Search Results for Query: mastitis

  1. Unusual1

    Mama cat with mastitis antibiotics/Need to hand feed kittens with difficulty

    ...ago had her first litter (completely unplanned!) and she has been given Synulox 50mg 2times a day for 5 days and metacam 3.5 for 3 days for mastitis, the vet said it is the same sort of thing given to humans while pregnant and breastfeeding but the studies are incomplete in animals. has...
  2. v2kbri

    my cat gave birth to 10 kittens

    hi! so my 3 year old cat just recently gave birth to 10 lovely kittens! i will be spaying her as soon as it is recommended to. i’ve weighed them and they all range from 70-80 grams. should i supplement them? and uhm since they all look alike how do i tell them apart? 😅
  3. H

    What's this called in cat nipples

    Well my cat(7 y/o) pregnant 2 months ago, but at first week i give her 1st vaccine because i don't know she's already pregnant, the vet said it's pretty weird when she's not miscarriage after 1st vaccine when i tell him i saw pink nipples, but after 1 months i think she show sign of...
  4. C

    Cookie's pregnancy/kitten questions

    Hello fellow cat lovers I've spent the past few days reading all sorts of cat pregnancy posts on this site. My lovely cookie is pregnant with our male cat. They did the deed after he got neutered but still had the swimmers. She's 61 days pregnant. I just wanted to say hello and would be needing...
  5. S

    Preterm loss. Support and advise?

    Hello. I’ll try keep it short because I’m quite traumatised about what happened last night. Our cat went into preterm labour yesterday evening. She was about 1-2 weeks early. She was roughly on day 52. She gave birth to 3 kittens. The first was stillborn. The second passed within minutes of...
  6. O

    Why would keeping a Queen cat as pregnant as much as possible be a bad thing to do?

    Why would keeping a Queen cat as pregnant as much as possible be a bad thing to do? I tried some google searches on this and really couldn't find any concrete answers. I've read where many people agree that a cat should not have more than 2 litters per year and a few people said 3 is ok, but...
  7. A

    How to help mumma cat lactate more

    Hi all, Foster mumma here, I have 4 x 13 day old kittens and mum. One of the kittens is around 128g, and the rest around the 220g mark. At one point I thought little one felt cold but wasn't sure as mum had been licking him. They are in a pen with a heat pad and a warmie as well as mum...
  8. ollie4444

    swollen mammary gland in momma?

    ...she seemed to be fine, but as of today I've noticed now only one mammary gland is firm and her lowest boob on that side looks a little lumpy and swollen.. I dont think its mastitis though because her skin doesn't appear to be blue or purple- just pink. anyone else have this issue? what is it?
  9. S

    Mastitis and continued nursing

    ...who just had a litter of 5 on June 30th. I took her and her kittens to a vet yesterday and she has an eye infection, was constipated and has mastitis. They told me I should wean the kittens and bottle feed. They didn’t mention anything about clearing her nipples of infection. They said that...
  10. R

    Nursing mother of 8 week old kittens has swollen breasts, normal looking milk, unsure what to do I suspect they haven't been breastfeeding enough, since all of mom's breasts seem swollen. But now I'm seeing that milk from a cat with mastitis can be toxic. I'm unsure whether to take away the kitten's food and have them breastfeed more to see if the swelling alleviates, or to separate...
  11. KittenHuffer

    Runt Kitten Weight

    Hi, all. On April 11 we welcomed 5 kittens into the world via a stray who came to our door and asked us for help the night before (yes, all will be spayed/ne. All (including Momma) have been on a regular dewormer (strongid) schedule (1cc once per week after initial). Momma was tested for the...
  12. S

    Cat pooping outside of litterbox

    Hi I have 3 year old female cat. Ever since I adopted her since she was 11months old she used to always use litter box without any accidents But nowadays she frequently poops on soft fabric such as carpets or bedsheets I'm wondering if she is suffering from some sort of dementia? Otherwise why...
  13. dethstryke

    mom cat is getting over infection and she cries when nursing

    the mom cat, dotty, just had her 104.5 fever break and now she wants to care for her kitties. she had a RAGING infection and high fever and wasnt eating or drinking. now that she is feeling a little better, she wants to be with her kittens but when they climb all over her, she silently meows at...
  14. V

    My cat won’t stop meowing when room door is shut and restless

    ...want the door closed and started meowing non stop like she was stressed until it was opened. Now she’s meowing and thrilling when doing nothing or walking around the house also when she does leave the room she just plops down. Could it be mastitis? her nipples are warm but aren’t hot or filled
  15. KTB&kittens

    Unplanned cat pregnancy, and the situation 5 weeks after the birth

    ...birth as she had a really high temperature and wasn't nursing her kittens, fortunately I had stocked up on formula, she was diagnosed with mastitis and was given antibiotics, then just over a week after giving birth her temperature went up again, when I phoned the out of hours pdsa vets, the...
  16. PineappleDaisy

    Can Kittens Have mother Milk & Kitten replacement formula.

    Hi I have a mama kitty who had 4 babies and needed a C-Section for 2 more. She’s in pain because they cannot give her pain medication but I’m worried about the kittens because they can’t eat at the same time? One always gets pushed out during feeding and it’s not always the same one. I’m...
  17. dethstryke

    Help me with this ailing mom and her seven babies!

    I am taking care of this stray cat who had babies and she now has mastitis. It's really gross but I'm keeping a close eye on it and sending photos to my vet to see if it looks normal. Which is wild cause it totally looks crazy but the vet says it is healing like it should. I am made this...
  18. MrsKellyO

    please help, I don't what to do.

    I got a momma cat who gave birth about 3-4 weeks ago, I left yesterday and was gone most of the day, however I left momma cat with ample food and water while I was gone. When I got back the kittens were screaming their heads off and momma cat was ignoring them and refusing to feed them. I...
  19. adorbsy

    3 day old kittens, second litter for mom / Moms milk depleting, Issues with KMR

    Hello! I had 6 kittens born very early in morning on March 9th. This is not the mother's first litter and she has been doing great. She did wonderful while giving birth, cleaning up, ate the sac, chewed the umbilical cord etc; She's finally comfortable enough to get up out of the box for a bit...
  20. luvkitti3s

    Pregnant cat?

    ...up milk in them? Although I’ve read that the milk comes in around the time of labor and I’m thinking it’s too early? I’m not sure if it’s mastitis or if she already had a litter? Which i don’t know if that’s possible considering how long she was missing, plus she hasn’t been trying to go back...