My beloved 11 year old cat was recently diagnosed with lymphoma. He has been on a small amount of steroids every other day for years because of asthma and has done fantastically with it (although it may have masked the lymphoma symptoms for awhile). The vet drastically increased his steroid dosage and ordered some oral chemotherapy medicine. I was doing the increased steroids for about two weeks before the chemo came in and he seemed to be doing pretty well. He was lethargic but was eating well. I did the first chemo dose on Sunday morning and things fell apart. He seems miserable. He has barely eaten anything since Sunday morning. He will come out and act excited about breakfast but then just takes a couple of bites and stops. Throughout the day, I can get him to eat a few treats but that is it. I told the vet I would not do anymore chemo. I am taking him into the vet today for a check-up but I am struggling with how much more I should do for him. Am I making him miserable? He is basically currently starving himself to death. Even if I can get him to eat again, he probably only has a few more months because of the lymphoma. This is very hard. He is my soul kitty. Does anyone have experience with cat lymphoma that can offer some insight?