Search Results for Query: d mannose

  1. R

    How much mannose?

    Hi, I'm new here. I am looking for the correct dosage for my cat (approx 8 lbs) of d mannose now foods 500mg , please? Thanks so much. :)
  2. N

    Alternative to D-Mannose?

    ...teaspoon dose per day, she got diarrhea. So, I reduced the dose to 1/8 teaspoon, still diarrhea. I am wondering if I should give up on the D mannose, since, if I have to keep reducing the dose, will she be getting enough to do any good? I found this product on Amazon that I would like to...
  3. FeebysOwner

    Cat with UTI/ how to go about it

    I use this one - UTI Pets Pure D-Mannose Powder |™ 1/4 tsp a day mixed with food. It is sold on Amazon and I think Chewy.
  4. my_money_pit

    Cosequin, D-Mannose, or Corn Silk?

    I am using a D mannose that contains cranberry and probiotics. Is that something to worry about? Should I switch to a pure d mannose?
  5. F

    Cystitis question

    Do you think d mannose and cornsilk can replace Cystease (or Cystophan, Cystaid)?
  6. C

    Cystitis question

    Can I ask how much d mannose and cornsilk you give your cat?
  7. K

    Cat with Severe Spine Degeneration

    This is great! I have D mannose caps for myself. They do culture it but it clears then comes back :( How much do you give your kitty? Will def ask about the med, thank you!
  8. FeebysOwner

    Topical Apple Cider Vinegar to prevent UTI's

    The urine culture is a good idea to see what bacteria is involved, and so the proper antibiotics are given. Sometimes an antibiotic can help, but doesn't actually eradicate the infection, so it essentially gets better for a bit, just to get worse again. I am sorry that the D-mannose didn't seem...
  9. V

    Cystitis question

    D Mannose..either one eighth of a teaspoon twice a day or one quarter of a teaspoon once a day. crisis 7 drops x 4 daily then when clumps get bigger 7 drops x 3 daily then when close to normal 7 drops x 2 daily for a week to heal inflammation. If I see him peeing less I straight...
  10. FeebysOwner

    Cat with Severe Spine Degeneration

    What do her urine analyses show - crystals/sediment/blood/??? Do they do urine cultures to determine the type of bacteria involved? Some bacteria are resistant to some antibiotics, and while they can help, they cannot always eradicate the infection entirely. My cat frequently got UTIs and I now...
  11. C

    Straining, laying in the litter box but then has a normal pee

    I'm glad he's feeling better! How much D mannose are you giving him? I gave it to my boy and it upset his stomach quite a bit.
  12. FeebysOwner

    Treats for Cat with FLUTD

    I can't advise on cornsilk, but pure D-Mannose - the one I buy - can be found on Amazon or directly from the manufacturer's web site. I give Feeby 1/4 tsp daily, mixed into her canned food. WellnessPartners UTI Pets Pure D-Mannose Non GMO Organic Source Powder 65gram jar : Pet...
  13. V

    Cystitis question

    Sorry but I haven't tried the other products, I only know that Cornsilk and D Mannose work for my cat. D Mannose flushes out the debris in the bladder and helps the urine to flow whilst Cornsilk helps stop the irritation and is a mild anti inflammatory. This is the cornsilk I use, must be non...
  14. C

    Straining, laying in the litter box but then has a normal pee

    My 13 year old boy is going through the exact same thing. My vet thinks he has stress cystitis and I'm trying to find him some relief. Did you have any success with the cork silk and D mannose?
  15. FeebysOwner

    Does otc uti related food work?

    Ir kind of depends on why the vet prescribed the RC food. Does she have crystals/s/stones? Repeated bacterial infections? Does she fall into the category of FLUTD or FIC? At any rate, the Purina One urinary tract care is supposed to help with those issues as well. Canned food will always be...
  16. white shadow

    How much mannose?

    . Hi @RavenF and a very warm welcome to the forum ! Here is a reliable plain-language coverage of D-Mannose for you, dosages and all: Tanya's Guide... - URINARY TRACT INFECTIONS (UTIS) - Treatments - D-Mannose. Maybe you'll post back and tell us what you're dealing with and about your kitty...
  17. FeebysOwner

    Does otc uti related food work?

    Was a urine culture done following the urinalysis, to determine what kind of bacteria, so the best antibiotics for it can be used? If not, then the UTI doesn't necessarily get eradiated. The other common thing is that antibiotic treatments are not of a long enough duration to actually kill the...
  18. FeebysOwner

    Topical Apple Cider Vinegar to prevent UTI's

    I would tend to use one bag a day and probably not try to refrigerate it, just cover in between uses. The nice thing is that a box of them isn't terribly expensive. I hope getting your one cat used to the pure D-Mannose will work, But, as you know, some things just don't agree with some cats.
  19. D

    Bladder stone

    Also want to add I wasn’t giving her straight ACV.. it was 1/4 tsp ACV mixed with 1 tsp water in a syringe by mouth. From my research online, I have noted ACV, CBD oil, D-Mannose and cranberry pills can help with urinary stones/issues. Anything else to add? I am always interested in natural...
  20. C

    Cystitis question

    Thank you so much!