What's on your Mind Thread - 2022

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 10, 2022
Easter is April 17th this year. I had to look it up. You know that the date of Easter is the first Sunday following the first full moon following the Vernal Equinox...unless that is the first day of Passover, in which case, Easter is the following Sunday. That's three religions sticking their fingers in one pie! The Vernal Equinox (AKA Ostara) is a Pagan holiday, and Passover is Jewish. Both have a say in when Easter is celebrated!
It's easy this year for me to remember as my 23rd Wedding Anniversary is one week before.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 9, 2017
The Vernal Equinox (AKA Ostara) is a Pagan holiday,
Yes, the goddess Ostara (a.k.a. Easta) is the Pagan Goddess of spring and fertility. Hence why eggs, chicks and bunnies are all associated with Easter.
Supposedly, Jesus' resurrection was sometime around passover (I believe) and also the Pagan holiday. My personal opinion is that since rulers were trying to get people to convert away from being Pagan this was as good of a time as any to make a Christian holiday.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
Jesus' resurrection was sometime around passover (I believe)
Yes, the famous "last supper" was a Passover celebration, after which Jesus was crucified the afternoon of the same day (Jewish days started at sundown), and resurrected 3 days later. So that's why Passover and Easter are linked.

And, yeah, all the Christian holidays have strong Pagan influences; that's part of how the Romans convinced so many to "convert".


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 6, 2018
NE Ohio
I am worried about Simon our 20-year-old cat. He has steadily been losing weight over the last couple of months. The vet said that if he got worse to bring him in. Well, I have not noticed him eating much the last couple of days. I make him bone broth, which he has been drinking, but he has vomited four times so far today. My vet's hours are a bit strange, so I sent her a message via Facebook to see if she has any recommendations until I can get him in tomorrow. I have antinausea medication on hand for Tara, but I want to make sure it is okay to give to Simon before giving him any. All of his bloodwork was fine last time. I know it is because he is older and not because there is anything specifically wrong with him. His teeth were fine then too. I still want to take him in and have her look him over. I am going to run to the store and get some sardines if she approves the antinausea medication. I just want him to eat something and sardines are one of his favorites. (The vet told us to let him eat sardines and tuna a couple of times a week if it helps him keep his weight up.) I tried giving him cooked chicken, but he just sniffed it. He is acting grumpy and is not moving around as much as he normally does.

I think I might have to come to terms with the fact that he likely will not be with us much longer.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 22, 2020
Unfortunately I can't shake the feeling of fear about a reoccurrence of Boone and Gracie hating each other again. Mainly because Boone is acting like the last two months never happened and wants to play with Gracie like he used to. Run after her and pouncing on her mainly. Well, Gracie has not forgotten and sees it mild aggression and will hiss.

I try to break it up or distract as much as possible but obviously I am not home all day. In reality, I know this type of behavior is minimal and 99% of the time, they are fine with each other but I can't stop worrying.

Only made worse by my husband's insistence of not having the sliding glass door covered. That is where I think this whole thing started two months ago. Because of that stray cat and Gracie reaction to him. I wanted that door covered permanently to prevent future incidents but my husband says that Boone won't go downstairs as much now so less likely to cause any problems. I think that if Boone hears Gracie going nuts over that stray, he will come down to investigate and it will happen again.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 10, 2022
Unfortunately I can't shake the feeling of fear about a reoccurrence of Boone and Gracie hating each other again. Mainly because Boone is acting like the last two months never happened and wants to play with Gracie like he used to. Run after her and pouncing on her mainly. Well, Gracie has not forgotten and sees it mild aggression and will hiss.

I try to break it up or distract as much as possible but obviously I am not home all day. In reality, I know this type of behavior is minimal and 99% of the time, they are fine with each other but I can't stop worrying.

Only made worse by my husband's insistence of not having the sliding glass door covered. That is where I think this whole thing started two months ago. Because of that stray cat and Gracie reaction to him. I wanted that door covered permanently to prevent future incidents but my husband says that Boone won't go downstairs as much now so less likely to cause any problems. I think that if Boone hears Gracie going nuts over that stray, he will come down to investigate and it will happen again.
I don't understand why you want to cover the sliding door glass? Are your cats strictly indoor Cats ? If so denying them a view of the outdoors would be cruel IMO.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 22, 2020
I don't understand why you want to cover the sliding door glass? Are your cats strictly indoor Cats ? If so denying them a view of the outdoors would be cruel IMO.
There is a stray cat that comes around and agitates our cats to the point where they turned on each other and had to be separated for two months. Blocking that door would prevent our cats from seeing the stray cat and therefore prevent any disturbances in the house. Also, we have tons of other windows and another sliding glass door that our cats can look out of. It's hardly cruel to partially cover one when there is literally 10 or more other places they can go to look outside.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
What about some window frosting cling that you only put maybe 18” or so of the bottom of the doors? Basically enough to block their view of each other but still have the doors uncovered. Lowes had that in a variety of looks. And it should be removable too.
I recommend that too. I used it extensively at my last house, due to living next to the park and having random people wander by and look in my house :rolleyes2:. Lets light in but blocks the view, and if you just put it at the bottom it won't block the view for the humans.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 22, 2020
What about some window frosting cling that you only put maybe 18” or so of the bottom of the doors? Basically enough to block their view of each other but still have the doors uncovered. Lowes had that in a variety of looks. And it should be removable too.
I have flattened biohazard boxes blocking the lower part of the door. All Gracie has to do it sit on the back of the couch and she can see outside. Our basement doesn't get much natural light so there is no way I could fully cover it nor would I want to. I just wanted right by the bottom of the door covered so that unless she was up high, she'd never even know he was there.

And I've suggested clings and whatnot and husband said no. He pretty much lives down there so it's up to him.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 18, 2017
I'm having a day. After sleeping a nice six hour stretch, J was up from like 4:30AM to 5:45ish and wouldn't go back to sleep. Then slept until I woke her at like 8:45, so nap will likely be a mess. She's been fussy, and it's been raining on and off, so while I'm about to try and take her outside, it may only end up being for a couple minutes. I'd like to trial melted cheese with her, but she's been teething non-stop (seriously - she got two teeth between 9 and 12 months, and about 7 in the past 3 months, including a couple molars). And she grabbed my broccoli slaw from the fridge and managed to get it open and spilled some on the floor of the cat room.

I'm ready to throw the rest of the day away and have it be tomorrow.
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