a diagnosis before going in the surgery.
  16. hopps

    Diagnosed with Hodgkin's-like lymphoma

    It's been a while since I've been here. My dear Chloe has been diagnosed with Hodgkin's-like lymphoma . I've never experienced this before since Chloe is my first pet. I'm also having a hard time finding information about it, it seems like it's not a common form of cancer. Has anyone had...
  17. betsygee

    Goodbye Mr. Sonic

    Oh I'm so very sorry. I've lost two beloved kitties to lymphoma, it's so sad. They are family members and it's so heartbreaking to lose them. My heart goes out to you. :hugs: Rest in peace, little Sonic. :rbheart:
  18. S

    Intestinal Mass in 15 yo FIV positive cat, whether to operate or not.

    Hi. Steroids shouldn’t complicate FIV. I have known cats with FIV and lymphoma that did well with chemotherapy. That said, if it is an adenocarcinoma, those are nasty tumors. Did the rest of the ultrasound show consistency with lymphoma such as thickened intestinal mucosa lining? Was the...
  19. VinceL

    Palliative care for cat with cancer

    I am so sorry to hear about Kobi. We have been through the exact same situation. A little over 2 years ago our cat Loki was diagnosed with lymphoma. He had lost significant weight but was still eating. Our vet prescribed Chlorambucil and Prednisolone. Our daughter who is also a vet agreed...
  20. A

    Small Cell Lymphoma, Please Advise

    Hello everyone, my 11-yr old girl Haylie was just diagnosed with small cell lymphoma. We already had her on prednisone since her endoscopy last week, but I'm low-key freaking out at the cost of chlorambucil (Leukeran) @ $40/pill that needs to be given every other day. What has your experience...