Search Results for Query: prozac

  1. Elizabeth Sanders


    ...pees outside the litter box. She’s currently unsuitable for rehoming- which was my original plan when I rescued her. anyway- we are going to try Prozac. I will have to use the human kind because I live in a non-western country with limited vet care. any advice on how to manage that? Thank you.
  2. stephanietx

    Weaning Off Prozac Questions

    When my IBD kitty was at his worst with an IBD flare, he was urinating all over the house. The vet prescribed Prozac for him daily for 30 days, then every other day for 30 days. It helped tremendously with the inappropriate urination, but not with the inappropriate pooping outside the box. When...
  3. C

    What dose of Prozac?

    For those who have cats on Prozac what dosage are you giving and how long did it take your cat to adjust? My boy has been sleeping a lot more since starting it though today he was awake and playing more. We are on week 3 of 5mg daily.
  4. M

    Too much Prozac for my kitty??

    ...and roughly 10lbs. He’s got anxiety (back rippling and tail attacks but not self mutilating, aggressive non fun zoomies) Our vet put him on Prozac and he’s been taking it a week and a half now. His dosage is 5mg in morning and 5mg at night. He seems MORE anxious and having more episodes for...
  5. V

    Urine retention on Prozac (fluoxetine)

    Hi all, New here but my female cat (9 years old around 15lbs) was put on Prozac at my request due to increased anxiety and over licking her stomach. She has been on it about a week. Since about day 3 I’ve noticed she holds her urine for more than 24hours sometimes up to 36/48 hours. She is...
  6. aelovina

    Experience with cats on Prozac/fluoxetine? He's in good health, but has some anxiety and has been displaying territorial aggression with two of our other cats. The vet recommended Prozac to help with the aggression. We'll be trying pills first since that's the least expensive option. If he refuses to take them (picky cat) I...
  7. J

    Prozac & urinary retention? Advice needed FLUTD kitty

    ...Throughout testing we’ve only found crystals once and that’s make my vet believe this is FLUTD caused by anxiety. I started him on liquid Prozac (fluoxetine) five days ago. He was prescribed 1mL/day. And at night I’m weaning him off gabapentin (50mg at night from 200mg a day prior). It...
  8. S

    Weaning Off Prozac Questions

    Hi. You need to have him looked at and maybe bloodwork to make sure this isn’t something new, not related to the Prozac.
  9. stephanietx

    Weaning Off Prozac Questions

    We have noticed a difference on the "off" Prozac days than the days when he gets it. He eats better and is more personable.
  10. IndyJones

    Shelter cat is broken and super depressed

    Re: prozac: This is one of those drugs I was talking about that can have interactions with cbd oil. If you are using the cbd oil STOP USING it. Prozac is known to have a drug interaction with it. Use only one or the other.
  11. mrsgreenjeens

    Experience with cats on Prozac/fluoxetine?

    not sure if you already did a search here on this site under "prozac", but in case you didn't, here it is: Search Results for Query: prozac
  12. S

    Hyperesthesia Kitty

    Drug Interaction Report: Claritin, gabapentin, Prozac I know it’s for humans, but interactions would be similar. Both Prozac and Gabapentin need to be weaned off, not abruptly discontinued.
  13. V

    Urine retention on Prozac (fluoxetine)

    My vet was concerned enough that she is weaning off the Prozac and we will discuss other options this week. I feel better about that in the long run. Thanks!
  14. C

    Post-vet-visit smell

    ...days, in my experience. My anxious cat, Ori, would hiss and be stand-offish to any cat that visited a vet for a day or two. Since he's been on Prozac, actually that behavior has stopped and last time he actually helped groom the smell out of her! (Of course the prozac isn't long term). I...
  15. rubysmama

    Kitten to multi-cat household introduction not progressing

    ...helpful. Others not so much though. But something to maybe look into. FELIWAY® | Calming Pheromone Diffusers for Cats & Felines About Prozac, I feel the same way about drugging the cats, but maybe it is something to talk to your vet about. There's several threads that discuss it...
  16. VAMama

    Shelter cat is broken and super depressed

    ...say the results are not due to stress. Demanding I get new labs done. I said this is going too fast and she's not stabilized yet. They offered prozac. I stupidly thought how expensive could it be, so I agreed. Now I have to pay $75 for a month of prozac, then pay 350 for labs next month, then...
  17. C

    Weaning Off Prozac Questions

    I have a kitty on Prozac. My vet said when it's time she would help me with a weaning schedule appropriate for his dosage. Your vet should be able to tell you the best way to safely taper kitty off of the meds :)
  18. EllieE83

    Cat less affectionate on Prozac

    Hey I’d love you to share the outcome…. I’ve just put my cats on Prozac for anxiety and spraying and they are being super snobs when usually super affectionate :(
  19. KittyFriday

    Experience with cats on Prozac/fluoxetine?

    ...of about 4-6 weeks where his anxiety may be heightened, he may be sleepier, may not eat as much, etc.? I'm not sure if it applies to cats or not, but I know when I started Prozac (and when my dog started Prozac) the first few weeks while the meds loaded into the system were a little more...
  20. A

    Dealing with cat’s aggression towards people

    My working hypothesis that she attacks out of fear or sometimes re-directed aggression. And last points- meds like Prozac are not an option with our vet. She believes it is just Lisa‘s personality.